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The Best Roommate

Page 3

by Samantha Whitney

  “Yes! Of course!” Ellie's eyes had a sparkle I'd never seen in them before.

  She sat the warm bowl of soup on the counter in front of us and got two spoons out of a drawer, handing one to me.

  “Thank you for making this,” I said, already gulping down my first spoonful. “And thanks for not making it too hot.” I wiped a drop of soup off my chest with my bare hand. I'd never tried to eat soup while I was naked before.

  Ellie chuckled as she brought the spoon to her lips. “Yeah, it's a little weird to eat this naked, huh? I never realized how tricky it is not to let it drip.”

  Her arm brushed against mine many times as we stood there eating the big bowl of soup in front of us. It was wild to be naked with Ellie, casually eating in the kitchen like that. I wanted to ask her if she was only like this because of the alcohol, or if maybe she was just too shy to show me this side of herself until today. I was afraid to let myself think about it too much - afraid to get my hopes up that we might be embarking upon a new chapter in our lives together as roommates.

  Ellie put her spoon down and poured some wine into the glass on the counter she'd used earlier. She took a few sips before handing it to me.

  “Thanks,” I said. I gladly drank more than a few gulps before she grabbed it back from me and started guzzling it down. I didn't mind. I knew I should probably feel bad for letting her get drunk so I could continue to enjoy this side of her. But I also knew I might never get this chance again.

  She finished off the glass and sat it down on the counter, then poured another half glass and handed it to me. I drank it quickly before she could grab it from me again.

  Ellie grinned at me as I picked up my spoon to finish off the soup. I tried to focus on eating and not on her scrumptious body standing next to me.

  While gazing beside me at Ellie's tits - which were my new fascination - I carelessly dribbled a huge spoonful down the front of my body, almost missing my mouth entirely.

  “Shit!” I looked down at myself. Most of it was on my right breast. The rest of it flowed down between my breasts, to my stomach. Thankfully, it was only slightly warmer than room temperature.

  Ellie quickly grabbed a paper towel and started to hand it to me. But instead, she looked in my eyes, half-smiling, “I better help you with this. You seem a little clumsy today.”

  She ran water in the sink just a second to dampen the paper towel, then stood in front of me, carefully examining my body. She dabbed at the bottom of the spill on my stomach, then slowly worked her way up to my chest. The towel felt cold against my skin.

  She gave me a sweet little smile then threw away the paper towel and ripped a few more off the roll, wetting them under the faucet like she had before. I looked down and noticed I was already clean. But that didn't mean I was going to stop her.

  Ellie stood in front of me. She placed the wet towel against my stomach, making me inhale, sharply.

  “I'm sorry! Is this okay?” she asked.

  “Yeah,” I said. “It's just a little cold but I'm already used to it.”

  “Good. I need to make sure you're nice and clean.”

  She gently rubbed the towel along my stomach, making me giggle. I was very ticklish. She grinned at me as she moved the towel up to my breasts.

  Ellie lifted my right breast with one hand, her other hand running the paper towel from the middle of my chest to the underside of my breast in a circular pattern. She repeated the pattern slowly and deliberately, over and over, each time coming closer to my nipple. Her face was right in front of me - so close I could have easily kissed her. I admired the way her long brown hair settled on her shoulders.

  I felt my desire for her building each time she ran the towel over me. Was she just trying to tease me? I fought the urge to reach down between her legs to feel her smooth, pretty pussy.

  I lost my breath as the towel touched my nipple.

  “Sorry. Are you alright?” Ellie asked. She looked directly into my eyes, moving the damp towel around my nipple at a pace I can only describe as painfully slow. I could tell by the evil little grin on her face she knew she was teasing me - seeing how far she could push me.

  “What are you trying to do to me, Ell?” I had never been teased like that for so long before.

  “What do you mean?” she asked, doing a horrible job of trying to sound innocent. “I'm just making sure you're all clean.”

  I sighed. “I'm pretty sure I didn't get anything on my nipple.” I loved the way she touched me but it was frustrating. I needed to move on to something more intense or have her stop altogether. She'd gotten me too worked up.

  Ellie's eyes got huge. “I'm just trying to help you, Joanna. I think you might need another spanking for being so ungrateful.” She tossed the towel onto the counter and turned to walk out of the room.

  I froze. Ellie knew exactly what she was doing, I could tell. I was shocked at myself for not picking up on this side of her months ago. I was usually quite perceptive about such things. It didn't take much wine to unleash her kinkiness.

  I stared at her sexy naked ass as she walked away from me. She turned her head over her shoulder. “Come on!”

  I thought I was gonna fall over from shock. Prudish, little, self-disciplined Ellie who had excellent grades and always had a boyfriend was now naked, demanding me to follow her into another room where she could spank me?

  This is one of the best days of my entire life.

  I slowly followed her, my eyes running up and down her tight, sexy body. Her ass was small, rounded in the cutest little shape. All I could think about was bending her over so I could get on my knees behind her and lick her pussy.

