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Page 10

by Gina Watson

  “What part of I’ll buy you lots did you not understand?” He kissed down the middle of her chest.

  “You’ll buy me lots.”

  “Lots and lots.” He licked around her navel.

  “At over one hundred a pop?”

  “Yes ma’am.” His lips parted over the skin at her hip and he sucked—his wicked tongue depositing moisture as he did so.

  He settled between her legs, content to slowly boil her from the inside out. His tongue traversed the sides of her abdomen, before he gently nipped at her side. Gone was the aggressive, bend-me-over-and-fuck-me Parker. His hands didn’t bruise. Instead he used the pads of his fingers to lightly trace the outer curve of her breast, down to the swell of her hip.

  “Gah. What are you doing?”

  “Memorizing.” His lips feathered on her skin. “I’m committing your curves to memory.”

  She didn’t like the sound of that at all. Things were getting too intimate. He needed to be knocked off course.

  “Can you do that some other time? I want you to fuck me.”

  “All in good time, my pretty.”

  The pads of his fingers traveled up the other side of her body from her outer thigh, slow and intoxicating. “Stop that.”

  He was over her now. “Stop what?”

  “That sensual touchy thing with your fingers.”

  His brow furrowed. “Why would I stop?”

  Sensual kisses on her mouth, slow, hot, and sweet left her gasping.

  She punched him in the arm. She thought it was pretty hard and it did make an impressive sound, but it elicited no reaction from Parker. “No kissing, remember?”

  “If you recall, I overruled that.”

  She tried to rise up beneath him with intent to roll onto her belly, but he was a wall of brick. “Let me turn over.”

  He smiled and slowly shook his head. “No.” He kissed her nose, the side of her mouth, her lips, then he used the tip of his tongue to trace from her chin to the dip in her neck.


  His head above hers, he frowned. “What?”

  “I told you I wanted rough sex.”

  “I gave you rough sex.” His tongue tip feather light on one nipple gave her chicken skin on her arms and she felt her tits tighten further.

  “That’s the only way I want it. Ever.”

  “I can’t do that.” He mimicked his previous actions on her other nipple.

  “Parker!” He cocked his head at her. She fought to get out from under him, but she was so weak that her exertions did little but cause him to smirk. He was laughing at her. She slapped his face.

  He shook it off. “Still not going to make me fuck you like an animal. Not tonight.”

  “I don’t want things to be like this between us.”

  “Like what?”

  “Sensual and intimate like we’re some couple in love doing it.”

  “But it’s called making love.”

  “It’s also called fucking. Why do you have to be such a girl?”

  “Why do you have to be such a bitch?”

  Thwack. This time she punched him in the jaw.

  “Ouch. Fuck.” The spark in his eyes started low and grew as he palmed his jaw and looked down at her. She wasn’t afraid of him, but she knew she’d definitely be getting an aggressive fuck out of him now. His lips tightened and his nostrils flared as his hands gripped her hips hard and flipped her onto her stomach. She heard him putting on a condom and her blood pumped fast through her veins in anticipation.

  A strong hand grasped her wrists and pinned her arms up behind her back. He enclosed one hand around her wrists, his presence at her back heavy as he positioned himself over her. Fingers parted and entered her forcefully, and then he plunged his entire length into her in one hard thrust. It was exhilarating and her belly flip-flopped as he abused her the way she wanted him to. The headboard rocked under his exertions, and then the boat followed suit. He was angry and he was amazing. Hard and fast, he pistoned in and out of her, slamming hard and pushing her higher up in the bed. Skin slapped and pulled and she could hear the wetness of their combined arousal. He grunted under his efforts, his moans becoming loud and deep. He let go of her wrists and sunk his fingers deep into her hips until she felt him in her bones.

