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Missing Piece: Kindred #1

Page 7

by Lizzie James

  “Sammy, that was really brave of you,” Tillie cooed at him.

  I rolled my eyes. He had her wrapped around his little finger already.

  “Johnny,” she said, turning to me. “Do you…” Her gaze flicked to Sammy and then back to me. “Can you help him?” She turned her Bambi eyes on me, making me weak.

  “Sure.” I nodded my head. It was times like this I was thankful Dad had ensured to leave a life insurance policy behind for us.

  “Why don’t you go and pay those boys and I’ll stay here with Sammy.” She gave me a sweet smile.

  I rolled my eyes, walking toward the main door.

  “Yes, dear,” I replied in a bored tone.

  She giggled, bringing a smile to my face.

  “I’ll come with you,” Chunk said, following me to the door. “I’ll show you where they hang around.”

  Heading toward the sports grounds, I rolled my eyes at their choice of location. They were obviously just hanging around, waiting until Sammy decided to show up. They'd be surprised.

  “So, about these bets,” Chunk said, starting the conversation that I was dreading. “How do you want to handle it?”

  “I can’t tell you what to do, man.” I shook my head, frustrated. “You have to do what you feel is right.”

  “This could cost you everything,” he snapped. “This last year you have played like a pro. You took a losing team and made them one of the top college teams.”

  I shook my head, not accepting the compliment. I did fuck all. We were a team at the end of the day. I just did my part.

  “Just promise me it’s over, bro. That's all I’m asking.” He looked at me, a vulnerable expression on his face.

  “It’s over. I promise,” I vowed to him. I was determined to keep that promise even if it killed me.

  He held his fist out to me and I thumped it with mine. He nodded his head, signalling we were there.

  Making a quick detour to the cash machine, I withdrew a few hundred. I had a feeling this little meetup was going to be expensive.

  Arriving at the field, I walked ahead, sizing the boys up. They weren’t a problem. Just little punks who thought they were bigger than they were. “Boys.” I nodded my head in greeting. “I’m sure you know who I am.”

  A few nodded before one stepped forward, walking toward me and strutting from side to side with attitude.

  “How much does he owe you?” I took my wallet out of my back pocket, ready to pay up. Sammy owed me big time.

  “Five hundred,” he replied with attitude.

  I cocked an eyebrow at him, staring down at him.

  He rolled his eyes, his shoulders slouching.

  “Three hundred.”

  Handing the cash to him, I took note of the bruises on his knuckles. My hand tensed automatically, wanting to deliver every punch back at him. “No more beatings. We clear?” I threatened him.

  He nodded, walking back to his friends. Hopefully that'd be the last of it.

  “That wasn’t so bad,” Chunk commented, walking with me.

  “So,” he continued. “I noticed you and Tillie seem to be spending a lot of time together. Is that...?” He raised his eyebrows, expecting me to fill him in on any sordid details.

  “Is that what?” I asked, wanting to know just what the hell he was trying to ask me.

  “Come on, bro. Is she your fuck buddy for this weekend?” He raised his eyebrows mockingly, jiggling them up and down.

  Any other time he asked me that, I would have just laughed it off, but not with Tillie. No fucking way. It was different. She was no fuck buddy—never would be if I had anything to say about it, which I did.

  “She’s different, man.” I looked at him seriously, hoping he'd try and understand. “She makes me feel... different. To all the rest.”

  He nodded, his face clearing of any sarcasm.

  “That’s cool, man.”

  We spent the rest of the walk home, chatting about the game. We were both ready for it but now we just wanted to spend the next few weeks getting the rest of the boys ready. If we could get to the championships, we'd be one happy team.

  Walking to the house, I could see Joy peeking through her blinds, probably wondering where Tillie was. I gave her a small wave, seeing her smile and wave back to me.

  Walking in, I laughed at the scene in front of me. Logan was flat on his back in the middle of the lounge room with his headphones on and Sammy and Tillie both sat on the sofa, challenging each other to a game of Need for Speed.