  And suddenly, as I walked behind her, I realized I was pretty tipsy. The pink Chablis was much more potent than I remembered. And the fact I'd barely eaten anything but a half can of soup didn't help. It made me wonder if Ellie might be in worse shape than I thought.

  My conscience suddenly got the better of me. I didn't want to take advantage of her. Well, actually, I did want to. I wanted to throw her down on my bed and lick every part of her body. But I was ashamed of myself.

  “Ellie, are you really drunk?” I asked. She led me to my bedroom, stopping at the side of my bed. She turned around to face me.

  “I'm buzzed but I'm okay. Do I sound drunk to you?” she asked.

  “Not really, I guess.”

  She looked me deep in the eyes. “Joanna, don't worry about it. I'm a little drunk but I can make my own decisions.” She thought for a second, looking down at the floor, sheepishly. Then her eyes rose to meet mine again. “Hopefully soon I won't need any wine to help me along. I'm really grateful to you.”

  “I don't know what to say, Ell.” It was so sweet…

  “Then don't say anything. Just bend over and get ready for your punishment, you ungrateful little brat.” Ellie's eyes twinkled as she smiled – a beautiful, evil smile.

  I giggled with anticipation. Just being in the same room – naked - with her was a total rush. Having her boss me around so she could administer a spanking was practically mind-blowing.

  I turned away from her like I had in the kitchen. I bent forward as far as I could, grabbing the back of my legs.

  “Mmm.” I heard her moan. She stood beside me. A few seconds later I felt her hand hit the back of my thigh.

  It barely stung. I stayed there, waiting for the next one.

  Her hand landed right below my ass, at the very top of my thighs.

  “Oooh!” I yelped, enjoying the way my flesh cried out in pain.

  “Hmm.” Ellie sounded like she was thinking. “Stand up.”

  I stood up, probably too quickly. My head felt a little dizzy. I blamed it on the wine.

  She sat down on the chair near the door. “Bend over my knee.”

  “I think I might hurt you, Ell. I'm heavier than you think.” I could imagine my thick body on top of her tiny legs, crushing them.

  “Well, maybe I'm tougher than you think!”

  I stood
there beside the chair, wondering if I should bend forward as she requested.

  “Come on!” she yelled. “Don't make me get the belt, young lady!” She looked very stern. And, as drunk as she was, I feared she might actually get a belt. I loved to be spanked but I knew a whipping with a belt from Drunk Ellie might be too much for me.

  I gulped, then slowly bent over her knee, trying not to let my full weight rest on her legs.

  “Mmmm,” she moaned. “You're not too heavy at all.”

  “I'm trying to keep my weight off of you.”

  Ellie gave me a really hard, loud smack. “I told you, I'm tougher than you think. And you're not that heavy! Just let me do this or, I swear, you're really gonna get it.”

  I reluctantly let my body rest on hers. I saw my long red hair touch the carpet as my hands reached down to brace myself.

  “That's better,” she said. “You're still not too heavy for me.”

  I felt her hand rubbing my butt, inches away from my pussy, which ached from too much arousal and lack of attention. I wondered if this was what it felt like when a guy had blue balls. Even though I’d just gotten off earlier, I was ready to go again because of Ellie.

  I didn't feel her hand anymore. I knew she had drawn it back. I braced myself, anxiously anticipating what was about to come.

  Suddenly, her hand landed sharply on my ass, right above my pussy. I moaned.

  She gently rubbed the area she'd just smacked. Then she drew her hand back again and it landed below my pussy. I moaned again, my pussy aching even more. When she was finished, I knew I was going to have to do something about the ache, even if it meant diving into my toy drawer.

  Ellie drew her hand back again, this time giving me five sharp slaps in a row, each of them landing in the same place on my left cheek. I was surprised at how much they stung.

  “Ow!” I screamed.

  She waited a few seconds, and I felt five slaps on my right cheek as sharp as the ones before.

  “Ow!” I screamed again. It was painful but it felt so good.

  “Joanna, I'm gonna really spank you now. I've been too easy on you. You need some discipline. You complained about cleaning the living room the other day, remember that?”

  “Yes,” I answered, weakly.

  “I’ve heard you complain about a lot of dumb shit lately. I'm only gonna use my hand for now, but next time I'll use something else because you really need it.”

  Shit! Will there be a next time?

  I could only hope.

  Before I could respond, the spanking began. It was much harder than before. I wondered if she was using all of her strength. Her little, bony hand was capable of inflicting a lot of pain, I quickly realized.

  “Nooooo!” I screamed. My ass already felt like it was on fire.

  Ellie was undeterred. She continued to spank me, her slaps landing all over my ass in no particular order.

  “Ahhhhh!” I whimpered, squirming. I swore I felt tears coming to my eyes.

  Ellie stopped. “You need to quit whining, Jo. When's the last time you got a real spanking? Didn't your parents spank you?”


  She smacked me once, very hard. I let out a high-pitched grunt.

