In the Loup Boxed Set #1

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In the Loup Boxed Set #1 Page 4

by Mac Flynn

  "How about I take over from here?" he suggested. "It's only taking two hours off your turn, and I want to stop up ahead at that lodge at the peak." That was a good two hour's drive away, but it was the closest thing they had to civilization around here.

  "Why there?" Stephanie suspiciously asked. Her hands tightened their grip on the wheel. Good thing there wasn't any oncoming traffic, or they might have been in trouble.

  "I've heard it's got some great food," he vaguely explained.

  "And?" she demanded to know.

  "And some nice beds," he unwillingly added.

  "I thought you were getting to that," she mused. She didn't want to be treated like a wimp. That just wasn't her cup of tea. "You're thinking of us stopping there for the night because you think I'm sick, don't you?"

  "Pretty much," Chuck admitted with a nod. He sighed when her lip turned up in a brooding pout. "Just look at yourself in the mirror," he pointed out. She did, and even she had to wince. "You're not looking too hot, and maybe all you need is a nap or something. We'll just rent a room for the night just in case."

  "You sure we can afford it?" she teased.

  "You're worth it, Boss," he countered.

  "And what if I say no?" she challenged. She had the wheel, so she had the power. "What if I just say we drive non-stop home?"

  "Then I'd call your bluff," he argued.

  "Oh? Why?" she wondered.

  "Because you're a girl, and you've had about three cups of coffee to keep yourself awake," Chuck counted off. "You're going to have to go to the bathroom sometime."

  "Fine..." Stephanie grumbled. She couldn't deny he was right, but she could inwardly curse herself for buying so many cups of coffee at that last truck stop.

  She pulled over at the next truck turnout, and they both welcomed a moment to stretch. Stephanie stepped over to the edge of wilderness and glanced up at the tall trees around them. The turnout looked out onto a sheer drop into a narrow ravine. A rough stream with large boulders carved its way through the ravine of its own making. In some spots were miniature flood plains, and on those grew wild grass and berry bushes. She could just imagine laying down on those beds of green for a quick nap.

  "Sure is nice here, isn't it?" Chuck asked her.

  "Yeah, if you want to live like a wild man," she joked.

  A soft wind came up and blew right passed them. The heavy pine limbs swayed against the breeze and she froze. She thought she heard something, and it sounded like a voice. She couldn't hear what it said, but the tone was haunting enough to remind her of the horrors of last night. She looked down at her arm and the raw wounds that were emblazoned red from her scratching. It was probably too late to tell Chuck now. He would probably think she was playing a trick on him, and he'd just be more worried about her mental state in addition to her physical one.

  Maybe it was all just her imagination, but she couldn't help shivering. Chuck noticed.

  "Let's get going or we'll be stuck on this road in the dark," he noted.

  They piled back into the car, though in changed seats, and off they were again. The road did indeed get darker as the sun slowly set below the high mountains all around them. At around dinner time they finally spotted the resort building.

  The structure had been hewn from the local logs well over a century ago. Those massive trees made up the exterior of the lodge, but inside was pure elegance. There was an elegant lobby filled with overstuffed furniture and every room was drawn out in hewn log furniture finely carved and finished. Every modern amenity was offered, too, including an indoor swimming pool and a jacuzzi. The only thing they couldn't offer this high up in the mountains was internet and cable. The high rocks blocked most reception except for phones, and even those were spotty.

  "Let's get ourselves a comfortable room," Chuck invited.

  He led the way up to the front desk.

  "Good evening," the gentleman at the desk greeted them. He was smartly dressed in a three piece suit with a dark red tie. "How can I help you?"

  "We were looking for a room, something with two beds," Chuck explained.

  "I'm afraid we only have one bed in each room," the employee informed them. Chuck's face dropped and Stephanie couldn't help but smirk. "But if you would like to have two rooms, we charge three hundred dollars a night."

  "Um, I think we'll take one," Chuck squeaked out. His partner could see his face tightened as he did the math. That would be a lot of money for one night. "Do you have anything cheaper?"