  Chunk shut the door and Sammy immediately paused the game.

  “Did it go okay?” he asked, nervously.

  I nodded my head. “Don’t let it happen again.” I pointed at him. “It’ll be more than a punch in the face next time.”

  I turned and walked into the kitchen, needing some space. Stress and I did not go well together. My eyes trailed to the door, thinking of my punching bag. My feet twitched. I could escape down there and release some tension.

  My attention was quickly diverted when Tillie entered the room. Before I could say anything, she walked straight up to me, wrapping her arms around my waist and resting her head on my chest. She squeezed herself to me and I wrapped my arms around her, gently rubbing her back.

  “You are a good man, Johnny.” She looked up at me, her eyes shining with unshed tears. “A really good man.”

  I leaned down, pressing my lips to hers. Humming against her taste, I wanted nothing more than to keep her here with me. I sighed, pulling away from her. “Joy was peeking through her window. I think she was worried about where you were.” I frowned down at her, hating that we couldn’t have had today to try to be normal

  She sighed, looking as disappointed as I felt.

  “Let me walk you home.” I took her hand, leading her out of the house.

  She waved to all the boys, leaving them to their arguments over the game.

  Walking across the street, we both smiled when we saw Joy’s window blinds twitch again.

  “Sorry about today,” I apologized when we reached her wall.

  “Don’t be.” She smiled up at me, tightening her grasp on mine. “Today helped to fill in some blanks for me.” She rested her head against my arm. “I feel like I know you more now.”

  “So, you’re aware of how crazy my family is?” I joked, trying to make light of the situation.

  She grinned, leaning up and pressing her lips to mine. “See you tomorrow.”

  Watching her walk up the garden path, my eyes immediately shot to her jean-clad ass. She turned her head, grinning when she saw where I was staring.

  I chuckled, turning around and heading back home. A long, cold shower was needed.



  Walking from my life portrait class, I groaned in frustration. Of all the stupid projects he had to come up with, why did our professor have to come up with that! The assignment of the term was to draw a life portrait of someone in our lives.

  Who the hell would agree to be my subject? Maybe I could ask Joy.

  I was shaken out of my thoughts when someone collided with me from behind. I turned around, ready to unleash some anger on them when I heard Logan laughing. I rolled my eyes, not in the mood for him today.

  “What’s up, sugar?” He grinned, throwing his arm around my shoulders.

  “Nothing.” I shrugged him off.

  If I survived this term, it’d be a miracle. Plus, I was a professional when it came to using pastels, but now I had to draw someone that would probably twitch every five seconds and use stupid shading pencils.

  I followed Logan to the cafeteria, not feeling very sociable. Standing in the queue, I grabbed a ham sandwich and a pot of strawberries, paying the cashier and making my way to the table. I froze when an arm wrapped around my waist and a set of lips kissed the top of my head. I smiled, loving the way he was holding me.

  “You smell delicious,” he whispered.

  I leaned my head back, smiling. As we walked forward with
my back to his front, I noticed that a few people were stopping to turn and stare at us. Actually, it was more than a few. It was more like half the freaking cafeteria.

  Taking our seats, I grinned at Logan. He was taking his tomatoes out of his sandwich and placing them on a napkin. He covered them by folding the napkin over them, and I frowned in confusion. Was he hiding his tomatoes?

  Looking around, I could see people still staring and whispering. It was starting to freak me out.

  “People are staring,” I whispered, unwrapping the plastic from my sandwich.

  Johnny tucked his index finger beneath my chin, turning my head in his direction.

  “Ignore them.” He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine softly, stopping all my worrying.

  I smiled up at him, loving how open he was about… whatever we were.

  Going back to my sandwich, I smiled at Sammy as he sat next to me. I laughed when I saw we had the exact same sandwich.

  “Jinx!” we both said at the same time, making Johnny laugh. He rolled his eyes mockingly before taking a bite of his pasta.