  “So, how old were you the last time they spanked you, Jo?”

  “I think I was fifteen.”

  “Yeah, you're overdue. Just take it like a woman. Your chubby little ass isn't red enough.”

  She continued to spank me, not pausing between her sharp, hard smacks. I thought about what she said. Maybe I really was overdue for it. The spanking hurt - not quite like the ones my parents had given me, but much more than the ones I'd gotten from random guys over the years. I squirmed and screamed as Ellie's hand hit my ass and the backs of my legs over and over, leaving me stinging and shrieking. I thought she'd never stop.

  But finally, she did stop. I felt her gently rub my behind like she was trying to soothe it.

  I heard Ellie moan, quietly, as her hand explored my ass. “You're so red, Jo.” She giggled. “And your skin is so warm!” She seemed joyful as she marveled over what a great job she'd just done at painting my ass red.

  I laid there across her lap, thinking about what had just happened. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it, now that it was over. I loved the feel of her hand as she gently caressed the areas where I stung with pain. She was right - I needed it. And I didn't even know it.

  As Ellie's hand rubbed me, her fingers came closer to touching my pussy. Each time they got near it, I moaned a little - so low, I doubted she could even hear me.

  “Stand up,” she said.

  Without hesitation, I used my hands to push myself off the floor, slowly. I felt Ellie’s hands around my waist, gently guiding me to my feet.

  “You’re a lot stronger than you look,” I said.

  “I know,” she said, confidently.

  I slowly stood on my feet. I felt blood rush to my head, making the room spin a little bit.

  “Are you okay?” Ellie asked.

  “Yeah.” I stumbled a few steps, letting myself land on the bed, my back toward the ceiling.

  Ellie sounded frantic. “Oh, shit. I’m sorry, Jo.”

  “It’s okay. I just stood up too fast. Let me lay here for a little bit.”

  “Okay. I’m gonna leave the room for a second. I’ll be right back.”

  I closed my eyes, listening to Ellie’s footsteps as she ran out of the room. I wondered where she was going. But more importantly, I had to stop the room from spinning. A combination of wine, lack of food, and being bent over Ellie’s knee for a long period of time had culminated in me not feeling too well. I hoped to recover soon. I was excited about finding out what the rest of the day might hold for me.

  I took a few breaths, trying to clear my head. I moved my hand to my bottom, which was surely a flaming red hue. It felt warm to my touch. I smiled, thinking about the spanking I’d just received. Damn, I thought, if I’d known she was this kinky I would’ve tried to get her drunk a long time ago.

  I felt better the longer I lay there. I gently rubbed my butt, trying to calm it down. I was surprised at how much more it stung as time went by. I figured it must’ve been because her hands were so bony and thin.

  Ellie came back into the room. “Do you feel any better?”

  “Yes, I do.” I rolled over onto my back as she sat down on the bed next to me. I really felt the sting of my burning skin as my ass hit my bed. “Damn, Ellie! You really gave it to me!” I laughed.

  “Yes, I did. And you needed it.” She giggled.

  “You’re probably right.” I sat up, letting myself enjoy the pain of sitting down on my freshly spanked ass. “I didn’t know you had it in you.”

  It was then I realized Ellie held a freshly opened bottle of wine. She took a swig from it before handing it to me. “I told you, I’m a lot tougher than I look.”

  I took the bottle. “I’m a little worried. I’m afraid you’re going to regret all this tomorrow.” I rose up slightly to take a long drink from the warm bottle of wine.

  “Don’t worry, Jo. My buzz keeps wearing off. I’m only as drunk as I wanna be. There are so many things I wanna do and I know I won’t have the nerve if I’m sober.”

  “That’s too bad,” I said.

  “We’ll work on it, okay?” She bit her lip.

  I was still afraid to get my hopes up.

  I handed the bottle back to her. “Yes, yes we will. So what are these things you say you wanna do?”

  “Hmmm… so many, Jo.” Ellie tipped the bottle toward the ceiling and drank.

  I suddenly remembered… . “Hey! You called my ass chubby when you were spanking me!”

  She almost choked on her wine, lowering the bottle to the bed. She swallowed. “Sorry. I didn’t mean it in a bad way. I rather enjoyed spanking it.” Her voice got quieter as she spoke.

  I laughed. “It’s okay. I know I’m a little bit fluffy.”

  Ellie smiled. “But you’re really sexy, Jo.
I don’t think I would’ve had as much fun beating your ass if it didn’t have a little extra padding. I watched it bounce back and shake every time I spanked it… … mmm….” her voice trailed off into a deep moan.

  “It’s okay, Ell. It kinda turned me on.” I wasn’t lying. If said at the right moment, calling me ‘fat’ or ‘chubby’ was the equivalent of calling me ‘sexy’ or ‘beautiful.’ I had a few guys do it in the past during sex and I loved it. It was like they were acknowledging me for who I really was - stating a fact - but it didn’t take away from their sexual desire for me. Besides, I wasn't ashamed of my size 8 body.


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