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Atlantis the Lost Continent Finally Found

Page 14

by Arysio Santos

  And their very universality demonstrates the hoary antiquity of the myth, which can only date from Atlantean times, when Beringia, the link between the Old and the New Worlds, was still open.

  This myth has to do with the separation of the two humanities (Dravidas and Aryo-Semites) taking place after the Great War of Atlantis, in order to prevent its perpetuation. This separation of the world in two halves functioned most effectively down to the Renaissance, when it was unilaterally broken by the European conquistadors, with the terrible results we all well know.

  Said otherwise, it is day here when the sun enters this world via the monster’s mouth, and night when it exits, via the anus. The opposite obtains in the netherworld, where the day starts when the sun exits this world and enters the lower one, and ends when the sun exits the netherworld passing into this one. In the netherworld, time visibly passes the opposite way as here.

  This concept of time reversal passed to Greece, as described, say, by Plato in his dialogue Statesman. But it is originally Hindu and, even more exactly, Atlantean. In Hindu traditions, time is cyclical. For that reason, Shesha is often called Ananta (“endless”). This fact is illustrated by the very shape of Shesha, which corresponds to the symbol of infinity, a recumbent figure of 8.

  If this cycle is traced out with a pencil, it is easy to see that one circle runs in one direction and the other in the opposite one. This is exactly what happens with Cyclical Time. The two coils here (celestial and terrestrial) are the duals of each other. This symbol of the Serpent Shesha often becomes the caduceus, another frequent attribute of the goddess Tanit and of her male counterpart, Moloch, an alias of Atlas himself.

  This form of Shesha exactly corresponds to the early shape of the caduceus held up by the goddess Tanit in her early effigies. The double monster also often forms the image of the Ouroboros, with each of the two monsters having its mouth at the other’s anus, more or less as illustrated here. This is really a somewhat euphemized form of what would really amount to the symbolism of 69 in contemporary France. ↑040

  The two straits portrayed in this remarkable Egyptian cosmogram also correspond to the two extremities of the world mentioned in Homer’s Odyssey (I:22) as inhabited by: “the Ethiopians... who live at the world’s extremities, divided in two halves, one where the sun (Hyperion) rises, and the other where he sets.” We will return to the theme of the White Ethiopians in more detail further below, in our discussion of the many Pillars of Hercules and their connection with Taprobane.

  Lanka – the location of Sunda Strait, the eastern passage – was also the site of the ancient International Dateline. And this is the place where the new day started by an international convention adopted by most peoples on earth (Meridian 0o) since remotest antiquity. Now, it is interesting to ask why anyone would need to set up an International Dateline so early in time unless they already had both a good reason and the resources for doing so?

  Only an international empire of global extent – a nation of great navigators literally able to rove the entire world – would really require an International Dateline. That Lanka was such a worldwide empire cannot now be doubted, as it is affirmed in Hindu holy books of an extreme antiquity. And so is also the fact that Lanka was considered to be the former site of Meridian 0o.

  Petty empires of a limited extent – the only ones allowed by the current doctrines on prehistory – would never require a global standardization of time and earth’s coordinates. For what purpose would they need them? Gibraltar Strait lies at Lanka’s opposite side, more the antipodes of Meridian 0o. It was for this reason that it was chosen to be the place where the day ended by convention, and where night began.

  It was also for this reason that Gibraltar was also considered the “mirror image” of the true Pillars of Atlas. The Pillars of Atlas, rather than the ones of Hercules, their European replicas, were the well-known markers of Atlantis’ true geographical location, in Taprobane, on the opposite bank of the Ocean.

  Hercules is the dual and twin of Atlas to whom Plato gives the codename of Gadeiros (or Eumelos) in his two dialogues on Atlantis. This symbolism also connected with the one of Tanit, the Phoenician goddess whose myth and meaning we discuss in more detail further below.

  The Strait of Gibraltar was merely a phony replica of the true Pillars of Heaven, like so many others. As we just saw, “Sunrise” and “Sunset” are here connected with the Eras of Mankind, their start and their end. And this can only mean one thing. These mountains are really volcanoes or, likelier still, supervolcanoes. Otherwise, how could a mountain destroy the entire world?

