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Her Greek Protector

Page 4

by Amanda Horton

  That information had released something in Aimee and once more, the vision of a tall, gorgeous man with dark hair, dark eyes, and a voice that caused goose bumps to rise on her flesh, had occupied her dreams. She’d never actually thought she would be faced with seeing him in person again. Now, she just had to figure out how to protect herself from his particular brand of temptation - the kind that would steal her freedom and her dignity.

  Alexi was just like any other rich, single guy. The way he’d snapped at her when he’d first seen her in the foyer proved it. He thought his money and position entitled him to rule his little corner of the world and everyone should be prepared to bow low and remain subservient while in it.

  Not me! Never again am I going to make the mistake of thinking that a man can share power with a woman. I’m better off remaining single and focusing on my career. I don’t care how damn attractive he is! Aimee took a deep breath, squaring her shoulders. I’m not giving my freedom up for any man!

  Chapter 3

  Alexi headed back to the library, where his parents and Kassi were still rejoicing over his miraculous return. More hugging and kissing ensued and then he remembered what he’d found out from the nanny. “Someone needs to contact Leo and tell him to come back home. He will not find me in the South Pacific.”

  His parents threw their hands up and laughed. “That is true,” Vasil said. “Kassi, do you know how to contact him?”

  Kassi nodded, all smiles. “He’s not going to believe it.” She hugged Alexi once more and then rushed from the room, leaving Alexi alone with his parents. He gazed after his cousin, his hand absently going to his temple where he tried to rub the vicious pain away.

  “Son, you are hurt?” Tressa asked.

  “Just a headache…”

  “You lost your memory and should see a doctor. I will call for the doctor to come immediately.” Vasil picked up the phone sitting nearby.

  “You should go upstairs and lie down,” his mother told him softly.

  Alexi closed his eyes for a moment and then nodded. “Are my rooms…”

  “Just the way you last left them.”

  He nodded and then headed for the door. His headache was growing and it was already making him nauseous. He gained his room and was relieved to find some of his clothing hanging in the closet. “First a shower and then I can finally put on some clothes that actually fit me.”

  Climbing onto the bed twenty minutes later, he took slow, measured breaths, hoping the pain would soon go away.

  The doctor tapped lightly on the door and stepped inside. “Alexi? I was overjoyed to hear that you are indeed still alive. I can see you’re in pain. Can you tell me where exactly it hurts?”

  Both of his parents followed, their faces drawn tight in concern for his well being.

  “My head,” Alexi said through clenched teeth. “Every… Memories keep coming back, but it’s like I’m only seeing the surface of them. Every time I try to remember more, my head feels like it’s going to explode.”

  “I see. Whenever you force your brain to remember it causes a headache. Let me do my initial assessment and then we’ll see what kind of pain relief we can come up with.” The doctor took his vital signs. “You appear to be in perfect health, with the exception of these headaches. It would seem the islanders took very good care of you.”

  Alexi gritted his teeth. “They were very kind to me.”

  The doctor filled a syringe and then disinfected a spot on his upper arm. “This will help to take the edge off right now. I want to run a few scans at my clinic, and then if everything looks fine, I’ll prescribe something stronger for your headaches.”

  “I’ll have the car brought around.” Vasil immediately left the room to do as he said.

  Alexi closed his eyes, just wanting to get these tests over with so he could go to sleep. His parents and Kassi insisted on accompanying him to the private clinic.

  The doctor was very efficient. Several hours later, after reviewing Alexi’s test results, he handed Alexi a bottle of pills and a prescription for painkillers. “Everything seems to be fine, but I’ll have a radiologist take a look at your x-rays just to be on the safe side. For now, relax and let the memories come when they are ready. These painkillers may only take the edge off, so get some sleep. I’m sure you need it.”

  “Anything’s better than this pain,” Alexi assured him.

  “Take them with some food so your stomach doesn’t protest too much, and no more than six pills every twenty-four hours.”

  “We’ll see that he takes those pills as prescribed, doctor.” Tressa stood next to Alexi, a no-nonsense look upon her face.

  Alexi barely contained the smile that threatened to break across his own. God, it’s good to be back with my family! I should have never gone into hiding in the first place.

  His parents fussed over him the rest of the evening, finally retiring to their own bedroom in the wee hours of the morning. Alexi slept off and on, his dreams filled with so many images he couldn’t tell if he was dreaming or having a nightmare. He dreamed of the island, of the storm that had sunk his yacht, and of happier times when he and Leo had been teenagers. His dreams moved from happy family memories to terror-inducing monster waves and lightning racing across the sky.

  At first light, he woke and forced himself from his bed. His head was only a little tender, a dull reflection of the ferocious pain from the day before. He took advantage of the short reprieve to access his private files on the company’s hidden server. He wasn’t surprised when he realized that not even his brother had been able to locate these files. Alexi had gone to great lengths to protect himself and his family two years earlier when the threats had first surfaced. He’d hidden what was happening the best he could—maybe even too well now that he was on this side of it.

  Leo should have spent more time learning about the company and less time screwing around with high priced call girls!

  Alexi accessed his private email and once again shook his head. “No one’s even tried to access my files. My brother and I are going to have to have a long talk about security measures and the like.” Alexi was a stickler for security measures, and had he been in Leo’s shoes, he would have demanded a thorough scan of the company servers and an explanation for any unexplained channels. A private email address would have never been allowed to remain open—not on his watch!