  Her voice was high in her throat when it escaped her mouth with a groan. Her orgasm hit her hard and quick and when he slapped her ass hard her body seized around him, squeezing him. As he came he continued to plow her with his muscular body, moaning and grunting loudly over her. His hard thrusts didn’t stop until he was finished. Once he did, he didn’t dally. He withdrew completely and left the room. The sex was awesome, but she wished for a little bit more savoring afterglow. She guessed she couldn’t have it both ways—hard and rough, but gentle and sensual. She rolled to her back and stared at the ceiling fan as it made a slow, lazy turn.

  He walked back into the room naked and took up the side of the bed next to her. He didn’t look at her or speak a word to her. He could at least say that the sex was good. For her it was the best sex of her life.

  “We have to sleep at opposite ends of the bed.”


  “Yes, I insist. It’s the only way. If not we run the risk of borderline cuddling.”

  His fingers roughly rubbed through his scalp. “Fine.” His sharp reply was laced with frustration.

  “Are you mad?” She didn’t want him to be upset. He’d told her his boat was his happiest place on earth.

  “Not mad. Just trying to understand you. What are you so afraid of?”

  She couldn’t look at his imploring eyes that saw way too much. “I’m not afraid.”

  “Oh? I haven’t pressed you about anything. I’ve abided by all your ridiculous demands. I just don’t understand why you won’t trust me. I’m not a bad guy.”

  It wasn’t like that. She was trying to protect him. If they developed feelings for one another and then she was suddenly gone he’d be alone. From what she understood he’d already lost one woman he’d liked to another man. She wouldn’t have him hurt again. But it wasn’t that she didn’t trust him and she was sad he felt that way. She twisted her body to lie next to his in the bed, her head on the pillow next to his. This was okay. They could do this.

  His arms cradled her. No. It felt too nice. He shouldn’t be cradling her. There should be more distance between them. Much more distance.

  Chapter 8

  When Bailey woke the next morning, she could hear footsteps above her indicating Parker was out on the deck. On the bedside table was a plate of pancakes and bacon, and a glass of orange juice. She smiled and again felt bad about how the night had ended.

  Her teeth sank into a pancake and smoky maple notes hit her taste buds. Mmm. She was lost in ecstasy all over again. The cakes were made with corn and the added texture made them more like a muffin smothered in syrup. He’d loaded her plate with four and she thought she could eat them all. She considered what a nice guy he truly was and felt regretful for the way she’d treated him. He deserved to have a nice life with an equally considerate woman. She sincerely hoped he’d find his equal.

  He walked into the room wearing low hanging shorts and drenched from head to tow. God, he looked like Poseidon, god of the sea. He grabbed a towel and rubbed it over his hair, and then he removed his shorts and stood naked.

  She skipped up to him and wrapped her arms around him, kissing his lips with a sweet peck of her own. “Hey.”

  He chuckled, his tight eyes relaxing at her playful mood. “You taste like hoe cakes.”

  “Mmm, I can’t believe I ate them all.”

  “I can, you’re a little piggy.” She playfully punched him in the arm.

  “Why are you all wet?”

  “It’s raining.”

  “I wanted to apologize about the way I acted last night.” She looked up into his eyes. “I trust you, Parker. I’m not sure if I’ve ever trusted anyone more. Maybe Maura, but I definitely feel as comfortable
around you as I do around her.”

  She traced his collarbone with her fingertips. “I’m dealing with some things in my life that I don’t want to share with you. Not because I don’t trust you, but because I like who I am when I’m with you. If I tell you, I won’t be able to be this person anymore. I don’t know if that makes sense to you, but it does to me.”

  He grasped her wrist and pulled her close to him. His cock was erect between them. “Hey, I totally get it. You don’t have to tell me anything, especially if it makes you uncomfortable. All I ask is that you take things moment by moment. If not you risk missing out on some of the best moments in your life. Our life. Please don’t take this away from me.”

  His voice was raw with emotion and his words gutted her. It was too late to protect him now. Whatever happened to her also happened to him. Or maybe it was always going to be this way between the two of them.