  These two supervolcanoes – which I have identified with the Toba and the Krakatoa, both located in Sumatra, in the region of Indonesia – are so incredibly potent that they can in fact trigger the Ice Ages on and off, both starting and ending them, as we have both discovered and proved in detail.

  When the Ice Ages start, we have the “dawn” of a new era, and when

  they end we have its dusk, ragnarök. What else could this quaint symbolism and its connection with supervolcanoes actually mean?

  The symbolism of the eras of mankind (yugas) is typically Hindu in origin. In fact, the yugas form the essence of both Hinduism and Buddhism, the two great religions of India. What is even more sobering, as we are now fast learning, is that Catastrophism and Catastrophic Evolution are the basic mechanisms adopted by Nature, instead of the pink-tinted, panglossian Uniformitarian Evolution advocated by Darwin and Lyell.

  When we consider all this, it is clear that the doctrine of the Eras of Mankind originated in the East Indies. It is catastrophic in nature, and teaches that supervolcanoes such as the Krakatoa and the Toba are associated with the “Fire of Doomsday”, which they also call Vadavamukha (or “Submarine Mare”). The Submarine Mare is obviously a submarine volcano, as we show further below.

  And this mare is also the same as the lion or the dragon or the infernal dog which we find in worldwide legends. This ferocious volcano we have identified as the terrible Krakatoa, the main one in the Indonesian region. In a former era it was the Toba volcano, the one which literally destroyed the world some 75,000 years ago, in what was the largest explosive eruption ever to occur in the times of Man.

  This giant Toba eruption triggered the onset of the last Ice Age, which was in all probability terminated by a similar giant eruption of the Krakatoa volcano (see link here) occurring some 11,600 years ago. The cataclysm described by Plato – which destroyed Atlantis and caused the Flood – is often understood to have been an earthquake, rather than a giant volcanism of the sort we have been arguing. ↑041

  That is a frequent misconception resulting from the mistranslation of the word seismos used by Plato in this context. Actually, this word means “commotion, jolt”, rather than “quake, shake”. But it was adopted in modern times to designate a seism or earthquake, and the name stuck.

  However, the many details given by Plato are typical of a supervolcanism, rather than a colossal earthquake. Huge amounts of pumiceous lava were shed (Plato’s ilus or pelos). The earth opened up in an immense chasm, and swallowed the entire region and all its people.

  This event is typical of a giant eruption followed by cave-in and caldera formation, and never happens with earthquakes proper. Plato’s disaster was attended by fire; the region had both cold and hot springs as well as red, black and white rocks, all typical of volcanoes.

  So, it seems that the “jolt” and the tsunamis or floods mentioned by Plato were caused by an explosive volcanic eruption, rather than by an earthquake proper. This is a characteristic feature of the Krakatoa volcano due to its submarine location – as attested in the great tsunami of 1883, created by a giant explosive eruption of the volcano, rather than by an earthquake proper.

  As is known, names change in the course of time, and often come to mean something quite different from what they originally meant. Such seems to have been the case here. The Greek word seismos – particularly the type called chasmatiae (“chasm
opening”) in antiquity – originally meant many types of great commotions of the ground, caused by both volcanoes and earthquakes proper.

  Since earthquakes are far more common than giant volcanic eruptions of an explosive nature, the name became attached with this type of phenomenon, and in time came to mean exclusively those. Moreover, the Greeks had no name for volcanoes proper – perhaps for reasons of a taboo of some sort – and tended to avoid naming them explicitly, using all sorts of euphemisms instead.

  All in all, it seems that the idea that the Eras of Mankind were caused by giant volcanisms probably arose in a region prone to this sort of phenomenon. And this region seems to have been Sumatra, the world’s champion for this kind of disaster. This is attested both by the great Krakatoa eruption of 1883 as well as by the great tsunami that recently overwhelmed both this region and the vicinal countries.