  My eyes trailed across the room when I heard a high-pitched shriek of laughter. I froze when they settled on a group of cheerleaders. In the middle was Lucy Jones. She was the most popular girl around here.

  She turned her head, no doubt feeling my stare. She glared at me before standing and making her way over to our table. I groaned, noticing the way she was walking like a duck: chest up and ass out.

  “Hi, Johnny,” she said in a fake cheery voice when she reached us.

  “Hi, Lucy.” He gave her a small smile and I didn’t like it one bit. He shouldn’t be smiling at her.

  I rolled my eyes at myself. He could smile at whomever he wanted to smile at. It wasn’t like we were exclusive or anything. He hadn’t called me his girlfriend. I had no right to get jealous over him smiling at other girls. Right?

  “So, are you ready for the game next week?” She twirled a piece of her long blond hair around her finger, giving a little giggle.

  I turned away, instead choosing to look at Sammy. I couldn’t keep looking at her. I didn’t want to get my head kicked in for looking at her like she was an idiot, which she was.

  “The team is ready,” Johnny replied.

  I rolled my eyes, making Sammy snicker. Did she think Johnny was Superman? That he played every position himself?

  “Oh, yeah, of course.”

  Another giggle.

  “So, what are you doing tonight?”

  My eyes shot to hers. Was she serious? Did she not see the way he was holding me to him as we walked through the cafeteria?


  No smile this time. I mentally high fived myself.

  “What about tomorrow?” she asked, leaning closer to him, her cleavage on full display. She smirked, obviously feeling in complete control and her hand slipped down to rest on his arm.

  “I’m busy,” he said sternly. His eyes quickly flicked to mine before reaching over and taking my hand in his. He brought it to his lips, pressing a kiss to my knuckles gently. “I’m busy every night,” he said, looking back at Lucy.

  Her eyes flashed with anger and hurt before they quickly disappeared. She leaned down so that her face was only a few centimetres from Johnny. “Let me know when you get bored.” She smirked and walked away, swinging her hips from side to side.

  She may have been talking to Johnny, but I knew who the message was really for. The worst thing was, she was right. He would get bored. I moved my arm, trying to pull my hand away. Instead, his fingers only tightened, not letting me escape.

  “Let go,” I whispered, not wanting to make a scene in the cafeteria, especially not in front of his brother and roommates.

  He frowned down at me, looking genuinely confused.

  “Johnny, let me go.” I looked down at our hands, waiting for him to let go. He never did.

  “Never,” he whispered, rubbing his thumb over the top of my hand.

  He was trying to soothe me, only Lucy’s words kept repeating in my head. Plus, all the stares were just making me think that it was what everyone was thinking.

  “I’m never letting go.” He turned his body to mine and tilted his face in my direction. He tipped his head to mine and pressed his lips to mine softly. “It’s just you and me. Okay?”

  I slowly nodded, loving the sound of that.

  “And me,” Logan commented, giving me a lopsided grin.

  “Me too.” Sammy grinned at me, giving me a wink.

  I laughed at them trying to include themselves.

  Johnny rolled his eyes, closing the tub on his half-eaten pasta. “Weirdos.”

  Walking out of the cafeteria, I slung my backpack over my shoulder.

  Logan slung his arm over my shoulders, walking with me. “So what class is next? I have boring massage therapy technique.” He rolled his eyes.

  “What are you studying to be?” I asked, confused. I thought he was a football player. Shouldn’t he be studying something like management and finance? He’d need that to go with his career choice, surely.

  “Sports therapy, my darling.” He grinned down at me. “No way do I want to be stuck on a field for the rest of my life. I’m too damn good looking for that.”

  Johnny walked next to us, taking my other hand in his. “So, do I get you alone this afternoon?” He grinned down at me, making me blush.

  “Uh, bro, you’re kind of interrupting my time with Tillie.” Logan cocked his eyebrow, seriously.

  I laughed, shaking my head at him.