  "Well, we have an economy room at the back of the lodge for two hundred," the man informed them. He glanced at the records to see which rooms were occupied. "There's one open there right now. Would you like to see it?"

  "No, we'll just take it," he agreed. "But is there any way we can get an extra set of blankets?"

  "Our rooms are not drafty, sir," the employee assured him.

  "Well, I got some arthritis coming on, so I just need an extra helping of blankets," Chuck countered. The desk manager raised a brow as he looked the man up and down. He didn't look a day passed thirty. "So just in case, I'd like to have some more. As many as you can spare."

  "We can get you a couple," the manager grudgingly agreed. He slid the guest book over to them. "If you'll just sign here and pay for your rooms, I can give you the key."

  "What time is dinner around here?" Chuck added as he signed the name of their company. The company credit card would be the one paying the bill, after all.

  "It's being served right now and will close in about two hours," the employee informed them.

  The transactions were made and the two partners found themselves walking into the far reaches of the lodge. They reached the back and found their room nestled near the corner, but not quite there. Having that extra outside wall would have cost them fifty dollars more. The pair found the room small but comfortable, and Chuck plopped his bag down beside the bed. He tested the cushioned mattress as Stephanie pulled out her phone. She needed to call her husband Bob to tell him of the delay. The phone rang at the house a couple of times, but no one answered. Stephanie rolled her eyes and wondered if he was out playing cards with the boys. She was forced to leave a message on the answering machine and hope he got it.

  "This should work for you," Chuck mused after she'd hung up.

  "If I'm sleeping on the bed, where are you going to sleep?" Stephanie asked.

  That's when they heard a knock on the door. Chuck grinned at her and walked over. He opened the entrance to find a bellhop standing in the hall holding a tower of blankets.

  "You ordered some blankets, sir?" the lad politely asked.

  "Yep, and you got exactly the amount I need," Chuck joked as he took the whole pile. He handed the boy a five for his trouble.

  "Thank you!" the lad graciously replied.

  Chuck shut the door and walked over to the foot of the bed. He unceremoniously dropped the whole neat pile onto the floor.

  "What in the world are you doing?" Stephanie asked him. She watched him get down on all fours and start to unfold them.

  "Making my bed," he told her. "This is the wilderness, isn't it?" he mused. "Somebody's gotta rough it or we can't say we stayed in a lodge."

  "I don't think this is that kind of lodge," she pointed out.

  "Well, it's either that or we share a bed," he countered. He grinned up at her. "You want to keep my arthritis company?"

  "On second thought, keep down on the floor," she ordered as she playfully kicked at him.

  "Ooph!" he yelped a little.

  "Did I hurt you?" Stephanie exclaimed. She bent down and tested his ribs, but he brushed her off.

  "You've got a hell of a kick," he commented as he rubbed his side.

  "I'm sorry," she quickly apologized. She didn't know what was coming over either of them. They were acting like flirting teenagers out on their first night alone together.

  "Nah, I guess I deserved that," he pointed out. He leaned against the bed and glanced over at the bathroom door. It lay agains
t the back half of the room, assuredly to give some cheap ventilation by having a window inside the room. Old architecture was certainly strange. "I was gonna take a shower before dinner?" he informed her. "You wanting to take one, too?"

  "Me first," Stephanie pleaded. She felt dirty from not having taken one earlier.

  She rummaged around in her bag for a fresh pair of clothes for dinner and dashed into the bathroom. The window was partially open and she could feel a light brush of night air drifting inside. It wasn't enough to bother her unless a wind blew into the room, so she kept it open. She turned on the hot water and stripped. It felt so good to step beneath that cascading stream of water. As she scrubbed and massaged the stress out of her tense muscles, she thought about just staying there for an hour.

  Stephanie noticed the shower curtain move, and she glanced to the window. A small breeze had wafted inside the room. She didn't pay attention to any of that, however. Her eyes were fixed on the waning moon hovering in the sky. Its slow progression among the stars entranced her.

