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Against All Odds - Angel's Story: Against All Odds (Destiny Series Book 4)

Page 10

by Perry, J L



  Fuck me. My heart is still racing. I’d been fighting sleep for the past hour or so and had only just started to drift off when I was jolted awake by Angel’s alarm going off. It freaked me the hell out. All I could think was Riley had come back to get her.

  I was out of the car and bashing on her door before my mind had even registered. The relief I felt when I realised she was okay was overwhelming. I didn’t mean to pull her into my arms like I did, but I was so relieved.

  After taking a leak and washing my hands and face, I head back out to find her. I’m stopped in my tracks as I walk into the kitchen, finding her bent over retrieving something out of the fridge. The shirt she’s wearing has ridden up revealing a fraction of her white panties and her perfect little arse. Those sweet-cheeks I fucking dream about. Shit, what I wouldn’t do to be able to sink my teeth into them right now.

  I quickly spin around and go back into the hall, adjusting my cock as I go. “Down boy,” I mumble under my breath. “We can’t go there again.” But fuck how I’d love to. Agreeing to come inside for breakfast was a bad idea. I take a minute to pull myself together before going back into the kitchen. Thankfully, she’s now standing with her back to me whilst cutting something up on the benchtop.

  Seeing those long, bare, sexy fucking legs of hers doesn’t help my aching cock any. “Hey,” I say, alerting her of my presence. She spins around. The beautiful smile on her face hits me right in the chest. Christ, I’ve missed that smile.

  “Oh hey. Sit, I’ll get you some coffee.”

  “Can I give you a hand?” I ask as I walk over, standing beside her. She’s dicing up tomatoes, red onions, mushrooms and peppers.

  “No, all under control. Hope you like omelettes.”

  “Love them.”

  “Sit,” she says, shooing me over towards the bar stools. There’s nothing I’d like more than to sit and watch her move around the kitchen, making me breakfast. We don’t eat fancy shit in my house. Not sure how my dick’s going to handle watching her though.

  After wiping her hands on a towel, she makes her way over to the coffee machine. My eyes follow her every move. Fuck she looks sexy as hell this morning. She’s wearing a guy’s T-shirt. I wonder if it belongs to her ex? Why does that thought piss me off? I’d much rather see her in one of my shirts. I need to stop thinking like that. We’re friends, nothing more.

  She places the coffee in front of me, “Black right?” snapping me out of my thoughts. Jesus, why does she have such a strong hold on me? I’ve never been a jealous man before, but here I am pissed she’s wearing another guy’s shirt.

  “Yeah, thanks,” I say as I reach out to take it from her, adding a smile to mask my inner turmoil. My fingers brush with hers as I take it out of her hands. Tingles run up my arm, going straight to my dick. Shit. How can one small innocent touch have such an effect on me? Jesus, I need to get laid.

  Angel quickly pulls her hand back, like she got burnt or something. I know she felt that too. I can see the shock on her face. Jesus Christ, I need to eat and get the fuck out of here.

  “How’s your hand today?” I ask, trying to divert from what just happened.

  She shrugs. “Still sore, but it’ll be fine.”

  “You took the bandage off?” I ask.

  “Yes. I ummm…had a shower after you left last night.” I see pain briefly cross her face, but she recovers quickly. The events of last night are obviously still troubling her. I feel anger rise within me again, as I think of that fucker and what he did.

  “Let me wrap it again while I’m here,” I offer. “Where’s the bandage?”

  “It’s on the basin in my bathroom. I’ll go get it.”

  “Stay,” I order. “You’re busy. Continue doing what you’re doing.” I rise from my stool and go back up the hall. When I walk into her room, memories of our time in here flood my mind. Fuck. I didn’t think being back here would be so hard.

  I’m glad things are okay with us again. Having her near and not being able to act on my feelings is going to be hard. As much as I’d like to, we can’t repeat out little sex romp. She’s my friend and that’s all she’ll ever be. I need to get used to that.

