Against All Odds - Angel's Story: Against All Odds (Destiny Series Book 4)

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Against All Odds - Angel's Story: Against All Odds (Destiny Series Book 4) Page 16

by Perry, J L

  “Is that from Riley’s old man?” I ask as the anger inside me reaches boiling point.

  “I guess,” she shrugs.

  “Motherfucker,” I snarl through gritted teeth. I fist my hands in my hair. I swear I’m about to fucking lose it. How dare he come here and hustle her like that? What is wrong with that family?

  I walk out of the kitchen and out onto the back deck. I need to calm the hell down. The last thing she needs is to see me fly of the handle. Honestly, I feel like I’m ready to explode.

  That cocksucker needs to be taught some manners, just like his son. I pull my phone out of my pocket and call Pops. He may be able to give me some guidance on what to do. Marching down to Police Headquarters and punching the shit out of that prick isn’t going to help. It’s only going to get me locked up.



  I give Chase some time to calm down before I go out to him. The last thing I want is for him to do something stupid that will get him in more trouble.

  “Hey,” I say when I walk out onto the deck, sitting down beside him on the top step. “You okay?”

  “Me? I should be asking you the same question.” His brow furrows as he looks at me.

  “I’m fine, it’s just a bruise.”

  “That’s not the fucking point,” he grumbles. “I’m so angry he left a mark on you. How fucking dare he put his hands on you? No wonder you were so upset when I found you yesterday.”

  “I’m okay now, honestly. You’re not going to do anything stupid are you?” He ignores my question, standing to his feet and holding his hand out to me.

  “Come on. We better get some breakfast into us, otherwise we’ll be late for class.” I take his hand and let him help me up. But I can’t help but think he’s avoiding my question.

  “Promise me you won’t do anything crazy. Please, Chase. You can’t mess with people like him without inviting a whole heap of trouble.” When he doesn’t answer, I reach for his hand, giving it a squeeze. “Please,” I beg.

  He smiles at me, raising his hand to lightly pinch my cheek. “Okay. If it’ll make you happy, sweet-cheeks. I promise.” I hope he means what he says.


  The rest of the day goes by quickly. From the talk at Uni, there’s no change in Riley’s condition. I hate to say it, but I’m relieved. As horrible as it sounds, the longer he stays in a coma the better. I’m extremely worried about what’s going to happen when he wakes.

  Chase still refuses to leave my side, which I’m not complaining about. I’m grateful to have him.

  Dana calls during the day to check on me. She confesses she’s been worried about me since leaving my house the other night. I hate that, so without going into too much detail, I give her a brief rundown of what happened with Riley, but also assure her I’m okay. That’s not a complete lie. I’m feeling better with every passing day.

  I didn’t really want to get her involved, but now she knows something’s up with me, she’s not going to let it be until she knows every last detail.

  “I’m going to drop by after work.”

  “Okay. You can stay for dinner if you like.”

  “Will lover boy be there?”

  “Yes, Dana. Please don’t be like that. He’s been wonderful and hasn’t left my side once.”

  “I bet he hasn’t,” she mumbles. I choose to ignore her smart remark.

  “I’ve got to get to class,” I tell her. “We can talk more tonight.”

  “Good, because I need to talk to you about something too. That’s if I get a chance to have you all to myself for five fucking minutes.”


  Dana arrives later in the night. She actually smiles at Chase this time, which makes me happy. They both mean a lot to me, so I want them to get on.

  While I whip us up something to eat, they sit at the breakfast bar. I can tell she’s still not completely okay with him hanging around, but it’s definitely an improvement on the way she has been acting. I’m sure in time, she’ll get a chance to see just how wonderful he is.

  Chase’s phone rings. After retrieving it from his pocket and looking at the screen, he rises from the stool. “Excuse me, ladies,” he says as he makes his way out onto the back deck. It doesn’t go unnoticed that Dana rolls her eyes at him. I can understand why she acts that way towards him, but if I can forgive him, why can’t she?

  “Good. I thought he’d never leave us alone,” she angrily whispers.

