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Against All Odds - Angel's Story: Against All Odds (Destiny Series Book 4)

Page 12

by Perry, J L

  Most women would freak at the thought of standing in the rain. ‘Oh my hair’, I can almost imagine it now. Not my sweet-cheeks. She seems to revel in it. Last night, seeing her all dolled up was a sight to see, but fuck me. With not an ounce of makeup on, her hair plastered to her head from the rain, if she’s not just the most breathtaking thing I’ve ever seen.

  She has a natural beauty. One I’m sure goes right to the bone, and probably into the depths of her soul.

  “You want me to dance with you, in the rain?” I ask in disbelief. My smile widens as I look down on her face. She’s serious. Her expression says it all.

  I slide my hands around her waist again, pulling her flush against me. I hear her breath hitch as she inhales. Her lips part slightly as her hands tighten around my neck. Her body starts to sway against mine. My body moves instinctively with hers. We mould together perfectly. Why did I agree to this? Having that sinful body of hers grinding against mine is almost too much.

  Fuck, I’m in deep shit.

  Then I go and do the dumbest thing ever. I start to sing. I’ve never actually sung to a girl before, fuck knows why I am now. Nothing makes sense when it comes to her.

  I remember hearing the song ‘Purple Rain’, sung by Prince, at one of the club’s family parties. It was about a week after I walked out on her. The fact the song mentioned rain instantly made me think of Angel. After all, it was the rain that led to our little sex romp.

  The first few lines of the song also brought home to me what I’d done. The song even says it’s such a shame our friendship had to end. Ain’t that the truth. I guess in a way I’m trying to apologise for what I did, but it’s also a distraction. It’s stopping me from doing what I really want to do, which is lay her down in the sand and devour every fucking inch of her.

  I sing the first few lines until I reach the chorus. I tell her how I didn’t mean to cause her any sorrow or any pain. That I only wanted to see her laughing in the rain. “You can sing?” she states in amazement as her beautiful eyes widen. Yes, I can sing, but I don’t answer her. I don’t sing in front of other people anymore. My mum, like everything else, ruined that for me.

  When she first discovered I could hold a tune, she put me in every fucking competition she could. Only the ones that had cash prizes, of course. At first I loved the attention she showed me when I performed, but I soon learnt once she had that prize money in her grubby fucking hands, that was all she really cared about. It hurt that she didn’t give a fuck about me. It turned me off performing.

  Angel stops moving, staring up at me. When I don’t reply to her comment, she says, “Your voice is so beautiful. How did I not know you could sing?”

  I don’t answer her. I don’t know what to say. Instead my eyes follow a drop of rain as it trails down her face, coming to a stop on her top lip. What I wouldn’t give to be able to lean forward and lick that drop off with my tongue, but I can’t do that.

  Instead my hand reaches up. The pad of my thumb lightly skims across her lips. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me, sweet-cheeks.”

  I feel her body slightly shiver, and I’m not sure if it’s a reaction to what I just said or did, or because she’s wet and cold. Either way, I need to put space between us. Being pressed against each other like this is not a good idea.

  Move the fuck away Daniels, before you mess things up again.

  “Let’s get you back inside before you catch a cold,” I say letting go of her, taking a step back. I swear I see disappointment cross her face, but it’s gone as fast as it appeared.

  “Okay,” she whispers, looking down at the sand. Honestly, I’m disappointed too. I’d like nothing more than to hold her in my arms, forever. But I can’t, so I don’t.

  “Race you back to the house,” I challenge, trying to lighten the mood again. She smiles before breaking into a run.

  “Last one there’s a rotten egg,” she says laughing as she runs ahead. It makes me laugh too. I’ve never heard that expression before. It sounds like something she would’ve said when she was a child.

  “What are you, five?” I reply as I try to catch her. She’s surprisingly fast for a chick. By the time we reach the stairs of her back deck, I’ve caught up, but only just. We’re both laughing as we try to catch our breath. It’s nice to see a glimpse of her old self.



