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Match Pointe

Page 14

by Amélie S. Duncan

  Scarlet.Ricci: Okay. I’ve got to go. Here is Michel’s number.

  Tyler.Wilson: Have fun.

  I was looking forward to meeting Michel. Now that Scarlet was mine, I wanted to know everyone that was important to her, wanted to know she was being cared for when I couldn’t be there. I called him and made an appointment to meet in the afternoon, using the morning to work out and go over the suspension with my lawyer. Bottom line, I’d fucked up. Now I had to work to keep out of trouble.

  Michel had left instructions to let me upstairs, and after giving an ID and signing in, I was at his door, where he met me with a smile. He was wearing sweats and a fitted T-shirt like I had on, though he had on ballet shoes. “What are you, a size thirteen shoe?”

  “Yeah,” I said. “Good guess.”

  He motioned for me to follow him in. “Priscilla will be around later to help with your lifts. For now we’ll warm up. I’m sure working with Christophe, you know the routine?”

  “Oh yeah,” I said, and we laughed together.

  I unzipped my jacket and followed him to a small studio. My gaze followed his over to a pair of pink leggings folded neatly on the polished wood in one of the corners. He went over and picked them up, smiling. “Scarlet. She must have been in here before she went to work this morning.”

  “She’s really dedicated.” I removed my shoes and took the ones he handed me. They were soft black leather with an elastic band across the front to hold them in place.

  “I’ll help make them fit better to protect your feet,” he said, looking down at them. “As for Scarlet, I agree. She has been since she was a child. My wife, Priscilla, and I were drawn to her the first time we saw her perform when she was nine. She was a natural, which is rare, and so serious.” He led me over to the barre and I followed his instructions as he moved to get me to elongate my stretches of my legs and arms.

  “She’s funny too,” I said without thought. “I mean, she’s my sister’s friend, and we spent a part of our lives on the same street when we lived on Staten Island before my family moved to Manhattan.”

  Michel smiled. “Yes, she mentioned your connection—in fact, in the very same way.” He let out a deep laugh. “She can be funny when she lets herself go, which is rare…well, until recently, when she started spending time with you.”

  “How long have you known?” I asked quietly as I did a deep leg bend.

  “A while. I hadn’t thought it serious until she asked me to help train you,” he said. “The way she spoke about you, I knew she was in love.”

  My heart beat faster in my chest. I didn’t know why the thought of her loving me scared and excited me at the same time, but was it too soon? I may very well have been falling in love with her. What I told him was, “I care deeply for her too.”

  “I know,” Michel said. “But the life of a dancer isn’t easy. There’s a wear on the body and spirit. She could be dancing until she’s forty, or longer. For us it meant no children, but things are different now. We choose to mentor promising dancers. In fact, Priscilla’s father mentored Scarlet’s mother, Olivia, before she gave up dancing. She was an amazing talent.”

  “Oh, I didn’t know that,” I said as he moved me on to leg lifts. “It must have been hard to give up your dream.”

  “Ballet is a hard career in which to achieve your dreams,” he said. “We all start out wanting to be the greatest, but then we dance for love. Having a relationship helped me through the dark times. She’ll need love when things get hard.”

  I stared off, thinking about the times I’d seen Scarlet work. She stood strong under tough criticism. “Scarlet is resilient. She could do anything she wanted. I believe in her.”

  He beamed. “Yes, she’s that too, and she’ll have to be. You both will, if you’re going to be together. While you could both be in trouble, I don’t wish to make you stop. I see it as good for Scarlet. She deserves a life and love. She’s like a daughter to me, and I’d like to know your intentions.”

  I chewed on my lip. We hadn’t really made a commitment or even had a talk ourselves, but I still had an answer for Michel. “I’m with Scarlet any way she can be with me. I don’t want to hurt her or her career.”

  “That’s exactly what I want to hear,” he said as he corrected my stance by reaching up and pulling back my shoulders. He then moved to lift my leg to stretch more. “But you’re both on borrowed time. Nothing remains hidden for long. Everything will seek to be uncovered. You should both decide soon what is right, especially you since you’re on suspension.”

