Book Read Free


Page 24

by Michael I. Rolfe

  Keeping a lookout for Smith, Janet and Dan made their way quickly but carefully back along the road towards Kevin and Pamela, “You two okay?” Dan called out and Pamela answered in the affirmative. Dan said, “Pamela, we have wounded in the garage, you are needed, I’ll run you there in the 4x4!” and then he said, “Kevin and Janet, you re-establish the east roadblock but be careful, Smith is still out here somewhere.” Kevin and Janet ran to the road sweeper to move it up toward the smashed barricade, while Dan and Pamela got to the 4x4 and started to drive back to the garage.

  Even over the noise of the 4x4s engine the sound of automatic rifle fire was unmistakable, then thirty seconds later one of Smith’s pickup trucks came hurtling towards them from around a corner. Before Dan could react, the pickup scraped down the side of the 4x4. Dan looked in the rear-view mirror and saw Kevin make a valiant attempt to block the pickup, but the lighter vehicle was quicker, nimbler and driven with the desperation of a man that had nothing to lose. Glancing off the side of truck, it veered across a grass verge and smashed into a hedge, but the driver kept his foot down and the vehicle forced its way along the hedgerow, scraping paint from the side panels, smashing the wing mirror and ripping it from its mount as it ripped through branches, then disappeared in a cloud of dust and foliage, only to emerge a second or two later as it bounced back onto the road and made its getaway. Dan just heard Pamela say in a tone full of loathing “That was Smith, he has got away.” Dan replied “No, he will not get away this time.” Dan’s 4x4 swept past the eastern road block and screeched to a halt on the garage forecourt, Dan said, “Tell Salim to check on the west roadblock, I’ll be back.” He then drove off in pursuit of Mr. John Smith.

  Kevin had arrived at the east roadblock, but he had left the entrance open knowing that Dan would pursue the pickup truck, Dan pressed down hard on the accelerator and aimed for the gap that Kevin had left, but Janet stepped in front of the car holding her bow and scythe. He stamped on the brake and the 4x4 slid to a stop centimetres from her legs, she ran around to the passenger door, tore it open and got in with a determined look on her face. It was an expression that Dan knew so well because it was like looking in a mirror, it was the look of a wolf looking for its prey. Janet was looking straight ahead as she said, “You can hunt him down, but I will be the one to kill him!” Dan appreciated the need that she was feeling because it was a want that he felt every day, and so he nodded in agreement as he said, “He’s yours!” as he passed the radio to Kevin, then stamped down on the accelerator and set off in pursuit of John Smith.

  Kevin put the radio in his pocket, then pulled the road sweeper across the road closing the gap in the barricade. He lowered his bulk from the lorry and walked slowly toward Helens body, then with tears in his eyes he covered her, he took the radio from his pocket and simply said “East roadblock secure.”

  Rushing into the garage Pamela saw a man tied up on the floor, guarded by Heather and Frank’s grandson Mark. Salim strode towards her and said, “Tom and Frank are on the roof, they have been shot.” then he whispered, “Frank is looking bad.” he then raised his voice and continued “Lee is outside, he was shot by the man who got away in the pickup truck.” Pamela asked, “Where is Amanda?” Salim replied, “She is on her way back with Peter, she should be here in a minute.” Pamela said, “Please ask her to see to Lee, oh, and Dan asked that you check on the west roadblock.” Salim was already walking towards the door saying, “I’m on my way now, the last thing we need now is Infected roaming around!”

  Pamela made her way to the roof with her medical kit in hand and quickly glanced at the two wounded men, she knew that Frank needed the most attention, but she walked past him and knelt next to Tom. He had been shot through the right bicep, and she pulled a dressing from her bag and quickly bound his arm, “Keep still, I’ll be back!” she said glancing significantly in Frank’s direction. Tom understood and trying to keep the pain out of his voice he said, “I’ll be fine, go and see to him.” Pamela hurried over to Frank, June was at his side and was keeping pressure on a chest wound.

