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Passion Play

Page 6

by Regina Hart

  Her middle sister shook her head. “They aren’t important.”

  Lily’s response further piqued Rose’s curiosity but she didn’t push. She glanced at her sister’s outfit. The high-waisted, magenta dress complemented Lily’s warm gold complexion and highlighted her stunning figure. Not for the first time, Rose wished she had Lily’s cleavage.

  “You look beautiful.” Rose squeezed her sister’s hand.

  Lily gave her a startled look. “Thank you. So do you.”

  “Thank you.” Rose turned away to scan the room again. Iris had explained that, unlike the initial internal launch, for this celebration, Anderson Adventures’ associates had been encouraged to bring a date. That explained why the large ballroom was packed. Rose finally spotted Donovan walking toward her with a smile that would sell a lot of toothpaste. Tyler was beside him, along with three other very attractive people. Were good looks a requirement for admittance to the computer gaming company’s executive team?

  “I’m glad you could make it.” Donovan took her hand. His deep voice shot through her system like rum.

  “Thank you for inviting me.” Rose wrestled her gaze from Donovan’s smiling hazel eyes.

  Tyler wrapped an arm around Iris, tucking her against his side. “Can you make the introductions?”

  “Of course.” Iris gestured first to Rose. “My sisters, Rose and Lily Beharie.” She then turned to the Anderson family. “You’ve met Ty. This is Foster Anderson, Ty’s father and the company’s chief executive officer.”

  Tyler had inherited his father’s strikingly handsome features. Foster stepped forward to shake hands with Rose. “Soon to be the company’s retired CEO. It’s a pleasure to meet you, my dear.”

  Iris had explained to Rose and Lily that Foster was going to announce his retirement later this summer and turn the company’s leadership over to Tyler.

  Foster turned to greet Lily. “And it’s a pleasure to see you again, Lily. I can’t thank you enough for giving me Iris’s business card.”

  Lily grinned as she shook Foster’s hand. “It’s wonderful to see you again, sir.”

  “Foster, please.” Foster patted her shoulder.

  Iris continued the introductions. “Kayla Cooper Anderson is a member of the executive board.”

  The older woman exuded timeless grace and style as she stepped forward to take Rose’s and Lily’s hands. Her large onyx eyes twinkled with satisfaction and perhaps mischief. “I’ve been anxious to meet Iris’s sisters. You both look lovely. Thank you for coming.”

  “Thank you for having us.” Rose returned Kayla’s smile.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Lily’s tone was gracious. If Rose didn’t know better, she’d think her sister was happy to be here.

  “Rose and Van have already met.” Iris interrupted the exchange. “Lily, this is Van Carroll. He’s vice president of sales for Anderson Adventures.” She paused as her middle sister greeted the sales executive. “And Xavier Anderson is the company’s vice president of finance and Kayla’s son.”

  Rose offered Tyler’s cousin a warm smile, but inside she was hurting for him. She was aware that Xavier recently had been betrayed by his girlfriend. Rose knew how much such deception hurt.

  “Nice to meet you.” Xavier inclined his head as he shook her hand. Then he turned to Lily and his greeting seemed to linger. “Thank you for coming.”

  Lily returned his greeting without seeming to notice the intensity in Xavier’s onyx eyes.

  “We’d be honored if you’d join us at the lead table.” Foster extended the invitation as he offered Kayla his left arm.

  Tyler escorted Iris. Xavier gestured for Lily to precede him, which left Rose and Donovan to bring up the rear.

  Rose racked her brain for something to say to break the awkward tension. “I submitted your statement this morning.”

  “Thank you.” Donovan gave her his money smile.

  Rose looked away. Examining the room gave her a moment to catch her breath. The round tables were covered with elegant white cloths and circled a makeshift dance floor. The lighting was muted but the balloons and the dance music—courtesy of a disc jockey—made the occasion more festive. At the lead table, Foster assisted Kayla to her seat. Tyler and Xavier did the same for Iris and Lily. Donovan held her chair. Chivalry was alive.