  I looked away from him, embarrassed. The relationship would put Scarlet at risk too. I’d need to talk to her and do whatever it took to protect her. For the moment, I told Michel, “Yeah, we will.”

  He smiled. “Good. Now we work on the adagio, which is important for the pas de deux, a dance duet,” he said. “This will be important for the solo dance.” He went to the center of the room and did a demonstration. It was like he was dancing in slow motion, every movement of his body dynamic and precise. “Now you.”

  We did this back and forth for what seemed like forever, my muscles stretching to their limits. I was sweating more than when I ran. He finally took a break and handed me a towel.

  “I can see why Christophe is considering you for the solo,” he said. “You’re not bad, but you gave dancing up, yes?”

  “Long ago. Soccer was and is my dream,” I said with a smile.

  A woman with blond hair and gray streaks came in dressed in a black leotard, skirt, and pointe shoes. She walked over and kissed Michel. “He’s all warmed up.”

  I grimaced. “Warmed up?”

  They laughed. “Yes. We’ll start to work on the solo now.”

  I made a note in my head to call for a massage when we were done, but I kept at it. We worked on the solo, though it was odd to have his wife practically molded to me. They were both oblivious, so I went with it. They were my first hurdle, and the warm-up in Scarlet’s life. Her family wasn’t going to be easy, but at least I had Michel on my side.

  At the end, Michel said, “Would you please join us for dinner? You can take a shower in Scarlet’s suite.”

  Priscilla touched his arm. “I think it’ll be better if he goes and comes back.”

  “Yes, I agree,” I told them both. “I can be back in an hour.”

  “Nonsense. You can use the shower in there,” Michel insisted. “Scarlet should be back any minute now.”

  “I’ll let her know you’re in there,” Priscilla said hesitantly before quickly leaving the room.

  “Then it’s settled,” Michel said.

  I looked at the window. It was still bright out, but with summer, it was hard to judge. I walked over to my bag and took out my phone. “Nine o’clock,” I said incredulously. My voice echoed off the walls.

  “Time flies when you’re enjoying yourself,” Michel said, laughing. “Towels are in the cabinet. It’s just across the hall.”

  The room had a four-poster mahogany bed and a desk with a laptop on it. On the chair was draped a sweater I recognized as Scarlet’s, and next to it, a shirt that was mine. I laughed and shook my head. My little kleptomaniac. I’d be game to give her a good spanking. Then again, I had kept her underwear.

  I got in the walk-in shower and washed, amused at using the sweet-smelling floral gel she had on the built-in tile shelf.

  “Tyler,” I heard Scarlet call out. “I’ve got a shirt you can put on.”

  “Come here,” I beckoned.

  I wiped the glass door and saw her standing on the other side.

  “I can’t be in here.”

  “You can.” I turned off the water and opened the door. She had on a pale blue tank top and dark blue yoga pants. Her hair was up in a braid twisted on her head, her cheeks tinged from blushing. Her eyes were shut tight and her hands extended out front of her with my towel. I chuckled and took it from her. “Nothing you haven’t seen before.”

  “Um, yes, but…” she stammered.

  I stepped out and pulled her into my arms. She yelped at getting wet, but hugged me back.

  I tightened my hold, my cock growing between us.

  “Tyler, we can’t,” she said breathily.

  “Why not?” I pulled down her yoga pants and squeezed her ass. “They know, so we don’t need to hide.”

  She went stiff in my arms. “They do?”

  I stopped, took her chin, and titled her head up to search her hazel eyes, which were wide with fright. I sought to put her at ease. “Michel and I talked. He’s leaving us to handle things like adults.”

  “It’s not just about being adults,” she said. “It’s our work.”

  “It’s us, babe—I promise we’ll work it out and handle it,” I said. Her eyes roamed all over my face then she leaned in sweetly and we kissed. Open lips, hot and intense, we went into it.

  Her arms hung upon my shoulders and my hands lifted her ass to pull her hard against my body, making my cock thicken. I wasn’t ready to fuck her. I wanted to make her come first.

