Book Read Free


Page 8

by Michael I. Rolfe

  Earlier that Day, Dan

  Dan was conscious that Pamela has been on her own for some time and he was keen to return to her as quickly as possible, the longer she was on her own the more at risk she would be, but he also knew that to rush back could spell disaster, so he would compromise. He started one of the abandoned cars and drove back along the road that he had walked and cleared over the preceding couple of days. He had only been driving for an hour and was already approaching the outskirts of the village, he left the car and walked the last mile towards Amanda’s ambulance, stopping just short, he observed the vehicle before cautiously approaching. He had feared that she would be gone, or perhaps even dead, and that the medical supplies would be ransacked. But his fears were groundless, she was still alive and well, a little weak still, but the food and water that Dan had left had helped revitalised her and this was confirmed by the number of expletives used to express how pleased she was to see him. Dan did not waste time. He handed over some more food and water, then checked that the medical supplies were packed and ready to go, then said “Be ready to move, it will not be long now.” With more expletives, Amanda expressed her outrage that she was going to be left behind again, impressing him with her extended vocabulary, and, he responded by pointing toward the village and the suburbs that lay beyond. “That way lies only death, you would not stand a chance even if you were not in a weakened state” then, pointing the other way towards the open countryside, “That way you may stand a chance of survival. You make the choice but if you choose to go towards the village, you are on your own because I will not take you.” Amanda sighed as she gave in, she would have to wait a bit longer. “Okay, but please hurry!” she said, “Oh, and by the way. I am looking forward to meeting Pamela.” The mention of her name spurred Dan on, “I have to go!” he said, “Eat drink and be ready to go, we may have to leave in a hurry if we are being followed” “Good luck!” said Amanda as he walked away.

  Dan walked with the sword at the ready, the shotgun slung over his back, with each step that he took, the risks of meeting a large group of the Infected increased. As he entered the village Dan slowed his pace and patrolled along the road, glancing in all directions and turning every few seconds to walk backwards for a few paces so that he could check behind. It reminded him of his time as a young Paratrooper, Patrolling the streets of Northern Ireland towards the end of the “Troubles”, but he knew that this was no time to reminisce.

  He was well into the built-up area and starting to see more of the Infected, much more than had been the case days before when he had left! Each time he saw one he would duck out of sight, but their numbers were multiplying, something had agitated them, and they were on the prowl and he knew it was only a matter of time before one spotted him. Dan decided to withdraw and take another route because he could see that he could quickly lose control of the situation. He was only taking the road route back to the house so that he could recheck that it was clear, but this was too risky, so it was time to quietly retreat.

  Dan turned to make his way back away from the built-up area, and he saw a woman running out of her house towards him, shouting “Wait, we are here!” Dan looked behind her and there were two children running in her wake and they were both crying. They must have been hiding in their house since the beginning of the outbreak and he wished they had stayed there! They never stood a chance, they were slow and making too much noise. The Infected were instantly aware of them and would be on them in seconds. The woman was running towards Dan, still calling to him which was attracting more of the Infected, they seemed to be everywhere all at once and the woman ran straight into a large group of them, they all grabbed at her and in a frenzied attack they tore her apart. Dan did not see the fate of the two children, because the Infected that had missed out on the opportunity of attacking the woman were now heading towards him, it was time to run!

  Having little option, he turned and ran back toward the centre of the village, sprinting at full speed and knowing that he would not be able to maintain that pace for long, he had to think of something fast or die! The solution, when it came, did not take much thought as he was left with little choice but to take an alleyway on his right because Infected were running at him from all directions. He entered the alley at full tilt and ran at his top speed until he was almost to the end. “Time to take back control of the situation!” he thought.

