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Against All Odds - Angel's Story: Against All Odds (Destiny Series Book 4)

Page 41

by Perry, J L

  I hate it here, already.

  “This is your new home, my home,” the fuckwit says when we pull into the drive.

  “Whoop-de-fucking-do,” I reply as I exit the car before he has a chance to say another word. I make my way around to the trunk to unpack the boxes. Of course that lazy fucker goes inside. I guess I’ll be doing all the work again.

  As I open the trunk, I hear laughter. Pure, sweet, sickening laughter. My head snaps in that direction, and that’s when I see her. Well actually, the first thing I see is her tight little arse. She’s bending over patting a dog, wearing these sexy little shorts. Tearing my eyes away from her, they land on the dog. It’s a long-haired German Shepherd.

  The perfect dog.

  Growing up I always wanted a dog like that, but living in an apartment that didn’t allow animals, made it impossible.

  When the girl stands up straight, my eyes move up to her long, dark hair that now cascades down her lean back. The sun’s beaming down on it, illuminating its shine. I find myself wishing she’d turn around so I could see her face. She doesn’t, so my gaze moves back down to her arse. Fuck me, what an arse.

  Images of me wrapping her hair around my wrist as I bend her over, pounding her from behind, enter my mind. It makes my dick stir. Jesus, why did I let my thoughts go there? Her body might be rockin’, but that doesn’t mean her face is. I guess, if I was giving it to her from behind, that wouldn’t really be a problem anyway.

  I watch as she raises her arm, throwing the ball across the yard. She’s got a pretty good throw for a girl. The dog turns galloping towards it. When he makes his way back, he almost bowls her over in his excitement. She starts to laugh again, and I feel the corners of my lips turn up in a smile as I watch them.

  “Good boy,” she says in a sweet voice as she scratches him behind the ears. “Who’s a good boy?” When the dog notices me standing there watching, he drops the ball in his mouth and trots in my direction.

  “Hey boy,” I say holding my hand out for him to sniff. He seems friendly, so I reach up, running my fingers through his long mane. I can feel my smile widen. Smiling is something I don’t usually do.

  “Lassie,” I hear her call out, making my smile instantly turn into scowl. She’s got to be fucking kidding. Lassie? Fucking Lassie. She had the audacity to name this cool dog Lassie. What in the hell was she thinking? He looks more like a Rambo or Butch, definitely not a fucking Lassie.

  “You poor thing,” I whisper as I scratch him behind the ears. “She’ll probably be cutting your balls off next and putting a fucking bow in your hair.”

  My head snaps up and my eyes narrow as she makes her way towards us. Fuck me if her face isn’t as beautiful as that luscious body of hers. I swear my jaw goes lax as she approaches. My eyes drift down to her tits. They’re kind of small, but more than a mouthful’s a waste, I suppose.

  “Hey, you must be Carter. Your mum told me you’d be moving in today.” Her beauty has rendered me speechless. What the hell?

  Pulling my shit together, I straighten up to full height, towering over her tiny frame. Her sexy-as-fuck plump lips curve up into a smile, as her beautiful green eyes meet mine. “I’m Indiana. Your new neighbour,” she says extending her hand out to me.

  My eyes move down to her extended hand then back up to her face. “You called your dog Lassie?” I snarl. “What were you fucking thinking? That’s a pussy name for a dog like this. You do realise he’s a boy right?”

  Her sweet mouth opens in shock and her pretty green eyes widen before narrowing into slits. “The dog that played Lassie in the movies was a boy too, you know,” she retorts, folding her arms over her chest. If she’s trying to look tough, she’s failing miserably. Crossing her arms only manages to push her perky little tits up further. I feel my cock grow at the sight, and that pisses me the hell off. I hate how she’s having this effect on me.

  Opening the trunk I reach in to retrieve a box, placing it in front of me. The last thing I want her to see is the damn hard-on she’s just given me.

  “What’s your problem anyway?” she asks, her eyes meeting mine again. “You’re not exactly making a great first impression.”

  I almost want to smile at her fucking attitude, but there’s no way in hell I’ll be giving her that satisfaction. “I don’t give a fuck what you think of me, kid. Why don’t you run along and go play with your dolls like a good little girl.”

  I’m really struggling not to smile now as her eyes widen again in shock. When her lips open, forming a perfect little o, all I can think is she has the most fuckable mouth I’ve ever seen. That thought only makes my cock even harder.

  Sweet Jesus, what is she doing to me?

  I’m surprised I almost feel bad for the way I’m treating her, but riling her up is way too much fun. I’m not about to stop now.

  “Well that’s just plain rude. Something pretty shitty must’ve happened in your life to give you such a bad attitude.” She hit the nail right on the head. It sure did, I want to say, but I don’t. Why does her saying that piss me off even more?

  I hate that in less than a minute, she has already seen through my façade. What is she, some kind of a crazy clairvoyant or something? My eyes lock with hers again, and the sympathetic look I see on her face makes me dislike her even more.

  “Nope. I’m just a bastard, and stop fucking looking at me like that. You’re creeping me the hell out.”

  “Like what?” she huffs placing her hands on her hips.

