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Marilyn Monroe

Page 85

by Donald Spoto

  during first months of 1958

  her housewife role

  letter of September 12

  Marilyn’s intention to marry

  her mixed feelings about going through with

  his announcement of plans for

  his view of Marilyn

  Montand-Marilyn affair

  her pregnancies

  wedding ceremony

  The Misfits and

  politics and

  The Prince and the Showgirl and

  relationship with Marilyn before marriage

  during Bus Stop shooting

  Roxbury house sold by

  Some Like It Hot and

  the Strasbergs and

  A View From the Bridge

  Miller, Isadore

  Miller, Jane Ellen

  Miller, Kermit

  Miller, Marilyn

  Miller, Paula

  Miller, Robert

  Miner, John

  Miracle, Berniece Baker

  Misfits, The

  characters in

  “Misfits, The” (Miller)

  Mitchell, James

  Mitchum, Robert

  first meeting with Marilyn

  Mix, Tom

  Mocambo nightclub (Hollywood)

  Monette, Valmore

  Monkey Business

  Monroe, Della May


  Grainger and

  marriage to Graves

  marriage to Monroe

  Monroe, Gladys Pearl. See Eley, Gladys Pearl

  Monroe, Ida Mae

  Monroe, Jack

  Monroe, Marion

  Monroe, Olive Brunings

  Monroe, Otis Elmer

  Montand, Yves

  Montgomery, Robert H., Jr.

  Moore, John

  Moran, Chuck

  Moran, Earl

  Morath, Inge

  Moreno, Rita

  Moriarty, Evelyn

  Mortensen, Martin Edward

  Mosby, Aline

  Muir, Florabel

  Murray, Don

  Murray, Eunice


  on day after Marilyn’s death

  on day of Marilyn’s death

  dismissal of

  Greenson’s relationship to

  Murray, John

  Murrow, Edward R.

  Mutiny on the Bounty

  My Favorite Wife

  “My Heart Belongs to Daddy” (song)

  My Story (Monroe, with Hecht)

  Naar, Dolores

  Naar, Joe

  National Concert Artists Corporation

  National Institute of Arts and Letters

  National Research Council

  Negulesco, Jean

  Nelson, Elyda

  Neurological Institute (New York City)

  Newcomb, Margot Patricia

  Newman, Lionel

  “New Wrinkle, A” (calendar)

  New York Hospital, Payne Whitney Clinic of


  Noel, Susie

  Noguchi, Thomas

  Norman Jean (Guiles)

  North, Sheree

  Norwalk State Hospital

  Novello, Angie

  Nyman, Ron

  O’Connell, Arthur

  Odets, Clifford

  O’Doul, Frank “Lefty”

  O’Doul, Jean

  O. Henry’s Full House

  Olivier, Laurence

  attitude toward Marilyn

  O’Neill, Eugene

  “One Silver Dollar” (song)

  Orphanage, Norma Jeane at

  emotional atmosphere of

  marriage to Jim Dougherty as alternative to

  Ostrow, Lucille

  O’Sullivan, Maureen

  Paar, Jack

  Pabst beer advertisement

  Palmer, Laurie

  Pantages Theatre (Hollywood)

  Parker, William

  Parsons, Louella

  Schaefer-Marilyn relationship and

  Payne Whitney Clinic, New York Hospital

  Peck, Gregory

  Personal Property

  Person to Person (television show)

  Peters, Jean

  Phillips, Gladys (later Wilson)

  Pickford, Mary


  Pink Tights

  Piscator, Erwin

  Plecher, Marjorie

  Porterfield, Pearl

  Portrait of a Madonna (Williams)

  Powell, Dick

  Powell, William

  Preminger, Otto

  Prince and the Pauper, The

  Prince and the Showgirl, The

  Quinn, Anthony

  Rabwin, Marcus

  Radcliffe, Frank

  Radioplane Company

  Raft, George

  Rain (projected television dramatization)

  Rambach, Harold

  Rattigan, Terence

  Rauh, Joseph

  Rauh, Olie

  Recruiting campaign, for servicewomen, Marilyn and

  Redmond, Cherie

  Reed, Lydia (née Bodrero)

  Reinhardt, Gottfried

  Reinhardt, Max

  Reis, Irving

  Reis, May

  Reis, Vanessa

  Reisch, Walter

  Remick, Lee

  Rettig, Tommy

  Ries, Maurice

  Right Cross

  Ritter, Thelma

  River of No Return

  Rizzuto, Phil

  Roberts, Ralph

  Robin, Leo

  Rockefeller Foundation

  Rodgers, Mortimer

  Romm, Harry

  Room at the Top

  Rooney, Mickey

  Roosevelt, Franklin D.

  Roselli, Johnny

  Rosenfeld, Henry

  Rosson, Harold

  Rosten, Hedda

  Rosten, Leo

  Rosten, Norman

  Rosten, Patricia

  Rudin, Milton

  Russell, Jane

  Russian culture

  Ryan, Joe

  Ryan, Robert

  Ryman, Lucille. See Carroll, John and Lucille Ryman

  Sandburg, Carl

  Sanders, George

  Santa Catalina Island

  Sawtelle district, Los Angeles

  Scaduto, Anthony

  Schaefer, Hal

  Schaeffer, Benson

  Schary, Dore

  Schell, Maria

  Schenck, Joseph

  Schenck, Nicholas

  Scherbatoff, Mara

  Scherer, Gordon H.

  Schiller, Lawrence

  Schipper, Henry

  Schneiderman, Robert

  Schools, Marilyn at

  academic grades

  Emerson Junior High School

  Van Nuys High School

  Schreiber, Lew

  Schreiner, Greg

  Schwab’s Drugstore (Hollywood)

  Sciacca, Tony

  Scott, George C.

