Book Read Free

Breaking the Rules

Page 2

by L. K. Lewis

  Sure, I dated a few guys in college, but only had one serious relationship. I turned in my V-card a few years ago and I’m definitely not easy either, but no guy has ever turned me on with the heat of his stare the way Drake does. Every time I looked at him today, it was all I could do not to throw myself at him. It was so hard to leave his office today after I’d been excused. Drake called my name as I turned to leave, and it really seemed as though there was more he wanted to say, or maybe he didn’t want me to leave either. I’m sure whatever he wanted, it was not just to welcome me to the firm


  “Morgan Lane’s office,” I answer my phone shortly after arriving to work Tuesday morning.

  “Morgan, good morning,” a sweet middle aged voice greets me, “Drake has asked that you come to his office in five minutes, there is something urgent he needs to discuss. Does that work for your schedule?”

  “Yes that works. Thank you, Grace, I’ll see you shortly,” I reply before returning my phone to its cradle and letting out a stress induced huff.

  Perhaps my snarky remark in the parking garage yesterday wasn’t well received. He needs to discuss something urgent with me which can only mean that he’s about to fire my ass, because while working for his father’s company for all of 24 hours, I haven’t really contributed anything, let alone something that would need to be discussed urgently. My mother will not be too thrilled to find out that I’ve been let go from my first job ever due to poor manners. My etiquette coach will go through the roof … only after saying “excuse me” first, of course. I might as well get this over with. My five minutes are literally up. I grab my purse, grabbing my picture from my desk just in case, and walk calmly to the elevator, fearful to meet my fate on the 30th floor.

  I exit the elevator, only to find my dark haired, excruciatingly beautiful boss leaning on the door frame of his office. Drake has a stern look on his face, but even though I don’t really know him, I’d venture to guess that he’s doing his damnedest to fight the small smile that is creeping across his face.

  “Morgan, could you come with me please?” Drake asks. I give him a shy smile and walk towards his office. Drake waits for me to enter his office, placing his hand on the small of my back to guide me in. The contact is an electric jolt with a one-way ticket to my panties, almost causing me to trip. I regain my composure, and even chance a small glance at Drake as I find my seat across from him at his desk, and find that familiar small smirk on his face.

  “Mr. Baylor, I’d like to apologize for my snarky comment yesterday in the parking garage, I was out of line.” I wanted to get that out before I’m fired, so he knows it’s sincere, and not because he just canned my ass.

  “Morgan, I’m the one who owes you an apology, not the other way around. I asked you here this morning because I feel bad for the way I treated you yesterday. My father asked me to welcome you to the company, and my attitude towards you was anything but welcoming.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Baylor, but you really don’t need to say anything. You are my boss, and I’m sure your time is much more valuable than welcoming new staff.”

  “Your father may have asked for the favor in hiring you, Morgan, but my father is a shrewd businessman. He obviously sees potential in you, or he wouldn’t have given you the position, and I’m sure your father knows that too,” Drake says as his eyes look directly into mine. I feel my cheeks blush, and I shyly look away.

  “That is kind of you to say.”

  “Well, I know my father, so I’m sure my assumptions are correct. What do you say we put this behind us?”

  “That would be great, thank you,” I say, risking yet another glance at Drake’s beautiful face. I really can’t resist, I must be a glutton for punishment.

  “I’ve also added you to my team for the next project I’ll be working on, I want to see your brain in action. We are working on acquiring a new business contract with Thompson Manufacturing. Here is the file on the company. Brief yourself with this and some of the other accounts we are currently working with, and I’d love to hear some of your thoughts at our meeting on Friday.”

  Drake stands and walks around his desk, waiting for me to take the cue that our meeting is over and stand as well. As I turn to leave, Drake’s hand is once again placed on the small of my back and the electric jolt returns. My body involuntarily gasps, and my cheeks immediately flush. I glance at Drake and his smile is there, this time accompanied by a small shake of his head.

  “Have a good day, Morgan, thanks again for clearing up that issue,” Drake says as I walk quickly out of his office and into the elevator. Once I’m back on the 15th floor, I again walk as calmly to my office as possible. I close the door behind me and collapse into my desk chair. Perhaps I should schedule a daily power nap, because I have the feeling that working with Drake Baylor is going to be exhausting!

  Chapter 4


  Thank God it’s Friday. I’d love to say this week has flown by, but it was just the opposite. Fortunately my workload was minimal, because nothing would have been accomplished otherwise. I can’t seem to concentrate on anything. Should I ask my doctor for some Ritalin? He prescribed it to me as a kid to help with ADD, but it didn’t help. Well, maybe it would have helped if I actually took it. I sold it instead, and made a fortune off of kids during finals week. No drugs. I promised my dad. I promised all things “recreational” would cease when he gave me this job, especially drugs and women. The drugs weren’t so hard to give up. I realized after a while that the hard drugs were the best, and the best stuff made it hard for me to “perform”. I love women more than drugs, so I pretty much had already phased them out of my lifestyle.

