Tramp Wars: The Enemy
Page 69
“Well then that means we push on.” Mark smiled as he took a deep breath before pushing the throttle forward again.
At 75% the ship was shaking fairly well from the locked tie downs resisting the massive power trying to tear them out. The com light from the bridge started blinking with the com lights from the Captain and then the Chief Engineer flashing shortly after.
“Well gentlemen we may as well finish this. Going to 100% power.” The ship started bucking, the deck shacking so badly, you could not stand. It took Mark concentrating with Mickey's help to see the thrust and power meters “All right we have 100% Power and 236% thrust gentlemen!” Mark shouted above the noise. “How is it Admiral?”
“Just fine Mark you can shut it down know.”
Mark pulled the throttle back to stop and the world came to rest as the echo slowly died. The big ship started settling back onto her legs with groans and moans and pops and squeaks being drowned out by the screaming com signals from the bridge and Captain.
Flicking the com switch to the bridge brought a panicked ensign screaming incoherently. “Bridge; Main Propulsion Control. Engine test completed. Main Engine #3 shut down and locked. Main Propulsion control out.” Then flicking the Captains com. “Yes Captain. This is Commander Collins. How can I help you?”
“What the Hell is going on down there? What... You... Commander Collins? I! Who the hell told you to test the engines and why?”
“We tested the successfully upgraded Main Engine #3 as per the rebuild plan I submitted to you yesterday with permission of the Bridge duty officer Captain. Sorry it was a little late, we ran into a few snags like missing injector nozzles we had to replace. It tested at 236 % normal thrust Captain. Well above the targeted 120%. The engine checked out well within parameters. Green right down the line sir. Engine 3 is now shut down and locked. Proceeding to reopen the ship and report to port control. If you please Captain I have much to do closing things up down here.”
“Like Hell you do. I don’t want anyone doing anything else until I get down there. Got that Mr. Collins!”
“Yes Captain.” The line went dead as the Chief Engineers comm light went out. “Ok people you heard. Pass the word, stop what you are doing if it is safe. Finish all safety checks and procedures though. The Captain is coming down. Relax and take it easy. And pass the word well done to everyone.” Leaning back Mark laced his fingers behind his head and realized he was hungry. But looking down at the board he realized he still had to finish shutting down the engine no matter what the Captain had said. “Hey someone; is the midrate’s tables still out there?” He really wanted to get up and get a bite if any food was still out there now he could relax, but then he had work to do.
A turkey sandwich and soda appeared on the counter next to him. It was a bit dray and needed more mayo for his taste but beggars could not be choosers. As old man Pops always said. As he ate, going down the checklist shutting down the auxiliary systems with Johnson confirming the shutdown and condition of the parts of the engine as Mark went down the list, the control room started emptying out. He did not blame them for leaving. This was the boring part. Besides, there was no sense in everyone getting yelled at and court-martialed. But as he finished his sandwich and finally locking the board, he could hear yelling drifting down the passageway from the truck deck after Lt. Johnson disappeared.
Mark sat back too exhausted to move. Too happy satisfied to want to move. And then thanks to Mickey, he could hear Lt Johnson yelling at someone. “Ok what the hell is going on out there?” He walked down the passageway and out into the wide open deck to find the men lined up in formations. Each of the MP rooms, the Marines numbering a good 50, now recognizing most from the rescue operation on the Greedly’s deck and the hold battle before that, the Cargo handlers and even the electricians, hull techs, machinists and pipe layers were lined up into nice strait even rows. The ensigns where just finishing lining up. Lt. Johnson walking around inspecting to make sure everyone was ship shape even though most of their uniforms were filthy. Mark had to smile at seeing that the odd deck and truck hands that had helped, were mixed into the engine groups they had worked with. In all; for after 3 in the morning it looked damn good.