  “Thank you.” Rose took her chair, forcing her attention from Donovan’s mesmerizing gaze.

  Conversation topics were light during the salad course: the weather, the workweek, interesting plans for the weekend. Servers brought their entrées, an unexpectedly delicious dinner of spicy chicken, smashed potatoes and asparagus.

  Rose realized that as the two families—the Andersons and Beharies—grew more comfortable with each other, the conversation became more animated. Laughter flowed around the table. She enjoyed the banter between Foster, Kayla, Xavier, Tyler and Donovan. It reflected the wealth of love and trust they shared, and their unbreakable bond. Their closeness was similar to the relationship she had with her sisters.

  Dessert was a sinfully rich, double-layered fudge walnut brownie. Rose sliced a portion of the pastry. The tastes of the confectioner’s sugar, fudge and cocoa burst on her tongue and radiated within her mouth.

  “You look as though you’ve just accepted an indecent proposal.” Donovan’s low voice was rich with humor.

  Rose felt a blush rising into her cheeks. She sneaked a quick peek at him, seated on her right. “I was just...enjoying the pastry.”

  “Aren’t you going to try your dessert, dear?” Kayla questioned Lily, who sat between Donovan and Xavier.

  “No, thank you. I’m full.” Lily’s expression belied her denial. “Dinner was wonderful.”

  “Ah, but it wouldn’t be complete without dessert.” Kayla smiled encouragingly.

  “I couldn’t.” Lily shook her head. Her expression was full of regret.

  Rose looked away in rising irritation. Lily was on another one of her diets. Why did her sister insist on starving herself when she had a figure women would kill for?

  “Do you want to share mine?” Xavier’s voice was low.

  Still, Rose heard his invitation to Lily. She looked toward them with surprise.

  “Yes, thank you.” Lily grinned.

  Xavier didn’t return Lily’s smile. Instead, with somber intensity, he cut the brownie in half. He put one half on his napkin and offered the plate with the other half to Lily.

  Between bites of brownie, Rose exchanged an Isn’t-This-Interesting look with Iris, who was seated on her left. Unfortunately, Lily seemed clueless to the fact that Xavier was flirting with her.

  “That’s my cue.” Foster clamped his large hand on Tyler’s broad shoulder as he stood from the table. “Wish me luck.”

  “Good luck, but you don’t need it.” Tyler watched his father cross the floor, then mount the stairs to the stage in front of the ballroom.

  Rose leaned toward to Donovan. “What did I miss? What was his cue?”

  Donovan shifted closer to her. “Finishing his dessert was Foster’s cue to take the stage and address our associates.”

  Rose wasn’t sure what Donovan had just said. It had something to do with Foster and dessert. Donovan’s nearness had muddled his message. His scent—sandalwood and musk—distracted her. Or maybe it was his strong, striking features that made it hard for her to decipher the words coming out of his firm, well-shaped lips. Either way, Foster had begun his speech before Rose could focus.

  “Thank you for coming.” Foster looked confident and comfortable behind the microphone. “We’re here tonight to celebrate Anderson Adventures’ historic launch of our latest gaming product, Osiris’ Journey.” He laughed as the room erupted into shouts and cheers. Associates rose to give each other a standing ovation for their accomplishment.

Rose stood along with everyone else at the lead executive table. Swept up by the excitement of the people around her, she shouted and applauded with everyone else.

  Still smiling, Foster raised his arms to reclaim their attention. “Osiris’ Journey is undeniably our most successful game launch in company history. That’s really saying something, because we’ve had some impressive launches.”

  Foster paused again as the company’s associates acknowledged their past successes with raucous cheering. “Tonight, I want to celebrate my son, Tyler, our vice president of product development.” Foot stamping joined the cheers this time. “As well as Iris Beharie, our marketing consultant.” The shouts and applause that followed Foster’s announcement filled Rose’s heart with pride. “And all of you for your excellent work. We never take you for granted. Thank you.” Foster took a moment to applaud his associates. “Now let’s dance!”

