Seduced (Royal Expat Series Book #1)
Page 6
“My favorite place to sit is in the garden out back,” Damian said. “It might be small, but it feels like a little corner of Thailand, especially in this weather.”
She allowed him to usher her outside, and asked incredulously as they sat down,
“How do you find these places? I mean, it’s not as if you lived her for more than, what, a few months?”
“When you travel a lot, you meet all kinds of people, and they’ve been all kinds of places. I’ve met dozens of people who’ve lived in and around DC, and they’ve given me all their secrets—or some of them at least. I bet if I asked you the best places to go in England, you’d have all sorts of interesting secrets to tell me.”
The way he said the last part made Matilda blush, the double meaning in his words making her at once excited and nervous. She also felt a pang of guilt about the biggest secret she was keeping. She still hadn’t told him that she was a member of the Royal Family.
“You’ve been here before, though?” she asked.
“Loads of times,” he admitted. “Like I said, Thai is my number one favorite—the spicier, the better.”
Matilda looked up at him and felt like she could never live up to him. He’d been so many places and tried so many new things compared to her. What had she done? What could he ever see in her, aside from a pet he could entertain easily?
The waiter came for their orders, and Matilda resolved to be ambitious.
“I’ll have the—what was it again? The cunning chin no-no?”
“Khanom chin nam ngiao?” he asked. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah. I want to try new things,” she said stubbornly. “I’ll have—what he said, please,” she directed at the waiter.
“It’s not on the menu,” he pointed out.
“Oh!” Matilda felt incredibly stupid. She wished the little fountain in the garden would suddenly turn into a flood and wash her away. Damian, on the other hand, was looking at her with admiration.
“Points awarded for bravery,” he assured her. “We’ll need a few minutes,” he added to the waiter, who nodded and left.
“I’m an idiot,” Matilda stated, blushing from the roots of her hair right down to her toenails.
“No, it’s my fault. I should have told you that’s something of a specialty. I don’t think many restaurants would make it,” he said. “Here.” He held out the menu to her. “These are all excellent.”
Taking the menu and hiding her face behind it, Matilda fell just a little bit more in love with Damian. He was so kind and caring!
As Damian looked at her, hiding her blush behind her menu, he smiled to himself. She was just too cute. He couldn’t help but love spending time with her. Just until my interest fades, he told himself, but deep down, he wondered if this was it for him. Was this little English girl really everything he had travelled the world searching for, or was she just a passing fancy for him? As much as he hated to admit it, he was pretty sure he had fallen for her.
After dinner, Damian drove them back into the city, and they strolled, hand in hand, down towards the National World War II Memorial, where pillars representing each of the states surrounded a pool of clear, tranquil water. It was empty; although it was Friday night, the clouds were heavy in the sky, promising rain, and it was already late.
Matilda was quiet, still feeling embarrassed by her stupidity, although Damian had been incredibly nice about it and, for some reason, didn’t seem to think she was an absolute idiot.
“Have you been here yet?” he asked as they drew level with the pool.
“No,” Matilda said.
“We’re lucky to be here in the evening when all the tourists have gone elsewhere,” he said. “Usually it’s full of people. Come on.” He led her to the edge of the water, slipping off his sandals and dipping his feet into the pool.
“Are we allowed to do that?” she asked nervously.
“Of course. Besides, would it stop you?” he asked, his eyes daring her to be bold. She decided she’d looked like enough of a fool for one evening. She’d be reckless for once and not care about the consequences.
She sat down next to him and slid her feet into the deliciously cool water. It felt wonderful in contrast to the heavy summer air.
“This feels so good!” she said out loud. “I never got to do anything like this back in England.”
“Why not?” Damian asked.
“Just… I was never allowed to do anything fun, or by myself. There were always rules to obey and commitments to fulfil,” she said.
“You sound like you had such a sheltered life. I don’t understand how anyone could keep such a free spirit in chains,” Damian said, looking straight into her eyes.
