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Breaking the Rules

Page 7

by L. K. Lewis

  “That’s it, baby,” I encourage her as I feel her orgasm building. “Oh, Morgan, you feel so good.” I start to pick up the speed, I know she’s about to come, and I want to give her another O before I blow my load.

  “Draaaaaaake!” Morgan screams as she finds her release again, and it’s my undoing. “Arrgh,” I moan as I pull out and blow my load on her belly. I’m instantly embarrassed to have done that to her, although if I’m being honest, it’s kind of hot that I branded her in a way.

  “I’m sorry, baby, I didn’t have time to put on a condom and we didn’t talk about birth control before we started,” I say, still panting and coming down from my orgasm. I lie down next to her, and rest my head down of the soft cushion of her chest. I need to clean her up, but I want to lie in this moment with her just a little longer.

  “Shh. It’s okay, it was kind of hot actually. Thank you for thinking of me, especially in the moment. I’m on birth control, and my tests have always come back clear,” Morgan says as she looks down at me, her eyelids are half closed as if she’s completely dazed after our lovemaking.

  “Mine too. I’m glad we got that cleared up. You lie still, I’ll be right back to clean you up.”

  I return a few moments later with a warm washcloth, and wash between Morgan’s legs before wiping my load from her belly.

  “That was amazing, Drake,” Morgan says with her eyes closed, still smiling. “A beautiful man, who’s amazing in bed, and loves me? I must have done something right in a past life to have found you.”

  “Morgan, that was more than amazing. You taste so good, and you are so sexy. I could stay in bed and make love to you forever.”

  Morgan sighs softly, nodding her head in agreement, her eyes still closed. “You look absolutely beat. Is it okay with you if I stay the night? I want to fall asleep with you in my arms then maybe in the morning we can talk and formulate our plan?” I ask gently, hoping she won’t send me home.

  “Of course I want you here with me Drake. Do you have any idea how special and loved you have made me feel tonight? I’m not ready to let go of you just yet either,” Morgan smiles. “Watch out, Drake Baylor, I’m a huge cuddler,” she giggles before resting her head on my chest, throwing an arm and a leg over me.

  A sigh of pure contentment leaves me as I lean down and kiss the top of her head. “Goodnight my love, sleep tight. I can’t wait to wake up with you in the morning.”

  “You too,” Morgan mumbles, then she’s fast asleep.

  I lie awake for most of the night, unable and unwilling to fall asleep. I’m filled with love and fear. I almost lost control tonight while licking and tasting Morgan. I can’t lose control, not this time. I can’t hurt the woman I love. I kiss the top of her head for the hundredth time or so before sleep consumes me.

  Chapter 12


  The morning light enters my bedroom, and I wake to the sound of Drake’s soft snores. It’s really adorable. He doesn’t snore loudly, it’s kind of a snore mixed with a lip tremble. I want to lean over and kiss him so badly, but I could feel him tossing and turning last night, and he’s finally sleeping peacefully, I would hate to wake him.

  I slide out of bed and head to the bathroom. I wash my face, brush my teeth, and put my bra and panties back on. I know I should put fresh ones on, but I don’t want to wake Drake, and I really only wore them for about an hour last night.

  Drake’s clothes are in a neat pile right outside my bathroom door. I put his T-shirt on before I head into the kitchen. The T-shirt smells so good, just like Drake. I start the coffee maker before heading back to my room to crawl back into bed with my man. Wow, I’ve just called Drake mine. It still worries me a little that he’ll leave me again, but I told him I was willing to fight for us, and I am. I love this man, and now that he’s mine, I’m not willing to let him go so easily again. Drake stirs a little as I slide back into bed. His eyes slowly open, a sleepy smile crosses his face and he throws an arm over me, drawing me close to him.

  “I like my T-shirt on you, baby, you look cute. Plus it reminds me that you’re mine and that makes me happy,” Drake says as he rubs his eyes, still waking up.