  Now it appears I will be stuck in a permanent state of blue-balls, because I have a complete goddess working just 15 floors below me, and I can’t do anything about it. I don’t have to see her all day, but she will be working with me closely over the next couple weeks as we try to land our biggest client yet. I thought it was a genius idea to have Morgan assigned to my team. I insisted that working directly with me on her first account would help to acclimate her as to how we do things around here, but honestly I have run out of innocent excuses to go to the 15th floor. I spent my days this week thinking of every possible reason to go down there so I could speak with her, catch a glimpse of her, or even just be in the same room as her. Oh God, I’m turning into a woman. Forget the blue-balls, I’ll have a damn vagina soon!

  The account summary meeting this morning was torture. Morgan was clearly a smart hire on my dad’s part. Not only was she prepared to talk about all of the clients that she would eventually be overseeing, but she was able to add some clever insight as to how Baylor Industries could make slight—yet economically efficient—changes to assure client retention, while also bringing in a ton of revenue. Not only is she the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on, but she may also be the most intelligent. I’ll consider her theory proven. She is definitely more than a hottie in a tight-fitting dress, she’s got the brains to back it up. This is pure torture!


  We have a “meet and greet luncheon” style meeting this afternoon. We are trying to woo a large company that was on the verge of collapse, only to have a new CEO step in and breathe new life into it. This would be a major alignment with Baylor Industries because everything we could acquire from them would be super cheap as they rebuild. Being in the same room with Morgan and not pulling her into my arms and kissing her beautiful full lips, nibbling along that perfect square jaw, is impossible. When she speaks, I pretend like I’m being attentive and maintaining eye contact with her, but really, I’m just trying to memorize the perfect hazel color of her eyes. I feel bad because in an effort to not melt when I see her, I act like such a complete dick. I’m sure she has no idea what to make of me and my moods, but I don’t know what else to do. I have to be coldhearted to her, or else my dad and everyone else in the room will know that all I want to do is throw her on the conference table and have my
way with her. All I have to do is make it through this afternoon, and I’m out of here. A long weekend doing absolutely nothing but trying to get Morgan Lane out of my head awaits me.


  My first week with Baylor Industries has gone as well as I could have hoped. I started fresh Tuesday morning after a few confusing encounters with Drake Baylor Jr. on Monday. Thank goodness Drake called me in to clear the air, because I was seriously struggling to figure out how I was going to deal with the magnetic pull I feel towards him, while also keeping my behavior professional, and dealing with his mood swings. I lay awake Monday night trying to wrap my head around the first meeting, then his strange behavior in the parking garage, and was left with nothing but confusion. Of course he is more beautiful than any man ever should be, but something else draws me in. He has found me staring (or as I like to think of it: appreciating) on a few occasions, and when he does, I see a sparkle in his eye and a hint of amusement. My stomach flips, and heat pools way south as I catch a small smile cross his lips. It never lasts more than a millisecond, though, and I see his wall come up. The smile is replaced by a frown, and his whole persona turns cold.

  I have to keep reminding myself that I am at Baylor Industries to work. I have worked so hard to start a career, and provide myself the life and future I can only dream of having. My parents have provided me with a life that many could only dream of, and I know that. It is not something I have ever taken for granted. My father has built his own business and worked hard to provide for my mother and me, and as grateful as I am for that, it is something I want to do for myself. I would love to find someone to share that amazing life and future with, but for now, I need to focus on me and what I’ve worked for. I need to concentrate on my goals and do my best to keep any thoughts of Drake out of my mind. It’s just so damn hard. In those few moments when our eyes meet, I feel like I get a glimpse of his soul, as cheesy as that sounds, and I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life “appreciating” every last inch of him.

  We have an informal lunch meeting this afternoon with a potential new client. Adrian Thompson is the new CEO of Thompson Manufacturing and son of former CEO, Mark Thompson. Mark Thompson started Thompson Manufacturing in his early twenties, and quickly turned it in to a multi-million dollar empire. A heart attack and subsequent bypass surgery made Mark pull back on his responsibilities at Thompson, leaving it weak and vulnerable to collapse. Adrian has recently stepped in to fill his father’s absence. He has made great strides to rebuild the company, but it is far from stable. This is a great time for Baylor industries to align itself with Thompson, because a lot of the manufacturing we require can be done at a fraction of the normal cost, which is great for Baylor, but it will also help Thompson to regain some financial stability. I should know this information as a result of doing my job and researching this company in order to be prepared for this meeting. The real reason is that Adrian is my old college flame who I don’t believe has ever gotten over me. This is a card that I intend on keeping close to my chest. I need this to go well to prove to my parents, Drake Sr., and myself that I can do the job that I was hired to do. Especially right out of school.

  Chapter 5


  The luncheon meeting has begun, and something is different about Morgan. Maybe it is the informal setting, or maybe she is just doing her best to knock this first meeting out of the park and has really learned everything there is to know about Thompson Manufacturing. Whatever it is, I feel like there is a familiarity between Morgan and Adrian. Upon first introductions they appeared to be complete strangers, but there is definitely chemistry there. Suddenly I feel like an eight-year-old. I have an overwhelming urge to kick Adrian in the shins, and tell him Morgan is mine. Either that or maybe I should pee on her leg to mark my territory!

