Claiming Cinderella: A Dirty Billionaire Fairy Tale
Page 30
The knock was this resounding echo that drummed into her skull. She was getting annoyed and tried to put it out of her mind, but it wasn’t going away. “Jennifer, I don’t think that I have to tell you this again, but I’m not ready for any of your nonsense.” She had long dirty blond hair and a body that she tried to hide from those eager eyes. She couldn’t deny that her work in the gym lately had gotten her the results that she was looking for.
“I really think that you should come out here, Dr. Sterling.” Jennifer stood on the other side of the door looking over her shoulder nonchalantly at the man that had just entered. He had walked in like he owned the place and was sitting there in a pinstripe suit looking as dapper as ever. “I don’t think that this guy’s going to take no for an answer. He won’t leave, until he talks to you face to face. I’ve tried to tell him that he could come back later, but he says it’s a matter of life and death.” Jennifer knew that this man was only using that term to get a quick response.
“Tell him that I don’t have time and that he should come back later. If he continues to be a nuisance, then just give him a card to one of the other doctors in the building. I’m sure that one of them will be able to see him in the manner that he requests. I will not be coerced into seeing a new patient. If you need to, you can tell him that I only see female patients.” Tina was getting this migraine. She knew that eventually she was going to have to pop a couple of pills to get rid of it. It was always that way on a Friday afternoon when things had piled up on her desk. She was a bit of a procrastinator. Her mother had warned her that these days would weigh heavily on her shoulders.
She mumbled something underneath her breath. The only person that could hear what she was saying was herself. She was lambasting Jennifer for being bullied and she thought that her assistant was above that sort of thing. She had made it abundantly clear from the moment that she hired her that she was going to have to be her last line of defense.
There was nothing, but silence and it gave her sense of calm to think that Jennifer was doing what she was told. She did like the spunk of this 22 year old kid. There was a small part of her that wanted to live vicariously through some of her stories of late night escapades. She remembered blushing the first time that she told her of the three some that turned out to be an all out orgy by the end of it. She secretly placed herself into those scenarios. She would never do such a thing in real life. She did feel this need to fantasize.
The knock came back, but this time it was louder than it was before. “Don’t blame your assistant. I told her that I was coming back here and if she tried to stop me that I would walk right past her anyway. To her credit, she did try to block my path, but I easily lifted her out of the way. She told me what you said and I’m afraid I’m going to have to use that against you. It is my right to be seen by any doctor that I choose without the threat of prejudice.” Keith Starr knew what it was to be put under the spotlight.
He was a charismatic young billionaire with a multiyear contract with the Phoenix Coyotes. He was worried about constant headaches and fatigue. He hadn’t told his trainer, but one of his best friends had given him the name of Tina Sterling. He was reluctant to see a female Dr., but his friend assured him that she was all about discretion. His friend’s sister was a famous tennis player. She had a condition that if made public would become an albatross around her neck. She would not be finding any sponsors, because they wouldn’t be able to take a chance on her not being able to play.
“I don’t care who you are and I certainly don’t respond to those kinds of threats.” Her voice was laced with annoyance. She rubbed her eyes. She was looking at these pages and knowing that there was no end in sight. “Leave or I’m going to call the police and tell them that I have an intruder.” She didn’t think that she would go that far, but she was trying to put this man back on his heels.
“Look, I can either report you or I can go to the press and make a big stink out of you being prejudiced about men. How do you suppose that will look to the public?” He was about to hammer down his fist on to the door one more time, but it wasn’t necessary. It swung open to the agitated expression on Tina’s face. He looked at her and for a moment became speechless. He couldn’t help, but to admire the woman’s confidence, but also her hidden need for something a lot more than just a good book to curl up to. Her curves and the way that she moved made him want to see more of what was under that lab coat. He loved his women with more than the average woman.
“You have 5 minutes to tell me what you want. It wasn’t necessary to become this belligerent. I would have gladly seen you, but I was busy and I demanded my assistant to keep my schedule light. Since you’ve already come all this way, I suppose I should listen to what you have to say. I’m sure that you think that you’re some big deal, but I really don’t know you.” She looked at him and the way that suit hung on his body and she could only think about what he would look like without it.
“I can’t believe that you have no idea who I am. It’s that close to the playoffs that you’d think that my reputation would precede me. I’m guessing that you’re not much for sports and that you find most if not all of them barbaric. I have the fate of my team riding on what happens here. They are expecting me to put on a show that’s going to put that cup in our hands.” He thought that he could make her see the importance, but she didn’t seem the least bit impressed.
“Like I said, I’m sure that you are a big deal to someone, but you’re not to me. Once you come through that door, you are my patient and I will give you my undivided attention. What exactly can I do for you and why is it that you insist on beating around the bush.”
