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The Art of Keeping Secrets

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by Patti Callahan Henry

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page




























  About the Author




  Praise for the Novels of Patti Callahan Henry

  Between the Tides Chosen for Family Circle Magazine’s “Best Books for Summer Reading”

  “Between the Tides is a lovely book. To those who know the Lowcountry, it fairly sings. If you don’t know the Lowcountry, here’s one of the best chances you’ll get to do so.” —Anne Rivers Siddons

  “Henry writes with a lyrical touch . . . . Fans of Mary Alice Monroe will appreciate Between the Tides both for its writing style and narrative arc.”—Charleston City Paper

  “Brings to mind such authors as Pat Conroy, Annie Rivers Siddons, and Dorothea Benton Frank—against whom Henry stacks up admirably . . . . Southern fiction at its best.”

  —St. John Flynn, NPR host of Cover to Cover

  “Henry’s warm, smoothly paced novel explores well-traveled themes of reconciliation and rebirth with fresh energy.”—Publishers Weekly

  “Between the Tides is my first novel by Patti Callahan Henry—and it won’t be the last. I intend to devour them all . . . . Her prose is lyrical and so vivid you actually visualize her settings and can smell the air and sea of the Lowcountry of South Carolina. I found myself rereading passages because they were so beautiful or because I found them profound in their simplicity.”—Armchair Interviews

  “A rich, enthralling story . . . sheer enjoyment.”—Rockdale Citizen (GA)

  When Light Breaks

  “Not just a beautifully written story, but an important one as well. It’s about all the things that make us worthy as human beings—integrity, honesty, and living the life you are meant to live. And perhaps most important, it shows us what brings genuine happiness . . . a triumph!”

  —Dorothea Benton Frank, New York Times bestselling author of The Land of Mango Sunsets

  “An inspiring tale that awakens one’s mind to the choices made in life and accentuates the importance of following your heart. Henry’s characters are true to life and full of depth; her settings, vivid and symbolic; and her story, memorable and timeless. Expect to be caught in the grip of this powerful novel to the very end.”—Romantic Times (4½ stars)

  continued . . .

  Written by today’s freshest new talents and selected by New American Library, NAL Accent novels touch on subjects close to a woman’s heart, from friendship to family to finding our place in the world. The Conversation Guides included in each book are intended to enrich the individual reading experience, as well as encourage us to explore these topics together—because books, and life, are meant for sharing.

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  “Henry is showing us that while those happy families may be utterly similar, they are also a gift—to everyone.”—Atlanta Woman magazine

  “Known for her lyrical writing in Losing the Moon and Where the River Runs, Henry doesn’t disappoint in this beautiful novel of discovery and self-acceptance, a romance with universal appeal.”—Booklist (starred review)

  “Even for those readers—most, I would imagine—who don’t have some epic, tragic teenage first love, the ideas still resonate . . . a quick, enjoyable read [that] stays with you afterward, as you wonder if there are hints of your own heart worth a listen.”—The Herald-Sun (NC)

  “A compelling tale . . . part romance, part self-discovery, completely entertaining. Compared to major Southern writers, Patti Callahan Henry holds her own.”—Topsail Magazine

  “Gently written in a lyrical style that reflects the Southern setting. This is a novel steeped in symbolism and meaning . . . lovely . . . . Every page reflected the beautiful story.”

  —The Romance Readers Connection

  “A fascinating character study.”—The Best Reviews

  Where the River Runs

  “Brilliant. Powerful. Magical. Do not miss this book.”

  —Haywood Smith, New York Times bestselling author of The Red Hats Ride Again

  “Books about the journey to self-realization often make us contemplate our own lives and choices. You travel with the character through joy, heartache, and redemption, and when it’s over, you have laughed and cried. This book proves no exception . . . . Descriptive language, paired with heartfelt characters, accentuates the story, which is peppered with Lowcountry culture and customs . . . . After reading this tale, cherishing family and home becomes the reader’s own mantra.”—Southern Living magazine

  “Quietly reflective and softly compelling, this tale of a Lowcountry woman’s reblossoming will touch your heart and make you wonder about long-forgotten possibilities waiting to be rediscovered in your own family and soul.”—The Charleston Post and Courier (SC)

  “Where the River Runs is an expression of love between author and story. Readers will instantly fall for Patti Callahan Henry’s unique voice and lyrical writing style in this satisfying story of a secret revealed.”—Topsail Magazine

  “A melodious, encouraging tale that upholds memories, friendship and family.”