  “You don’t get time with Tillie, man.” Johnny grinned, giving me a friendly wink before pulling me closer until I was no longer being hugged by Logan.

  “Whatever.” Logan laughed, his cocky nature in full force. “If I wanted Tillie, this round would already be over.” Logan winked at me, letting me know he was teasing.

  I couldn’t lie. Logan was extremely good looking, but he was the guy that would break your heart. He didn’t look like the ‘settling down’ type.

  I was with the right guy. Or so I thought…

  “Come and see me later.” I leaned up and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek and jogged toward my building, where I spent the next three hours in a blissful state of landscape design.

  Leaving class, I grinned at what was waiting outside for me. At the bottom of the steps, was a sight that was making most of the girls’ stare. If it had been Lucy staring at him like that, I would have gotten green-eyed again, but I couldn’t fault those that were staring. They had eyes. How could you not?

  Walking down the stairs, I smiled at him. Johnny was sitting on the floor with his jacket to the side of him, with a pair of jeans, sneakers and a black t-shirt on. The shirt was a little tight and his muscly arms were on display.

  Walking over to him, I smiled down, loving the way his eyes lit up when he looked at me.

  “Don’t you ever go to class?” I asked, jokingly.

  He grinned, standing and wrapping his arm around my waist.

  “Yes, sadly.”

  Walking home, my thoughts were running a million miles an hour. Would he help me? Or maybe he could help me in picking someone to draw? Maybe Joy could help me.

  He groaned, looking frustrated. “What’s wrong?” He frowned, looking confused. “You’re really quiet.”

  I shook my head instantly. No way was I asking him to sit for me while I drew him. No. Way. As much as I wanted to, I just couldn’t.

  “Maybe I can help?” He shrugged his shoulders, trying to look optimistic. “Or at least help to look at it from another perspective?”

  I nodded, agreeing. He kind of had a point. “I’ve been given an assignment to do by the second week of January.” I was fidgeting with my hands against the strap of my backpack.

  “Go on.” He nodded, looking down at me.

  “I have to draw a life portrait of someone.” I bit my bottom lip, waiting for him to laugh or something.

  “Why, Miss Jacobs, are you
asking me to pose for you?” he asked, sounding like Mr. Darcy from the Pride and Prejudice novel.

  “No.” I laughed, imagining him sitting there like a statue. He’d be fidgeting in minutes. “But I need to find someone.”

  “Seriously, draw me.” He looked down at me. “It will give us an excuse to spend some time together.”

  “You’re serious?” I asked, needing him to be completely clear.

  “Yeah.” He nodded, leaning down to plant a quick kiss on my lips. “I don’t mind. Come over and we can start it today.” He nodded his head toward his house, giving my hand a gentle pull.

  “I can’t.” I shook my head, planting my feet firmly to the ground. “All my art stuff is here.” I nodded my head upwards toward my bedroom window. “I have to demonstrate my art of shading and my pencil collection is up there.”

  “Okay,” he said, not looking disappointed in the slightest. “I'll go and drop my stuff off and be with you in a few minutes.”

  I nodded my head, taking him at his word. “Come on up when you’re ready,” I said, walking away from him. “Joy is probably at her knitting club.” I grinned, heading upstairs to my room.

  On my door was a note from Joy saying she wouldn’t be home until this evening.


  I hadn’t thought this through. Now it was just going to be Johnny and me.


  In my bedroom.

  I rolled my eyes at how horny my thoughts had suddenly become since this stupid crush had started.

  Grabbing my sketchpad and still unopened strawberries from my bag, I threw them on my bed, not really having anywhere else to sit. Getting my pack of shading pencils that my father had gifted to me for my high school graduation, I began sharpening them, making sure they were all right.

  “Knock, knock,” Johnny called from my doorway.

  “Come in.” I waved him in, trying to keep things professional. “Grab that computer chair and move it to the centre of the room.” I pointed at the chair.

  He followed my instructions, taking a seat where I’d directed him to.


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