  Screen Actors Guild

  Scudda-Hoo! Scudda-Hay!

  Seay, Claire

  Seigel, Lee, M.D.

  Selma Avenue elementary school

  Seven Year Itch, The

  Fox-Monroe contract disputes and

  premiere of

  Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (Kinsey)

  Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (Kinsey)

  Shade, Rose

  Shamroy, Leon

  Sharp, Ernest

  Shaw, Sam

  Sherman Oaks, California, home in

  Showalter, Max

  Shulman, Arnold

  Sifton, Claire and Paul

  Signoret, Simone

  Silvers, Phil

  Sinatra, Frank

  “Wrong Door Raid” and

  Sitwell, Edith

  Skolsky, Sidney

  book about Marilyn

  divorce of Marilyn and Joe DiMaggio and

  Skouras, Spyros

  Slattery, Mary Grace

nbsp; divorce of Arthur Miller from

  Slatzer, Robert

  Sleeping Prince, The (Rattigan)

  Smith, Carleton

  Smith, Lois

  Smith, Maria

  Smith Act

  Snively, Emma

  Snively, Emmeline

  Snyder, Allan

  Snyder, Roland

  Solotaire, George

  Some Like It Hot

  Something’s Got to Give (projected film)

  dismissal of Marilyn from

  Greenson and

  illness of Marilyn during shooting of

  New York trip during filming of

  nude publicity shots for

  recommencement of

  salaries for

  Song, Mickey

  “Specialization” (song)


  Spenser, Jeremy

  Speriglio, Milo

  Spiegel, Sam

  Spindel, Bernard

  Splaver, Steffi Sidney

  Springer, John

  Stanley, Kim

  Stanley, Olin G.

  Stanwyck, Barbara

  Stapleton, Maureen

  Stark, Ray

  Stein, Irving

  Bus Stop and

  Natasha Lytess and

  The Prince and the Showgirl and

  Steinem, Gloria

  Sten, Anna

  Stern, Bert

  Stevenson, Hattie

  Stewart, James

  Stieg, Lewis

  Story on Page One, The

  Strahm, Sherlee

  Strange Death of Marilyn Monroe, The (Capell)

  Strasberg, John

  Strasberg, Lee

  acting classes with

  Bus Stop and

  hospitalization of Marilyn and

  in Marilyn’s will

  The Prince and the Showgirl and

  Rain project and

  Strasberg, Paula

  Bus Stop and

  The Misfits and

  The Prince and the Showgirl and

  Something’s Got to Give and

  Strasberg, Susan

  Streetcar Named Desire, A (film)

  Streetcar Named Desire, A (Williams)

  Stuart, Sheila

  Studio Club (Hollywood)

  Styne, Jule

  Summer Lightning

  Summers, Anthony

  Tabori, George

  Talmadge, Norma

  Tandy, Jessica

  Taylor, Elizabeth

  Taylor, Frank

  Temple, Shirley

  Tennant, Cecil

  “That Old Black Magic” (song)

  There’s No Business Like Show Business

  Thompson, J. Lee

  Thorndike, Sybil

  Ticket to Tomahawk, A

  Timebends (Miller)

  Todd, Mike

  Tolman, Ray

  Tolson, Clyde

  To the Actor: On the Technique of Acting (Chekhov)

  Travilla, William

  Tree Grows in Brooklyn, A (proposed musical version)

  Tryon, Tom

  Turner, Roy

  Twentieth Century–Fox. See also specific movies, executives, directors, and producers

  contracts with


  1947 decision not to renew Marilyn’s contract

  1947 renewal



  1954 disputes

  1955 contract negotiations with MMP

  1955 disputes

  1956 contract

  first films for

  formation of

  publicists at

  still photographers at

  Uhley, Milton, M.D.

  Underwood, Ron

  University of Southern California

  Van de Kamp, John

  Van Nuys High School

  Vaughan, Frankie

  Venice, California

  View From the Bridge, A (Miller)

  Village School (Westwood, California)

  Viner, Mort

  Vine Street Elementary School

  Wagner, Robert

  Wald, Jerry

  Wallace, Mike

  Wallach, Eli

  Walter, Francis E.

  Warner, Jack

  Warner Brothers

  Washington Street School

  Wasserman, Lew

  Webb, Clifton

  Weber, Lois

  Weep for the Virgins (Child)

  Weinhoff, Adele

  Weinstein, Henry

  Weinstein, Mortimer

  We’re Not Married

  Wexler, Milton

  Wharton, John

  Whitten, Gladys

  “Who Killed Marilyn Monroe?” (Scaduto)

  Who Killed Marilyn? (Sciacca)

  Widmark, Richard

  Wilder, Billy

  Some Like It Hot and

  Wilkie, Jane

  Willette, Minnie

  William Morris Agency

  Williams, Edward Bennett

  Williams, Edwina

  Williams, Tennessee

  Willinger, Laszlo

  Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter? (Axelrod)

  Wilson, Earl

  Wilson, Gladys (née Phillips)

  Wilson, Liza

  Winchell, Walter

  Winged Victory

  Winters, Shelley

  Wolff, Raphael

  Woman’s Clubs of America

  Woodfield, William

  World War II

  Wright, Frank Lloyd

  Wright, Loyd

  Wrigley, William

  Wurtzel, Paul

  Wyett, Emma

  Wyler, William

  Yeats, W. B.

  Youngstein, Max

  Zaich, Marian (née Losman)

  Zanuck, Darryl F.

  1951 contract with Marilyn and

  personal characteristics

  screen test of Norma Jeane and

  Zanuck, Richard




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