  “Like you feel sorry for me. I don’t want or need your sympathy. The sooner you learn that the better off we’ll all be, Princess. Do yourself a favour kid, stay the fuck away from me.” She gasps as my words and a satisfied smile crosses my face.

  Mission accomplished.

  “Later Larry,” I say to the dog, giving him one last scratch behind the ears before walking away.

  “His name’s Lassie, arsehole,” she snaps to my retreating back.

  “Not to me it isn’t,” I chuckle as I walk towards the house. “You won’t catch me calling him that pansy-arse name.” Maybe living here isn’t going to be as bad as I thought.

  “Come on boy,” I hear her say, exhaling an exasperated breath.

  As I walk up the porch stairs to my new hell, I hear her front door slam shut. Surprisingly, this makes the smile instantly drop from my face. I actually feel shitty for the way I just treated her. I don’t often feel remorseful for my actions.

  Why am I such a bastard? That’s right, I was born one.


  My Readers – Firstly, thank you for reading my stories. Without you guys, I wouldn’t be able to continue to write and share my work. Thank you for all the reviews you leave, they mean the world to me. For all the comments, posts and private messages you send me on social media. For all the letters, cards and gifts I receive from all over the world. It truly blows me away that you’d think enough of me to do that. I have made so many wonderful friendships on this journey that I’ll treasure forever.

  My Family – My husband, my son, my parents, and my brother and sister. What can I say? I’d never be able to do what I do if it wasn’t for the love, support, patience and understanding that you all give me. I know that this journey I’m on comes with a lot of sacrifices, and I’m not present in your lives as much as I’d like to be. But, please know my love for you never wavers. I’m blessed to have you all by my side. I couldn’t do this without you.

  Candy Ross – You have no idea what your messages and phone calls do for me. I’m so grateful this journey has led me to you. You always know how to pick me up when I need it. You make me laugh with your crazy antics, and your touching words of encouragement sometimes make me cry. Thanks for always believing in me, even when I didn’t believe in myself. I don’t know if I would’ve been able to finish this book without you spurring me on along the way. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

  Margaret McHeyzer – My side kick. I’m thankful I have you. Having a trusted frie
nd in the same line of work is a godsend. Sometimes this industry can be brutal. Having someone who understands everything we as writers go through, someone who understands both the highs and lows, is a blessing. Thank you for all the laughs we share, and always being there for me when I need you. I know you already know this, but you rock!

  Amanda Dean – I still remember the first day we connected on social media. It was early last year, just before my first book was published. You put up a post on my wall saying, “Rachel, check these books out. They look awesome.” It’s funny how I remember that, but I do. LOL. Who would’ve thought a year later we’d be where we are now. Thank you for all the support you’ve given me along the way, and thank you for giving me the push and idea to write this book. I’m thankful to be able to call you my friend.

  Rachel Hull – Like Amanda, you have been with me from the beginning. I know for most of that journey you’ve been battling cancer. I admire your strength, courage and will to live. Regardless of everything you’re going through, you’re always positive and always smiling. You’re an inspiration. I remember with my last book, Damaged, you were in hospital having Chemo when I sent it to you. As sick as you were, you sat up until the early hours of the morning so you could finish it. It touched my heart when you told me that. I’m blessed to call you my friend. May God’s love always be shining down on you.

  My Divas – I’d be lost without you all. Rhonda, Kylie, Aida, Jacquie, Cheryl, Sophia, Candy, Amanda D., Sarah-Jane, Vicki, Jeanette, Charmaine, Christie, Dana, Elaine B., Justine, Beth, Nicola, Yulanda, Dianna, Amanda C., Jane, Kayla, Shona, Jennifer, Mary G., Sondra, Laura, Mary P., Jerrilynn, Karen, Kristen, Tammy, Vanessa, Vivian, Julie, Amber, Angela, Anita, Ashlea, Barbara, Brooklyn, Camille, Christine, Denise, Elaine W., Ellie, Elz, Erika, Heather, Karina, Kate, Kathy, Katie, Katrina, Kris, Kristy H., Kristy L., Megan, Mishcelly, Misty, Nadine, Nell, Patricia, Ann Marie, Rebecca, Samantha, Sandra, Elvie, Shauna, Shawna, Stephanie M., Stephanie S., Tamara, Teri, Tina, Tracy, Val, Kelly, Wendy, Lychee. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you girls do for me. I’ll be eternally grateful and I’m extremely lucky to have you all by my side. I love how close we’ve become. You’re not only my friends, you’re like my family.

  Nicola Rhead – Thank you for everything you do for me. You’re not only my editor, you’re my friend. I’m glad we got to work together again.

  Kylie McDermott – From Give Me Books. Thank you for organising my Release Day Blitz. I appreciate all the hard work you put in. You’re amazing. I look forward to working with you in the future. To all the bloggers who signed up for the Blitz, thank you for taking the time to read, review and share my book. Your support means everything to me.

  Acknowledgement for the songs mentioned in this story:

  Purple Rain – Prince – Lyrics written by William Blinn and Albert Magnoli.

  You’ll never walk alone – Johnny Farnham – Lyrics written by Oscar Hammerstein II.

  Angels – Robbie Williams – Lyrics written by Robbie Williams, Guy Chambers and Ray Heffernan.


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