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Wild Card (Advantage Play Book 1)

Page 12

by Kelsie Rae

  A few minutes later, Dottie places my order on the table.

  “Thanks, Dottie. Has Gigi been in yet today?” I want to give her crap for disappearing last night, and maybe even beg for a few details about why she left in such a hurry.

  Unfortunately, Dottie shakes her head. “Sorry, darlin’. She disappeared out the back a few minutes before you walked in. Said there was an emergency she forgot about. Told me to tell ya she’ll see ya tomorrow, though.”

  Shoulders slumping, I reach for the ketchup and squirt some onto my eggs while trying to hide my disappointment.

  “Thanks for letting me know.”


  As she leaves me to enjoy my eggs alone, I can’t help the questions that arise.

  What the hell is going on with you, Gigi?

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  “You sure?” I murmur into my cell. My stomach twists with anticipation.

  “Yeah, yeah, I’m sure. I almost didn’t believe it, but I’d recognize her anywhere.”

  Clearing my throat, I snap my fingers to get Sei’s attention as he plays Candy Crush on his phone. Looking up at me, he mouths, “What?” I lift my finger to my lips to motion for him to stay quiet before I wrap up the conversation with an unexpected ally. “Alright, thanks for reaching out. We’ll let you know how it goes.”

  “Good, good. If you find her, let me know. Her bastard of a father ended up pulling out of the deal, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t be willing to pay for her.” His desperation is embarrassing. You have to be a special kind of filth to pay for a woman. But it’s these kinds of men that keep my pockets lined, so I guess I shouldn’t judge them too harshly.

  “No offense, Dominic, but I doubt you’d be able to afford the heiress to the Romano family fortune.”

  “Yeah, but—”

  “We’ll be in touch.” Ending the call, I push my cell into the front pocket of my suit then tilt my head toward Burlone’s office. Sei follows without a word.

  Tap. Tap. Tap.

  I rap my knuckles against Burlone’s door, then we wait.

  Seconds later, I’m greeted with his muffled voice, yelling, “What?”

  “I just got off an interesting phone call,” I speak through the closed door.

  Straining, I listen for his response but only hear muffled crying, and it definitely isn’t coming from Burlone.

  After a brief wait, the door swings open to reveal a half-naked girl with mascara running down her cheeks. Sniffling, she slips past us with her top clutched to her chest then disappears down the hall.

  I turn to Sei to see him watching as she goes, his eyes shining with interest.

  “Get the fuck in here.” Burlone’s deep voice breaks Sei’s trance, and I follow him into the office.

  Plopping down onto the corner chair, Sei lifts his chin while a lit cigarette dangles from the side of his mouth. “Hey, Boss.”

  Burlone’s frustration is almost palpable, but I know he’ll want to hear this.

  “What is it?” he growls. “I was busy.”

  “Don’t ask me.” Sei raises his hands defensively before leaning back and setting his boots on the table. “Ask Dex.”

  With a slow blink, Burlone turns his narrowed expression on me. “And?”

  Licking my lips, I reveal the little slice of information I was recently gifted with. “Dominic Castello just called.”

  “So? Why would he call?”

  “Seems he ran into someone a day or two ago.”

  “Get to the point, Dex. I’m not in the mood for foreplay.”

  Snorting, Sei covers his mouth before motioning for me to continue. “Yeah, Dex. We all know how much Burlone likes to get right to the nitty-gritty, am I right?”

  Burlone’s mouth ticks up in amusement then he turns to me. “Yes. Let’s get to the nitty-gritty. What’d Dominic Castello have to say that was so important that you felt the need to interrupt my free time?”

  “Says he saw the queen out of her high tower.”

  Burlone’s brows nearly reach his receding hairline as he asks for clarification. “What?”

  “Regina Romano was sighted outside of the estate.”

  “How? No one’s seen her since she was a kid.” He doesn’t look convinced.