  —Atlanta Woman magazine

  “A poignant tale . . . . Fans of Anne Rivers Siddons will want to read Patti Callahan Henry’s deep character study.”—The Best Reviews

  “As in Henry’s debut, Losing the Moon, and this beautifully written story, the sheer lyricism of the author’s voice transports the reader. Fans of such books as Mary Alice Monroe’s Skyward, also about the Gullah, and Patricia Gaffney’s Flight Lessons will add this book to their list of favorites.”—Booklist

  “This poignant story of a woman reclaiming her life touched me in a way a book hasn’t in quite a long time. The powerful message is translated through Meridy’s eyes and has an added impact being written in the first person . . . . With exceptional storytelling skills, newcomer Patti Callahan Henry conveys pure, potent emotions sure to reach out to every reader.”

  —The Romance Readers Connection

  Losing the Moon

  “Henry’s beautifully written debut romance is meant to be savored, with its poetic descriptions and settings deftly mirroring the emotions of the characters. Readers who enjoy the lyrical voices of Patricia Gaffney and Mary Alice Monroe will also be drawn to this talented newcomer.”—Booklist (starred review)

  “Patti Callahan Henry joins the ranks of Anne Rivers Siddons and Pat Conroy with this debut novel. Losing the Moon is lyrical, sensual, and as delicate as a seashell. Lovely and poignant.” —Deborah Smith, New York Times bestselling author of Charming Gr

  “I loved Losing the Moon! Patti Callahan Henry’s engaging story and compelling characters captured my heart from page one, and stayed with me long after the final, satisfying conclusion. Don’t miss this wonderful book.”—Haywood Smith

  “A dazzling example of the new style of fiction writing to come out of the South. Chosen as the first book in the Margaret Mitchell House and Museum’s Emerging Writers’ program, Henry has been hailed as being included first in the ranks of important Southern writers such as Pat Conroy and Anne Rivers Siddons. If this debut novel is any indication of what we can expect from Patti Callahan Henry, we can look forward to many years of reading enjoyment to come.”—The Wichita Falls Times Record News


  Losing the Moon

  Where the River Runs

  When Light Breaks

  Between the Tides

  NAL Accent

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  First Printing, June 2008

  Copyright © Patti Callahan Henry, 2008

  Conversation Guide copyright © Penguin Group (USA) Inc., 2008

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  Henry, Patti Callahan.

  The art of keeping secrets/Patti Callahan Henry.

  p. cm.

  eISBN : 978-0-451-22395-1

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  To Anna Henry, in celebration of her courage and love of life


  I am astounded that I’m writing the acknowledgment pages for my fifth novel. Although some names appear in each book, my gratitude to these people continues to increase immeasurably. The relationships that surround and nurture me make it possible for me to continue to write. My heart is full of thanks for the following people:

  —To my husband, Patrick T. Henry, who loves me even when I emerge bleary-eyed from my writing office, having forgotten to cook dinner.

  —To my children, Meagan, Thomas and Rusk, who open my heart to the beauty of life.

  —To my agent, Kimberly Whalen, who was integral in the plotting of and motivation for this novel. I am more grateful for her entry into my life than I can say.

  —To my editor, Ellen Edwards, who created a cleaner and more lucid story than I actually wrote. Her patience and eye for detail are unsurpassed. And many thanks to Becky Vinter for her invaluable assistance.

  —To the extraordinary people at New American Library—especially Kara Welsh and Claire Zion—who work so hard to get my work out to the readers. To the sales force on the road, who make sure the booksellers know about us. To the art department, who labor to find the perfect cover for each novel.

