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Against All Odds - Angel's Story: Against All Odds (Destiny Series Book 4)

Page 17

by Perry, J L

  “Yes. That’s the main reason I walked out on you. The reason I keep fighting what I feel for you. You deserve so much more than I could ever give.”

  “If that’s how you see it then I’m sorry, but you’re wrong. I wish you could see yourself through my eyes, just once. Then you’d realise how special you are, how much you mean to me. Your kind, funny, honest, not to mention extremely handsome.” I can’t stop the smile that forms on my face.

  “You think I’m handsome?”

  “God yes. And sexy,” she adds, making my smile grow even wider. “You may not think so, but you’re perfect for me, Chase. Can’t you see that? It’s you. Only you. No one could ever make me feel the things you do. I knew from the minute I laid eyes on you, you were someone special.”

  Her words have me smiling like a fool. “You really believe that?” I ask, because the insecure, fucked up side of me won’t let me believe that’s how she really feels.

  “I not only believe it, I know it. I…I…think—” My lips are on hers before she even gets a chance to finish what she was saying. I’m surprised that’s how she really feels. I still think it’s too good to be true, but for once in my life I’m going to take a leap of faith and see how this pans out. I want this so bad…I want her so bad it hurts.

  My arms snake around her waist as I pull her forward off the chair and onto my lap. I’m done fighting this. I can’t keep denying myself something I want with every fibre of my being. It’s making me fucking insane.

  I groan into her mouth when she wraps her legs around my waist, deepening the kiss. I’ll never get tired of her lips, her taste—her.

  I’m fucking hooked.



  I’m kind of glad he kissed me before I got to finish what I was going to say. I almost did something really stupid by telling him I think I’m in love with him. Last time I told him I had feelings for him he freaked and walked out on me. It’s probably best I keep my feelings to myself for now.

  I only hope this kiss doesn’t lead him to have another freak out. He’s so up and down with me, it’s confusing. Now I’ve told him what I really think of him, and us, I’m hoping it’ll help make him see things clearer.

  We both pull out of the kiss when we hear Pops clear his throat from the doorway. “Shit,” Chase whispers as he rests his forehead against mine.

  “Patch is here if you two love birds can tear yourselves away from each other for a few minutes.” Chase grumbles at his father’s comment. I can’t help but laugh.

  “Don’t encourage him,” he whispers, before turning his attention to Pops. “I’ll be out in a minute.”

  “I like him. He’s funny,” I say as he helps me off his lap.

  “He’s a barrel of fucking laughs,” he mumbles, making me chuckle again. “Do you want to hang in here, or come back out to the garage with me?”

  “I want to go wherever you’re going to be,” I reply as I lean forward and brush my lips against his. The smile he gives me melts every part of me. Maybe this really is a turning point for us. I can only hope. I’m not going to read too much into it though. As my mum always said when I was growing up; ‘If it’s meant to be, it will be.’

  No point setting myself up for heartache again. I’ll let him make the next move.



  Her comment has me smiling like a fucking fool again. “We better get out there before he comes looking for us again,” I say as I reach for her hand. I’m not a hand holding type of guy, but she brings out this side of me I never knew existed. I feel compelled to touch her whenever she’s around.

  When we enter the garage I advise her to take a seat, pointing to the chairs by the wall. “I won’t be long.” I walk over to Patch and fist-pump him. “Hey.” The boys named him Patch for obvious reasons; he wears a leather patch over his right eye. Apparently he lost it in a knife fight when he was no older than me.

  “Hey,” he replies as he looks around me to where Angel is sitting. “Who’s the fucking babe?”

  “Never you mind,” is all I say. I need to get this job finished so I can get out of here. I’m hoping we’ll be able to pick up where we left off before we were rudely interrupted. Fuck, thinking about kissing her has my cock going hard again.

  I need to get fucking laid, but I’m not rushing into anything this time. She means too much to me, so I don’t want to fuck it up for a second time. Slow and easy is how I’m going to take this. That’s if my cock doesn’t die and fall off from lack of action first.