  Salim ran out of the garage across the forecourt and towards where Lee was lying, the prisoner that Lee had taken was now bending over him, he made an odd sight because the trousers were still around his ankles. Salim ran up to him and was going to kick him away from Lee and then shoot him but as he got closer he could see that the man was trying to help his former captor by applying pressure to a thigh wound. Lee had lost a lot of blood and looked so ill that he had gone grey, but he was still conscious, Salim said “Lee, are you okay?” the young lad replied, “Never felt better!” but he could not suppress the pain and fear in his voice. Salim now had a dilemma, he did not want to leave Lee on his own or with this man who until a few minutes ago was trying to kill them. But Salim knew how important it was to get to the west roadblock because the noise of the battle would have attracted the Infected for miles around, he said “Amanda and Peter will be here soon, but I have to get to the roadblock to stop the Infected breaking through.” Lee replied weakly “Go, I will be fine” Salim looked at the stranger who was still applying pressure to Lees wound but before he could say anything the stranger said, “You go, I will look after him.” Salim had little choice, he had to get to the barricade, and so he picked up the two rifles that belonged to Lee and the stranger and said, “You had better look after him, your life may just depend on it!” then he turned and ran to the west roadblock.

  Amanda and Peter got to Lee two minutes later and by that time he was barely conscious, Peter covered the stranger with his rifle, Amanda looked at the man who was still keeping pressure on the wound “Keep applying pressure.” she ordered while she checked Lee for any other injuries she said to Lee “Are you hurt anywhere else?” but by now the lad was beyond talking, so the stranger said, “I think he was only hit once”. “Did you shoot him?” ask Amanda, the accusation was accompanied with her usual string of obscenities, the stranger responded with an obscenity of his own as he said “No! It was that murdering bastard Smith, he shot this lad then escaped in one of the pickup trucks!”

  Amanda said “Okay, move aside, let me take a look.” The bullet had passed through Lees thigh leaving a large wound, Amanda did not think any major arteries had been hit but Lee had lost a lot of blood, she elevated and dressed the leg as best as she could and set up an intravenous drip then said “That’s all I can do for now, keep him warm and still, Peter can you watch our friend here, I’m going to help Doctor Pamela and when we get a chance we’ll come back to take another look at Lee.”

  Amanda rushed into the garage, and as she entered the prisoner who was sat on the floor with his hands bound behind his back let out a wolf whistle as he saw her. Amanda did not did even check her pace, she walked briskly over to him and punched him in the face, his head slammed back against the wall with a resounding crack, then in a statement full of expletives Amanda explained to him in no uncertain terms what part of his anatomy she would remove with the scalpel that she was waving in front of his face, then reinforced the statement by mimicking the action required to remove the appendage.

  Amanda could waste no more time chastising the prisoner, she had to get to the roof to assist Pamela with the other wounded, and so she made for the stairs. As she climbed she reflected on how much she had changed since the outbreak of the infection, it was not just her that had changed, the whole world had and all the people in it. You were either infected, dead or you became hardened to the new reality, if you did not, then you were dead or soon would be. The fact that the idiot that she had just punched had been part of a group that had been seeking out other survivors with the sole intention of attacking them enraged her. Humanity was now an endangered species and the Infected were enough of a threat, one human murdering another was no longer an option, killing each other in the past was unforgivable and this was doubly true in this new reality. “Why could these idiots not see that”, Amanda wondered?

  As soon as she emerged onto the roof Pamela s
houted to her “Set up a drip for Tom, then give me a hand here.” Amanda nodded and rushed toward Tom, he looked ashen but still managed to smile as she knelt beside him to start work. Tom whispered, “You should help Pamela with Frank, he is not looking too good.” Amanda replied, “I will as soon as you are stable.”