  While we wait for Chase’s clothes to dry in the dryer, we sit out on the back deck. It’s still raining, but thankfully my deck has an awning running off the rear of the house. I have to contain my giggle, as he sits in my pink robe. I made sure to grab it when I fetched the towels. I wasn’t going to give him an opportunity to do a repeat of last time.

  Not that seeing his hot naked body is a hardship; it’s quite the opposite, but I learnt my lesson. We can’t go there again. I’ll admit being with him did cross my mind when we had our little dance on the beach. I’m glad he had the strength to pull away, because I’m not sure if I would’ve been able to.

  Being held in his arms, pressed against his rock-hard body was difficult enough, but when he started to sing to me—his voice. Just wow. No wonder the girls fall at his feet. He’s charming, can sing, dance, is one of the smartest in our class, and not to mention hot as hell.

  As the day goes by, we fall into the easy comfort we used to share before that day ruined everything. If one good thing has come out of what Riley did, it’s Chase and I becoming friends again. Having him here today has been a godsend. I’ve barely given the attack a second thought. Well, that’s a lie, but he’s been doing a good job of distracting me from my thoughts.

  I’m actually dreading him leaving. I feel safe with him around. I hate how the thought of being alone now terrifies me. In the past, being on my own never bothered me.

  Later in the afternoon Dana calls, letting me know she’s coming over after work. I need to warn her Chase is here. I don’t want her going all ninja on his arse when she gets here.

  “I’ll be right back,” I tell Chase as I walk back into the house. I don’t want him to hear what I have to say. “Look, I need to warn you Chase is here,” I whisper into the phone.

  “What’s that fucktard doing there?” she angrily says. I know she’s just saying that because of what he did, but I hate hearing her talk about him like that. Sure, what he did was bad, but she doesn’t know him like I do.

  “Please, Dana. Please don’t start on him if you come over.”

  “Did you fuck him again?”

  “Noooooo,” I screech. Not that it’s any of her business.

  “Well why is he there then?”

  “It’s a long story. I can’t really get into it now.” If ever, but I don’t tell her that. I know Dana wouldn’t say anything, but for now, the less she knows the better. “Please, just promise me you’ll be nice.”

  “Okay,” she replies with a sigh. “Only because I love you, but I want all the goss later.” She makes me laugh. She thrives on gossip.

  “Okay. Thanks, I appreciate it.”

  After ending the call I make my way back out to Chase. He’s laying back on the deckchair, hands behind his head, looking out at the ocean. He looks so handsome. I love seeing him here, in my space. I’m sure he’s glad to be back in his clothes and out of my pink robe, although, he was a good sport about it.

  “That was my best friend Dana. She’s going to call over after work,” I tell him. Chase doesn’t reply, he just looks over at me, and smiles.

  I go sit on the deckchair beside him. We’re both enveloped in silence. I close my eyes and listen to the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. It’s one of my favourite sounds. It’s so calming.

  I love that even after everything that has happened between Chase and I, we’re still able to maintain comfortable silence with each other. We can be content in each other’s presence without the need for words.

  Time passes quickly, and before I know it Dana arrives. When I answer the door she has a tray in her hands
. “I bought you your Vanilla Chai Latte fix,” she says with a smile. I notice there’s another cup in the tray.

  “Is the other one for Chase?”


  “I don’t think he drinks tea. He likes coffee.”

  “Oh, I know what he likes.”

  “You do?”

  “Yes. He’s been into the coffee shop before.”

  “Really? You never told me that,” I say surprised.

  “You never asked,” she replies as she pushes past me and makes her way inside. “Where’s Mr. Gigolo anyway?”

  “Please, Dana,” I beg. “He’s been really good to me. I’m happy to have him here. Please don’t say anything which will upset him.”

  She cocks her eyebrow at my response. “Really? If you call fucking you and—” I know what she’s about to say, so I cut her off.

  “Please. Let’s not get into this now.” She sighs at my response.

  “Fine. I’m sorry. If having him here makes you happy, then I’m happy. If he screws you over again though, I won’t be so understanding.”