  I get a shock when I walk into her bathroom. Fuck me. It’s probably the size of my bedroom back home. Looking around, images of her laying in the huge-arse bath, lathering soap all over that heavenly body of hers, flash in my mind. I move my hand down to adjust my dick again.

  Is it just because I’m on my longest dry spell ever, or is it something else…her? Whatever it is, I don’t fucking like it. No woman has ever affected me like this.

  As I walk towards the basin to retrieve the bandage, my eyes move down to the small trash bin sitting beside it. The clothes she was wearing last night sit on top. Fuck if that doesn’t hit me right in the chest. I exhale. Thinking of what she must be dealing with internally to do something like that, is really screwing with my head.

  I retrieve what I came in here for and go back out to her. At some point, we’re going to need to talk about last night, but for now I’ll give her some time. She’s obviously not dealing as well as she’s making out.

  What I want is for her to take this further, to report it. I’m not sure how it will pan out, considering how high Benson’s father is in the police force. He’s a dirty fucker too. Pops and the boys have dealt with him many times in the past.

  It’s worth a try though. She can’t let him get away with what he did. If he thinks it’s okay to force himself on a woman, then he’s likely to try it again. The next girl may not get away.

  When I make my way back into the kitchen, I find her trying to beat the eggs with her left hand. “Here, give me that,” I say as I place the bandage on the benchtop and reach for the bowl.

  Once that’s done, she adds the chopped ingredients to the bowl with a dollop of cream, grated cheese and some salt and pepper. I can’t wait to fucking try this omelette. Mine usually consist of eggs and milk. That’s it.

  She adds some butter to the pan, and after giving it another beat, I pour it in for her. While it’s cooking I strap her hand again. “How are you feeling today?” I ask while wrapping the bandage around her wrist. She shrugs.

  “Okay, I guess. I’m not looking forward to Uni on Monday though,” she confesses.

  “Don’t you worry about that. I won’t leave your side, I promise. If that fucker even looks your way he’ll have me to deal with.”

  She raises her head and smiles at me. One of her beautiful smiles too. “Thank you. I’m so grateful for…”

  “Shhh,” I say as my hand trails a path down her arm, my fingers wrapping around hers. “No need to thank me.” Every part of me wants to pull her into my arms and kiss those luscious fucking lips of hers, but I can’t. So I do the only thing I can. I move away. Keeping my distance is best. I hope this gets easier. It hasn’t even been a day and I’m already struggling.



  Once I pull the omelette out from under the grill after browning the top, I slide it onto a large plate. I grab two forks out of the drawer and go and sit next to Chase at the breakfast bar.

  “Dig in,” I say as I hand him a fork. He just looks between the plate and me a few times, like he’s shocked. Then his lips turn up in a smile. Maybe I should’ve given us separate plates, but this is the way my dad and I always eat our omelettes. We’ve been doing this for as long as I’ve been able to make them. Even before that, my mum would serve it up to us the same way.

  I watch as he takes a chunk out of the side, popping it in his mouth. “Mmmm. Fuck this is good,” he says with his mouth full. It makes me smile. “Where did you learn to cook like this?”

  “My mum. She’s a great cook.”

  “So you can cook other things as well?”

  “Just about anything,” I reply as I cut a piece of omelette off with my fork.

  “Pops and I live on frozen dinners most nights, unless we eat
at the club. That shit’s not much better though.” This is the first time he’s ever really talked about his personal life with me. I like that he’s opening up a bit.

  “Who’s Pops?” I ask.

  “My old man.” He shrugs. “I’ve never called him dad, it’s always been Pops.”

  “Do you have any brothers or sisters?”

  “Nah, just the two of us,” he answers. I find that interesting. I wonder why his mum isn’t in the picture. Of course I don’t ask. It’s none of my business.

  “What about you?”

  “I have one brother, CJ. He lives in Sydney with my parents.” He nods, but that’s the end of our conversation. The rest of the time is spent eating.

  “Well, I’d have to say that was the best omelette I’ve ever eaten,” he states as he makes his way to the sink to rinse the plate. Seriously, he rinsed the plate. No man I know does stuff like that. “I might just have to pop in more often around breakfast time,” he adds with a chuckle.