  “Please, Dana. I think it’s sweet.” She rolls her eyes at me this time.

  “Look, we don’t have much time. Your shadow will be back any minute.”

  “My shadow?” I say as I raise an eyebrow at her.

  “Hush up and let me talk. I bought you a present today on my lunch break.”

  “You did?”

  “Yes. I bought you a B.O.B.”

  “A what?”

  “Battery operated boyfriend, silly.” I look at her confused. What in the hell is that?

  “Seriously, Angel. You don’t know what a B.O.B. is?” She pulls a brown paper bag out of her handbag and passes it to me. When I look inside, it suddenly dawns on me.

  “You bought me a vibrator? What the hell!” I screech way too loudly.

  “Keep it down will you. I don’t want your bodyguard to hear.”

  “He’s not my bodyguard.”

  “Whatever,” she says as she flicks her hand dismissing my comment.

  “Why would you buy me this?” I whisper angrily.

  “Look, us girls have needs. How do you think I’ve survived this long without hooking up with someone for a jiggy-jig? I’ve been there, done that. Casual sex is not my thing anymore. I’m more than happy to wait for my Mr. Right, but in the meantime…” She gestures her hand towards the brown paper bag.

  “Ewww. Don’t tell me shit like that,” I snap. My reaction makes her giggle.

  “Masturbation is normal, Angel. It’s a part of life. Everyone does it. Fuck, don’t tell me you’ve never tried it?” I feel my face flush and she shakes her head in disgust at my obvious embarrassment. I can’t help but think about what I did in the shower yesterday. “Look,” she says checking over her shoulder, making sure Chase isn’t standing there. “When I was here the other night, I could see the sexual tension building between you and Mr. Sex-on-a-Stick.” I burst out laughing. Where does she come up with these sayings? Oh right, her books.

  “Dana,” I half groan looking away from her.

  “Shhh, let me finish. You’ve been there and done that too, babe. Look where you ended up. This, my friend,” she says as she reaches over and snatches the bag out of my hand, waving it in my face, “is the answer to all your prayers. When the tension gets too much, get yourself off and you’ll find it easier not to cave. Trust me, it works for me all the time.”

  “Okay. TMI. This conversation is over.” She chuckles at my response.

  “Fuck, now I know why your parents called you Angel. Get out from under your rock little princess and live a little.” I narrow my eyes at her. Before she has a chance to continue her insults, Chase walks back into the room. Shit. I quickly snatch the brown paper bag off the breakfast bar and shove it into the drawer in front of me. I feel my face burning. Don’t ask me why. Chase couldn’t possibly know what’s in it.



  If I hadn’t just heard most of their conversation, Angel’s panic to try and hide the bag, as well as her beet-red face would’ve given her away. What the fuck is Dana’s problem? There’s no way in hell I’m letting that fucking thing get near my sweet-cheeks. If she wants to get off then she’ll be getting off by me. My hand, my mouth or my cock, not a fucking toy. Using her hand in the shower was bad enough, but a fucking toy is where I draw the line.

  Hell fucking no!

  “So, did I miss anything?” I ask, trying to remain calm.

  “Noooo!” Angel screeches and Dana cracks up laughing. My facial expression remains pass
ive, even though I’m feeling anything but passive on the inside. I’ve got to get my hands on that fucker, somehow.

  I sit back down at the breakfast bar, while Angel finishes up dinner. All the time trying to concoct a plan to get hold of that damn vibrator.

  “Are you okay?” Angel asks out of the blue.

  “Yeah, why?”

  “You’re just quiet after your phone call.”

  “It was Pops on the phone. He needs me to give him a hand to do something at the garage tomorrow, after class. Will it be alright if we swing round there on our way home?” Her face lights up for some reason.

  “Sure. I’d like that. I’d love to meet Pops.” I’m sure that’s his intention as well. He has all the guys at the club at his disposal. I told him this morning when I called I won’t let Angel out of my sight after what happened with Benson’s old man. I’m positive that’s why he wants me to call round. He knows I’ll have to bring her with me. My old man can be fucking cunning.