  “Thank you,” is all I say as I lead her out onto the back deck.

  “Chase,” I say once we’re outside, “this is my best friend Dana.” He sits up in his chair and turns to face us. The first thing I see on his face is shock, then he breaks out into a huge smile. He stands from his chair and walks towards us. He extends his hand to her.

  “It’s nice to officially meet you, Dana,” he says with a cheeky smirk.

  “Hmmm,” is her reply. It doesn’t go unnoticed how she narrows her eyes slightly. I have no idea what is going on between these two, but I get the feeling I’m missing something. “I believe this is the way you like your coffee,” she says with a huge fake smile, passing it to him. Yep I’m definitely missing something.

  “If it tastes anything like the last one you made me then I’m sure it’s delicious.” I can tell he’s trying to hold back a laugh. I can also see it’s pissing Dana off.

  What the hell is going on?


  Dana ended up staying until late. We ordered pizza and sat out on the back deck, talking and laughing. The distraction was good. In a way, I kind of felt like the old me again. I knew it was only because having them both here was stopping me from thinking about last night, but it still felt good. Thankfully, Riley wasn’t mentioned once.

  Things remained weird between Dana and Chase. Well, with Dana they did anyway. Chase was as funny and charming as ever, but nothing he said or did seemed to impress her. Boy, she can hold a grudge when she wants.

  When it’s time for Dana to leave, I walk her to the door. “What the hell is going on between you two?” is the first thing she asks once we step onto the front porch.

  “I was going to ask you the same thing.”

  “What? Why?” she says with a screwed up face.

  “Come on, Dana. It’s quite obvious you have a problem with him.”

  “Oh. I’m sorry if you think being used and abused is okay, because frankly I don’t. He screwed you over once, Angel. What makes you think he won’t do it again?”

  “Because we’re just friends, nothing more. Been there done that. I won’t make the same mistake.”

  “Okay. Keep telling yourself that. I’m not stupid. I’ve seen the way you two look at each other with bedroom eyes. Trust me. You want to fuck him just as much as he wants to fuck you.”

  “That’s—” is all I get to say before she cuts me off.

  “Deny it all you want. Eyes don’t lie. Just be careful, and know, if he hurts you again, I’m gonna kick him in the nuts so damn hard, they’ll be lodged in his throat.” I have to laugh at what she says. Her face is so serious I don’t doubt her for a minute.

  “Anyway, I didn’t want to mention anything in front of stud muffin in there, but what the hell happened last night with you and Riley?”

  My first thought is she’s heard something. My heart starts to beat out of my chest. “What? Nothing. Why?” I lie. Her eyes narrow. I know she knows I’m not telling the truth.

  “Why, you ask, because you go on a date and said date ends up in hospital in a coma, that’s fucking why.” I have a sinking feeling she’s not going to let this go, then her face drops. “My God, the colour just drained from your face, Angel.” She grabs hold of me, wrapping me in her arms. “You’re shaking too.” She pulls back, studying my face. Tears burn my eyes. “Oh babe. Something happened last night, didn’t it?” I nod my head, reaching up to wipe a stray tear that has escaped. “With Riley?” I nod again. I’m not game enough to speak. “Is that why Chase is here?”

  “Yes,” I whisper, looking down at the ground as shame consumes me.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” she asks as she rubs her hand down my arm. I shake my head as a few more tears break free.

  “Jesus, babe,” she exhales as she wraps her arms around me again. “It’s okay. I understand if you’re not ready to talk. Just know I’m here whenever you’re ready.”

  “Thank you,” I whisper as I hug her and let the tears flow. I’ve been holding them back all day, so it’s a good release.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you to, Dana.” And I do. Although she’s quite headstrong sometimes, not to mention overprotective, I couldn’t ask for a better friend.



  My little run-in with the fiery redhead in the coffee shop, finally makes sense. Angel must’ve told her what happened between us. Although she doesn’t seem too keen on me, I’m glad she has a friend who has her back. Angel’s too sweet and needs someone like her in her life.