  I spun her around and rubbed my dick against her buttocks. I was fully erect now, my breath ragged as my hand went inside her underwear. She gasped, but didn’t try to stop me. Her skin was soft and slick to the touch. She was flawless. I rubbed over her swollen clit, pushing a finger inside her. “You’re so sexy,” I purred in her ear as I worked in and out of her.

  She let out a sexy moan and opened her legs as wide as they could go while trapped by her clothing. I was too turned on by her letting me do whatever I wanted to free her. I yanked up her top to cup her breasts and pinched her taut nipples. “Are you ready for me?” I moved my other hand between her thighs and fucked her with two of my fingers, real slow. She was getting wetter for me by the second.

  “Tyler,” she moaned, moving her hips to my rhythm. I added another finger to stretch her tight pussy, then I crooked it to hit that sweet spot.

  “Ohhhhh,” she panted as she quivered in my arms.

  I kept rubbing her tits and pussy, not letting her go. Her body clamped down, and she called out my name as she came. She was hot with arousal and shaking, but she let me lick and suck her, and damn it was so fucking intoxicating.

  “Hold the door,” I said as I bent her over then spread her ass to suck on her pussy from behind. I groaned. “This pussy is mine, isn’t it, Scarlet? Tell me.”

  “Yes…yes, yours,” she whispered softly.

  I smiled inwardly. She was still too shy to say that word, and I liked her innocence. I liked every fucking thing about her.

  Standing up, I pulled her pants off completely. I sat her on the sink and opened her legs wide so my eyes could feast on how aroused she was by me. The view didn’t disappoint and had me aching to fuck her. “Hold on, sweetheart.”

  She did as I told her then I lifted her long legs and placed them on my shoulders.

  I eased my cock inside her and moaned. It felt heavenly. I had to grit my teeth to keep from coming, but I picked up my rhythm, stroking my cock against her clit until she came squeezing down tight. I came hard, absolute gratification roaring through my body. My Scarlet.

  My breathing was heavy and my heartbeat hit my ribcage as I hugged her to me. Her legs closed around me, keeping me inside her until my cock went down and I moved to let it slip out. I helped her back onto her feet and her blissful face quickly turned to worry.

  She lowered her head. “How am I going to go out and face Priscilla and Michel?”

  I kissed her flushed cheeks. “By my side. I’m not embarrassed. The way I see it, they sent you in here knowing I was showering. I’d say they set it up.”

  “Maybe Michel,” she said as she bit her lip.

  “Stop worrying.” I gave her a tap on her sexy ass.

  She hit me and giggled then we both got back in the shower and washed. When we were done, she put on a robe and I wrapped a towel around my waist. I went back to kissing her against the door leading to her bedroom. She followed my thoughts to get her on the bed and pushed on my chest. “They’re waiting for us. Maybe later.”

  I grinned at the possibility. I tried to remember a time when I’d been happier, but couldn’t. Even with all the crap around me, nothing was as good as being with Scarlet. It was a perfect moment in time, and I wanted to prolong it, slow down the time we were spending together.

  “They can wait a few more minutes.” I picked her up, carried her over to the bed, and kissed her deeply.

  AFTER A FEW MORE KISSES, we got dressed. Tyler had on his T-shirt and jogging pants in a few minutes and it took me a few more to put on my sleeveless tangerine dress, all under his weighted stare from his perch on my bed. The butterflies in my stomach weren’t only from being nervous, having just made love together.


  The way we touched couldn’t just be lust—how else could I explain the emotions rising inside me? Was love always like this?

  “You look beautiful, sweetheart.” When I turned. I found his gaze on me and a flutter went through my chest. He winked at me and stood. “Let’s go.”

  We moved to the door, and I hesitated before we opened it. I agreed with Tyler; Priscilla and Michel knew we weren’t just talking in there, but we hadn’t discussed how we felt about each other or made a real commitment to be together.

  Tyler took my hand in his. “It’ll be fine.”

  Taking a deep breath, I nodded, and we went out.