The Captain stomped out of the elevator fallowed by a dozen officers and seeing no one in the control room she fallowed the sound of Johnson barking a last few orders, into the truck deck. Those bastards think they can run from me they have another... And saw the men formed up for inspection. Never in the last 30 years had she seen the black gang in formation for anything. Hell! Just trying to get them to pay attention long enough to talk to was almost impossible and yet here they were in formation and at attention. An ensign came running up to report to a lieutenant JG, who reported to a Lieutenant who then reported to Second Lieutenant Johnson. Shaking her head in disbelief she noticed the an ensign at the end of the line of ensign and had to look twice to believe that Lieutenant Reeves (the biggest backstabbing whiner she had ever met) now wore gold ensign bars and was apparently happy about it as he stood with a big shit eating grin on his face with the other ensigns. Then she watched Second Lieutenant Johnson walk over to the Collins kid and salute.
“Sir. All ships company is formed and ready for inspection Sir.” The salute was crisp. The Second lieutenant for MP-4 turned and about faced and marching, took his place in line with the other 3 Second Lieutenants.
Senior Second Lieutenant Johnson then marched smartly to Mr. Collins and Saluted. “Commander Collins sir. Ships Engineering company is formed and ready for inspection Sir.” Dropping the salute with Marks answering salute. He about face and returned to the front of the line of lieutenants.
Captain Cook could not believe her eyes. Was that really the brat boy she had forced to take a commission less than a week ago? No this was a Commander she had never met or seen before with some other ships engineering department not the Star Queen’s. No. She felt her heart suddenly start thumping. She was standing there staring at a younger version of the ship’s Captain she had killed to save the ship 21 years before.
Shaking her head as she rubbed her still half asleep eyes then looked again. No, this was just that damn kid she had been thinking of court-martialing at least once a day for the last week and was getting ready to court-martial the next day for half a dozen charges she couldn’t even remember right then just to get him out of the damn engine room so she could get the damn engine rebuilt. But then none of the other engine rooms had even started rebuilding their engines yet because of a missing part. Yet here was that same damn boy saying he had not only finished upgrading his engine but that it was more powerful than originally predicted? Her mind just did not want to wrap itself around anything at the moment. Nothing made sense.
Mark turned and marched up to the Captain, came to attention and saluted. “Captain Cook sir. Engineering and company ready for inspection Sir." Dropping his smart crisp salute with her half ass salute, Mark continued. "20 hours ago I told these men that according to your general order, we were going to install the upgrade kit for MP-3. And for the last 20 hours these men have busted their butts performing miracles to do just that. And no matter what you do to me; these men deserve yours and the ships gratitude and thanks. Sir!”
“Well Ensign Collins, we will just have to see if there is anything to thank these men about first. And who the hell do you think promoted you to full Commander in the first place?”
“Why? You did Captain. You placed me in the position of Commander of MP-3. Ships regulations specify that the Commander of the MP’s shall have the temporary rank of Commander while serving in that capacity for Chain of command clarification Sir.”
"That was only an honorary promotion Ensign. You were not supposed to actually pull rank with it. You were only supposed to right up the reports the previous Commander failed to make and do nothing unless the Chief told you to do something."
"That is not how the regulations read Captain." Mark smiled. "And fact is, I followed the Chiefs orders to the lette
r and I quote.” “Do whatever the hell you want, just stay the hell out of my fucking sight.” Shrugging his shoulder. “Sir.”
The Engineering Chief burst in with the other MP space Commanders in tow. “Who the Hell is the fool running two of my engines at the same time at full thrust let alone without my permission. You could have ripped the ship apart or tore out the anchors.”
“Mr. Reeves!” Mark shouted. “Did you do an anchor check after the test run?”
“Yes Commander Collins. All anchors check out 100% Sir.”
“Mr. Clark! Did you check the pit area after the test for damage?”
“Yes Commander Collins. No pit damage beyond normal wear. Though the number 3 exhaust channel is damn clean, Sir.”
“Mr. Walker, did you run a scan of the ships structure for damage after the test?”
“Commander Collins. Yes sir. No detected damage to the ship or ships systems Sir.”