  “You’re welcome anytime,” I say honestly. “Eating on your own gets old fast.” The thought of having him here more often sends my stomach into a flutter.

  He turns to face me as he wipes his hands on a towel. “I’m sure it does,” is all he says with a sympathetic look on his face.

  “Do you like pasta? I make a mean seafood pasta. It’s to die for.”

  “Seafood and pasta are two of my favourite things,” he says as he places both hands on the countertop in front of me, leaning forward so his face is just inches from mine. “Are you inviting me over for dinner?” I feel my face flush as I swallow nervously. This causes him to burst out laughing. “Just messing with you, sweet-cheeks. You’re cute when you blush.” He reaches over and gently pinches my cheek. It really used to annoy me when he did that, but now it makes me smile. I’ve missed it. Missed us, and our friendship. “Although, I’m now intrigued,” he adds. “I’m not sure if you can top that omelette, but I want to try this pasta. So, if you’re not inviting me, then I guess I’m inviting myself.” His forwardness makes me laugh.

  “Oh I can top it,” I say confidently. In my opinion, there’s nothing better than my seafood pasta. “How about one day next week?”

  “Next week. I can’t wait that long,” he says raising an eyebrow, challenging me playfully.

  “Well ummm…I need to buy the ingredients first. I was going to lay low for the next few days, so I won’t be going to the shops until Monday at least.” I see the smile drop from his face and his body stiffen as memories of last night take over our playful banter. He stands up straight and runs his finger through his hair.

  “Look, I was going to wait until later to ask this, but what are your plans for Benson? Are you going to go to the police?” I shrug. I haven’t really thought that far ahead. To be honest, I’ve been trying not to think about it at all.

  Before I get a chance to answer, my phone rings, making us both jump. “Oh thank god you’re alright,” Dana breathes into the phone. “I saw the front page of the paper, and I tell you, I nearly had a fuckin’ heart attack.”

  “What? What’s on the front page of the paper?” I ask confused.

  “You don’t know? Shit. Oh sweetie you better sit down.”

  “I am sitting down. Just tell me what the hell you’re talking about,” I snap.

  “It’s Riley. He was beaten up last night. He’s in a coma. It must have happened after he dropped you off. I’m sorry to be the one to break it to you. I’m relieved you’re okay though. When I saw the story on the front page of the paper I almost shit myself. All I could think about was you.”

  I can’t speak. Images of Riley lying unconscious on the ground, his pants around his thighs. God, I think I’m going to be sick.

  “It’s only a matter of time before they find who did this. Riley’s dad is on a rampage. One of my customers just told me the police are door-knocking the area as we speak…”

  She continues to babble, but her words no longer register. I swear I feel all the colour drain from my face. All I can think about is Chase. Shit. What’s going to happen to him if he gets caught?



  I have no idea who she’s talking to, but by the look on her face I know it’s not good news. She looks up at me and the sheer panic on her face makes my own heart race. “I’ll call you back,” she says as she ends the call.

  “Is everything okay?” I ask. She puts her head in her hands. I can tell she’s distressed by that call, so I make my way around to the other side of the breakfast bar.

  “No. No it’s not,” she whispers.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” I take the seat next to her, gently rubbing my hand on her back.

  “Riley’s in a coma. The police are out looking for whoever is responsible,” she says as she turns to look at me. What she says doesn’t really register. All I can see are the tears pooling in her big brown eyes. Don’t ask me why, but it’s like a sucker punch to my gut. I’ve seen that same look way too many times since finding her last night.

  “Come here,” I say as I pull her into my arms. “It’s okay. Everything will be okay.” As the words leave my mouth, I’m not sure if I’m trying to convince her or myself.

  “What if they find out it was you?” she sniffles. “I can’t lose you again. I’ve only just got you back.” Fuck. The fact she even wants me around after the way I’ve treated her amazes me. She really is something. I’m not used to people giving a shit about me, except Pops. I don’t want this to pull us apart again either. Her words make me realise I need her in my life. I can’t lose her again.