  “It smells so good, just like you. I like wearing it too ‘cause it reminds me of you and how happy I am to be yours. I didn’t think we would ever happen,” I say as I plant a soft kiss on his lips. It feels so good to have Drake in my bed. I love nothing more than lying in bed snuggling and talking after a night of lovemaking. Drake was so attentive to me last night, maybe I can return the favor this morning!

  “You look far too beautiful for words this morning. How long have you been up?” Drake asks, his voice still a little froggy. He’s adorable in the morning.

  “Not long, I got up to pee and brush my teeth and I started the coffee maker.”

  “Mmm, caffeine. You are amazing, have I told you that? I’m going to get up and grab a quick glass of water while we wait for the coffee to brew. Can I bring you back anything?” Drake is still so sweet and attentive. I could really get used to that.

  “You are amazing too, and very sweet, and attentive, I really like that. I’d love a glass of water, thanks.” Drake gives me a swift peck on the lips then hops out of bed and leaves my room totally naked. Now that is a sight I could get used to seeing. Drake’s body is perfect. He’s tall with a long, lean physique. His shoulders are broad, and built like a boxer’s. I can tell he spends a great amount of time in the gym. His beautiful olive-skinned ass was really nice to watch as he walked away too! I lie back down and start thinking of everything that happened last night. For the first time I’m not filled with confusion and heartache. I’m now filled with love and happiness. Drake declared his love for me, promised to fight for me and try to let me in, then gave me the most intense orgasms of my life. He really loves me, and I love him. I’m such a lucky girl.


  I could feel Morgan’s appreciative eyes follow me as I walked out of her bedroom in nothing but my birthday suit. You better believe I knew exactly what I was doing too! I think I’ll run through the shower and collect my thoughts before grabbing the water and climbing back into bed with my girl. Last night was amazing. There are no other words to describe it. Waking up to Morgan slipping back into bed wearing my shirt, looking so breathtakingly gorgeous, is something I’ll never get tired of. I really wanted to make love again to her when I threw my arm around her, pulling her close, but we have a lot to talk about this morning, and it’s really starting to weigh heavily on my mind. I don’t know how she’s going to take it when I tell her we have to keep our relationship under wraps at work. I’m not quite sure how to deal with my father yet. I know we are both head over heels in love with each other. That was something I felt right away with us, which is crazy but so special. I think we need to take some time in private, and really form a good relationship before we go public with our feelings. This is going to cause a serious shitstorm with my family, and I think we are going to need that good, strong bond first to keep us together while we weather that storm. I jump out of the shower, wrap a towel around my waist, and head into the kitchen. I found a tray in one of Morgan’s cupboards last night while I was setting the table, so I grab some water, coffee, cream and sugar and place it all neatly on the tray. Before heading out of the kitchen, I grab a lily from the vase as well.

  “A beautiful flower for a beautiful girl,” I say sweetly as I walk into her room. I reach out and hand it to her while I slowly sit down and place the tray on the bed with my other hand, careful not to spill.

  “You’re pretty easy on the eyes as well, mister,” Morgan says, taking a sip of her water.

  “Oh am I? Did you appreciate the show I gave you, my love?” I say, teasing.

  “You could say that … you looked so good, it was hard to watch you walk away. I almost joined you in the shower.” Morgan is sitting next to me in bed and leans over planting little kisses and nibbles on my shoulder. I grab her water and move the tray to the bedside table before play
fully pinning her on the mattress below me.

  “You can join me in the shower anytime, baby, that would be hot. I will say I enjoyed our bath time last night too. Your body is so perfect, Morgan, everything about you is. I loved washing you,” I say as I dip down and kiss her gently. Morgan moans into my mouth, wraps her arms and legs around me, pulling me down to her, and I come undone.


  Drake threads his fingers through my hair as roll him over onto his back and straddle him. I crash my mouth onto his, massaging his tongue with mine. It’s my turn to explore! I run my hands over his broad shoulders, down his chiseled pecs, pinching his nipples between my fingers, and Drake throws his head back into the pillow in ecstasy. I trail my hands further south over his rock hard abs, and rest with a firm grip over his large, pulsing erection.