  Dan stopped running and turned around, he hung the sword over his shoulder and grabbed the shotgun, then made sure the shells in his pockets were easily accessible. He was blowing heavily after the exertion of his headlong sprint, but he knew he would have to control his breathing if he were to aim accurately. The first Infected was fifteen metres away when Dan, shooting left handed, fired into its chest. It went down taking others with it as they tripped over the body, Dan pumped another shell in to the chamber and fired again aiming each shot at the heart or head taking his time to make every shot count, and he was counting the remaining shells in the gun. “One shot left” he told himself without taking the gun from his shoulder or his eyes from his target. Using his right hand, he pushed two shells in the shotgun “Three shots left” bang, bang “One shot left” he kept count out loud. The bodies of the shot Infected and those that had been trapped by them were now piling up, the narrow confines of the alleyway working in Dan’s favour as he knew it would, he fed another three shells in to the gun. “Four remaining”, he fired and reloaded like a machine without emotion, because that is what he had become.

  The Infected were now having to climb over a pile of carcasses, so their rate of progress toward Dan was greatly impeded, Dan walked forward towards the dam of fallen bodies and fired into the face of an Infected as it appeared at the top of the mound, its head exploded in a cloud of red mist and its body fell away from sight, “Time to move!” thought Dan, he turned and walked briskly away.

  It was ten seconds before another Infected charged up behind him, this was more than enough time to fully reload the shotgun, and Dan simply turned, aimed, fired, turned back around, push home another shell and walked on. Dan repeated this routine in a matter of fact manner, but he knew it was now time to stop using the gun, it was loud and would only attract more of the Infected, also he did not want to waste shells, besides his ears were ringing, so it was time to bring the sword in to the fray.

  Dan continued to walk, he had fully recovered from his sprint and would not run now unless he had to, in a practised action he cut down several more attackers, then he turned a corner and came face to face with an Infected.

  Dan waited for the Infected to commit to the attack before reacting to counter strike, but the assault never came, the infected just looked in to his eyes then simply walked away. This was not the first time that an Infected had responded to him in this way, but each time it happened it had not been a good time to think about it. It occurred to Dan that when you were in close proximity to the Infected that were usually trying to kill you, it was never be a good time for quiet contemplation! Perhaps he should take the time to think about it now, besides the Infected were everywhere and were worked up, and hunting with a vengeance so it was time that he went to ground and let this whole situation calm down.

  He kicked open a garden gate walked through into a walled garden, he used a spade to re-secure the gate, then broke into a shed and closed the door behind him. His ears were still ringing with tinnitus caused by the loud report of the shotgun, and now he heard for the first time the sound of a helicopter overhead, “So much for quiet contemplation.” thought Dan.

  Dan wanted the helicopter gone. Its very presence would only serve the agitate the Infected, the sooner it went the better, so he kept out of sight and waited for it to leave. The chopper hovered over the village for another thirty seconds and then flew off towards the east, “Good!” thought Dan and he relaxed and waited for the situation outside to settle down. He waited for fifteen minutes before checking over the garden wall. There were still Infected around but they seemed to have ca
lmed down, so he stealthily made his way back to his house, hoping that Pamela was still okay.

  As he approached the house he could see that there was something wrong, the front door had been kicked in and was left fully open. Fearing the worst Dan quietly entered the porch. The inner front door had been also been kicked in and there was body of a giant of a man lying across the threshold, blood was trickling from his head, but he was still breathing, Dan would deal with him later. Pamela’s baseball bat was by the body “She must have taken this guy down before dropping the bat” thought Dan as he picked it up and held it at the ready, as he walked further into the house there was an Infected in the lounge and this charged at him, Dan smashed the end of the bat in to its face, it went down and lay on its back, Dan smashed his heel in to its throat and left it to die.

  He walked around the ground floor checking all the rooms but there were no other Infected and no sign of Pamela. Dan walked to the foot of the stairs and looked up, the wardrobe that he had positioned at the top of the stairs had been pushed down and was now blocking off access to the first floor, this was a good sign thought Dan and he called softly out to Pamela.