  “Apparently, before Gabriel Romano died, he was trying to set up an arranged marriage because he knew his health was failing and wanted to have the Romano family as strong as possible before he kicked the bucket.”

  With a wave of his hand, an annoyed Burlone spits, “We knew this, Dex. Get to the fucking point.”

  Clearing my throat, I continue, “He approached Dominic to see if he’d be interested in aligning forces––”

  “By marrying Regina?” Sei interrupts, curiously. He plants his heavy boots on the floor and leans forward with interest.

  “Yeah. But Dominic wouldn’t consider it unless he saw a picture to prove she wasn’t a five hundred pound elephant,” I explain.

  “So Gabriel gave it to him? A picture?” Burlone is humming with excitement, the whole room buzzing with the potential this news offers.

  With a nod, I say, “Apparently.”

  “And where did he see her?”

  “A mile or so away, near the Charlette.”

  “Did he describe her to you?” Burlone’s tone is ice cold. Calculating. This was the piece of information he was looking for, and I know he’s going to weave it into his plan flawlessly.

  “No, but he asked for your private email to forward the picture.”

  “Why not send it to you?” Sei asks while stubbing out the butt of his cigarette in the ashtray sitting on the corner of Burlone’s desk.

  I shrug, though I know why.

  Burlone answers for me. “Because he knows how to respect the boss, Sei. He knows who has the iron fist, and it sure as hell isn’t Dex…or you.” Turning to me, he continues, “And did you give him my email address?”

  My gaze connects with his from across the room, a silent battle that I have no intention of fighting. “Yeah.”


  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  I’m exhausted. With a tug on my tie, I loosen the knot before knocking on Regina’s bedroom door.

  Stefan said this is where she is, though I’m not surprised when I’m greeted with silence.

  “Regina?” I call out.

  No answer.

  Gritting my teeth, I pray for patience then try again. “Regina, I need to talk to you. Will you please open the damn door?”

  A muffled sound echoes through the solid door before it squeaks open. “Yes, oh wise one?” She’s in her pajamas with her hair pulled into a messy ponytail, confirming her plans to stay in for the night.

  “Hey. I just wanted to check in with you.”

  “And why is that?”

  “Because you’re my baby sister, and I care about you.”

  She scoffs, unable to hide her disdain. “Or is it because Dad left you in charge of me, and you’d feel guilty as hell if you let his regime fall, including the itty bitty piece I play in it?”

  I look toward the heavens, wanting to scream at her for acting so damn childish. I’d give anything to relinquish my rights as her protector. Not because I don’t love her, but because it’s so freaking difficult to keep her safe while staying in her good graces. Once upon a time, we were close. Then Dad started to get sick, and I was forced to step up while Regina was forced to remember her place. Neither of us has had an easy time accepting our roles.

  My nostrils flare, but I somehow manage to keep my tone calm. “Don’t go there, Regina. Not tonight. I have enough shit on my plate right now, and I really don’t think I can add your daddy issues to the agenda, okay?”

  “Fine.” She spins in a circle with her arms raised at her sides. “As you can see, I’m doing just great, thanks for asking. You should definitely give Stefan a raise. He’s been keeping me in tip-top shape. Won’t even let me break a n
ail. Ain’t that sweet?” Her sarcasm is potent, but I choose to ignore it.

  Swallowing the need to strangle her, I channel my inner Gandhi and press forward. “Well, I’m glad it’s been working out then. Thank you for being accommodating with the new rule of him shadowing you.” Her brows furrow at my comment, and I have no doubt it’s because I actually complimented her on something. Humility isn’t exactly my strong suit. Edging closer, I add, “I actually wanted to talk to you about that.”

  “About him shadowing me?” With folded arms, Regina leans against the doorframe.

  “Yeah. There’s some shit going down tonight, and I need him with me, which means I need you to stay home.”

  For a brief second, her eyes dim before heating with fire. “Sorry, King, but I can’t do that. I have plans tonight.”