“I’m not a free spirit,” she said desolately. “I’m just a girl.”
“You’re much more than just a girl,” he contradicted her. “You’re amazing. You’re so beautiful and strong and you don’t even realize it. You’ve never let anyone tell you what to do as long as I’ve known you, not even me. Everything about you tells me you’re independent and completely able to think for yourself. You’re the most remarkable woman I’ve ever met.
“I think I’ve fallen for you hard, Matilda,” he finished. “I don’t think that I’ll ever want to leave, not now that you’re here.”
Matilda’s heart was thumping hard in her chest, and she wondered if she was dreaming, or had imagined the words. How could a guy like Damian have fallen for a silly little girl like her? He must just be leading her on, telling her what she wanted to hear. But he always seemed so sincere. Could he truly mean it?
“I just don’t think I’m as great as you seem to think,” she said, and then thought: what am I saying? This amazing guy likes me and I’m trying to tell him what a loser I am. Why am I so dumb?
“I think you’re a lot more exceptional than you think,” Damian said. “You’ve had people telling you what to do all your life, yet you’re here, in America, doing something you love, with me. Tell me how exactly that makes you ordinary?”
“But my family would never allow it if they knew,” she said, forcing herself to speak the ugly truth.
“Sometimes you have to stand up for what you want no matter what anyone else says,” Damian said. “I want to show you everything, Matilda, not just this city. I want to take you with me to Europe, to Asia, to each and every country on the planet, just to see your face as you discover something new.”
“That sounds incredible,” she admitted, and her heart yearned to do it even as her mind gave her an update on all the reasons she couldn’t. “But I can’t leave. I have a job here, and my family would never allow it.”
“I understand you not wanting to leave your job, but you’re a grown woman—I can’t say I understand why your family holds such sway over you,” he said, a touch of impatience in his voice.
“It’s complicated,” Maatilda sighed. This was the last thing she wanted to get into with Damian. She wanted to enjoy her time with him, not to be reminded that she could never really be with him.
“Then explain it to me,” he said.
“It’s not important. Let’s just enjoy our time together now,” she said.
“No,” Damian replied. “I want to be with you, Matilda. I want to travel with you. This isn’t just a fling for me, no matter what it is for you. I want to stay with you, explore new things with you—and I can’t do that if you’ve put some sort of sell-by date on us because of your family.”
Matilda felt tears welling in her eyes at the harsh tone of voice Damian was using, and blinked them back. She felt as if she had been punched hard in the stomach just from this small reprimand. Had she really fallen so far that Damian could affect her emotions with a few words?
“It’s not that I’m trying to keep anything from you,” she said desperately, “I just—there are things about me that aren’t great, and I don’t want you to hate me for anything outside my control.”
“Everything can be controlled. You just need to be brave enoug
h to do it,” Damian said. “If you’re not, then maybe you aren’t the woman I thought you were.”
“Maybe I’m not,” Matilda agreed, a heavy feeling in her stomach. It was over. It was already over between them. She tried not to let the despair swallow her whole. Quickly, she rose with a splash from her seat next to the water, trying to pull away, run home.
Damian caught her around the waist, holding her tight and burying his face in her hair. She could feel his remorse for his hard words in every point of contact between their bodies.
“I’m sorry,” he said gently, kissing her softly on top of her silky hair. “I didn’t mean that.”
Matilda turned around and kissed him tenderly on the lips, trying to tell him without words that he was forgiven. He pulled her closer, deepening the kiss, and she was left gasping when he finally pulled away, her hair a mess and her heart thudding. A split second later, Damian pulled her towards him again for a second savage kiss, bruising her lips with his intense passion, holding her so tight that she could barely breathe.
He pulled away finally, and they both fought for breath. Matilda knew she was flushed, disheveled and a complete mess, but the frantic kisses had turned her on to the point that she didn’t care. All she wanted was to feel Damian’s touch again. But before she did, she needed to tell him the truth about who she was.
