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Anxiety Page 16

by Daniel Freeman

  etymology of the word ‘anxiety’ 2–3


  and inherited fears 21

  role of anxiety in 6

  experiences, traumatic, in childhood 39–40

  exposure and response prevention treatment 98–9

  exposure to anxiety situations 118–19, 121–2

  as therapy 63

  Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, The (Darwin) 7–8


  fainting 60

  fear vs. anxiety 11–12

  ‘fight or flight’ 9

  football club management 51–7

  football players, pre-match nerves 54–5

  Freud, Sigmund 4, 14–17

  frontal lobes 28–30, 31


  gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) 32, 37


  and generalized anxiety disorder 87

  and obsessive-compulsive disorder 98

  and panic disorder 78

  and phobias 61–2

  and post-traumatic stress disorder 105

  generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)

  biological perspectives 91–2

  causes 88–91

  definition 86–7

  frequency 87

  self-assessment 127–8

  social perspectives 92–3

  genes 34–8

  genetic factors

  in generalized anxiety disorder 92

  in obsessive-compulsive disorder 101

  in phobias 66

  in post-traumatic stress disorder 109–10

  genetic influence on identical twins 35–6

  Gerull, Friederike and Ronald Rapee 44

  glutamic decaroxylase 1 gene (GAD1) 37


  Healy, David 115

  heritability 21, 35–6

  of generalized anxiety disorder 92

  of neuroticism 36

  of obsessive-compulsive disorder 101

  of panic disorder 84

  of phobias 66

  of post-traumatic stress disorder 109–10

  of social phobia 70

  hippocampus 30, 109

  history of anxiety 2–5

  hoarding 97, 101

  hypersensitivity to bodily sensations 83

  and panic disorder 82

  hypochondriasis 118

  hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis 109


  id 16

  identical twins 35–6

  illness, sensitivity to, and panic disorder 83

  images and social phobia 73

  imipramine 78

  informational learning 63

  insula 32


  of fear 118, 119

  of intrusive thoughts 99

  of situations 23–4

  intolerance of uncertainty theory of worry 90

  intrusive thoughts 94–5, 97

  interpretation 99


  Kagan, Jerome 41

  Kierkegaard, Søren 4

  Klein, Donald 78–9

  Krishaber, Maurice 3–4


  Lang, Peter 10

  learned behaviour 18–19, 21, 43–4

  and phobias 62–5

  LeDoux, Joseph 27, 29–32

  Lewis, Aubrey 3

  lifestyle 122–3

  limbic system 28, 108–9

  Little Hans 17


  management of a football club 51–7

  Mataix-Cols, David 101

  ‘mean reds’ 1

  medical treatment for anxiety 113–14, 115–17

  memory and post-traumatic stress disorder 108

  Mental Health Foundation 2

  metacognitive theory of worry 88–9

  military training 82–3

  mindfulness 123

  Mineka, Susan and Michael Cook 64–5

  monkeys, learned behaviour 64–5

  Monty Python 48, 49–50

  mood-as-input theory of worry 90–1

  Morel, Bénédict 3

  motivating others 53, 57

  Mowrer, O. H. 19–20, 21

  muñecas quitapenas 85

  music and mood 53, 54



  in anxiety disorders 26

  and phobias 65

  and post-traumatic stress disorder 107–8

  and social phobia 72

  and worry 88–9

  Neisser, Ulric 22


  and generalized anxiety disorder 91–2

  and obsessive-compulsive disorder 100–101

  and post-traumatic stress disorder 108–10

  neurochemicals 32

  neurological theories of anxiety 27–33

  neurotic anxiety vs. realistic anxiety 16–17

  neuroticism 36

  normalization 47


  obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

  causes 98–101

  definition 95–7

  frequency 97–8

  self-assessment 128–9

  treatment 98–9, 100, 101

  Öhman, Arne and Susan Mineka 64

  operant conditioning theory 20

  origin of the word ‘anxiety’ 2–3

  Öst, Lars-Göran 119–20


  Palin, Michael 1, 46–51

  panic 60

  panic attacks 24, 76, 79, 81–2