  “Ahh, baby, your hand feels good wrapped around me,” Drake moans. My mouth leaves his, and follows the same trail my hands just made, stopping at each nipple to give it a little bite and tug between my teeth. “Mmmm” is all he’s able to mumble as my lips continue their journey south. I give his large cock a little kiss before wrapping my lips around him. I slide my mouth down the length of him. inhaling through my nose to take in his scent. He smells and tastes so good. I wrap my hand around his base, stroking him as I continue to suck and lick, occasionally nibbling his tip. “Oh God, Morgan, that feels so good. You’re so good, baby,” Drake moans lovingly. I can tell he’s getting close, and I’m so turned on, I can’t wait to get his large size inside of me. I slide Drake out of my mouth, giving his tip one more kiss before I climb back up his body and mount him.

  “Oh that feels good,” I sigh as I start to ride him. I throw my head back and close my eyes, enjoying each and every sensation as we start to move together. Drake grabs my hips and helps me find a good pace as I glide up and down his thick shaft. I know Drake is close, and I can feel my orgasm building as he sits up in the bed and wraps his arms around me holding me close, staying inside me the whole time. We continue to rock together, our pace becomes more hurried as he kisses me passionately and hard at the same time. We pant, and kiss, and come down from our orgasms together, whispering sweet “I love yous”.


  “We really need to talk and figure things out, Morgan.” Drake’s voice breaks me from my bliss. “I want this to work so badly, but the reality of my father finding out about us is starting to sink in, and I’m starting to freak out a bit. Do you think we could just talk for a bit now? We can come up with a plan together then spend the rest of the day in each other’s arms doing exactly what we just did.”

  He’s trying to keep the mood light and not worry me, but I can tell he’s anxious, so I nod my head and climb out of bed to get dressed.

  “Our coffee got cold, do you want to go somewhere for breakfast and talk?” I ask, handing Drake’s shirt back to him.

  “No, baby, I’d like to talk in private. Let’s go into the kitchen and get more coffee and I’ll find something in your fridge to make you for breakfast.”

  Drake puts on his shirt, and with a towel around his waist he leaves the bedroom to collect the rest of his clothes.

  “I thought you said you aren’t a good cook,” I tease as I join him in the kitchen.

  “Anyone can scramble an egg, silly,” he teases back, keeping the atmosphere light as our impending conversation looms overhead. “Do you have any bread? I’m also a whiz with a toaster,” he says with a wink. I giggle and walk over to him, wrapping my arms around him and giving him a kiss on the cheek. I couldn’t help myself, he is just so irresistible.


  After breakfast, we clean the dishes quickly, then grab our coffee and head out to the living room to sit on the couch. I know I’ll have to reveal a part of my past to Morgan in order for her to understand where I’m coming from. I’m nervous about her reaction, but she said she’d keep an open mind and not judge as long as I’m honest, so I guess I’ll have to put some trust and faith into her as well.

  As we sit, I take her hand in mine and turn towards her, giving her a small reassuring kiss before I start to speak.

  “First of all, can I just say that spending last night and this morning with you have been without a doubt the best moments of my life? My God, Morgan, you are so perfect in every way. I so enjoyed making love to you, worshipping your body. Your smell and your taste is something I’ll never get enough of. I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of you.”

  Morgan lets out a shy giggle, nodding her head in agreement. “You definitely know how to show a girl a good time. You can bathe me anytime, Drake, that was pretty hot,” she says with a smile.

  “Morgan, I feel like the luckiest guy in the world to have found a woman like you. I am more in love with you every moment we spend together, and I feel even luckier to have your love. I don’t now, and will never take your love for granted. I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my past, and have hurt a lot of people in doing so. I’ve overcome a lot of hurdles, and continue to make better choices in my life every day. I am proud of myself in telling you Morgan, that you are getting the best version of me to date.”