“Damian, I… I need to tell you,” she said. “I’m…”
Somehow, the words wouldn’t come out of her mouth. I’m a member of the Royal Family and every aspect of our relationship would be hounded by the press or more likely forbidden by my father if it came out in the open. She couldn’t say it.
“I don’t want to hide anything from you,” she said eventually. “My family is somewhat well known in England. That’s why I can’t just do as I please. I have them to think about. But I don’t want to disappoint you, either. I want to travel with you. I want to be free. I just—it’s too much to think about right now.”
“Don’t worry, babe. We’ll work it out,” he promised. “Right now, it’s just you and me, so let’s forget your family.”
“OK,” she nodded.
“Hey—you want to go for a swim?” Damian asked, mischief sparking in his eyes, making him look more handsome than ever.
“Seriously?” Matilda looked behind them at the still water of the pool. She thought how amazing the cool water would feel against her heated, sticky skin.
“Yeah, there’s nobody around. Let’s go for it,” Damian said. He jumped into the pool, which only came up to below his waist, and before Matilda could do anything, he grabbed her around the waist and pulled her in next to him.
She gave an involuntary shriek as he lifted her off her feet and into the cool water, and then started laughing at the broad smile on his face.
“It feels so good,” she said, enjoying the cool water lapping against her stomach as the humid air curled around her torso.
“It’s our own private swimming pool in the middle of the city. I hear the presidents comes here to take a dip all the time,” Damian said, straight-faced. Matilda giggled.
“Does he take his wife with him?” she asked, pretending to take him seriously.
“And the kids—the dog, too,” Damian replied, not skipping a beat.
“Hmm, well we’re lucky they’re not here tonight. Just us,” Matilda said with a coy smile. Her white dress was soaked, and the thin material was clinging to her skin, leaving little to the imagination. She could tell Damian was appreciating the view if the bulge in his shorts was anything to go by.
Feeling bold, she reached out and cupped him in the palm of her hand. He groaned, and pressed himself against her.
“You make me so hot, babe,” he whispered in her ear. He took her earlobe gently in his mouth and tugged. Matilda gasped as shivers of lust ricocheted all over her body, and she leaned into him. He began kissing her neck gently, his hot breath ticking her skin, causing gooseflesh to break out across her arms which had nothing to do with the temperature of the water.
He found her pulse point with his lips and bit down hard. She moaned, and grabbed a handful of his dark hair, gripping it tight as he worked at her neck, kissing, nipping and sucking the pure white skin, watching purple bruises blossom as he marked her with his mouth.
One strong hand found Matilda’s leg and brought it up to hook around his waist. She tried not to moan out loud as his hand ran the length of her thigh, gliding up the slick flesh until he reached her panties. The sudden warmth of his hand against her aroused clit contrasted wonderfully with the cool water lapping against her heat, and she bit her lip to hold back the moans of pleasure.
“Mm, there’s no one around. I want you to moan for me,” Damian whispered in her ear, his breath an erotic breeze against her cheek.
“What if someone sees?” she whispered back, although she wasn’t sure she had enough restraint to wait until they were back at his place.
“They won’t,” Damian promised. “And if they do… who cares?”
The thrill of possibly being caught or spotted gave the situation a glamor and excitement Matilda had never experienced before. She loved the feeling of being so daring, of having come so far from a few weeks ago where she had been too afraid to eat a hamburger outside in case someone from the press photographed her and Princess Loves Junk Food was spread all over the gossip rags for the next month.
This was beyond belief. It was free, uninhibited and absolutely erotic. She threw back her head and moaned as Damian pushed her dress aside, sucking gently at her engorged breast, nipping at the erect nipple, his hot, rough tongue laving the delicate flesh, sending waves of pleasure coursing through her.