“Thank you Gentlemen.” Turning to the Chief and saluting. “Engineering Chief Scott All after test checks report no damage Sir.”
Without returning Mark’s salute, the chief held his arms stiff to his side and balled up his fists. “It has been a standing order for 10 years to not run any more than one propulsion engine at the same time while Pitted Ensign, let alone at full fucking power you fool.”
“That is Commander Collins Chief; until the Captain fires me and I can assure you that only MP-3 was tested this morning after the ship’s landing clamps and locks were tripled checked. Sir.”
“Don’t lie to me fool! It is too easy to check.” Without taking his eyes off Mark. “Commanders Check your engines and tell me which ones this idiot ran. You made a little mistake there Mr. Collins. The Upgrade would only increase the power of the engine to 150% of thrust if it even works and that is doubtful and the only way you could have gotten as much thrust as you did was by running two engine at full, no, three engines to get even up to the 230% percent thrust you reported and making the ship buck as bad as it did. A big mistake Ensign. You got carried away showing off. How stupid of you and lastly there was no possible way you found the missing crates to do the upgrade period.”
“Mr. Peabody! What did the Machine shop do last night?” Finding himself over extended. Mark early on had the ensign in charge of the machine shop brought down to oversee the details of the required parts.
“Commander Collins Sir. My machine shop made fusion chamber cones to replace the original fusion chamber balls along with 23 other critical parts for the engine up grade Sir.”
“Thank you Mr. Peabody.”
The Commanders slowly reported back to the Chief that their engines had not been fired since landing. The last one from MP-4 to report even commented on how impressed he was with the looks of the upgraded MP-3. Making the Chief growl with displeasure.
“Well Gentlemen, let's take a look at this up graded engine. Mr. Collins, you can have engine room company stand at easy while we check things out.” The Captain turned to enter the engine room.
As Mark started to follow, the Chief stopped him. “We don’t need your help to look at an engine boy. Stay put. I don’t know yet how you did it or what you fucked up but I will find out and if I can help it you will never set foot in another engine room the rest of your life.”
Mark stood trying to keep his face blank as he watched the Chief step through the hatch into the MP-3 and listened to the Chief as he immediately started putting down everything about the MP-3 upgrade. He was glad that the hatch was closed so the men could not hear the shit. Mickey was good at switching engine room camera pickups giving Mark a good view of the proceedings. To Marks dismay, the Chief had him convinced after a few minutes, that the engine was a piece of junk ready for the scrap yard even after running it at full power.
Then the Admiral walked into the engine room from the control room. “Captain Cook what is the problem here. To me this engine looks perfect. Though I have to admit that I helped the poor lad with the designs for several of the new components after the disappearance of one certain critical crates in all 4 engine rooms.” Turning to the Chief. “I assure you Chief that the crew did a smash up job putting it together. A ship yard could not have done a better job. Please tell me Chief; what questions or problems you have with the engine and I will try to alleviate them if I can?”
“You are just that stupid AI with no business in human or ships affairs. Now be gone with you. You have nothing to tell me.”
“Chief I know all you see before you is a mass of shimmering light from the halo projection where I stand so I can understand your misgivings. But I am far from stupid since I am after all built by the Empire with Imperial tech and the one thing you can rely on is that this engine is sound and launch ready. Yes I understand that it will need space tuning in orbit and again on the fringe before leaving the system but it is ready whether you like it or not. It is my hope. Yes an AI with illogical hope. That once you have a decent set of implants that your demeanor and attitudes will change for the better.”
“What fucking implants asshole? No one is touching me. Not in your life time you bucket of bolts!”
“Chief; you are scheduled to have your implants changed later this morning. Why the Captain has not told you is beyond me but if you do not go through with it. I will recommend that you be removed from the Chief engineer's position immediately.”
“Oh ya and replaced by that boy out there! My ass you will.”