  Foster grinned as he left the stage. The disc jockey turned up the volume on her sound system. The makeshift dance floor filled quickly. Rose was impressed by the event Anderson Adventures had arranged for their associates. A movement from the corner of her eye caught her attention. She turned to find Xavier leading Lily onto the dance floor. Her eyes widened.

  She stilled at the look of pleasure that swept across Kayla’s face. Xavier’s mother must be hopeful that her son was recovering from his disappointing relationship. Kayla’s expression shifted to affection as she accepted Foster’s invitation to dance. Beside Rose, Iris and Tyler excused themselves to find a spot on the rapidly filling floor.

  She and Donovan were the only ones left at the table. Rose stiffened. She was afraid to look at him. If she did, would he ask her to dance? Did she want to dance—with him? The music was so inviting. What could one dance hurt? Still, maybe it would be better if they just sat here and talked.

  “Have you made up your mind?” Donovan’s voice was so close. She thought she’d felt his breath against her skin where the scooped back of her black dress bared her shoulders.

  “What do you mean?” Rose convinced herself to face him. He was so close she could see the brown flecks in his hazel eyes.

  “Right now, you’re asking yourself whether you should dance with me.” A ghost of a smile curved his sexy lips. “Consider this—your reunion is two months away. And we’ll have to convince people that we’re lovers.”

  Rose’s breath caught in her throat. That word on his lips should be illegal. “I know.”

  “I’m sure we would’ve danced at least a few times in our relationship.” Donovan stood and removed his pewter-gray jacket. His muscled shoulders flexed beneath his pale rose shirt. “Come on.”

  Donovan cupped her elbow to help her to her feet. His hand slid down her arm in a long, lingering caress. He caught her palm and clasped it to his. Rose’s skin heated beneath his touch. Donovan drew her onto the crowded dance floor. Rose gave his back a narrow-eyed stare. Had he done that on purpose?

  He guided Rose past shaking, shimmying bodies along the way, he exchanged warm greetings with associates. It was obvious they not only respected the sales executive, they admired him. When Donovan had arrived almost at the center of the floor, he turned to Rose. Then the music changed.

  She stilled. How could the DJ go from a bass-driven dance song to a slow-moving ballad? Who did that? Rose groaned. Was it with disappointment—or desire?

  Donovan’s eyes twinkled as though he was once again reading her mind. How many women have swooned under that look?

  He looped his arms loosely around her waist and lowered his head to whisper in her ear. “Come here, lover.”

  “Stop calling me that.” Rose scowled up at him. She ignored the way his words heated her blood. Though his smile invited her to share the joke, she wasn’t amused. She braced her hands lightly on his shoulders, then tried her best to ignore him. It wasn’t easy. His cologne surrounded her. The scent was almost as intoxicating as the expression in his eyes. If he did a commercial for the fragrance, the company would move a lot of product.

  “A penny for your thoughts.” He lowered his head to whisper in her ear again. This time, he must have felt her shiver in response. His arms tightened around her. Rose swallowed a moan.

  “My mind is a perfect blank.” Wishful thinking. Her thoughts tumbled over themselves, each one focused on him: his shoulder muscles flexing, then relaxing beneath her palms; his scent teasing her senses; his body brushing against hers; his warmth seeping into her skin.

  “Do you want to know what I’m thinking?” He didn’t whisper in her ear this time, thank goodness.

  “Not especially.” Rose kept her attention on their surroundings. Tyler and Iris danced cheek to cheek. Nearby, Xavier and Lily barely moved as they chatted like long-lost friends reunited. In the distance, Foster and Kayla beamed at each other.

  “It was your idea that we pretend to be madly in love.” Donovan continued to exhibit a twisted sense of humor.

  The man was impossible. Rose’s gaze chastised him. “I never said anything about being madly in love.”

  “Are you still in love with Ben?”

  Rose stiffened. “Definitely not.”

  The bold, dark slashes of Donovan’s eyebrows lifted. “Methinks the lady doth protest too much.”

  “I’m serious.” Rose’s gaze drifted around the room again.

  “You’re not going to be able to convince him of that if you can’t even dance with me.”