The only bush that he wanted to be around was hers, but he was not going to make the mistake of trying to seduce a woman that had this ice cold exterior. He felt that cold chill through his bones, but she did seem like she was responsive to his advances. He wondered if maybe she could be that elusive whale that everybody was talking about. There was always that one that was unattainable, unless of course you had the good looks and charm to make their panties melt off their body.
Tina looked at this black man with short cropped hair and muscular physique. She knew him to be a slave to his body. She wanted to pity him for that, but she couldn’t. She had once been reluctant to step into a gym, but when she did, it was like she had been born again. She became addicted to looking at herself in the mirror after every workout to see the results. Those days of worrying about her physical makeup was over. She may have been big boned, but she had found a way to mold that into something to be proud of.
“I was hoping that I could take things easy and get down to what is bothering me in time. It appears that you are in a hurry and I guess I’m just going to happen blurt it out. I have to take my annual checkup and I’m worried about what they’re going to find. There are times that I can’t sleep and my mind races with images of failure on the ice. At first, I thought it might be a panic attack, but now my hands are trembling and my breathing is getting a little heavy. I feel tired all the time and it’s an effort to just get out of bed sometimes in the morning.” He watched for any kind of reaction, but mostly she was stone faced through the whole spiel.
“Those symptoms could be a multitude of different things. Some are easily medicated and others are more severe that could cost you your career. I don’t want you be worried and we may as well get down to the meat of the matter. I’m going to have to ask you to disrobe and get completely naked. I’m going to be taking some blood samples and I will need you to pee in this jar. I’ll give you a few moments alone to complete the task, but then I will make a very quick study under the microscope. This building is equipped with its own test lab downstairs and I have a few markers that I can call upon to get them posthaste.” She didn’t know why, but she wanted to touch him. Tina knew that she didn’t really need him to get undressed, but that was the perk of being a Dr. and having that kind of power in the palm of her hand.
Chapter two
He folded his suit and hung it over the chair that was near the table with the stirrups. He had a pretty good idea of what they were used for and was hoping that he wasn’t going to have to be subjected to that kind of humiliation.
Tina felt like her skin was on fire. She would need to do something to alleviate the situation. She easily undid the first couple of buttons on her white blouse underneath the starch white lab coat. Her stethoscope was around her neck and she had this giddy anticipation about porting it against his chest and watching him breathe with each breath making his chest rise and fall. She could almost envision what he would be like naked and vulnerable in a situation that was ripe with sexual tension.
“I think that I’m going to head out. I do have that appointment and I did clear that with you a few days ago. I hope that he doesn’t give you too much of a hassle. I know him, but I can’t place exactly where. I know that it will come to me. I get this feeling like he might be some sort of celebrity.” Jennifer looked at her boss to see if she was going to show any signs that she was right on the money. She never smiled or showed any indication that she might be right about this.
“I’m sure that I can take care of myself. I did it for three years, before I brought you on board. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad that you’re here and you’ve taken the workload off me. You may not dress exactly the way that I would like and you certainly don’t wear the kind of makeup that makes me confident of your abilities. The test results were amazing during the interview and you have this real knack for this kind of work. You wear your hair with different colors, but you’re the most organized person that I know. I’ll see you on Monday. I look forward to hearing how your weekend goes.”
Jennifer walked out and glanced back with her hand to her mouth like she was making somebody be quiet. This was her way of thinking out loud and then it came to her where she might have seen his face before. It was on the news. She never really heard the whole story. Her memory was very sharp and eventually that little tidbit of information would be known.
She had this feeling that the usual cool demeanor of the doctor was not going to be enough to prevent this man from getting into her panties. She smiled thinking that it was about time that the doctor had a bit of fun.
Inside, Tina was pacing back and forth and wondering to herself if maybe she had bitten off more than she could chew. She wanted to believe that she could be professional and the main reason why she took female patients was to avoid these kinds of awkward situations. She didn’t want to show that she was embarrassed. This guy was built and she was afraid that she was going to fall on her knees in a compromising position.
She waited for a little bit longer and then walked in with a gasp of approval to what she was now witnessing with her own two eyes. The one part of his anatomy that had the look of growth was a swinging baseball bat between his knees. It wasn’t even hard yet and she could only imagine what it would be like to wrap her lips around something of that size. She would guess that it would be 9 inches fully erect, but she would be off by 1 inch.
Keith was not usually in a position to feel objectified. It was always the other way around. Girls would track him down in the locker room and throw themselves at him for the chance to see how he handled himself. They knew how he moved on the ice and that gave them a good indication of what that might translate into the bedroom.
“You can take a seat. I want to get these tests done, as unobtrusive as I can be.” She was only 5’4, 170 pounds of solid muscle in all the right places including a well pronounced backside that had not an ounce of fat on it. It definitely followed her into a room. She was proud of her accomplishments. That was not including the ones that were adorning her wall with many degrees. “You really don’t have to put your hands over top of that. I’ve seen men before and it’s not like I haven’t seen one before.” That may have been true, but for her this was the biggest one that she had seen up close and personal.