  “Well, you’re going to have to reschedule because I’m already going to be one man short, and I need Stefan. He has a particular skill set that we need.”

  “What do you mean, you’re going to be one man short?” she inquires.

  Surprising both of us, I reveal a minor piece of information. “Reggie. He’s following someone for me who doesn’t have the luxury of staying home tonight like you do, and I can’t be in two places at once, which means I need you to stay home.”

  “What’s going on tonight? And don’t tell me it’s family business, Kingston. For someone that’s been cooped up my entire life, I’m not an idiot. If you want me to stay, then you sure as hell better fill me in.”

  Groaning, I let my head fall back on my shoulders before scrubbing my hands through my hair and tugging on the roots. The bite of pain is enough to clear my head.

  Why does she have to be so damn difficult?

  “I don’t make the rules, Regina. I only enforce them, which includes leaving you in the dark. It is what it is. You want it to change? Get married so you can actually have some influence.”

  “I’m not going to be a pawn, Kingston. We’ve had this conversation a thousand times.”

  “And we’re going to keep repeating it until you finally agree to grow up, accept your fate, and get married. You think I wanted this life, Regina? You think this is what I asked for?” I slam my hand against the wall. She flinches. “I can’t change my duty, and neither can you. This might not be what you want to hear right now, but it’s what Dad wanted, and I’m not going to let him down just because you’re too fucking scared to do your duty.”

  Her eyes well with tears, but she doesn’t let them fall, and I have to give her credit. She’s one of the strongest people I know. When it comes to emotions, she has to be. Being born with a pussy instead of a dick in this world brings an entirely different set of issues, and I’m not naive enough to say it doesn’t suck for her. But it’s life, and the sooner she accepts it, the sooner she can move forward and live outside of this home that’s always felt more like a prison to her.

  “Am I talking to my brother right now or the boss of the Romano family?” she whispers, holding my gaze.

  “Boss,” I grit out.

  “Then I guess that’s that. Goodnight, Boss.” The door slams in my face, and I squeeze my eyes shut in response.


  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  I wake up to the sound of footsteps down the hallway. My hands clutch my chest as memories of my last encounter with Kingston in this apartment flutter to the surface. The only difference is the golden light shining through the curtains that tells me it’s morning. For some reason, I’m not afraid like I know I should be. I can sense who it is before I set eyes on my intruder, and the only feeling wreaking havoc on my insides is overwhelming anticipation.

  There’s a light knock on my bedroom door, and I turn to see a sexy as hell Kingston leaning against the jamb with his arms crossed.

  Called it.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask. My voice is still rusty from sleep.

  “That’s not a very warm welcome.”

  I laugh. “No offense, but I wasn’t exactly expecting you. I thought supervillains only came out at night.”

  With a dry chuckle, he strides into my room and sits on the edge of my mattress. The scent of his woodsy cologne follows him, wafting through the air seconds later, and I sigh in contentment.

  Damn, he smells good.

  “That’s the reaction I was going for,” he teases as his hand brushes along my bare forearm and up to my collarbone in a gentle caress. “I came to apologize. I won’t be able to attend the tournament, but I wanted to wish you good luck.”

  I grin. “I kinda figured you wouldn’t be able to make it, but for curiosity’s sake, let’s hear the excuse.”

  “Other than the fact you’ll be in a casino owned by my arch enemy?”

  “I knew you were a supervillain,” I quip.

  With another dark laugh, he snakes his hand around my throat and squeezes softly. That same swell of anticipation takes over, and I arch my back in response. He drops a lazy kiss to my mouth. Greedily, I open my lips and slide my tongue against his as my entire body starts to hum with need. I pout when he pulls away seconds later and whispers in a husky voice, “I am the bad guy, Ace. Don’t ever forget that.”

  His heated stare pins me in place as a thought crosses my mind. Truth. But he’s my bad guy. Or at least, I want him to be.

