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We Belong Together

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by E. L. Todd

  We Belong Together

  Book Five of The Forever and Ever Series

  E. L. Todd

  “The heart was meant to be broken.”

  Oscar Wilde

  Chapter One


  We sat in a booth at the burger joint. Slade sat beside me while Skye and Cayson sat across from us. The menus were scattered on the table but no one had looked at them. Cayson and Skye stared at us, like we were out of place.

  Slade had his hand on my thigh, being affectionate like he was when we were home. “What?”

  Cayson shook his head slightly but didn’t say anything.

  Skye kept her mouth shut too.

  This was the most awkward double date in the world.

  Slade became irritated. “What?” he repeated. “You keep staring at us.”

  “It’s weird,” Skye said.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Seeing you guys together…in public,” Cayson mumbled.

  “Why is it weird?” Slade demanded. “I’m not sticking my tongue down her throat.”

  “But you aren’t fighting…” Skye wasn’t affectionate with Cayson like she normally was. “It’s really quiet…and peaceful.”

  “We can fight if you want,” I said. “Slade and I can find something to disagree on.”

  “Like making me do the dishes last night when it was your mess,” Slade said, glancing at me with an annoyed look.

  I didn’t want to bring our private drama to the group so I let the comment slide.

  Cayson cleared his throat. “Now that everything is out in the open and the drama is over…can you tell us how this happened? When? Why?”

  I knew they would be curious. “We were both drunk and it just happened.”

  “What happened?” Skye asked. “You kissed?”

  Slade laughed. “We aren’t in junior high.”

  “When we were both walking back from Roland’s apartment we got into a fight…about something…I can’t remember.” The only part of that memory that was livid was the sex.”

  “You said I hated you or something,” Slade said. “Or you thought I wanted to sleep with you.”

  “Which I was dead on about,” I mumbled to him.

  He let the comment go.

  “So, you just went into your apartment and did it?” Cayson asked incredulously. “Just like that?”

  Slade and I both smirked.

  I decided to let the truth out. “We had sex against his building.”

  Cayson’s eyes were wide.

  Skye looked at me like she didn’t believe me. “Like, outside?”

  Slade nodded.

  “Wasn’t it in the middle of winter?” Skye asked.

  I nodded.

  “Like, where anyone could see you?” Cayson asked.

  “Why are you surprised?” Slade asked. “I’ve had sex with girls on swings at the park on Sunday afternoon.”

  “But…you didn’t get caught?” Skye asked.

  I shrugged. “If we did, we didn’t notice.”

  Slade brushed off his shoulder. “I’m awesome, I know.”

  Skye was speechless.

  Cayson didn’t seem surprised.

  “And then what?” Skye asked.

  I tried to remember. “I had game night a few weeks later and Slade was the last one to leave. He came onto me and threw himself at me.”

  “Whoa…hold on.” Slade held up his hand. “No, you wanted it as much as I did.”

  “You’re the one who made the move,” I argued. “I wasn’t going to do anything.”

  “Like I would ever believe that,” he snapped. “You were begging me to kiss you.”

  “How?” I demanded.

  “Your lips were parted and your hair was combed…and your make up…”

  I cocked an eyebrow. “You mean I looked like I always do.”

  “No,” he snapped. “And you were wearing these tight leggings that showed the curve of your ass. You were asking for it.”

  I rolled my eyes and turned back to Cayson and Skye. “Anyway…Slade came onto me and it happened again.”

  Slade drank his beer and brooded in silence.

  “And then it just became a thing?” Skye asked. “You just hooked up at random times.”

  “No,” I said. “Slade asked if we could make it a system.”

  Slade growled. “Again…you wanted it too.”

  “Ignore him,” I said to Skye and Cayson.

  Slade growled again. “Whatever.”

  “Then it became a regular thing,” I said. “We kept it a secret and did a pretty good job.”

  “Is that when you became exclusive?” Cayson asked.

  “No,” Slade said. “We were free to see other people.”

  “But did you?” Skye asked.

  “I went out with Reid…” I said.

  “I had sex with a few girls in the beginning but it was pretty much torture,” Slade said. “All I could think about was Trinity.”

  That was sweet, in a sick way.

  “Then why did you go out with Reid?” Skye asked.

  “I thought Slade was with that model…and I was upset. When Slade found out, he asked me to stop seeing him.”

  Slade opened his mouth to argue but then closed it, giving up.

  “Then you became exclusive?” Skye asked.

  “Yep,” Slade said.

  Skye studied us for a while. “So…when did you fall in love?”

  Slade and I looked at each other, a silent conversation passing between us. I knew we had different answers, although I wasn’t sure what his would be.

  Slade rubbed his chin and cleared his throat. “I’m not sure when it happened, honestly.” His voice was quiet, deep. “When I saw her with Reid I practically died inside. So it happened sometime before then. Because the idea of her being with anyone but me made my heart break.”

  Skye smiled and her face turned red. “Awe!”

  I smiled, feeling the warmth spread through my body.

  Cayson patted him on the shoulder. “Look who’s pussy-whipped now?”

