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Missing Piece: Kindred #1

Page 12

by Lizzie James

“Seriously?” She rolled her eyes at my naivety. “Every game comes with a party.”

  I shrugged my shoulders dismissively. “I hadn’t really thought about it.” I couldn’t remember Johnny saying anything about a party.

  Thirty minutes later, he had scored twelve more points with a touchdown, ending the game on 85-39. The crowd were straight on their feet, cheering and clapping for their winning team. I smiled when I saw Johnny and the boys line up and shake the other team’s hands. They may have been competitive, but they seemed to be good boys as well.

  Bex and I remained in our seats, deciding to wait for Johnny. I had no clue what the plan was for after so waiting for him seemed like the best plan. Half an hour later we were still sitting there, wrapped in our cardigans.

  “What the hell is taking so long?” Bex complained, her hands shaking from the cold. “They having pedicures or some shit?”

  I laughed, leaving my seat and beginning the walk down. Maybe it’d be warmer down by the changing rooms. Walking on to the field, I cringed when I heard female voices coming from the side of the changing room block. I turned around, trying to avoid bumping into the snotty cheerleaders when Bex forced my arm through hers, stopping me from escaping.

  Lucy walked around the side of the block with a few of her cheerleaders on either side of her. They were all still dressed in their slutty outfits. Lucy opened her mouth to say something—probably an insult—when Logan and Sammy jogged out of the building, mock-punching each other in the arm. I grinned at their antics before Logan saw me.

  “There she is.” He grinned over at me before jogging toward us.

  I held my arms out for him, expecting him to want a hug when he went straight past me, instead hugging Bex and swinging her around in a circle. I laughed at them. They were perfect for each other. They just didn’t know it. Instead I took the hug off Sammy. He was acting like a champ. He may not have gotten to play that night, but he wasn’t letting it get him down.

  “The team played well tonight.” I smiled at him, letting him rest his arm across my shoulders.

  “They did.” He grinned down at me. “He’ll be out in a few.”

  I opened my mouth to reply when a high-pitched nasal voice sounded from behind us.

  “Aren’t you with the wrong brother, Tillie?” She smirked at me. “Or do they share you around?” Lucy’s friend giggled at the jab.

  Sammy immediately dropped his arm, positioning himself in front of me. I put my arm on his, not wanting him to say anything to make it worse. Before he could, Johnny walked out of the door, walking straight past Lucy and her snobby friends. Sammy relaxed immediately, causing me to relax.

  “Don’t worry, ladies.” He grinned, walking straight to me. “She knows which brother she belongs to.” He didn’t hesitate in placing his hands at the back of my thighs and hoisting me up.

  I was not a massive fan of public displays of affection, but I was finding it easier with Johnny every time he kissed me. I leaned my head down, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and pressing my lips to his. He hummed against my lips, pressing his tongue against mine before ending the kiss.

  “Congrats, Mr. Line-Backer.” I grinned down at him, feeling very proud of him. He’d played like a pro.

  “Thank you.” He smiled up at me, his hands firmly holding my thighs. “Do I get a reward?” His eyes smouldered with lust.

  I say lust because I could feel something firm press against me. I brazenly rubbed myself against him, gasping at the feel of him.

  Opening my eyes, I looked down at him. “I’m sure we can think of something,” I whispered, brushing the hair away from his face. It was a flirtatious response which was very unlike me, but it was the truth. Since breakfast with Bex this morning, I had thought of nothing else but trying to open myself up to Johnny.

  “Let’s get this show on the road!” Logan cheered from behind Johnny.

  Johnny slowly put me down, taking my hand in his and began leading the way home.

  “So, where are we going now?” I asked.

  “I thought we could go to the party and hang out with the team a little.” He cocked an eyebrow at me, waiting for my response.

  I nodded, tightening my grasp on Johnny’s hand.

  He and I told Bex, Sammy and Logan that we’d see them at the party.

  As we walked inside Johnny’s house, he pulled me toward the stairs. “Let me get changed quickly and we can go,” he said, placing his foot on the first step.