  “Oh, fuck me,” Dana mumbles under her breath at Angel’s response. It’s not loud enough for Angel to hear, but I do. By the sounds of it, she’s hell bent on keeping us apart.

  Once dinner is ready, Dana and I help Angel carry everything outside onto the back deck. It’s a nice night so she suggested we eat out here.

  The food looks delicious. I don’t know how I’m going to go back to those frozen fucking dinners, once this is all over.

  “Oh crap. I forgot to grab the salt and pepper,” Angel says once we’re seated. She goes to stand.

  “Sit. I’ll get them,” I offer. Of course I don’t mind getting them, but I do have an ulterior motive for offering.


  After Dana leaves, we both shower; separately of course. When I’m done, I make my way into the kitchen, looking for Angel. I find her frantically searching through the drawer where she hid her toy earlier.

  “Lost something?” I ask, trying hard not to smile.

  “What? No,” she answers as the cute blush washes over her sweet face.

  “Really? Kind of looks like you’ve lost something to me.” The look on her face is priceless.

  “Ummm…no. It’s getting late, I think I might go to bed,” she says slamming the drawer shut. I know she’s just trying to change the subject.

  “I can help you look for whatever it is you’ve lost,” I offer taking a step closer. The sheer panicked look on her face has me struggling to hold my smile back.

  “It’s really no bother. I’m sure it’ll turn up.” Like hell it will.

  “So you are looking for something,” I state. I know it’s wrong for me to make her sweat like this, but I can’t help myself. “I’ll help you look for it. What have you lost?”

  “No,” she screeches, quickly moving her body in front of the drawer to block me. I think I’ve had enough fun with her for now.

  “Okay. I’m sure whatever it is, it’ll turn up,” I lie, knowing damn well it won’t. The relief that washes over her face when I take a step back makes me want to laugh.

  “Well goodnight,” she says, walking around me and hurrying out of the kitchen.

  “Goodnight, sweet-cheeks,” I chuckle.



  When our last class is finished, we head over to Chase’s place. I’m really looking forward to meeting his father. We’re in my car. Chase says he needs to look into getting me a helmet before we can take his bike out again. I like the sound of that. Being on the bike is so much fun.

  It’s a good ten-minute drive to his place. He lives on the other side of town. I’m not even nervous about meeting his Pops, just excited. My only hope is that his father likes me.

  I will admit I get a few butterflies in my stomach when we pull into his street. I’m still revelling in the fact that he’s brought me here.

  His place is nice, nothing like I expected; small, but nice. Well I didn’t really expect anything to be honest. It’s in a nice quiet area, in the outer suburbs of the city. The house is red brick and appears to be well looked after. The lawn is neat and tidy.

  He shuts down the engine after pulling into the driveway. I let him drive my car since I didn’t know the directions to his place. He reaches over and gives my hand a squeeze. “Are you okay?” he asks.

  “Yes. I’m great,” I reply with a smile. “I’m actually looking forward to meeting your dad.”

  “You are?”

  “Uh huh.”

  “Well don’t be intimidated by his looks. Underneath all those tatts and leather, he’s actually a pretty cool guy. I’m lucky to have him.” I smile at what he says. I can tell how much he loves his dad. It’s nice.

  “Let’s do this then,” I say, reaching for the door handle.

  “Wait,” he replies, getting out of the car in a hurry. “Let me open the door for you.” His offer brings a smile to my face. His gentlemanly ways continue to surprise me. He’s always doing sweet stuff like this. His dad has brought him up well.

  I don’t take my eyes off him as he makes his way around the front of the car to my door. “Thanks,” I say when he extends his hand to help me out. He just gives me one of his sexy as hell, panty-melting smiles.

  I’m surprised when he doesn’t let go of my hand, as he leads me down the driveway towards a large garage situated alongside the house. He’s never held my hand like this before.

  “Pops, you in there?” he calls out.