  Slade smirked then stared at his beer. His only response was a shrug.

  “And you?” Skye had excitement in her eyes, like she couldn’t wait for my response.

  “I’m not really sure either...” I tried to think. “But I think it was the first time we took a bath together. I told him things I never said to anyone else…and he said things to me…made me feel better when I felt horrible.”

  Slade turned to me, the emotion in his eyes. His hand returned to my thigh and he gave me a gentle squeeze.

  “Oh my god!” Skye clapped her hands. “So cute!”

  Now Slade and I were both blushing.

  Cayson chuckled at Skye’s enthusiasm. “Now I understand why you were being so weird,” he said to Slade.

  “And that I was never gay,” Slade said firmly.

  Skye laughed. “But you have to admit that was pretty funny.”

  “For you,” Slade said darkly.

  “I’m sorry I gave you such a hard time about it,” Cayson apologized.

  “It’s cool, man,” Slade said. “As you would say, it’s water under the bridge.”

  “Thanks,” Cayson said.

  “Now we can go on double dates every day!” Skye was practically yelling.

  “Baby, chill,” Cayson whispered to her.

  “How can I chill?” she said. “Our two best friends are finally happy with each other. What could be better than this?”

  “I’m excited too,” Cayson said. “But everyone else in the restaurant probably doesn’t care.”

  “Well, they need to start,” Skye said.

  Slade and I were glad the truth was out, but we also missed our privacy. It
was a lot easier when no one knew about us. There was less pressure and expectation. We weren’t a traditional couple, taking a longer route to realize what we really wanted. But it worked for us.

  “Poor Reid,” Skye said. “That guy never had a chance.”

  “No, he didn’t.” Slade’s voice was dark.

  “And he was such a perfect guy.” Skye had a sympathetic look in her eyes. “Did you tell him how you felt about Slade?”

  I shook my head. “I didn’t need to. He already knew the moment he saw us together.”

  “So, all that time you guys were arguing with each other was just pent up sexual energy,” Skye said. “How romantic…”

  It was anything but romantic. Slade said a lot of mean things to me, and I returned those vicious comments with my own. But the foundation of our odd relationship led to something stronger than I could possibly imagine. We weren’t like Skye and Cayson, a perfect love story from friends to lovers, but we were something more, more profound.

  “The basis of our relationship is sex,” Slade said. “But there’s a lot more to it than that.” He patted my thigh.

  “A lot more,” I agreed.

  “When was the first time you said the L word?” Skye asked.

  “At the hospital,” Slade said, his eyes glazing over.

  “You said it first?” Skye asked in surprise.

  He nodded. “I caved. Almost losing someone will do that to you…”

  I moved close to him and kissed his neck.

  “It sounds like you were obsessed with Trinity from the beginning,” Cayson teased. “You made all the moves and was practically obsessed with her.”

  Slade looked like he was about to argue but seemed to change his mind. “I guess it makes sense. When Trinity almost took that drink from that asshole at that party, I was checking her out. I was about to hit on her when she turned around. When I realized it was her, I didn’t think about it. I was distracted by what was going on.”

  I smiled, pleased by the revelation. “That’s sweet…”

  Skye leaned forward. “So, when are you getting married?”

  Slade stiffened and a quiet yelp escaped his lips.

  Cayson put his hand on her arm. “Baby, give them some space. They aren’t like you and I.”

  “But if they love each other, that’s obviously where this is going,” Skye reasoned.

  Slade suddenly pulled his hand from my thigh and closed off. His face was pale.

  I tried not to be offended. “We’re taking it one day at a time.”

  Skye seemed to catch on because she dropped the subject.

  Cayson cleared his throat. “How about a double date at laser tag?”

  “That would be so much fun,” Skye said.

  “Yeah, we’re in,” I answered.

  “Cool.” Cayson eyed Slade’s face then looked away.

  “Does your dad still hate Slade?” Skye asked.

  “No, everything is fine now,” I said. “Thankfully.”

  Cayson winked at Slade. “Good job, man.”

  “You wouldn’t believe how many miles I put on my car driving there all the time,” Slade said bitterly.

  “I’m sure it was worth it,” Cayson said encouragingly.

  “It was,” Slade said. “But it was a bitch at the same time.”

  I rubbed his shoulder. “I really appreciate what you did.”

  “You owe me slutty lingerie and blow jobs,” he blurted.

  “I can do that.” I rubbed his forearm with my thumb.

  He turned to me, the surprise in his eyes. “I didn’t think you’d actually agree to that…”

  “When you’re in a relationship, you make your partner happy.”

  “Wow.” He nodded his head. “This is a sweet gig.”

  Skye chuckled. “It’s pretty nice, huh?”

  Slade rubbed his chin. “So, I can just ask for something and get it? Whenever I want?” He was having a hard time understanding it.

  “What do you think has been happening so far?” I asked.

  “But I never asked for something. You do things to me and I accept it. But I’ve never controlled the situation.”

  “Well, you can.”

  “This sounds too good to be true…” He searched my face for a lie.

  I laughed. “Well, it is. But it’s a two-way street. I can ask for things too.”