  “I didn’t just come here to apologize,” he reveals. “I want you to be safe tonight.”

  “I will be. It’ll be fine.”

  He continues as if I haven’t even spoken. “There are too many paparazzi covering the tournament for Burlone to try anything in the casino as long as you stay in the public eye. Don’t go anywhere that would leave you vulnerable, understand?”

  I nod.

  “Good. I have a guy who will be waiting for you outside the entrance as soon as you finish.”

  “Diece?” I ask, getting my hopes up.

  “No, Reggie. You won’t know he’s there because he’s very good at what he does, but I promise you, he’ll keep you safe in case Burlone tries to mess with you.” His nose runs along the column of my throat. “I have business to attend to, so I won’t be able to visit until tomorrow. But after that, you’re all mine.”

  “Is that right?” I quip with a teasing smile.

  “Damn right it is. If I didn’t have shit to do, I’d act on all the indecent fantasies that popped into my head as soon as I saw you lying in bed this morning.”

  Licking my lips, I ask, “And what fantasies did you imagine?”


  The blaring sound of a cell phone ringing echoes from his front pocket, and he groans, dropping his forehead to rest against mine before pulling out the blasted phone and swiping his thumb along the screen.



  “I’ll be there in twenty.”

  Hanging up the phone, he tangles his hands in my hair and gives me another panty-melting kiss. When he pulls away, he says, “Kick some ass tonight, Ace.”

  “You too.”

  He quirks his brow. “Why, Ace, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  I laugh. “Sure, you don’t. I’ll talk to you later, King.”

  “You too.”

  Then he leaves me with a day full of thumb-twiddling as I wait for the tournament to start where I can finally exact my revenge on someone who deserves so much more than a public humiliation and a few dollars lost. But it’s the best I can do, so I’ll execute it with my dying breath.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  Staring in the mirror at Dottie’s Diner, I take a deep breath then lacquer my upper lashes with a bit more mascara. After an hour of debate, I finally decided on a simple black cocktail dress with my warm brown hair curled in loose waves and left hanging around my shoulders. I look like…me. It’s a stark contrast to the personas I normally wear, and I still can’t decide if it’s a good choice or not. Regardless, I need to get moving, or I’ll miss the tournament, and my w
ardrobe won’t matter anyway.

  After I put the mascara wand in the hot pink tube and twist the cap for good measure, I toss it in the bottomless pit I call a backpack when the worn deck of cards catches my eye. Before I can stop myself, I reach inside and grab the familiar cards. It’s one of the only objects I still have from my childhood, and the sight makes me miss my mom more than usual. I run my thumb along the edge then lift the pack up to my nose and breathe deep. There’s still a hint of smoke that clings to them, reminding me of my childhood trailer and the memories that accompany it. With shaky hands, I drop the deck back into my bag then swing the strap over my shoulder and head out into the seating area.

  I don’t have time for a walk down memory lane, especially right now when I’m about to confront the monster who stars in most of my nightmares.

  “See ya, Dottie!” I call out, waving my hand in the air as I notice the majority of tables are occupied which is an unusual sight, but I guess it makes sense when I’m usually only here after hours.

  “You comin’ back tonight?”

  “Yeah! I got a date with Gigi!” I wink.

  She grins before tucking the pen in her curly, dyed hair and yelling, “Alright, then. See ya, doll! Good luck tonight!”

  With a shaky breath, I nod then turn on my heel and make my way to Sin.

  The place is packed. That’s the first thing I notice as I enter the casino through a cloud of cigarette smoke. Holding my breath, I walk through the haze to the registration table where the same stuck-up concierge hands me my info.

  “Head to the main poker table, give them this voucher, then they’ll cash you in.” He points to his right but doesn’t bother giving me any other directions, barely deeming me worthy of a response in the first place. In any other circumstance, I’d probably give him some salty remark, but I’m too distracted by the flashing lights and heady anxiety pulsing through me.


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