  There was no response from Pamela, so Dan called out a little louder “Pam. Are you okay?” there was the sound of movement that Dan thought was coming from the loft then to his relief he heard her saying “I did not think you were ever coming back!”

  Between the two of them they moved the wardrobe out of the way, the whole-time Dan was keeping an eye on the large gentleman who was still recumbent in the doorway. Once the stairs were clear Pamela embraced Dan and gave a sob of relief, “I was so worried about you!” she said, “And me too!” replied Dan, then looking at the unconscious body of the man in the threshold. “What’s his story, Jehovah’s Witness that would not take NO for an answer?” Pamela answered, “As he kicked in the doors, he made his intentions very clear to me in the most lurid terms, he said, and I quote, “I’m going to ride you like the bitch you are!” I did not take kindly to the language or the intent, so I hit him in the head with the bat! I don’t think he is infected, but someone who had followed him through the door, so I ran upstairs and pushed the wardrobe down then hid in the loft.” “Good for you! Are you okay?” asked Dan “Better than him!” replied Pamela as Dan checked the body of the man, then hogtied him and dragged his bulky body into the house before closing the doors and securing them as best as he could.

  Dan slapped the man’s face and he slowly came around, “Hello” said Dan “and what is your story?” “Fuck you!” responded the man before realising that he was bound then ordered “Let me go!” Dan punched him in the kidneys and said, “You don’t have long to live, you have no control over that, but you do have some control over the manner of your passing, so I ask you again, what is your story?”

  The man on the floor looked at Dan and he knew that this man meant what he said, “I’m sorry, my name is John Smith and I was just looking for food for my family.” “John Smith! Really?” said Dan “That’s good. Now we know what to put on the grave stone!” and walked away.

  Pamela asked Dan “What are we going to do about him?”, Dan made sure they were out of earshot then said “Tell me honestly. Would you trust him?” Pamela paused and then shook her head “No.” she said, “Then forget about him, leave him to me!” said Dan. He then proceeded to tell her about his trip, what he had found, about Amanda and the medical supplies waiting for them in the ambulance.

  “We must leave soon.” he said and continued to outline the plan. “We will take both vehicles, you drive the campervan, keep the windows closed tight and lock the doors. I will use the 4x4 to clear the way and help you out if you get stuck. If you do get stuck, stay in the van and I will push or pull you out. We will use the radios that I found to keep in touch, but they will only work over short range. Remember, telephone and internet connections are all down so in case we get separated we will need meeting points along the way that we can return to, I will point them out as we go along. Any questions?” Pamela had none, so Dan continued “Right, I’ll lead in the 4x4, first stop will be to pick up Amanda and the stuff from the ambulance, and remember this, no plan survives contact with the enemy so remain flexible. First meeting place will be at the ambulance if we get separated, let’s go!” What about “John Smith?” asked Pamela “Don’t ask!” said Dan “But if you happen to see him running down the road being pursued by the Infected don’t be surprised!”

  Pamela sat in the van, with the window fully closed and the doors locked, the Assault rifle on the floor between the seats and the radio was clipped to her jacket. After a so many days in the house she was ready to go, but she wondered if they would ever return to their home, she liked to think that perhaps they would but doubted it, and the thought saddened her.

  Dan dragged “John Smith” into the garage and left him by the door, then went to the back garden where the campervan was parked “Remember, no matter what happens, keep calm. I’ll call you on the radio when it’s time to go, but for now keep out of sight”, then he opened the gate ready for her to drive away.

  He went back into the house and locked the back door, then walked into the garage and quietly opened the door and looked out in to the street, he could see some Infected thirty metres along the road “Time to let you go.” said Dan as he used his knife to cut “John Smiths” legs free. Dan pointed in the opposite direction from the way that he was going to drive and said, “Go that way and good luck to you!” “You can’t send me out there!” said the so-called John Smith, Dan held the knife to “Smith’s” throat and said, “We both know what you were going to do to my lady if you had the chance, so you can die here uselessly or you can take your chances out there and make a run for it, your choice, make it now!” Smith looked at this man with the dead, expressionless eyes, and knew that he would kill him without hesitation. “At least cut my hands free” he pleaded. Dan said “You go as you are or die here, I’ll count to three then you die. One, two…” Smith stepped back, turned and ran. Dan picked up a glass bottle and walked to the end of the drive, he then threw the bottle after the fleeing Smith and then hid.