  I grab my overalls off the hook and slip into them. I look over at where Angel is sitting, looking all sweet and shit. I like having her here, seeing her in my space. Crazy, but true. Maybe Pops is right; she definitely has me by the balls and doesn’t even realise it.

  “Oi, fuck-face,” my Pops suddenly snaps. At first I think he’s talking to me, until he says, “Do you want to lose your other eye? Keep your fucking eyes off my boy’s girl. She’s off fucking limits. Ya feel me?”

  I swing my head around to see Patch staring at Angel. Even though I don’t like the way he’s looking at her, I can’t blame him. Like he said earlier, she’s a total fucking babe; nothing like the moles who hang around the club. She’s totally out of our league, even though she doesn’t seem to think so.

  “Sorry, boss,” he mumbles. It makes me chuckle. Pops has always been fiercely protective when it comes to me. I can see, now he’s met Angel, it’s going to flow over to her as well. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t happy about that. I love the way he looks out for me. Before Angel came along, he was the only one who ever gave a fuck.

  I keep stealing looks at her every chance I get. I love the fact that every time I look her way, she’s also looking at me.



  Being here at Chase’s house is kind of surreal. I’ve always imagined what his place was like and what type of things he got up to when we weren’t together. All I can say is god he looks so hot, all sweaty and greasy bent over the hood of a car. Sexy as hell. I’m not one to ordinarily think like that, but I seriously want to do very bad things to him.

  Every now and then he looks over the bonnet of the car they’re working on, smiling at me. I get the impression he’s happy to have me here.

  It takes a while for the boys to remove the motor from the car and do whatever else it is they’re doing. It’s already starting to get dark outside. “We better head off,” Chase says to his Pops as he strips out of his overalls. I know it’s rude to stare, but I can’t take my eyes off him. I hope things don’t get weird again once we leave here.

  “After you have some fuckin’ pizza you can go. I haven’t seen ya’ for a few days,” Pops replies. His comment makes me smile. I love the relationship he has with his son. It also makes me feel bad because I’m the reason they haven’t seen each other.

  “It’s getting late,” Chase says looking over at me. I walk over to where they’re standing.

  “Let’s stay. I’ve been keeping you to myself for the past few days. Spend some time with your dad. Plus, it’ll give me a chance to get to know Pops better.” They both smile at me.

  “Well that’s settled then,” Pops says as he winks at me. “You and sweet-thing go and order the pizza, while I clean up in here.” Sweet-thing? Really? I wonder if that’s going to be my new nickname from Pops. He’s called me that twice already today. Sweet-cheeks from Chase and sweet-thing from Pops. Geez, what is it with these Daniels men and their pet names?

  Chase and I head up to the house. As much as I enjoyed watching Chase get all sweaty and dirty, it was hot and stuffy in that garage, so it’s nice to be out of there.

  The weather is all over the place in Melbourne; raining one minute, heatwave the next. Today is one of the hot ones. Even as darkness falls the temperature hasn’t dropped. If I was home, I’d be swimming in the ocean right now.

  After Chase orders the pizza, he asks if I mind waiting while he
has a quick shower. I wouldn’t mind watching, or joining him for that matter, but I settle for, “Okay.” We’ve already been caught out by Pops once today, so it’s best I wait out here.

  While he’s getting all clean and delicious, I decide to set the table. I hope they don’t mind me going through their cupboards.

  By the time the pizza arrives, both Chase and Pops have showered and changed. “Well isn’t this all fancy and shit,” Pops says with a smile as we sit at the table. “This place could do with a woman’s touch. Ya did well, sweet-thing.” He winks at me before looking across the table to Chase. “She’s a keepa this one, boy.”

  I feel my face heat at his comment, although I’m tempted to say, “See Chase, I’m a keeper.”

  “Knock it off, old man,” Chase chuckles, “you’re embarrassing her.”

  “So, Angel. Your last name sounds familiar,” Pops says changing the subject. “I’m sure I’ve heard it before. Chase tells me you’re from Sydney. Do ya have family here in Melbourne?”