Damian impatiently tugged her panties aside and found her clit with his thumb, rubbing it hard. Matilda jerked and writhed as jolts of pleasure shot through her like bullets. She was losing her control and it had never felt more amazing. The cool water was heavenly against the urgent heat of her pussy, and the cool, wet trails Damian left as he caressed her exposed flesh were setting her skin ablaze.
His lips came up to capture hers, and Matilda felt as though her spirit was being lifted out of her body, spiraling above where they stood in the pool under the soft moonlight, the stars illuminating them like two silvery silhouettes. He made her feel so good and she wanted more. She wanted her entire body to be devoured by lust.
Her climax was building into a tense pressure in her stomach as Damian tugged and rubbed at her swollen clit, and she tried to hold it back, to prolong the uncontrollable pleasure which was rolling through her. She held it back as long as she could but it was like trying to keep the sun from bursting out from behind the clouds, trying to stop a speeding train dead in its tracks…
She came violently, her entire body shuddering with the power of her release as Damian gave her clit one final flick with his long, clever fingers. As she came down from her high, she felt him enter her, thrusting into her hot, wet pussy in one deft, slick movement.
She whimpered at the feeling of him filling her, and she arched into him, trying to pull him as deep inside her as possible, maximizing the delicious caresses of his rock hard cock against her willing walls.
It was unbelievably erotic how he thrust slowly in and out of her over-sensitized pussy. She could feel every inch of his hot, thick cock pulsing inside her. She squeezed her muscles, clamping down around him to intensify the experience, and she internally grinned in satisfaction as she heard him groan.
“Damn, you’re so tight,” he moaned in her ear. The whisper sent a jolt of pleasure through her, and she could feel her pussy throbbing with renewed desire as he sped up his thrusts, bracing her small body against the side of the pool.
Suddenly he picked her up to sit on the edge of the pool, using the higher angle to thrust upwards. Stars exploded behind her eyelids as he struck her sweet spot, sending her spiraling into ecstasy.
“Fuck, yes,” she moaned, all semblance of control or politeness abandoned. Damian grabbed her bare ass, sq
ueezing the cheeks, adding a flower of sweet pain to her intense pleasure and driving her close to the edge once again. She could feel his cock slamming repeatedly into her walls, hear the heaviness of his breathing as he fucked her hard. It was bliss, the sweetest, most magical sensation she had ever felt.
“I’m going to come,” Damian whispered in her ear, and those simple words drove her crazy. She lay back on the warm stone and wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him in hard as far as he could go.
She heard him roar his release even as her second orgasm came crashing over her in waves. The feel of his hot come spurting into her, coating her walls, made her climax all the more intense.
As she wound down from her high, she felt rather than saw Damian climb out of the pool, dripping wet, to lie beside her. She snuggled into his arms, feeling complete and exhausted. She wanted to lie here with him forever, the sound of the fountains a gentle song in the background.
As she came down to reality, though, she realized what a vulnerable position they were in, she with her bare ass exposed to the night air. She suddenly sat up, struck by the mortifying thought that her underwear must be floating in the fountain. If she didn’t fish it out, anyone could see it.
“What’s up, babe?” Damian mumbled.
“My—my knickers are in the fountain,” she said, alarmed. Then she realized the funny side of it, and burst out laughing, joined by Damian’s deep chuckle.
Any observer would have thought they were crazy—the petite English girl with her soaked dress clinging to her curves, wading in the fountain, and her tall, muscular companion, his shorts hanging tantalizingly low on his hips, laughing as she fished around for some mystery lost item.
In the shadows behind a pillar, somebody was watching. A tall, lean man, well-muscled in a stringy sort of way, was putting away what looked like a camera, an expression of grim satisfaction etched onto his face like a mask.
Matilda made her way home in a haze of happiness, wrapped in a warm cloak of memories from the night before. She replayed the moment when Damian had swung her into the fountain, and the moment he had confessed he was falling for her. It buoyed her up so much she felt as if she was either going to float away or explode.