  “It’s going to be okay,” I say as I continue to stroke her back, pulling her in closer to me. She rests her head on my shoulder as I savour the feel of her in my arms. I hope it’s going to be okay, but I have this sinking feeling that it’s not.

  When I release Angel my phone rings in my pocket. Pulling it out, I notice it’s Pops. “What the fuck is going on?” he screams down the phone when I answer. Surely he’s not pissed about me having his truck. It’s never been an issue before. “The cops have been here looking for you.”


  “Calm down. Shit. I can explain,” I answer, trying to pacify him. Angel’s eyes are glued to me. I’m positive she can hear every word Pops says. The neighbours can probably hear, he’s screaming so damn loud.

  “Well ya better fuckin’ start, boy. I never thought I’d see the day they’d come knockin’ on my door lookin’ for you.” I can count on one hand how many times he’s been pissed like this. I hate it when he’s angry with me.

  I get up off the stool and walk to the other side of the room. I don’t want Angel to hear my old man handing me my nuts. “Look, I’m on my way home,” I say, cutting him off from his rant. “I’ll explain everything then.”

  As I end the call, I can still hear him going off on the other end. Jesus Christ. I hope he’s fucking calmed down before I get there. He’s hard to talk to when he’s like this.

  I take a deep breath and rub my hands over my face before turning around. I find Angel still sitting on the stool, staring at me with a shocked look on her face. I hate that she had to hear that.

  “Is everything okay?” she asks, breaking the awkward silence which has fallen over us.

  “Yeah. I’ve gotta go home. Will you be okay?”

  “Of course. You don’t need to babysit me, Chase. I’m a big girl,” she answers as she rises from her seat and comes towards me. “Are you sure everything is okay? That call sounded pretty heated.”

  Fuck me. I don’t really want to get into this with her right now. I’m sure she has enough on her plate without worrying about me. I can’t lie to her though. She’s bound to find out sooner or later.

  “That was my old man on the phone. The cops went to my house looking for me.” She gasps as her hand goes up to cover her mouth, tears filling her eyes. Fuckin’ hell. I quickly close the few steps separating us and pull her into my arms. If I keep holding her like t
his, it’s going to be impossible for me to remain just friends with her. On the other hand, seeing her upset makes me want to comfort her. Going back to being friends is going to be harder than I thought.

  “What are you going to do if the police are waiting for you when you get home?” she whispers into my chest.

  “That all depends on you.”

  “On me?” she asks shocked, pulling back to look at me. “Why?”

  “Well it depends on what you want to do about last night, whether you’re going to report it or not. If you don’t and they question me, I’ll just play dumb. It’s something you need to think long and hard about, sweet-cheeks.” She drops her head. I cup her face in my hands and tilt her face back up to me. The turmoil I see in her eyes affects every part of me.

  Fuck me if she isn’t the most beautiful thing I’ve ever laid eyes on though. Everything in me wants to lean forward and kiss her. Instead, I let go of her face and take a step back. “Just know, whatever you decide I’ll stand by you.” I mean that too. The last thing I want to do is pressure her into doing something she’s not ready for. Maybe she’ll never be ready, but whatever she decides I’ll support her.



  We both decide for now, we’re going to keep what happened last night between us. I get the feeling Chase wants me to report it, but I’m thankful he accepts my decision. I have my reasons for not taking this further. Not only am I not ready to relive that nightmare, but if my dad gets wind of this there’s no telling what he’ll do. I’m also worried if I report it Chase will get in trouble. That’s the last thing I want.

  To me he’s a hero for what he did. My hero. Riley’s father on the other hand, won’t see it that way. From what Dana said on the phone earlier, Riley’s father was out to get whoever was responsible.

  I check and double-check all the locks again once Chase leaves. I’m surprised how frightened and insecure I feel without him here. Being around him seems to calm me, and makes me forget what Riley did. Well not forget, but calm the feelings of hopelessness and dread. I know it’s only early days, but I hope I can get past the panic I feel whenever I’m alone. I hate how Riley has forcefully taken that from me.


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