  She suddenly felt this strange yearning growing inside her. Her hot skin flushed with a delicious, thrilling shiver of heat. She never looked away from that moon, though, even as her hand reached up and grasped the wall. Her heart beat faster and her breathing came out in wisps of soft, needy gasps. She felt like she was on fire, and that the water rushing over her was a cold stream dampening that heat.

  Before she knew what she was doing, she'd stepped out of the running shower. Her wet feet left watery footprints on the floor as she stepped over to the window. Her soft, bright eyes were wide with wonder at the glowing marvel. She pressed herself against the wall as she glimpsed the moon high above. Her body was aching for something she could almost reach, and she felt the moon offered her that release.

  Her bare breasts brushed against the rough paneling and she gasped. Those sensitive mounds of flesh were bulging with a need she couldn't satiate. Her whole self shivered as she reached up and grasped the window sill with both hands. Her slick legs rubbed together and caused sweet friction between her wet thighs.

  Stephanie leaned her head back and groaned. It felt so good, but still not enough. She pushed harder against the wall and her legs pressed against each other with more pressure, but it still wasn't enough. Her heavily lidded eyes glistened as they gazed up at the moon. That something was in the sky there, but she couldn't reach it.

  That thought made her almost want to weep, but those soft rays floated down to her. They comforted her and brought on more heat, but more need. She began to rock against the wall, and her feet scraped against the wet linoleum floor to push harder. She needed to go faster. The need demanded to be satiated. Her breathing came out in rasps. Her hands tightly gripped the sill as her pert breasts rubbed against the wall. She could feel her body reaching for something just out of reach. It was oh so close. She was almost able to touch it. Another groaned escaped her wet, full lips.

  "Boss?" Chuck called from the other side of the door. "You okay in there?"

  His voice snapped Stephanie out of her trance. She looked around the room and then down at herself. She was naked and wet, and standing beneath the open window. The breeze that wafted through was cold now, and she hurriedly reached out and wrapped her towel around herself.

  "I-I'm fine," Stephanie stuttered out. She tried to force her heart rate down so her voice didn't sound so out of breath. Her face was beat red from having been caught in such an embarrassing position, even if he was still on the other side of the door. "Just...just enjoying the shower."

  "You sure?" he persisted. "I thought I heard something."

  "It was just me," she truthfully, if deceitfully, replied. She heard him jiggle the door knob. "I'm almost done," she snapped. She didn't mean for her voice to sound so mean, but he'd ruined something gorgeous. She had no idea what had happened, but she wanted it to come again. "Just give me a few minutes."

  "All right, but you'd better hurry," Chuck insisted. "I kind of forgot to go to the bathroom before you went in there."

  Stephanie rolled her eyes. Sometimes his sensibility flew right out the window, and especially since last night. She quickly dressed and opened the door to find him standing not far off. If he'd had his legs crossed she might have believed he was desperate for the toilet, but he looked more interested in seeing that she really was okay than pushing passed her.

  "Well?" she asked as she stepped aside.

  "Oh, right," he quickly remembered. He grabbed a pile of new clothes and rushed passed her, but that confirmed her suspicions. He was worried about her.

  As she glanced back at the windows and the moon which had sunk behind the trees, she started to worry about herself. There'd be more time for that, however, after they got home. Then maybe she'd get that wounds on her arm looked at by a doctor. Even after the cleansing shower the scratches still looked irritated. She'd really rubbed her skin raw with her unconscious itching.

  Then her stomach growled.

  "Better get finished up," she scolded to herself.

  Stephanie had just finished drying her hair when he came back out, dressed and ready for food. They stepped out of their room and headed for the dining hall downstairs.

  "We have to be careful with what we order," Chuck quietly informed her. "This place has some pretty price menu items."

  "I'll make sure not to eat too much, mom," Stephanie joked.