  He smiled and kissed her lips. When she parted them to breathe, his tongue found hers. He tasted like salty bacon from the delicious breakfast he’d made.

  They were both naked, skin on skin, rain slickened hands slid over her body depositing moisture in their wake. His kiss was gentle at first, simple exploration, but turned needy and ended with her bottom lip bruised between his teeth. His sturdy hands massaged her ass, and then he lifted her, her legs instinctively wrapping around his waist.

  He bent forward to drop her down, but she protested. “I’ve got to get a condom.”

  “You don’t.”

  He pulled her back up. “What about disease and unwanted pregnancy? That could take all the fun out of it.”

  “Hmm. That could. I don’t have any diseases. And I can’t get pregnant so you’re in the clear.”

  “How do you know?”

  “My blood is constantly tested.”

  “No I mean, about getting pregnant.” He set her butt down on the dresser top and anticipated her reply.

  “I’m just not able to.” It required a certain amount of health to become pregnant and with Bailey’s additional weight loss, she’d also lost her ability to menstruate, but of course, she wasn’t sharing that. “But use a condom if it makes you feel better.”

  “No. I trust you. But how do you know I don’t have something, manwhore and all?”

  “Do you?”


  She shrugged. “I trust you.”

  “Good.” He squatted between her legs. His fingers closed around her ankles and maneuvered her feet into position on the edge of the dresser. Looking up from his position, his eyes were light as his gaze collided with hers and he offered her his sexy smirk.

  Thank God she’d shaved this morning. He seemed content to just stare at what she had going on between her legs. Then his lips parted and he blew across the skin at her core. The whispered air set fire to her sex and she gasped around his name.

  He spread her and delicately pressed his tongue to her. He didn’t lap at her like a dog taking a drink, he gloriously nuzzled and massaged with teeth and tongue. Delicate nips with teeth followed by the soothing silky back and forth motion of his lips. He knew how much suction was needed and how much pressure to apply. This man was a god. A sex god. She might not survive his going down on her, but she would happily cut her short life even shorter for this. When he groaned directly onto her sex it set the tissues there vibrating and she cried out a series of expletives. To experience this much pleasure was beyond what a human could handle.

  Somehow, she didn’t know how, but somehow, he was inside of her, fucking her with his tongue while his nose and upper lip massaged her clit. She pushed back with her legs, but his arms held her there and his relentless possession didn’t stop until she gasped for breath and cried out his name. She sat limp as he slowly made his way up her body, tasting and licking. He nipped her waist with his teeth.

  His hands were all over her as he pulled her to him. Cupping the small of her back he then moved to her breasts and squeezed the globes. He pinched her nipples between his fingers and then his head went down to suck as his burning touch splayed across her abdomen, and then gripped hard between her legs.

  Then he just stopped. A sandy brow rose at her. “Come.”

  He pulled her along through the cabin and they climbed the stairs to the top. On the deck rain pelted her face and back and she was very aware that she was naked, but even this morning they were completely alone.

  He pulled her over to the boat’s edge, and then large strong hands wrapped delicately around her jaw, caressing her in a fevered kiss. He tasted warm and male and smelled like rain. He sat on a low bench seat and pulled her to straddle him. She complied, the rain making it easy for her to slide over him. He held her ass in his hands and lifted her into position. She braced herself with her hands on the back of the bench. Slowly she went down on his erect cock to take him inch by inch.

  She had never made love under the clouds, in the rain, but it was spectacular. The combination of the heavy beads of water pelting her already sizzling skin was like a euphoric heaven that she never wanted to leave. Her body was super charged even before they began to rock.

  The satisfied look on his face made her want to please him all the more and she moved sensually, sliding across his entire length almost to the tip before arcing forward. He aided her efforts by cupping his hands under her ass and pulling-pushing her up and down over his lengthy erection. Her hips and abdominals worked to accommodate his size and the motion required to please him. With each pass her tits grazed his face and she felt a moan rumble through his throat and into her.