  “Okay, but I’m not going to do anything weird, like a threesome with a dude or stick things up my ass.”

  Cayson tried not to laugh.

  “Okay…I’m not into that either.” I smirked, finding his assumption ridiculous.

  “But I’ll do a threesome with a chick,” Slade said.

  I narrowed my eyes at him, telling him he better be joking.

  He put his arm around my shoulders. “You know you’re the only one, baby.”

  Skye smirked. “Awe…”

  Slade rolled his eyes. “I want to be a secret again. All this attention is making me insane.”

  “Sorry,” Skye said. “We’ll try not to pick on you. It’s just…weird. It’ll take some time for us to get used to.”

  “Nothing has changed, “Slade said. “We can still hang out like we used to. It’s not like we’re going to go at it like animals right in front of you.”

  Cayson stared at Slade. “I wouldn’t put it past you…”


  We were studying in the library when Slade walked inside and headed to our table.

  Whenever Cayson approached Skye, he would kiss her on the forehead and say something sweet. Would Slade do the same thing? How would he act? Slade was affectionate with me when no one was around, but I wasn’t sure how he would act in front of other people.

  Slade came to the table then sat beside me. He didn’t say a word or greet me. His hand dug into his bag and searched for his lunch.

  I tried to hide my disappointment. I guess, truthfully, I wanted him to treat me the same way he did when we were behind closed doors, like he loved me and couldn’t be apart from me. But I couldn’t ask him to do something he was uncomfortable with.

  Slade put a burrito on the table then searched in his bag again.

  I sighed then returned to my magazine, trying to forget about my immature feelings.

  “I got you a turkey sandwich.” Slade pushed it toward me. “No mayo.”

  Surprised, I turned to him. “Oh?”

  “Yeah.” He pushed it closer to me and passed me a few napkins. “Is that okay? Do you want something else?” His voice was gentle and affectionate. I felt like a child again, having someone look after me.

  “No,” I said immediately. “That’s great. I love it.”

  “Okay.” He turned back to his food.

  “But you aren’t supposed to eat in the library…” Skye gave us both a knowing look.

  I forgot about that. “Oh well.”

  Slade smirked then ate his lunch.

  I ate mine, taking small bites while I flipped through my magazine.

  “What are you reading?” Slade asked quietly.

  “A magazine,” I said like a smartass.

  “You know what I mean, Trin.”


  He leaned toward me and looked at the page.

  “I really like this dress—but I don’t think it’s the right color for the model.”

  “It’d look better on you.” He leaned back to his chair and ate with his elbows on the table.

  Was he trying to be sweet or did it just come out? Instead of comparing him to Cayson and the relationship he had with Skye, I knew I needed to understand Slade was different and didn’t play by any rules. I couldn’t expect him to act a certain way when he never had before.

  “The guys are watching the game tonight,” Cayson said. “You down?”

  “I’m always down.” Slade finished his burrito then played with the foil in his hands. “You coming, baby?”

  Did he want me to? Not being secret was more difficult than I thought. It was like the
beginning of our relationship all over again. How did we act? What did he want me to do? What was appropriate and not appropriate? “I think it’s just a guys night…”

  “Cayson brings Skye everywhere. I can do the same,” Slade said.

  “Actually, I wasn’t going to go,” Skye said hesitantly.

  “Then I won’t go,” I said.

  “Why?” Slade demanded. “I want you there. We’re finally a couple and I don’t have to hide you anymore. So if I want you to come, then do as I say.” His eyes held his authority while he stared me down, daring me to defy him.

  “For one, I will never do as you say.” I matched his gaze with my own anger. “And two, you should already know that by now.”

  Slade turned to Cayson, ignoring me. “She’s coming. She’s fucking annoying but she’s coming.”

  “Excuse me?” I said with wide eyes.

  He grabbed the back of my neck then kissed me hard. I was swept off my feet and my thighs squeezed together in desire. Then he released me. “End of discussion.”

  My lips were on fire so I didn’t speak, enjoying the way they burned.

  Skye turned to Cayson. “I’m not going to go either…what are you going to do about that?” Mischief and desire was both heavy in her eyes. She was begging him to kiss her like that, to make her world spin.

  Cayson smirked slightly, the affection in his eyes. “I guess I’ll have to convince you otherwise…”

  She wiggled in excitement. “Oh really?”

  “Yeah. But I’ll do it when we get home.”

  She sighed in disappointment.

  He chuckled lightly then kissed her hard, his mouth moving against hers.

  Desperate for his touch, she clung to him like her life depended on it.

  He pulled away before it got too intense. “You’re insatiable.”

  “Obviously…it’s you.” She rubbed his shoulder seductively.

  Slade turned to me. “Are you going to throw up as much as I am?”

  “There’s a little vomit in my mouth.”

  “Then let’s go.”

  I grabbed my crutches then walked out with him. I didn’t need them anymore but kept them with me just in case. My leg was healed and physical therapy had been successful. But I guess I feared I wouldn’t be able to handle it. Slade pushed me gently but knew when to back off. I would stop using them when I was ready.


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