  I look up at Morgan with a confident smile. “It is going to be a slow road letting you in completely, but I love you, baby, and you are the only person who I’d ever feel comfortable telling my secrets to. I’m ashamed of the person I once was, and the mistakes that I made, and I really need you to keep that in mind when I tell you my past. I promise you that in my case, history will never repeat itself.” I take a deep breath and continue.

  “I started working for my dad after making the biggest mistake of my life. I abused my position at the workplace, and was fired, officially burning my last professional bridge. After I was fired, I hit rock bottom. Stories of my “extra-curricular antics” as well as my professional blunders had spread throughout the business community. I was basically branded unhirable. I started to party a lot, trading on my bad boy name and image I’d created. I drank heavily, dabbled in various drugs of choice, and took a lot of women home after long nights at the bar. I selfishly convinced myself that I was hurting no one but myself with my actions, but that of course wasn’t true. I had disgraced myself the most, but I had disgraced my family’s name, and had hurt my father deeply.

  “I woke one morning after completely blacking out the events of the previous night. I was in a strange room, in a strange bed, with more than one strange person, and I panicked. As I scanned the room in search of my clothes, and any evidence of where I may have ended up, I was horrified. The room was covered in filth, broken liquor bottles, and a lot of drug paraphernalia, including pipes and dirty needles. I was so incredibly freaked out over what I had potentially done to myself, that I quickly dressed and took myself to the nearest hospital. I refused a drug test after a quick self- body scan proved I hadn’t participated in sharing of the dirty needles, and full physical and blood tests proved that I was clean of any STDs or anything else. That was over six months ago, and I have recently had another series of blood work scanned, and I am still clean of any types of disease. I consider myself to be the luckiest man on earth to come out of that horrible time without any diseases or addictions. After that night, I was scared clean of any poor behavior. Although I still drink socially, it is never to excess. I haven’t taken any drugs, and until last night, I have abstained from sex.” I stop talking long enough to give Morgan a quick peck and a shy smile.

  “Being unemployed gave me a lot of time for self-reflection. Trading my social life in for a healthier, more clear-headed lifestyle, I decided to move forward with my life and try to rebuild my career. I sat my father down, first apologizing for my previous behavior, then asked for another chance. I expressed my willingness to start at the bottom of his company and work my way up, all the while being groomed to take over the business eventually. I promised my poor behavior was a thing of the past and told him I’d do anything to prove to him that I was worthy of his trust.

  “My father was apprehens
ive at first about bringing me onboard his company, even though I was his sole heir, and grooming me to take over within the next few years would be the next logical step. He had always wanted me to express interest in Baylor Industries, but really wish I’d done it because I truly believed in his mission, not because it was my last choice. Eventually, he told me I’d be allowed to bypass the mailroom in favor of a plush corner office and full access to board meetings and acquisitions, if—and only if—I was willing to meet his demands. Asking me to give up drugs and keep my drinking to a minimum was not a problem, I’d already made those changes. His final demand was a little harder. He told me that until he retired, and I’d taken over as CEO, I was not to have a romantic or physical relationship. My father said I needed to be completely committed to Baylor Industries, willing to give it 100% of my time and energy, and a relationship would be a distraction. He also said that because I had a weakness for women a sacrifice such as that would show him my commitment.” I look up at Morgan, and her face is ashen.

  “When I told you our relationship was beyond an issue with HR, this is what I meant. If we are caught, Morgan, I will lose everything in my life that I have worked so hard to regain. My career, the good name I’ve been able to restore, and my relationship with my father will be shot.

  “I tried so hard to stay away from you. I would never want to do anything to hurt you. I realized after my behavior the other night that all I was doing in pushing you away was hurting you, when all I want to do is take care of you and make you happy. Being with you makes me happy, and at the end of the day, that’s what I really want. I want to fulfill my promises to my dad. I want to become CEO. It would fulfill a lot of dreams and personal goals, but it will also afford me the ability to take care of you, and build a life for you that you’d only ever dreamed of. What I have finally realized is that if I continue to work as hard as I do to please my father, but at the end of the day I don’t have you and the happiness that we could bring each other, it wouldn’t be worth it.


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