  “I’ll wait here.” I pulled my hand from his, refusing to be pulled up those stairs. I went weak at the knees whenever I saw that man topless.

  He grinned, jogging up the stairs and disappearing into his room. Half a minute later, he was back out, pulling a black tee down over his abs.

  I spun around, rolling my eyes at myself. He obviously knew my secret.

  He took my hand and we left the house, making our way down the street. At the end was a fraternity house that some of the team lived at. Walking in, Johnny was greeted by several party-goers with pats on the back and hand-shakes. He tightened his grip on mine, pulling me closer.

  Looking around, I didn’t recognize a single person. They were obviously mostly college students but there were no art students in sight. Walking into the kitchen, I grinned at Sammy. He was filling drinks for him and Logan who currently had his tongue half way down some random girl’s throat. Bex sat on the worktop, knocking back drink after drink. I noticed she had her hand tucked into Sammy’s jean pocket on his ass.

  I cocked my eyebrow at Johnny, making him laugh. “I thought she was a lesbian,” I whispered quietly.

  He took a gulp of his beer bottle that Sammy had passed him. “News to me.” He shook his head, clearing his thoughts. “Maybe she’s experimenting.”

  Sammy turned to pass me the drink. Taking a sniff, I smiled when a strawberry scent hit me. I hummed at the taste. There was a slight taste of vodka, but it was mostly fruity. I followed Johnny into the lounge where he led me to the snooker table located to the right. He put his bottle on the oak ledge and turned, placing his hands on my hips and lifted me until I was sitting on the table.

  I grinned up at him, appreciating the gesture. I was too short to have been able to jump up there myself. He placed his hand on my thigh, taking another gulp of his drink, and I placed my hand on his, trying to stop the tingles from traveling up my leg. With one touch, he had turned me into a quivering mess.

  Johnny’s attention was quickly pulled from mine when Bex waved him over to her. He frowned, passing me his bottle and walking over to her. She gave me a small smile before turning her back to talk to Johnny.

  It was rude to stare but I couldn’t turn away. Bex’s head was nodding up and down before Johnny’s eyes shot over her head to look at me. I was expecting a smile, but he looked back at Bex too quickly. He nodded, gave her a small smile and walked back over to me.

  What was that about?

  I held his bottle out to him, smiling when he took it. “Is everything okay?” I asked.

  “Of course.” He put his hand back on my leg, holding it out for mine. Entwining our fingers together, the tingle quickly returned.

  A few minutes later, he drained the rest of his bottle, tossing it in the bin just in front of us. “Do you want to leave?” he asked, turning to me. He looked so open and honest.

  My eyes went to the door where Bex still stood. I smiled when she held her hands up giving me the thumbs up symbol. I took a deep breath, feeling the nerves settle in my stomach. “Okay.” I nodded at him, letting him help me down.

  Leaving the house together, I felt nervous to be alone with Johnny.

  Just the two of us.




  Hanging at the party was not something I wanted to be doing, especially with Joy being away for the weekend. Having Tillie to myself for a few hours was something I had thought about all day long. The only reason I was there at all was because of Tillie. I didn’t want h
er to seize up or pull away from me.

  Lifting her up on the table made me feel like a man—like her man. Standing at her side, my eyes traveled around the room. I could see a few of the boys checking her out. Feeling her little hand press over mine, I grinned, feeling cocky.

  That’s right, fuckers! Look elsewhere.

  I didn’t like or want to be territorial with Tillie. Hell knew she’d had more than a few people to worry about with me when I had slept with more than half of the campus already.

  I frowned, looking toward the kitchen. Tillie’s friend was waving enthusiastically at me. At first, I thought it was Tillie she wanted, but her eyes remained on mine. I passed my bottle to Tillie before walking over to her. I turned my back to the kitchen, not really wanting anyone to hear whatever this was about. I hadn’t seen Bex since the other day when I’d been doing the mad dash looking for Tillie. Thinking back, I hadn’t exactly got the warmest reaction from her.

  “Everything okay?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

  “Yeah, fine.” She waved her hand, dismissively. “Why are you guys here?”