  “No, I don’t. My dad owns a big law firm, Cavanagh and Associates, here in Melbourne though. Maybe that’s where you’ve heard it.”

  “Mmmm. Yes I’ve heard of it. Your father owns that ya say?”

  “Yes, and one in Sydney as well.” I take a drink of my water, hoping he’ll change the subject. This is the point where I usually get judged by people. I kind of wish I didn’t have a mouth full of water though. I was not prepared for what he said next.

  “Well fuck me backwards with a telegraph pole,” he spits. I laugh and choke all at once. Water sprays out of my mouth and nose and goes all over the table. Shit. I wish the ground would just open up and swallow me whole.

  “Fucking hell,” Chase snaps, glaring at his father and tapping my back at the same time. Once my choking fit stops, I cover my mouth with a serviette and start to laugh. I’m not used to hearing people talk like that. I love his dad. He’s a hoot.

  “Sorry, sweet-thing. I guess I’m not used to being in the presence of a lady.”

  “Don’t be sorry, I’m not offended in the slightest.”

  “See, a keepa,” he mumbles.

  His antics and comments have me in stitches the rest of the night. I was really looking forward to meeting him, but I wasn’t expecting to like him as much as I do.

  It’s after ten by the time we head home. Pops walks out with us, letting Chase know he’s off to the club to see the boys. I presume he means the motorcycle club.

  “Don’t be a stranger now, sweet-thing,” he says as he straddles his bike.

  “It was nice meeting you, Pops.” I smile.

  “It was nice meetin’ ya too, darlin’. I’ve only been asking Chase for fucking days to bring ya round.” He winks and I smile at him. “Bring her to the next family barbeque, son.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good place for someone like Angel,” he replies.

  “You ashamed of ya family, boy?”

  “No. Not at all.”

  “What do you mean ‘someone like Angel’,” I snap placing my hands on my hips. This is the kind of judgemental comments I’ve received throughout my life. I really hate it.

  “I just…I just. They’re not the kind of people you’d usually associate with, that’s all.” He runs his hand through his hair nervously as he speaks. He should be nervous if he’s going to pull this shit on me.

  “Are you saying I’m too stuck up to hang with your family, Chase?” I ask, crossing my arms and narrowing my eyes at him. His comment pisses me off.

  “Hell no.”

  “Well what’s the problem then?” I ask.

  “There’s no problem,” Chase exhales.

  “Fine. It’s all settled then,” I say to him before turning my attention to his father. “I’d love to come to one of your family barbeques.”

  “Fuck me,” Pops says as he throws back his head and roars laughing. “You’ve been fuckin’ told boy.”

  “I guess I have,” Chase chuckles.

  “I fuckin’ like you. You’re a top chick,” he says smiling before starting up his bike. “I’ll see ya both Sunday then,” he yells over the roar of the engine.

  When we arrive home, we get ready for bed. We both have Uni in the morning. The kiss we shared isn’t mentioned again. I’m kind of disappointed, but if he wants to take this slow, I’m fine with that. As long as I get him in the end, is all that matters.

  He does give me a kiss on the cheek goodnight though, which I love. It’s nothing like the hot and heavy kiss we shared at his place, but it’s sweet.


  It’s another hot day when we wake the next morning. It’s only spring, so I’d hate to see how hot it’s going to get once summer arrives. “Would you like to go for a swim?” I ask Chase over breakfast. I’ve really missed swimming in the ocean throughout the winter months. Our first class doesn’t start until 10:00 a.m. and it’s only just after 7:00 a.m., so we have plenty of time.

  “Won’t the water be cold this time of year?” I just shrug. I’m going in, with or without him.

  After we change into our swimmers, I’m wearing a yellow bikini. Chase is in black board shorts that hang low on his hips. They actually belong to CJ. I had to lend them to him.

  God he looks hot without a shirt on. I love his abs, big strong arms and also the bad arse tattoo on his back. I have to hold back the mmm…mmm, that almost escapes when he walks into the room. I’m sure I hear a small growl come from him when he looks me up and down, before quickly diverting his eyes in the other direction.