  The boat fell into the hypnotic rhythm of their efforts, aiding them in the quest to reach their destination. When his butt rose from the seat she watched the telltale ribbons of raw male strength bulge in his neck as he ground out his release inside of her. Watching his power reduced to a fine point, and having that point completely sheathed inside of her made her dizzy with lust. His fingers massaged between her legs as he finished emptying inside of her. Glorious rays of sun broke free of the clouds to land on her face while she gave herself over to sheer and exacting passion. The bright rays bespoke tranquility and peace and mirrored her exact mood at that very moment.

  She could stay right here with him for the rest of her life.

  Chapter 9

  As he watched her lose herself under the rays of sun he was five seconds from losing his mind. He could feel the fingers of obsession taking hold. He’d never had a relationship with a woman before that included sex and friendship. He’d wanted to with Brook, but they’d been friends and Brook had said she didn’t want to jeopardize their friendship—classic bullshit when a guy was stuck in the friend zone. He’d gone from woman to woman because it was fun and exciting. Every time he met a woman he was attracted to he became obsessed with finding out if she had teardrop shaped breasts or high set melon-like globes. Were the tips large, dark, small, hard, or puffy? He wondered how she groomed between her legs. He wanted to know the sounds she would make when she climaxed and her scent and what she tasted like. How she gave head—would she take his balls into her hands, would she deep throat, would her touch be tentative and mind blowing? All of those questions required immediate answers. Answers that once he obtained, he generally moved on to become obsessed all over again with another woman.

  Julian’s clear portrayal of his past behavior haunted him. Parker racked his brain trying to find an isolated incident where he’d been with a woman for more than one night, but he couldn’t. There was Brook, but Julian was right—they hadn’t had a sexual relationship. They were the best of friends until he’d fucked it up by coming on too strong. Before Brook, he hadn’t had a friendship with a woman. He could see himself becoming really great friends with Bailey. That is, if sex didn’t fuck it all up. But, he’d been with Bailey three times now and his thirst for her was as strong as it ever was. When he was with her he wasn’t concerned with answering his questions so much as he was trying to drink her down before he died of thirst.

loved her spirit and determination—especially with him. He didn’t know what was going on with her, but the fact that she cared enough to try and save him from her was beyond words. And her body drove him wild. Her tits were perfect, he’d never need to see another set. And the sounds she made when she was hot were singed into his gray matter. Those sounds could bring Hercules to his knees. God, the taste and smell of her were pure Glenfiddich Reserve Fifty-five. Bailey had walked right out of his dreams and steamrolled into his life. It was as if his quest had reached its zenith and now he could live happily ever after with her by his side. That thought scared the shit out of him. He swallowed. If she knew the thoughts he was having she’d jump ship in all her naked glory and swim all the way back to the Grand Isle docks without ever looking back.

  He longed to know all about her, but she wouldn’t let him in. His fingers itched to dig through her personnel file and find out once and for all what was ailing her. But he wouldn’t do that because he’d promised he’d ask no more questions about what was going on with her health or where it was that she disappeared to when she took those extra long lunches. He’d thought to follow her, but there again, he’d promised to leave it alone.

  Bailey was mesmerizing in her natural beauty. He was still fully sheathed inside of her and she clutched his shoulders in her small hands and lifted her chin to the sky. Her eyes were closed and a smile curled as she let the sun wash over her. Her orange-red waves sparkled in the light reflecting the burnt-orange freckles splashed across her cheeks and the bridge of her nose.

  “Who do you get your red hair from?”

  “My father was Irish.”


  “Was or is. I don’t know. We never met him, but my mother told me I look like him.” She leaned in and pecked at his lips. “That was amazing.”

  “I couldn’t agree more.”

  She was still seated in their provocative position, but he didn’t want her to move a muscle and it seemed she didn’t want to either.

  “I can’t believe I ate all of those pancakes.”


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