  Since they were staying at the lodge out of season, they were quickly seated and handed some menus. Stephanie drooled at the listing of steaks cooked to any order specifications. Chuck noticed her hungry eyes and raised a brow in question, but she reined in her overtly obvious jubilation.

  "I'm guessing you've found what you want," he dryly commented.

  "Maybe..." she teased. The waiter came back with some glasses of water.

  "Are you ready to order?" he pleasantly asked.

  "Yes," Stephanie quipped. She pointed down at the steak menu. "I'll have the large size t-bone steak, cooked medium rare."

  "Are you sure, ma'am?" the waiter hesitated to accept. "Even excluding the bones, that's a good pound of meat."

  "Positive," she affirmed with a nod. "And I'll have a side order of Caesar salad," she added. She turned to Chuck, but he couldn't match her smile. He looked worried. "Your turn," she pointed out.

  "Oh, um, I'll have the medium t-bone steak, medium rare, too," he ordered.

  The waiter took their menus and left with a very curious look on his face. Chuck turned to his partner with a deep frown.

  "What?" Stephanie asked. "I didn't order the most expensive thing on there," she commented. That was in the seafood section, and she was hungry for something a little more raw.

  "You sure you're feeling all right?" he questioned.

  "I feel fine, especially after that shower," she sighed. She couldn't wait to get home and away from this worry wort. "You're just overreacting."

  "And you need a doctor," he lowered his voice so no one else could hear. "That mark on your arm looks worse."

  "Well, it doesn't hurt, so I don't need to go," she pointed out. She hated going to the doctor's office, anyway. "So can we just eat our dinner and go to bed?" The long car ride had made her body stiff and tired. A good rest is what she needed.

  "Yeah, but don't say I didn't warn you," Chuck countered.

  Stephanie childishly rolled her eyes, but didn't deign to reply. Their meal was soon brought to them, and they both did justice to the delicious food. She worked fast along her t-bone, and finished almost as soon as Chuck, though his was a third as large as her own. She ignored the pointed looks from her partner, and they left the table satisfied but a little more poor.

  When they got back to their room it was still early night, but Stephanie was ready to hit the hay. She dressed in her pajamas and emerged from the bathroom to find Chuck had made a pretty nice bed on the floor. He'd even confiscated one of her pillows for his use. He didn't, however, dress for bed.

  "Not going to join me?" she sug
gestively teased as she slid beneath the covers.

  "I'm not too tired yet," he informed her. He glanced out at the night. "Maybe I'll go take a walk outside."

  "Just don't go into any dark alleys," Stephanie pointedly remarked. That caught his attention, and she turned away when he looked at her.

  "So something happened in there, didn't it?" he accused. "Is that where you got those marks?"

  "It was nothing," she brushed off. He wouldn't believe her. Maybe the moon had played tricks on her mind then, too, like it had in the bathroom. "Just ran into some boxes down the alley."

  He glared at her with doubt in his eyes. She didn't like that look one bit, but more because she knew she was lying to him. He had a right to be mad at her.

  "Well, as soon as you want to tell me, I'll be available," he offered.

  Before she could stop him Chuck had marched out of the room. Tears came to Stephanie's eyes. She hadn't meant to hurt her friend like that. She thought of running out after him, but that would have embarrassed them both. Besides, she wasn't some lying lover bent on redemption. They were business partners. They needed to act professionally.

  "And stop lying to each other," she mumbled.

  Stephanie pulled the covers up over her and hugged the pillow to herself. She didn't think she would ever fall asleep with all these thoughts floating around her head, but dreams have a way of sneaking up on people. Her eyes grew heavy, and before she knew what was happening she had drifted off into slumber.

  She dreamed of strange, dark things. She was standing in an open field surrounded by the tall trees which edged the lodge. A full moon was high overhead and the night was still and quiet. She glanced hear and there trying to find any signs of anyone else, and that's when she heard it. A howl.

  It wasn't like that one in the alley. This one invited her like the call of a friend from across the hall. Someone wanted her to join them in the fun. The sound wasn't far off. She knew she could run to it.


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