  “Excuse me?” What the hell was her problem?

  “Joy is away for the weekend and you’re hanging out at a party?” She was not impressed. “I took Tillie to breakfast this morning.”

  My eyes shot over her head, looking at Tillie. She smiled at me, looking sexy as hell wearing that jersey. I looked back to Bex quickly, not wanting to sport an erection in front of Tillie’s only girlfriend.

  “She’s afraid you’re going to drop her as soon as you’ve had her.” She cocked her eyebrow at me. “If you do, I will take great pleasure in removing your testicles.”

  Fuck! I placed my hands in front of me, trying to protect it from her words.

  “Be good to her, Johnny. She’s been through a lot.” She jerked her head backwards to Tillie, dismissing me.

  I chuckled internally at her forceful but scary tone. I was glad Tillie had her. She loved her just like a best friend should.

  I took my bottle from Tillie, placing my hand back in its spot on her lap. She placed her hand over mine again. I felt small tingles shoot up my arm at her touch.

  “Is everything okay?” she asked, worry in her tone.

  “Of course.” I nodded my head, stealing my resolve to not tell her about that conversation with Bex. I’d never live it down.

  I brought the bottle to my mouth, gulping it down. Trying to focus on anything else but crawling on top of her on this snooker table. The frat boys wouldn’t be impressed, although, knowing these boys, they’d probably enjoy it.

  Tossing my bottle in the bin, I took a deep breath before turning to her.

  “Do you want to leave?” I asked.

  This was all on Tillie’s time. All of my balls were in her court as far as I was concerned.

  “Okay.” She nodded at me, giving me a small smile.

  I grinned, helping her down off the table and taking her hand in mine. Walking down the street, I smiled down at her. I know Bex had had sex on her mind when she was talking to me, and as much as it was on my mind, it wasn’t why I wanted to be alone with her. I had resolved to wait as long as I needed to. It wasn’t only about getting my dick wet as it always had been in the past.

  It was just about being with her.

  No matter what we were doing.

  We got to my house and I opened the gate, intending to lead her up the path but she resisted. She stood still, pulling on my arm. Had she changed her mind?

  “Is everything okay?” I was trying to keep soft and gentle as a part of our time together when all I wanted to do was ravage her as she should be. She was completely unaware of the effect she had on the opposite sex.

  She looked up at me, dipping her tongue out to wet her bottom lip. “Can we…” Her eyes flicked across the street before coming back to mine. “Joy isn’t home?”

  She phrased it like a question, but I knew what she was saying. At Joy’s, it would just be the two of us. No interruptions. No roommates sneaking around. Just me and her.

  I nodded, letting her lead me across the street to her house. I stood back, waiting for her to unlock the door. I didn’t want to crowd her, but I also didn’t want to be this far away from her either. I followed her inside and walked into the lounge on the left, and slipping my jacket off, I placed it over the back of the armchair.

  Tillie stood at the bottom of the stairs, holding her hand out to me.

  I took it, not hesitating. I’d follow her to hell and back if I had to.

  She led me up, entering her bedroom.

  I smiled, looking around. There were sketch pads all over the place, pencils, empty pots of glitter and crumpled up pieces of paper by the bin. I walked over to the desk, picking up a piece of paper. It was covered in lines and curves. I smiled when I recognized the magic number ten. The crowds at football games often shouted that at me when it came time to kick the ball up the field. I found that it spurred me on, made me work harder. I was amazed at how detailed this sketch was. She had even begun to add color to it: light grey to the jersey and yellow on the number.

  “It’s not finished yet,” she whispered, standing a few steps behind me in the middle of the room.

  I put it back down and turned. She was fidgeting where she was. The sleeves of her cardigan were pulled down to the very ends of her arms so that only the tops of her fingers were showing. She was nibbling her lip, her teeth digging in to the plumpness that I wanted to nibble on.

  Walking over to her, I took her hands in mine.

  She tipped her head up, looking into mine.

  “Kiss me,” she whispered.