  —To all of my family for living with and loving me even when I’m under deadline and forget to call you back; for going to more book events than anyone should ever be forced to attend—George and Bonnie Callahan, Barbi and Dan Burris, Jeannie and Mike Cunnion, Chuck and Gwen Henry, Kirk and Anna Henry, and Mike and Serena Henry. I love you all.

  —To Andrew Read, Associate Professor and Rachel Carson Chair of Marine Conservation Biology at the Duke University Marine Laboratory in Beaufort, North Carolina, who conducts groundbreaking research in the conservation of marine life. For more information go to I thank him for allowing me to interrogate him about dolphin and whale research in the Outer Banks. His work, and that of others in his field, will save hundreds of thousands of marine mammals.

  —To the booksellers who welcomed me with open arms during book tours. You made every city worth the trip. To the booksellers who spread the news about my novels—I can never find adequate words to thank you. Your love of books is an inspiration.

  —To the readers and book clubs who e-mail me, show up at book events, talk about the books and make the extra effort to visit me on the road.

  —To my tribe of writing friends, who enrich not only my writing, but also my life. You remind me why I write, and why story is powerful. You hold me up when I’m falling and you make me continue when I want to quit.

  —To Anne Rivers Siddons, for her rare and extraordinary gift of storytelling and her generous heart. Unbeknownst to Anne, her stories have carried me through many hard times, and now her words about my writing fill me with humility and gratitude.

  —To Marjory Wentworth, South Carolina poet laureate, whose poetry inspires me to become a better writer. I’m honored to have your work in my last novel; I’m honored to call you friend.

  —To my dearest friends—you know who you are—who listen to me, hang out with me, buy me wine, watch my kids, send me words of encouragement and make me laugh. I love you deeply.

  —In the beginning, there was the Word (John 1:1). My eternal thanks to God for offering the gift of writing, story and the Word.

  To the dolphin alone nature has given that which the best philosophers seek: friendship for no advantage.




  The horizon became Annabelle Murphy’s touchstone, her confirmation of love and her memorial to joy. When her husband, Knox, had first died, she’d wished she could disappear into that place of marked beauty. Later, she’d believed she could find comfort and meaning where the earth met the sky, where she imagined Knox’s plane had vanished.

  Knox had been gone for two years now, but as the sailboat sliced through twilight-tinted water, she found herself once again staring into the horizon, his name unspoken on her lips. Blessedly, she was surrounded by the best kind of friends, those she’d loved the longest, with whom
she’d shared the most tender moments of loss and joy: Cooper and Christine, who had been married since the year they graduated from college; Mae and Frank, who had been together since he’d moved to Marsh Cove in tenth grade; and Shawn, whose sailboat this was.

  There had once been eight of them, but Shawn had lost his wife, Maria, to divorce and Annabelle had lost Knox to death. When the thirty-foot sloop moved through the water, Annabelle felt Knox as surely as if he were poking his head around the mast and asking her if she’d like another glass of wine. Death had taken the man, but never her love for him.

  As the boat reached the mouth of the harbor, Shawn at the wheel hollered across to Cooper, “Why don’t you throw out the anchor and we’ll hang here until sunset?”

  Annabelle stepped back from the railing to allow Cooper to grab the anchor. She reached into the cooler, pulled a beer from the ice and threw it to Shawn. He caught the can and mouthed, Thank you. Annabelle often marveled at the fact that of them all Shawn was the least changed in appearance, yet the most transformed in his approach to life. He had been the wild one, the winner of the most detentions and voted most athletic all four years of high school. Now he worked for an insurance company, although he did keep his sailboat and escaped as often as possible to the water he loved.

  Only Shawn’s blond curls remained as unruly as his behavior had once been. He’d been Knox’s very best friend, but hers first. He’d defended her on the playground, told her lunch was stuck between her teeth; he’d treated her like a regular person even though she was a girl. When Knox had moved to Marsh Cove, he’d stolen Shawn from Annabelle. She’d threatened to beat up Knox under the monkey bars, but Shawn had diplomatically assured them that they could all be friends, and he’d been right.


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