  “Yeah, boy.” He leads me in through the door. I don’t see him at first. The only things I see are a couple of hotted up old cars, a few bikes, and tools hanging up along the wall. Engine parts are spread out all over a long table. It looks quite tidy and organised for a garage though.

  “I’ve brought someone with me,” Chase says. That’s when his Pops, I presume, sticks his head around the side of a car bonnet. His face lights up with a smile as soon as his eyes land on me.

  “Well, well, well. Who do we have here?” he asks as he wipes his greasy hands on a rag and walks around the car towards us. He looks nothing like I expected. Oh, he’s definitely a biker, that’s a given. He’s very handsome though. He has that rugged appeal like Chase, but more of a bad arse look I’d say.

  His long, salt and pepper hair is pulled back in a short ponytail. Tattoos cover his neck. The sleeves of his overalls are rolled up above his elbows and I can see his arms and hands are covered in ink as well. He has chunky skull rings on a few of his fingers. Surprisingly, I’m not intimidated by him at all. Even though his overall appearance is scary, his blue eyes are kind and he has a beautiful friendly smile.

  “This is Angel. Angel Cavanagh. Angel, this is my Pops, Max Daniels.” I smile at him and he nods his head at me.

  “Hi, Mr. Daniels. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Well aren’t you a pretty little thing,” he says. “I can see why my boy’s been so hung up on you.”

  “Fuck Pops,” Chase snaps. “Cut out the bullshit will ya.” His dad just laughs at him before turning his attention back on me.

  “Call me Pops…Mr. Daniels is my old man,” he chuckles.

  “Okay, Pops,” I say with a smile.

  “Chase told me what happened with those Benson fuckers. I’ve got my boys keeping an eye on ya. They won’t get near you again.”

  What the hell?

  I don’t know what to say. I look over at Chase. I’m upset and embarrassed he told his dad what happened.

  “I’m sorry,” Chase apologises immediately, before his dad cuts in.

  “What Chase told me stays between us okay? My boys don’t need explanations. If I tell them to do something, they do it, no questions asked. I’m glad he told me. Those Benson fuckers are crazy.” I put my head down as tears burn my eyes. Even though I’m extremely grateful they would watch out for me, I’m also humiliated that he knows what happened to me.

  “Come here,” Chase says and he wraps me in his arms. “I’m sorry. I should’ve warned you. I only told him because I needed his help.”
  “Take her in the house, boy. I won’t need your help until Patch gets here anyway.” I let Chase lead me inside. I feel stupid for getting upset in front of his father. What a great first impression. Not.



  I wish Pops hadn’t mentioned anything to Angel. I can totally understand why it would upset her, but I didn’t really have a choice. My only reason for telling him, was I knew he and the boys would help me keep her safe. I hope she understands. I’d hate it if she felt she couldn’t trust me after this.

  “Sit,” I command once we get inside, kneeling down in front of her once she’s seated. “Are you okay?” She shrugs, wiping her eyes.

  “I’m so ashamed by what happened.”

  “Hey,” I say tilting her head up so I can see her face. “You have nothing to be ashamed of. What happened was beyond your control. You’re the victim here, sweet-cheeks. You did nothing wrong. You trusted someone who abused that trust.”

  She gives me a small smile as I reach up and wipe a stray tear that has fallen down her beautiful face. I hate seeing her like this. “I’m sorry my telling Pops upset you. I only confided in him because I thought he could help. I don’t want them getting near you. I couldn’t handle it if they hurt you again.” My words make her lips break out into a beautiful smile.

  “What did I do to deserve someone as wonderful as you?” she says, reaching up and running her hand gently down the side of my face.

  “I’m far from wonderful, Angel,” I admit.

  “You don’t mean that.” She sounds surprised I’d say that, but it’s the truth.

  “I’m the lucky one here,” I say. “I’ll never understand why someone like you would want to have anything to do with someone like me.”


  “It’s the truth. You’re way too good for me, sweet-cheeks.”

  “Chase,” she says in her sweet voice as she cups my face in her hands. “You don’t really believe that, do you?”


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