  It is now known for sure that the Hindus originally came from the region of Indonesia, fleeing to India when their original home sank under the sea in a giant volcanic catastrophe. Since India itself has no volcanoes, it seems probable that the Hindus developed these doctrines there, in Indonesia, and later brought them over to India, when they moved to this safer region of the word.

  Given the fact that Atlantis also went under in one such major cataclysm of global import, it is not unreasonable to try to identify the two locations and the two disasters, as demanded by Ockham’s Razor, the epistemological base of Modern Science. And this is just what we did in the course of our researches on the subject. Similarly, as Gibraltar has no volcanoes, it is quite unlikely to have been the site of Atlantis.

  The Cross of Atlantis

  The next figure represents the so-called Cross of Atlantis. This symbol is becoming current among some adepts of occultism due to its many mystic connotations. This symbol represents the three concentric strips of water (in black) surrounding the two strips of land plus the central island of Atlantis’ capital city (in white). The Cross itself represents the canals which crossed the strips of land, and which were connected by bridges, as described in great detail by Plato himself.

  The shaft of the cross is the great admittance canal which led to the Ocean itself, some 10 kilometers away from the city, according to Plato. The Cross of Atlantis is in fact a schematic map of Atlantis. But there is a lot more to this curious symbol, this being the reason why we chose to illustrate and comment upon it here. In simplified form, this symbol also corresponds to the one of the Crossed Circle ⊕ .

  This simpler symbol dates from an extreme antiquity. It was used in ancient Egypt as an hieroglyph whose meaning was “city”. This symbolism also represented the sacred bread which the ancient Egyptians used as some sort of a Eucharist, in holy communion. It also symbolized the body

  of dead Osiris, himself an image of the Great Sacrifice and of the Eucharist as well. In India, the Great sacrifice is Purusha, the Cosmic Man.

  The Great Sacrifice is itself a personification of Atlantis-Eden, the site of the great human sacrifice provoked by the Flood in the region of Indonesia. All human sacrifices pale and wane in comparison with this great one. Even the recent disaster which devastated the disaster-prone region of Indonesia, killing as many as 400,000 people and perhaps even more, is puny in comparison.

  Osiris was an alias of Atlas as both the Pillar of Heaven (djed) and the bearer of the world, which he was said to support over his back or his spine. Simply put, the god Osiris represented Atlantis itself, much as did Atlas, and his Vedic archetype, Purusha.

  Purusha, whose myth dates from the Rig Veda and earlier is both the Great Sacrifice and the Cross personified. Purusha was the real archetype not only of Osiris, but also of Atlas, Hercules and several other such Savior Heroes whom we find just about anywhere in the world. Hence their connection with the Crossed Circle, itself the symbol of Atlantis, the City which required no naming, except within initiatic circles.

  In time, the Crossed Circle came to represent the planet earth both in Astrology and in Astronomy. This symbolism survives to date, and is used to represent the earth in both these sciences. The Crossed Circle and the

  Cross of Atlantis also correspond to the Celtic Cross. ↑042

  The Celts synchretized their original beliefs to those of JudeoChristianism, when this became the official, mandatory religion of the whole Roman Empire. And it was in this way that the Crossed Circle, the symbol of Atlantis became changed into the Celtic Cross, itself a replica more of the Cross of Atlantis than of the Christian Cross itself, as can be seen in a direct inspection of this remarkable symbolism.

  It took me a great many years of diligent research before I was able to decode the real meaning of the Cross symbolism. So, with the related ones of Tanit, the Ankh, the Crossed Circle and the Cross of Atlantis itself. We take this opportunity to explain the hidden meaning of another obscure religious symbolism of great importance, the Jewish menorah. The menorah is the seven-branched candlestick. But it may also have nine arms, a fact that shows it is not really related to the number seven itself. ↑043

  When we look closely at this remarkable symbol, it is easy to discern its close connection with the Cross of Atlantis. All that is required is to complete the circles to obtain the second symbol, the cross of Atlantis. We also note that this dissection of the Cross of Atlantis was standard in antiquity. Perhaps it alluded to the division which took place in the empire, separating one of its racial moieties (Aryo-Semitic) from the other (Dravidian).