  When I tasted the coffee she bought for me, I had to try and hold in my laugh. It was shit, just like that last one. I drank every fucking drop though, which pissed her off even more. Is it wrong how I get pleasure out of riling her up?

  While she’s outside saying goodbye to Dana, I sit here contemplating what I’m going to say to her when she comes back inside. It’s getting late, and I know I should get going, but I don’t want to leave her. I’ve always felt protective when it comes to my sweet-cheeks. After last night, that feeling is stronger than ever. I need to be here, even if she doesn’t want it. Having me around may help her feel safer.

  If I have to sleep in the fucking truck again, I will.

  When Angel comes back inside, she forces out a smile. I can see her eyes are red and puffy, so I know she’s been crying. I hate how she feels like she needs to be strong around me. I’m glad she can at least let her guard down with her friend, but the selfish part of me wants me to be the one she turns to.

  All the things I planned to say to her have now changed. I’m staying over. End. Of. Fucking. Story. “So, do you have a spare blanket and pillow I can use?” I ask. Her eyes widen with shock, and I almost want to laugh.


  “Because I’m sleeping on your couch tonight.”


  “No buts, sweet-cheeks. I’m staying over.”

  “Ummm…sure, okay,” she says, and I can tell she’s trying to hold back her smile. Truth is, I know she doesn’t want to be on her own, but there’s no way she would have asked me to stay, so I made it easy for her.

  After walking down the hall, she comes back holding a few blankets and a pillow. “I do have beds in the spare rooms,” she says with a smile full of gratitude. “You’re more than welcome to sleep in one of them.”

  “Nope, couch is fine.”

  What I really want to say is, “I’m more than happy to share your bed,” but that would be a bad fucking move. I’ve never spent a night with a woman before, so I’m surprised I’d even want that. Then again, everything I think and feel when it comes to Angel is foreign to me.

  “Thank you,” is all she says as she tries to wrap her arms around me. The blankets and pillow I’m holding in front of me make it impossible though. It causes her to laugh.

  Fuck, I love that sound.


  I wake the next morning to a knock on the door. At first I’m disorientated, but then I remember I’m on Angel’s couch. I throw back the blankets, rubbing my eyes as I stand. I ended up sleeping in my jeans. The fact I go commando didn’t leave me with any other option.

  I couldn’t risk sweet-cheeks getting up in the middle of the night to find me sprawled out on her couch, naked. After all, last time she’d seen me like that she practically attacked me. Well not really, but you know what I mean.

  I stand there for a minute or so. I’m unsure whether I should answer it or not. I don’t want to wake Angel though. She needs her rest. Decision made, I make my way towards the door.

  I get a shock when I open it. I find a just as shocked, older version of my sweet-cheeks standing there. Fuck. It must be her mother. It has to be.

  The colour drains from her face as she stands staring at me. “Hi,” I say, trying to ease the awkward situation. Shit, I should’ve woken Angel. I’m sure she wasn’t expecting to find a half-naked guy answering her daughter’s door first thing in the morning.

  “H…hi,” she stammers, still a little unsure of what’s going on. “Is Angel home?”

  “She’s still asleep. I’m Chase. Chase Daniels,” I answer, extending my hand to her. At first she looks down out my outstretched hand, before finally grabbing hold.

  “Daniels,” she mumbles. I have no idea why. “I’m Brooke. Brooke Cavanagh. Angel’s mum.” When she lets go of my hand, she looks me up and down. I use this time to do the same. I can’t believe how much sweet-cheeks looks like her mum.

  She’s a fucking babe.

  “Come in,” I say, stepping aside. It feels weird inviting someone into a house that isn’t mine. She smiles, reaching down. That’s when I notice a small suitcase sitting at her feet. “Let me get that for you.”

  “Oh, thank you,” she says, her smile growing. “I’m not interrupting anything am I? I wasn’t aware Angel had company.” I almost want to laugh at her question. I’m not sure what Angel has told her mum in regards to the attack, so I play it cool just in case.


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