  predicting 83

  panic disorder 76–7

  causes 78–84

  frequency 77–8

  parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) 9

  parenting style 40–1

  and social phobia 70


  attachment relationships 41–3

  learning from 43–4

  Pavlov, Ivan 19

  Penn State Worry Questionnaire 127–8

  perception of self and social phobia 72–3

  perception of threat and phobias 65–6

  perfectionism and worry 91


  and behavioural desensitization 21

  causes 62–6

  cognitive behaviour therapy for 119–20

  and conditioning theory 20–1

  definition 58–9

  and disgust 65

  frequency 60–2

  types 59–60 see also social phobia

  physical attributions 3–4

  physical exercise 55

  physiological manifestations of anxiety 7–10, 15–16

  and the amygdala 30

  interpretation of 24

  physiological manifestations of panic attacks 76

  physiological manifestations of social phobia 72–3

  Pierce, Kent and Dwight

  Kirkpatrick 61–2

  polygenic theory 37

  post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

  causes 106–10

  cognitive behaviour therapy for 120–21

  definition 103–5

  frequency 105–6

  self-assessment 129–32

  praise vs. criticism 53, 57

  presentations, anxiety about 71–4

  protectiveness of parents 40–1

  psychoanalytic theories of anxiety 14–17

  psychological causes

  of obsessive-compulsive disorder 98–100

  of panic disorder 80–4

  of post-traumatic stress disorder 106–8

  psychological treatments for anxiety 112–14


  Rachman, Stanley 17, 87, 98

  randomized control trials 111

  Rayner, Rosalie 18–19

  realistic anxiety vs. neurotic anxiety 16–17

  recognizing emotions 6–7

  Reeder, Earl 116

  research into anxiety disorders 111–12

  Rose, Steven 28


  safety behaviours 26, 73–4, 82

  compulsions as 99–100

  Salkovskis, Paul 22, 99, 100

  schematic beliefs

  Schmidt, Norman, Darin Lerew and Robert Jackson 82–3

  secure attachment style 42

  self-focus 47

  self-help cognitive behaviour therapy 122

  self-perception and social phobia 72–3

  separation anxiety 41

  sexual factors in anxiety neurosis 16–17

  shell-shock 4–5, 106

  shyness and social phobia 68–9

  Skinner, Burrhus 20

  social perspectives on generalized anxiety disorder 92–3

  social phobia

  causes 70–71

  definition 68–9

  frequency 69–70

  psychological processes 71–4

  self-assessment 124–6

  sodium lactate to induce panic 78–9

  spider phobia, treatment 119

  SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) 113, 115

  statistics on anxiety 2

  Stein, Murray 39, 110

  Sternbach, Leo 116

  Strachey, James 4

  ‘Strange Situation’ 42

  stranger anxiety 41

  stress 11

  suffocation alarm system 79

  surgical treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder 101

  sympathetic nervous system (SNS) 9


  taijin kyofusho (TKS) 69

  Taylor, Graham 51–7

  test for anxiety sensitivity 83

  therapy for phobias 62–3

  Thomas, Lewis 86

  thoughts, intrusive 94–5, 97

  interpretation 99

  threat anticipation 26

  threat-focus and phobias 65–6

  three-systems theory of anxiety 9–10

  traumatic events

  in childhood 39–40

  definition 103–4


  cognitive behaviour therapy 112–15, 117–22

  drugs 113–14, 115–17

  statistics 114–15

  twins 35–6

  and phobias 66

  two-stage theory of anxiety 19–20



  and compulsive behaviour 100

  and worry 90


  Valium 116

  vicarious acquisition of fear 64

  virtual-reality cognitive behaviour therapy 121–2


  Watson, John Broadus 17–19, 63

  Wells, Adrian 88

  Wilson, Jonathan 51

  Wolpe, Joseph 21


  cognitive avoidance theory 89

  definition 86

  diffusing 85

  intolerance of uncertainty theory 90

  metacognitive model 88–9

  mood-as-input theory 90–1 see also generalized anxiety disorder

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