  “I am dancing with you.”

  Donovan chuckled. Her thighs quivered as though he’d touched them. “Rose, a door would feel more at ease. You need to relax.”

  “I am relaxed.” Another lie. She was getting good at this.

  Donovan Carroll was too handsome, too sexy, too charming. Just like Benjamin. It wasn’t easy letting down her guard with another player. She’d spent the past seventeen months developing her Anti-Player Defense Shield. Donovan’s expression grew serious. “If we’re going to pull off this fake relationship, you’re going to have to trust me.”

  Mercifully, the music stopped. Rose led Donovan back to the executive table. Why does it feel as though I’m running away from him?

  Maybe he was right. She needed to make a greater effort to relax around him. But she was caught between a rock and a hard place. To save face in front of her cheating ex-fiancé, she’d have to pretend to be in love with another player.

  What made me think this would be a good idea?

  * * *

  “This is a photo of Van and me at one of his company’s functions.” Rose loaded onto her cellular phone the picture of her and Donovan that Iris had taken during the launch celebration last Friday. She passed the phone to Maxine Ellerson, who was seated beside her at the booth in the restaurant.

  “He’s very handsome.” Maxine gave Rose an appreciative smile. Her ebony eyes twinkled with mischief. “Much more handsome than Ben.” She handed the phone to Claudia, who sat across the table from her.

  It was the third Friday of July. The former law school classmates had gotten together at their regular restaurant for their monthly dinner. They’d finished their meals and paid their bills. Now they were enjoying a final drink before saying goodbye. The restaurant was still packed. The murmur of conversations from other tables flowed around them. The scents of exotic spices and savory stews filled the air.

  Rose had asked Iris to take the photo of her with Donovan so that she could show it to her Constant Classmates. She hoped the other women would accept the photo as proof that her “boyfriend” was real.

  “Ooh, he is handsome.” Claudia Brentwood-Washington pressed a well-manicured hand to the scooped neckline of her cream blouse. “He could be a model.”

  “So this is your mystery boyfriend.” Tasha Smalls took the phone from Claudia and stared at the image on the device’s display screen. Despite her sour tone, T
asha’s expression held grudging admiration. “He’s attractive, if you like that type.”

  “Give us a break, Tasha.” Maxine sipped her ice water. The deep gold of her linen dress complemented her cocoa skin. “You know you like his type.”

  “What type is that?” Rose felt defensive.

  “Handsome.” Maxine wiggled her arched brows. Her close-cropped natural emphasized her large, dark eyes.

  “He could be an underwear model.” Claudia’s boney chestnut features glowed with interest.

  Rose frowned at the married mother of one. Don’t drool on my cell. “I’ll take that back.” She reclaimed the phone from Tasha.

  Tasha gave her a startled look and gestured toward the phone. “What’s his name again?”

  “Van Carroll.” Rose tossed Tasha a look. She hadn’t given her classmates a name last month. She hadn’t had one to share. Tasha still wasn’t buying her boyfriend story. Was the other woman going to pose a problem?

  Claudia extended her hand, palm up. “Can I take another look?”

  Rose returned her phone to her purse. “No, you cannot.”

  Claudia lowered her hand. Her disappointment was palpable.

  “What did you say Van does for a living?” Tasha’s question reclaimed Rose’s attention. Suspicion was stamped all over the other woman’s round, brown face.

  “I hadn’t told you what he did, but I’ll tell you now. He’s the vice president of sales for Anderson Adventures.”

  Maxine stared at her. “The computer gaming company?”

  Rose turned to the woman seated beside her. “That’s right. They’re very successful with computer games.”

  “I know.” Maxine was almost shaking with excitement. “I own several of their games. I preordered their newest release, Osiris’ Journey, last month. I can’t wait.”

  Tasha leaned back on the booth seating, crossing her arms over her navy blouse. “You’re a grown, educated woman. Why are you playing little-boy computer games?”

  Maxine shrugged. “They’re fun and interesting. And Anderson Adventures’ games also are educational.”


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