  When Frank was first hit, he felt no pain, the round had broken a rib on his right-hand side, passing through his lung and exited through his back and shattering his spinal column as it went, the wind had been driven from both of his lungs by the force of the impact and he thought that he would die right there and then, but slowly he had managed to get air into his left lung, but then the pain had started and it was like nothing he had every experienced before. He knew that he was going to die, he lay on the roof of the garage and waited for the end listening to the sound of the battle raging around him as the pain intensified, he could not move his legs and when he tried to move his arms the pain escalated to such a point that he wished that he was already dead. He lay with his right cheek on the rough surface of the flat roof of the garage and his own blood now pooled around his head and he could not move away from it. From where he was lying he could see Tom blasting away with his own rifle at targets behind the garage, even though the pain Frank wanted to shout encouragement to him but then Tom was thrown back from the wall and he landed of the flat roof with blood pouring from his right arm and he was gritting his teeth in pain. Both men were staring across the roof at each other and they knew that they were losing the battle. But then just as the two men thought all was lost the rate of fire reduced and then stopped altogether and someone shouted that it was all over and then they realised their own side had won! Both men were surprised by how quickly the situation had been reversed but when they heard that Dan and the others had returned, and this explained a lot to them, then within a few minutes Pamela had materialised and started to work on their injuries.

  Pamela knew she was fighting a losing battle, she might have stood a chance of saving Frank if she could operate, but that was not an option and Frank was going to die. She could keep him alive for a little longer but in her own heart she knew that she was just prolonging his agony. Tears were streaming down Junes face, she had been his wife for forty years and she would not leave his side now, she could not take in the reality of what was happening, she knew Frank was dying but she could not accept it and she put all her hopes in Pamela hoping that, against all the odds, she could save her husband. Frank was a pragmatic man and he knew how bad his injuries were, he looked directly at Pamela and said, “I’m dying, aren’t I!” this was a statement and not a question and Pamela only hesitated for a moment before nodding and saying, “I’m sorry!” Frank looked at his wife and said, “Could you check on the kids?” June knew him well, this was just a ploy to get rid of her for a few moments, she hesitated but then acquiesced and moved towards the stairs. Frank spoke to Pamela in a voice that was surprising strong and speaking in a matter of fact way, said “I know what Dan, is and I think you do too?” he saw her almost imperceptible nod and he continued “For clarification he is a psychopath, or at the very least a borderline psychopath!” again Pamela nodded but she looked hurt, hearing someone else saying it out loud made it real and no longer left any room in her mind for the comfort of doubt. Frank forced a smile and said “Don’t look so sad, you have been with him for years in the old world and it was fine, and in a strange way having Dan with you now in this new hostile world may well just be the best thing that could have happened to you and the others, in short you all need him. But I have been watching him and I think you are the only person on the planet that can keep him grounded, without you he could well revert fully to type so I am asking you to take care of yourself, don’t take any stupid risks with your life, because if Dan loses you it could well be like opening Pandora’s Box!” Pamela nodded not trusting herself to speak. Frank said, “Look after my family, now please fetch my wife then you go and help Tom.” Pamela lent forward and kissed him on the forehead “You are a good man Frank.” she said, then she stood and did as she was bid.

  Frank died there on the roof a few minute later, he died in the arms of his wife of forty years and with his grandson and granddaughter at his side, and for their benefit he endeavoured to go out with a smile on his face, he almost succeeded.

  The two injured men, Tom and Lee were moved in to the garage so that Pamela and Amanda could treat them further, both men were expected to recover but Pamela warned Lee that he would always walk with a limp and Tom that there would be some loss of function in his right arm.

  With the deaths of Frank and Helen, Tom and Lee were injured and out of action, and while Dan and Janet off in pursuit of John Smith there were less people to man the road blocks and guard the prisoners. At gun point, Salim forced the two prisoners to dig two graves behind the garage, and as they dug they could not help but think that they would be occupying the holes once they were dug. However, the graves were for Frank and Helen. Salim then forced the two men to carry the bodies of Smith gang to the east roadblock and place them on the trailer with the dead Infected ready to be dumped later, “So this will be our fate.” Thought the two prisoners.