“No Chief; the most likely candidate is the 6th officer. But Mr. Collins is now not far down the list after his performance rebuilding this engine and his other accomplishments over the last few days.” Then to just the Chiefs ears. “And just to add a little incentive, I know the Commander of engine room 1, Mr. Hicks removed the missing boxes and he had to do it with your orders and yes I can resort to blackmail. I allowed him to get away with it so I could increase the Imperial content of these engines to what the available technology was able to produce. Though because of Commander Collins, the installed tech turned out to be even more advanced than I had planned on. He has a damn sharp mind. Get used to it.”
The Chief spun around and stomped toward the control room hatch followed by the Commander of Engine room 1 catching up to him. Commander Hicks.
“Chief! You will report to Sick bay at 0800 is that understood?” The Captain bellowed to make sure she was heard before the Chief reached the hatch.
The Chief stopped in the hatch way and said without turning around as his growing sneer faded to a frown. “Yes Captain Sir.” Then disappeared.
Stepping through the engine room hatch sill some 15 minutes later after talking to the Admiral and being reassured, the Captain stopped, surveying the assembled ranks. “Commander Collins, tell the engine room crews and company that they have done a magnificent job and that I expect them to do the same again starting with MP-4, let's say about noon to give them some sleep. You may dismiss Ships Company.” Then headed for the elevator.
While a few men whooped and moved out of ranks briefly before returning. Mark was proud to call them back to attention and then a few minutes later after the Captain and officers had cleared the elevators, dismiss them. The truck deck roared to life as everyone started talking at once as they headed for the elevators going around the core or through the control room as well as lining up for the chains. With the mob of crewmen dispersing to the elevators and chains, Mark smiled and walked back into the engine room looking up at the engine. He could not recall seeing a more beautiful sight.
The Admiral walked up to Mark. “You did good son, I am proud of you. Your father would be proud of you.”
“Thanks Admiral, and thanks for saving my butt. Well; all of our butts. Without these engines the ship is dead.”
“Before you head for bed I need to tell you something important. Something you need to understand and will become very important in the coming days and even years.”
Mark was admiring the engine studying the new layout and shapes of the new and improved ma
chinery when the Admiral started fizzing out with visible pain warping his face and body letting out a silent scream as his image died.
“Yes Admiral?” Mark turned around looking for the admiral. “Admiral?” But he was alone in the engine room. Too tired to even ask Mickey why the Admiral had suddenly disappeared, Mark turned to head for his cabin. “That was strange, well he can tell me later.”
“Mark; the AI Hall started a self-diagnostic when the Admiral’s Signal stopped. I cannot make Hall tell me why the signal stopped or why he is running the self-diagnostic. I fear there is a problem but I do not know what the problem is.”
“I am sure everything is fine Mickey.” Dian was waiting for him next to the elevator as Mark walked up the passageway from the control room. Giving him a hug he hugged back expecting the line running through the inner hull hatch beside the elevator to the elevator to take a while to end. But after kissing Dian in her new ensign uniform know dirty with splotches of blood antiseptics and stuff he did not really want to identify, he looked up to find the line parted and an empty elevator waiting for him. With thanks and handshakes and back slapping it took a couple of minutes to get into the car and then alone with Dian he asked the crew to join him and was told that they would catch the next, saluting him.
Embarrassed, it took him a good couple of decks before he went back to hugging an eager Dian until the hatch opened on their deck. They walk around the hull to the dorm and his/their cabin taking as long as Mark could make it as he enjoyed Dian’s company basking in the glow of a job well done and his exhaustion, not wanting it to end. Then in their cabin she put him into a bed that he could not remember ever feeling so good and smiled at her taking in the curves of her face and body as he relaxed wishing she would get into bed so he could sleep. Then to his amazement the curves of her body became much more interesting as she slowly stripped and then climbed into bed with him and within minutes he realized he was not as tired as he thought he was. At least for a few minutes. His wakening mind wondered briefly to the Admiral’s strange disappearance after telling him he had something important to tell him but hormones quickly took over.