  It wasn’t until we were halfway down the hall that we heard Michel and Priscilla’s raised voices. In the years I’d known them, I’d rarely ever heard them fight. My stomach knotted, and sweat broke out on my body as my mind rushed to assume the worst.

  “She’s making a huge mistake,” I heard Priscilla say clearly when we reached the living room. The sound of our footsteps creaking across the polished wood had Michel responding, “Quiet,” but not talking about it wasn’t going to work anymore.

  Michel’s face was pinched when he suddenly appeared in the room. He had two bottles of wine in his hands, one red and one white. “What’s your preference for dinner, Tyler?”

  “Where’s Priscilla?” I asked.

  He put the wine down on a side table and ran his hands through his short hair. “Priscilla won’t be joining us this evening. She’s upset because she felt blindsided about the two of you.” Michel’s eyes shifted between us. “She’ll come around once you explain.”

  I opened my mouth to respond, but Priscilla came marching in with crossed arms. “You both lied to me. You never said you were seeing each other or had been secretly, and you made Michel keep this from me. All afternoon I was kept in the dark.” Priscilla’s eyes flicked to our joined hands and then up to meet mine, frowning. “Now you come out here holding hands like it’s nothing?”

  “How could I tell you before when I didn’t know myself?” I looked at Tyler and I could see he was struggling to keep quiet. “This is all new for us.”

  “You’re a romantic, Michel, and that’s why she told you,” she said. “She’s not thinking practically. Does your mom know?” she asked in a way that told me she knew the answer.

  My stomach twisted. “I will tell her. I plan to—”

  “We plan to tell everyone,” Tyler said, cutting in. “I’m sorry I didn’t share my feelings for Scarlet with you during our practice. As Scarlet said, us being together is new for us.”

  She shook her head. “And you telling me now is going to make everything all right? We all know it’s not. Tyler, you realize you’ll be removed from the joint program, right? I told Christophe today how much he should consider you for the solo spot. I put myself out there and I put in time with Michel to tutor you even though, from what I understand from Michel, you’re suspended from your job?” She seethed.

  “It was a game play issue,” Michel said, attempting to defend Tyler, but he had his own response for Priscilla.

  “What happened in the game was a mistake and I take full responsibility,” he told her. “None of this was planned with Scarlet. Our timin
g is off, but I don’t regret it.” He squeezed my hand. “I plan to accept responsibility. I’ll tell them it’s all me, not Scarlet.”

  Priscilla let out a disparaging snort. “That’s what you want, Scarlet? For Tyler to fall on his sword for you?”

  “Enough, Priscilla,” Michel gritted out. “Scarlet and Tyler are right. They did nothing but find each other. She’s not even in their show.”

  “No, please let me answer,” I said then cleared my throat. “I’m not letting Tyler take the fall for me. I’m taking full responsibility. I went against their policy and I’ll accept whatever the New York Ballet decides.” I turned to Tyler, who was glaring at Priscilla. “I need to speak with Priscilla and Michel alone.”

  “If that’s what you want,” he said.

  “He wants to rush off because he knows you both can’t answer for your irresponsibility,” Priscilla snipped.

  Michel touched her arm. “What has gotten into you?” He turned to us. “I’m sorry to you both.”

  Tyler’s jaw ticked. “You don’t have to apologize, Michel. Priscilla, I’m not leaving Scarlet. I trust her to handle herself and like I told Michel, I care deeply for her. Whatever happens, I’m on her side. We’ll see this through.” He kissed my lips, lingering defiantly before walking off to get his things.

  “You’re still a representative of the ballet,” Priscilla said to me. “What about your reputation? You fooling around with their client? It’s a headline I’m sure the press would love to use. What about the press needed for the foundation they are representing and raising money for? It is the main reason they asked you not to get involved with the players, but you did anyway. How could you embarrass the New York Ballet, Scarlet?”

  Her words stung. What she really meant was how could you do this after all I have given to you? Priscilla and Michel had helped progress my ballet career. They personally trained me in classic and modern dance, as well as brought my performance to the best instructors and companies in the world. Indeed, I owed them a lot for all they’d done for me. However, none of it would have happened if I hadn’t been right there giving all I had to dance.


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