  Once Frank and Helen had been laid to rest by their by their grieving family and friends, there was still a question to be answered and that question was what to do with the prisoners? Night had fallen and the people manning the roadblocks had been recalled to the safety of the garage, and a debate had started as to the future of the two men. June had lost her husband and she said, “Frank was a policeman for all of his working live, he believed in the rule of law and would want these two men to be tried in a court of law.” Salim replied “You and your family have lost more than the rest of us because of the attack, so I respect all you have to say. However, before we go any further I think I should point out something and that is this: - Yes, we can have sort of a trial, but if as I believe will happen these two men are found guilty, what are we supposed to do with them? We cannot keep them prisoner indefinitely, we cannot just let them go because they would still be a threat to us. So, let me make one thing clear, yes, we will give them a hearing, a trial if you like, but they will be on trial for their lives because if found guilty there is only one course of action that we have open to us, there can be only one punishment that we can administer and that is death.” Everyone there knew that this was the case but to hear it said out loud was a shock to them all, especially to the one prisoner who up until this time had a conceited smile on his face, that smile now disappeared and he stood up and started to shout and swear at his captives “You have no right to do this, there is no law, that world is gone along with all the fucking judges, so let me go!” Pamela ignored him completely, but she looked at Salim and knowing that it would antagonise the prisoner she said in the best upper-class voice that she could muster “Salim, would you be so kind as to tie the prisoner to his chair and if there are any further outbursts you might consider gagging him?” Salim also knew how much the “Posh voice” would annoy the prisoner, so he decided to join in with the performance and smiling he said, “Yes Ma’am!” as he complied.

  Once the prisoner had been subdued, Salim said “As much as I would like to wait for Dan and Janet to return, I think we should deal with this now, I do not want to take a risk with these guys by waiting! I think we should get on with the trial and we should start now.” Pamela and the others agreed.

  No one wanted to defend the prisoners, so they were told that they would have to defend themselves. Because Pamela and Kevin did not have any direct involvement in the battle Pamela was elected as “Chairperson” and Kevin would be the Prosecutor. Pamela opened proceedings by stating the charges and asked the defendants to state their names and to offer a plea. The more vocal of the two defendants refused to recognise the authority of the “court” and declined to give his name, so Pamela submitted a plea of not guilty on his behalf and told him that he would be referred to as “Defendant D”. The prisoner that had helped Lee after
he had been shot was more cooperative stating that his name was David Peterson and submitted a plea of not guilty.

  Kevin opened for the prosecution, he had seen numerous court cases on TV and he fancied himself as a “Prosecutor” so he relished the role. “It is undisputed that the two defendants were involved in the attack on our camp, and that this attack resulted in the deaths of two of our number, namely Frank and Helen. It is also undisputed that Lee and Tom were both grievously wounded during this attack.” Kevin then called each member of the group in turn, and all stated that they had seen one or both defendants during or immediately after the battle. But after he had called his last witness he realised that the case was pretty much “open and shut” and he had little more to do, and he felt somewhat deflated when he found himself having to say, “The prosecution rests.”

  “Defendant Ds” defence was little more than a tirade of abuse directed at everyone present. Even when Pamela reminded him of the seriousness of the charges and the consequences of a guilty verdict, he still refused to cooperate and remained hostile and Salim had to restrain him, and Pamela declared his defence over.

  With Defendant Ds defence over it was time for David Peterson to start his, and to everyone’s surprise he called Lee as a witness for the defence: -

  David Peterson ask Lee “Are you are the person who took me prisoner?”

  Lee replied “Yes.”

  David continued “Did you see me firing my weapon and did I offer any resistance when you captured me?”

  Lee answered “No.”

  David said, “Is it true that once you were injured, I could have escaped along with John Smith, but instead I stayed to help you by administering First Aid?”


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