  The beach is almost deserted this time of year, which I love. I jog towards the water, Chase lagging close behind. I’m itching to get in there. I don’t wait for him to catch up, walking straight in, waist deep. Shit it’s cold, but I don’t let that stop me. I know it won’t take long for my body to adjust.

  “Fuck!” I hear Chase say from behind me. I turn to find him standing near the shore, watching me. He’s only ankle deep. “It’s like fucking ice,” he whines.

  “Come on, come in. It’s not that bad,” I encourage him, splashing water in his direction. I giggle when he jumps back, vigorously shaking his head.

  “No fucking way. It’s too cold.”

  “Stop acting like a fairy,” I tease.

  “What?” he asks, taking a small step towards me. “What did you just call me?”

  “I called you a fairy,” I admit, trying to hold my laugh in. The shocked look on his face is priceless.

  “Take that back!”

  “Nope, not until you come in.”

  “I’m not a fucking fairy, sweet-cheeks. Now I demand you take it back.” The corners of his mouth turn up slightly.

  “Nope,” I refuse, crossing my arms in defiance.

  He breaks out into a smile, raising one of his eyebrows. “Last chance,” he threatens.

  I’m not backing down. No way. If he wants to prove he’s not a fairy, then he’ll come into the water. So, it’s cold. It’s not like it is going to kill him. He stands there, not moving. If he thinks I’m going to take it back, he’s mistaken.

  “Who would’ve thought my big, muscly, tattooed, motorbike-riding man, is really a big, pink, fluffy, marshmallow?” I’m really struggling to hold my laugh in now.

  “Fucking marshmallow,” is all I hear as he comes barrelling towards me, crash tackling me and pulling me down into the water with him.

  We’re both laughing as we break the surface. I can’t believe he did that to me, but at least my teasing had the desired effect; it got him into the water.

  “Now take it back,” he demands as he stands.

  “Okay, you’re not a fairy, or a marshmallow,” I say through my laughter.

  “You better believe I’m not.” He reaches down, slinking his arm around my waist, pulling me up. “It’s pretty fucking cold though,” he chuckles. “I swear my balls have shrivelled up and crawled up inside me.”

  I know I shouldn’t, but I can’t help myself. I move my hand in between us,
grabbing hold of his junk through his shorts, giving it a decent squeeze. “Nope, still there,” I giggle. That turns into full on laughter when I see the shocked look on his face.

  “You did not just fondle my boys?” The corners of his lips turn up as he says it.

  “I did. What are you going to do about it?” I challenge as I take a step back from him.

  “What am I going to do about it?” he answers as he lunges for me again. I anticipate his move and manage to side step him just in time. He crashes back into the water beside me.

  I don’t give him another chance to get his hands on me. Laughing, I’m out of the water in a flash, running back towards my house.

  “Get back here,” he orders, giving chase. I’m laughing so hard now, but manage to increase my speed and make it back to my deck safely. Taking the stairs two at a time, I run towards the back sliding glass doors just as he catches me. He slides his arm around my waist, pulling me back.

  “No you fucking don’t.” He’s laughing just as hard as me. Swinging me around, he pushes me up against the glass door, caging me in with his arms. “I can’t believe you just did that to me.”

  “Well I did.”

  “Oh I know,” he breathes, moving closer to me, a cheeky smirk on his face. “I feel so violated,” he jokes. “How would you like it if I fondled you?” Actually, I’d like that a lot, so that’s exactly what I tell him.

  “Honestly, I wouldn’t mind being fondled by you.” I know I’m playing with fire by saying that to him, but I don’t care. I want him so bad.

  “Sweet Jesus,” he groans as he rests his forehead against mine. “Is that what you really want?”

  “Yes,” I breathe. He closes his eyes and exhales heavily. I know he doesn’t want us to go there again, but he asked, so I answered honestly.

  “Angel—” I know what he’s going to say, so I cut him off by placing my finger on his lips. I don’t think I could stand to hear another rejection from him.

  “Don’t Chase. It’s okay, you don’t need to say it. I know how you feel. I’m sorry…I know you don’t want this. I just thought you could help me forget.”


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