  The bottle flew in an arc through the air and smashed with a loud noise just behind Smith’s heels, “Bastard!” said Smith and increased his speed as best as he could with his hands tied behind his back. The Infected reacted to the sound of the bottle smashing and set off in pursuit of Smith, Dan watched them run past, then checked the road in the direction that he and Pam were to drive, it was clear.

  He started the 4x4, then called Pamela on the radio “Ready to go?” he asked “Yes!” came the reply “Follow me, fifteen metres back and keep calm, let’s go!” He drove out of the garage and down the drive with Pam following. They drove unmolested along their road and at a steady speed, Dan trying to keep the engine noise to a minimum and did not want to take the chance of an accident, he checked the mirror and Pamela was following precisely as instructed, “Good girl!” he thought. Still looking in the mirror he looked behind and beyond the campervan and he could see the Infected running after it, and he knew that Pamela could see the same thing in her mirrors. “Keep calm, we knew this would happen.” said Dan into the radio. He turned left at a T-junction and as the two vehicles slowed for the corner the Infected that were now appearing from the gardens and driveways at the side of the road were able catch up and some were clawing at the side of the campervan, then one ran in front of the van and Pam instinctively braked, “Keep going!” shouted Dan in to the radio. Pamela did as she was told but the campervan had lost it momentum and more Infected had run in front of the van. She tried to force her way through, but the sheer weight of numbers stopped the van and the Infected crowded around the vehicle in a solid mass. Pam was terrified, looking directly at the faces of the Infected and into their eyes, she knew that all they wanted was to rip her apart! Dan accelerated away, braked hard and turned around in the road, then drove back towards the front of the stranded campervan. As he approached he selected
four-wheel drive, then stamped down on the accelerator.

  The 4x4 crashed into the mass of bodies that were in front of Pamela’s van sweeping them aside and she did not need to be told to go, she pushed down hard on the accelerator and drove away from the mass of Infected that had accumulated around her van. Others ran in to her path, but she had learnt her lesson well and she drove in to them and was almost happy to see their flailing bodies flying through the air!

  Dan followed and watched as Pamela drove through the Infected and saw the bodies being smashed aside like skittles, he wanted to reassure her, so he picked up the radio and in a mock American accent said, “Now you are getting the hang of it, look at them fly, that’s my girl!” It was just what Pamela needed to break the tension and despite the situation she found herself smiling “Totally mad!” she said out loud, and even she was not sure is she was referring to the situation or commenting on Dan’s state of mind.

  With Pamela still leading they drove along, occasionally mounting the pavement to avoid vehicles that were blocking the road. They approached the traffic lights, the lights were off, but Pam had no intention of stopping even if they had been showing red and with the police directing the traffic. What she, nor Dan, had accounted for was the number of Infected that were now congregating at this junction. Pam saw the Infected packed tightly in the road, it looked like they had just caught a victim because of the frenzied activity in the centre of the pack, there was no way round and Pamela just aimed for the edge of the crowd where at least the logjam of Infected was not so dense. She had to slow for the 90-degree left hand turn and as she did, so she drove into the pack with a bang, the campervan slowed almost to a stop as hit the mass of bodies, Pamela rammed it into first gear and pressed down hard on the accelerator. The van slowly pushed its way into the tightly packed mass of Infected but the further it went in the more momentum it lost and soon the Infected were surrounding Pamela’s vehicle which was now almost at a stop. “Keep calm!” she shouted to herself, but she could feel the panic rising within her.


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