  I leaned down, pressing my lips to hers softly. She sucked my bottom lip in between hers. She parted her lips, allowing my tongue entry to press against hers. I unclasped my hands from hers, trailing my fingers up her arms until I was holding her face in my palms.

  She reached up, pulling the collars of her cardigan until I trailed my hands down, taking over. I slid it down her arms and slung it over the back of her office chair. Looking down, she had me ready to come undone. She looked so fucking sexy in that jersey it made me want to rip it off her.

  I tensed my hands into fists, trying to stay calm. “You’re so fucking beautiful,” I whispered.

  She cringed before looking down at our feet and I pulled her face back to mine.

  “Don’t hide from me.” I pressed my lips back to hers and began walking her backwards toward the bed. Her fingers tightened on my tee, holding herself to me.

  We stopped by the bed. I didn’t want to move too fast, but Tillie had me so wound up. She had my engine revving and I didn’t want it to stop. She kicked her shoes off, before sitting down on the bed. She scooted back until her head was lying on the pillow.

  I crawled over her, moving my lips back to hers. Her hands latched onto the button of my jeans before snapping them open. I looked down at her, surprised that she was taking the first step.

  “Are you sure?” I asked.

  She nodded, dipping her hand inside and stroking her fingers against me.


  This girl had me ready to blow with one touch. I grabbed the hem of her jersey, meeting her eyes before pulling it up, and she nodded, arching her back for me to move it and raising her arms.

  Tossing it to the floor, I groaned at the sight before me: she was wearing a sexy blue bra with silver trim, her tits pushed into the sexiest v-shaped cleavage. I traced my finger over the crease of her cleavage, loving the shiver that ran through her.

  I pulled back, standing up and pulling my tee off.

  Her eyes immediately dropped to my chest before dipping lower to my abs. I wasn’t conceited or vain, but I worked hard for this body. The fact that she was looking at it with that expression on her face had me shaking with pure lust.

  I placed my fingers on my zip, looking at Tillie. Discarding my shoes and jeans, I froze when her little fingers went to the button on her jeans. She pulled the zip do
wn, and my hands immediately gripped the bottom of her jeans and pulled them down.

  She made a surprised noise at the contact, her body moving down the bed a little due to my firm grip. She reached her arms up, grabbing onto the slats of her headboard. I grinned at how little she was on that bed.

  She nodded, her chest heaving slowly. “Turn out the light,” she whispered, her eyes flicking to the doorway.

  I quickly shut the door, turning the light off before re-joining her on the bed. Lying down next to her, we both stared at the ceiling. It was completely dark, the only light coming in from the moon outside.

  “We can stop at any time,” I whispered, turning to look at her.

  “No.” She shook her head, turning to face me. “I want to. I trust you but I just…” She took a deep breath, looking back to the ceiling. “Just don’t break me.”

  I slid my arm beneath her, pulling her body over to me until she was positioned above me. I settled my hands on her hips, groaning when she rotated her hips against me. I could feel how wet she was through her panties. Her hands rested on my chest, her fingers rubbing back and forth in small strokes.

  “I won’t.” I looked up at her, trying to find the words. “Since meeting you, you have captured me—mind, heart, body and soul. You are all I think about.”

  “Really?” she asked.

  Was she serious? How could she not know? Did she not know what she meant to me? How important she had become? She plagued my thoughts day and night. I didn’t think I loved her—it hadn’t been long enough—but staring down at her, I realized it would be so easy to love her.

  I leaned down, pressing my lips to hers, softly sucking on her bottom lip. “I won’t hurt you,” I whispered against her lips, my hands latching onto her hips.

  Her mouth slowly trailed down to my neck, kissing, biting and licking.

  I groaned, my hips bucking off the bed. I trailed my hands up over her ribs until I met the clasp of her bra. I unclipped it, wanting to see her. Needing to feel her skin against mine.

  She sat back, holding her hands crossed over her chest. She looked so vulnerable. I could see a bit of worry in her eyes, but she had nothing to worry about. She kept comparing herself to Lucy’s standards, but she had to realize that Lucy had fuck all compared to my Tillie. She didn’t even compare.


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