  Normally during meetings Morgan and I catch each other stealing appreciative glances at one another. I love to watch her lips part and her breath catch as find her elbow or the small of her back to guide her into the boardroom. I find some way to graze her fingers with mine, by asking for a pen, or waiting for her to grab her empty water glass to fill hers before filling my own. I do anything I can to steal a moment of intimacy with her, before I have to return the cold façade. This meeting is different, however. The glances are between Morgan and Adrian. He has filled her water glass. His hand lingered a little too long in their handshake. Holy hell, I think I’m jealous. Get it together, Jr., or you are going to blow every chance you’ve got wrapped up in this cute little meet and greet.


  “Morgan Lane, I’d like to introduce you to Adrian Thompson, CEO of Thompson Manufacturing.” Bryce, another senior account manager of the team, starts the introductions.

  “Mr. Thompson, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” I extend my hand.

  “Miss Lane, the pleasure is certainly mine.” His hand embraces mine, and is held just a little longer than the normal business etiquette would expect. I catch the quickest smile cross his lips and his thumb smooths over my knuckles as his hand finally lets go.

  “Thank you, Mr. Baylor, for the opportunity to see how Thompson Manufacturing might be able to assist your company”. Adrian continues the niceties this informal setting has promised.

  The meeting lasts about an hour and continues to go as smoothly as planned. I pretend not to know Adrian during our introduction, and he fortunately plays along. He’s acutely attentive to me during lunch, not giving any part of our past away, but the little things he does to take care of my needs such as refilling my water glass, and handing me a pen when mine had run out of ink, make it clear his feelings have still not changed even after all this time.

  When the meeting wraps and I enter the elevator to retreat back to my safe haven that is the 15th floor, Adrian jumps in as the doors close, giving us a moment of privacy to say whatever may need to be said without anyone else witnessing.

  “So, Morgan Lane, wanna tell me what that was all about back there?” Adrian asks with a chuckle.

  “This is my first week here, and I really want to make a great impression on my new bosses. My father got me the position here, and I’m trying to prove to them that I am right for this position and will do great things for this company. I don’t think it will help for anyone to know that the company we are trying to acquire a business partnership with is helmed by my ex-boyfriend,” I explain.

  “Ahh, I see, that makes a bit more sense. For a moment I thought you’d suffered from a major closed head injury and actually had no idea who I was,” Adrian teases.

  Adrian assured me that he both respected my new position here at Baylor Industries, and appreciated the chance that his company was given, and wouldn’t do a thing to jeopardize either. Even if that means pretending we have just met, and hadn’t spent many passionate nights between the sheets. The elevator doors open, Adrian exits, and I grab my coat, purse, and cell, and text my best friend Amanda to meet me at the bar around the corner for a much needed cocktail, or five.

  Chapter 6


  Yeah, I’m jealous alright. I’m jealous as hell that Adrian got to have a few moments alone with Morgan in the elevator. Jealous that Adrian gets to have a moment with Morgan, even if it is assumed it is not for anything business related. I have to keep my promises to my father, and keep my distance but right now, sitting out of Morgan’s eyesight in a bar around the corner from the office, that is proving to be a very hard thing to do. Chance encounters don’t count do they? Maybe I should let my presence be known. Maybe this hour could get a little happy after all.


  I sit at the bar sipping on my extra dirty gin martini while waiting for Amanda to join me. I pretend to be dutifully answering emails and tying up other end of week business on my phone, but really I am playing my newest addiction, Fruit Ninja. I really don’t have the energy to deal with any unwanted attention, so I figure acting busy on my phone will keep the corporate business douchebags trying to get laid on Friday night a
t bay.

  As I order another martini, I happen to catch a reflection of Drake in the mirror behind the bar. He is sitting by himself at a table in the corner of the bar and fortunately, he doesn’t catch me staring. This is just great. He is the very reason I am at the bar tonight. I wanted to have a few cocktails with Amanda, maybe do a little dancing and forget all about my crush for an evening. Now I’m chastising myself for staring at the man I’m trying so hard to forget. He is so beautiful, though, and he smells so good. My body ignites just being in the same room as him. Maybe I should go over and say hello. Perhaps outside of work Drake is charming and not such a hot and cold ass. When he brushes his fingers so delicately across mine, or when he guides me gently by the elbow into the boardroom, my belly flips, and my skin tingles, much like the feeling of riding a rollercoaster. That feeling is addictive. I think for now I shouldn’t muddy the waters. Drake and I are already so hot and cold it seems, and I think it will be best to keep our relationship as professional as possible. With a sigh, and another sip of my martini, I get back to playing Fruit Ninja.

  By the time Amanda makes it to the bar, I am two drinks and too many games of Fruit Ninja in to count. A band has started to set up, which adds a lot of promise to me getting my week working with Drake out of my system.

  Not long after Amanda arrives, the bartender presents us with a round of lemon drop shots, and with a coy smile says, “Cheers to your first week, Morgan,” and walks to greet new bar patrons just taking their seats.


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