  No matter what, the half circle also became a standard representation of Atlantis. Such was the case, for instance, of the Island of Satanaxio, one of the “Atlantic Islands”. These islands were considered the remains of sunken Atlantis, so that the connection is essentially inescapable.

  It is now known for sure that the use of the Cross symbolism for religious purposes dates from far before the advent of Christianity itself. Besides, the Cross symbolism was also used in the same sacred context both in the Americas and the Old World. In both of the two places the Cross was used to mark the position of the Center, the actual site of the Terrestrial Paradise.

  This symbolism is pregnant with meaning, and directly relates to the actual location of Atlantis. To put it bluntly, the Cross represents the crossing of the two axes of earth’s Coordinate System, as used by the ancient Atlanteans. The crossing of Parallel 0o (the Line of the Equator) with Meridian 0o (the one of Lanka, alias Atlantis) occurs just over the center of Sumatra (Taprobane), the site of the Terrestrial Paradise.

  This curious geographical fact is told in a great many Hindu traditions, and can hardly be doubted anymore. It is true that Lanka – the real archetype of Atlantis – is often confused with Sri Lanka, its Indian replica and counterpart. But this is sheer exoterism, one which must be ignored by the true adepts interested in fact rather than fiction. As is clear, the intersection of Meridian 0o with Parallel 0o (Equator) forms a Cross.

  And so it does today, when this meridian has been moved to London. These coincidences are all too perfect to be attributed to chance, and the sole possible explanation lies in accepting the reality of our remarkable discovery. And why not, if it is the only one which sheds light on the murky issue of human origins and the origin of civilization?

  Curiously enough, this Cross is also explicitly represented in the stellar map of the Atlas Farnese, linked here. This figure of Atlas corresponds to the one already discussed above. The constellations intersected by this meridian (Canis and Argo) are both the celestial counterparts of Atlantis. ↑044

  For instance, the Argo – sunk down to the bottom of the Celestial Ocean – is itself a visible replica of Atlantis, which also suffered a similar fate. So, the above interpretation is also confirmed by the figure of Atlas Farnese, curved under his monstrous burden, in a posture which closely evokes the similar one of Quetzalcoatl.

  The Plan of Atlantis as a Replica of the World

  As we commented in the above figure, Atlantis’ capital city was shaped like a cross, the Cross of Atlanti
s. This conclusion prompted us to look deeper, in an attempt to find the real meaning and origin of this curious geometry. And we think we have succeeded after much research.

  Let’s suppose we were Ice Age sailors, with no clearer idea of the world than the one offered by Homer and his contemporaries. After we left the oecumene, the central “island”, and actually crossed the ocean (Atlantic), we would reach the Americas and find it to be an impassable barrier of land.

  Suppose further that we were able to cross this barrier, say, by carrying our ship on our backs, just as the ancients often did, or by finding a secret canal in Panama or Costa Rica built by, say, the ancient Atlanteans; we would then meet the Pacific Ocean. After we crossed this wide ocean, we would again meet an impassable strip of land formed by Asia, Indonesia and Australia, with any possible passages sealed off by ice down to and including Antarctica, more or less as represented by Ptolemy on his map.

  Suppose that we again managed to overcome this impassable barrier, reaching the Indian Ocean, which we then crossed. We would now get to Africa, which we again traverse, in order to get back to our starting point.

  The overall picture that emerges is hence the following: || Oecumene || Atlantic Ocean || America || Pacific Ocean || Asia || Indian Ocean || Africa ||. Hence, three or four strips of land (four if we count Africa again and the outer strip of land of Atlantis) and three of water.

  All told, we have here exactly the same distribution as the one shown in the plan of Atlantis city: three strips of water and three strips of land. If we explored these strips, we would find them more or less concentric, due to earth’s sphericity. It is this, we believe, that the plan of Atlantis really represents: a stylized map of the world, with its three main continents and its three main oceans.

  Well, si non è vero, è bene trovato. But this is just an exercise of imagination which is really marginal and unimportant for our theory of Atlantis. It has only a secondary connection with the themes discussed here, which function regardless of the reality of the present hypothesis.


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