Keith knew that she was trying to lower his guard. For what ever reason, he did trust her and saw that she was ripe for his kind of loving embrace. He wanted to wait for the right moment. He thought that if he tried to grab her right now that it would be tantamount to being thrown out that door. He couldn’t risk going to another Dr. It took a lot for him to come here.
Putting her arms on his over developed bicep was sending an electrical charge down below her legs. Her little pussy was now vibrating and wanting nothing more than to satisfy something that had gone on unfulfilled for quite some time. She thought of sex as messy. Her first time was a good way to judge others. It was awkward and over too quickly. She couldn’t even remember the boy’s name, except that she knew that stamina was not one of his strong suits. She had tried a couple of other ones, but the result was primarily the same. She couldn’t find one and after doing four different men, she finally came to the conclusion that all men were alike.
Her hand on his arm made him stare at the slight opening in her blouse. When she bent slightly, he was able to see the swell of her breasts and the pointed ends of her nipples poking through the material of her bra and blouse. This of course made for an embarrassing moment. All the blood that was in his head had traveled down below to become more pronounced and quite evident. It was stretching past his navel.
“I am sorry for this, but I can’t help the way that it reacts to having you around. I’m guessing that this isn’t the first time that a man has shown you this kind of excitement.” He tried to think of anything nonsexual, but her skin was only compounding the issue. He wanted to remain cool, but his condition was one that was easily recognizable.
She went to the desk and retrieved the needle and came back at precisely the same moment that her heel broke. She stumbled forward and tried to break her fall with her hands. Both of them landed on his exposed thighs with her face planted right on his cock. Her lips were touching the shaft and she could’ve pulled away and done nothing, but her tongue slowly extended and licked that spot that she was connected to.
He could feel her tongue and she was making it look like an accident, but it was anything but. He wanted to grab her by her long hair and force feed her the serpent that was now ready to spit venom. That white hot seed was boiling with each moment that went by. It was going to an almost painful amount. He was going to have to relieve himself of that burden. He could only think that it might be possible to take matters into his own hands.
Her fingernails were lightly grazing the inside of his thigh. She could feel the flex of his member striking up against the bridge of her nose. She was very careful to pull herself away. She stood up without making it look like it was a big deal. Her blood was running a temperature of 103 degrees. Her body was flushed and she had a sheen of sticky sweat dripping down between her breasts. It wasn’t that hot in the office, but it was making her want to shed some layers.
“I don’t know about you, but I think that the test might have to wait until later. You can’t tell me that you weren’t affected by that. It wasn’t my tongue that licked my cock, so it had to be yours. You have what every man desires, but are afraid of what that might mean.” She had turned her back on him and he took that as a sign that she was a little bit too far gone to want to take the chance of looking back. He got down gently onto the floor on his bare feet, until he was putting his hands on her shoulders. She cringed for a moment, but then her hand came up to touch his and he knew that it was on.
“It would be best that you stay seated during the examination.” Her mind was a whirlwind of emotions. She wanted nothing more than to grab him and straddle his head until she was screaming. She didn’t know if he was going to be any better than her previous four lovers, but she was thinking that maybe he was not all about his own pleasure. She had seen him looking at Jennifer and most likely undressing her with his eyes. She got the idea that maybe sex for him was more like getting one out of the chamber. She didn’t want to be known as some kind of hit and run. Unfortunately, her libido was in charge and that part of her was begging h
er to take a chance.
Keith felt like he was spurned by her response and moved back to a sitting position. This time, he didn’t try to hide the mammoth piece of hardware that had grown to its maximum strength. He saw that she was blushing, but she did remain cordial throughout the exam. She excused herself and went out into the hallway.
She made a quick trip down to the lab and talked to Mark about making sure that this was done very quickly. He at first tried to say that he was leaving for the day, but she reminded him of how she had helped his wife in her hour of need. She had actually made the effort of making a house call. That was unheard of and she was using it as leverage to get him to do work that might take a week for most patients. It was only because they were backlogged, but if you had a way to jump to the head of the line, you could get anything done within a matter of an hour or less.
“I know what I promised and I’m not a man that goes back on my word. You did me a solid by coming to my wife’s aid. I will never forget that and believe me I know that that’s a debt that cannot be paid back in my lifetime. The only thing that I can do is make sure that you are always at the head of the line. I do wish that you came to me on Monday, but I don’t see any reason why I can’t push back my dinner with my wife. If necessary, I can always cook something for her and she always tells me that my work in the kitchen makes her want something more for dessert.” Mark was a nice guy and had he not found his wife, he probably would’ve taken a run at Tina.
“You know that I don’t take advantage of you in that way, unless is absolutely necessary. I have a patient that has to have these results back, as soon as possible. Normally, I would be glad to stay at the back of the line, but there are moments that I require you to do the impossible.” She drummed her fingers on the table, watching him work for a moment, before leaving him to finish what she wanted him to get done in a hurry.