  He scanned through the most recent emails, and his blood froze when he realized they were all from the same account. The same account the previous threats had come from.

  While his death had been announced to the world, whoever had wanted to harm him wasn’t finished yet. Now, they were after Leo and his brother didn’t even know!

  The previous emails had only been sent to Alexi’s private email, allowing him to keep the threat hidden. But the attacker must not have known how private it was. Or, he’d only been after Alexi because of his position with the company, and once his death had been broadcast far and wide, the attacker had switched his focus to the new man in charge. Leo.

  Dreading what he might read, but believing that knowledge was power, Alexi opened one sent several weeks after his accident –

  One down and one to go. I assumed I wouldn’t have to take out both of you, but it appears familial responsibility can be an impetus for change. Alexi presented a challenge, always careful and so protective of those he loved. It took me two years to finally accomplish my goal of getting rid of him. How long will it take to reach my next goal? A week? A month? A year?

  It shall be interesting to watch you struggle to fulfill your duties as the reigning heir to the Moustakas Empire. I’ll be watching and waiting for the right time to help you join your brother in the afterlife. Enjoy your time playing CEO. It won’t last long.

  Alexi read the words twice before he pushed himself away from the desk. He paced across his room. He was furious at what the letter implied. His yacht accident had been an act of sabotage. The death of his crewmembers, murder. Losing several mont
hs of his life, the victory of the person out to destroy him.

  After reading through several more of the threatening emails, Alexi decided that the best way to keep his family and those he cared for safe while the threat was still present was to gather them all together in one place. Once Leo returned to Greece, Alexi’s family would be gathered together. That only left Gemma.

  Retrieving Gemma was now at the top of his list. He’d thought to leave her in the States until the threat was handled, but then he’d seen a picture of her in one of the threatening emails, the meaning very clear to Alexi. Gemma was also in danger and the attacker knew where she lived. The picture, taken only a month prior, had been of Gemma entering the Smithsonian Museum of Fine Art, located in Washington D.C.—the place where she worked.

  Alexi’s head throbbed in time with his heartbeat. He grabbed both sides of his skull, pressing for several minutes as he struggled to contain his emotions. When that didn’t work, he slipped on a robe and headed for the outside patio. He needed the calming presence of the gardens right now and a chance to focus on something other than the anger flowing through his veins.

  He gained the downstairs patio doors and slipped outside, surprised to find the young nanny who’d so affected him the day before sitting on his favorite meditation bench. By the time he reached the bench, his skin was clammy, his head felt like someone was stabbing him repeatedly with an ice pick, and he was sure he was going to vomit.

  “Hey! Are you alright?” Aimee rose and grabbed his arm as he staggered next to the bench.

  “I just need to sit quietly for a minute,” he told her. She held onto his arm as he sank onto the bench, leaned back, and closed his eyes.

  She settled next to him and then reached over and took his hand, lightly rubbing his palm. Alexi knew it wasn’t seemly for him to encourage the attentions of one of the household staff. However, as the tension gradually began to leave his head, he found he hadn’t any concern for societal roles or proper behavior.

  She continued to massage his palm, pressing deeply into the webbing between his thumb and forefinger. He could only sit there as the pain subsided in stages until there was only a lingering tenderness behind his eyes.

  He slowly opened his eyes to find her watching him. “Efkharisto.”

  “The pain is better?” She released the pressure on his hand.

  “It is. How did you do that?”

  She shrugged. “I used to get headaches when I was younger. A friend’s sister was a student of oriental medicine and acupressure. That technique always seemed to help me.”

  Alexi watched her from beneath his half-closed eyelids, taking in her fresh appearance, long blonde hair once again pulled up into a high ponytail, and the grey eyes that seemed full of mischief. The attraction he’d originally felt for her was back full force and he found himself having a hard time putting things into the proper perspective. She was one of the household employees and therefore, completely off-limits, but telling his body that was another thing entirely. If that wasn’t reason enough to deny his attraction to her, there were the small matters of the threats and Gemma. He needed to focus on what was truly important and his libido wasn’t one of them.

  “What is your name again?”

  “Aimee Myers.”

  “Aimee…that’s a lovely name.” He was amused when she blushed and ducked her head, trying to hide her reaction to his compliment. “You are ómorfi.” When she looked up and he saw the confusion in her eyes, he couldn’t resist brushing his fingers down her cheek. “It means beautiful.” She is that, but you have other things to think about. Remember?

  Aimee searched his eyes and then shook her head. “I think maybe you didn’t get enough sleep or your headache has addled your brains.”

  Alexi was now the one confused. “You don’t think you’re beautiful?”

  Aimee smiled. “I’m not ogre ugly, but beautiful? No, I’m not even close. I’m passable and that’s okay with me.”

  “Do you ever look in the mirror?” Aimee didn’t have the kind of face one would find on a fashion magazine, but Alexi had always believed those women were simply playing a role, all made up and refined for the photographer’s camera. What one saw was merely a mirage.

  “Of course I do. I’m not going to win any beauty contests, nor would I want to. I can’t even imagine the torture of putting on makeup for an hour each day. Ugh!” She gave a mock shiver of revulsion. “So, what exactly happened to you?”

  “I’m trying to forget.”

  Her expression immediately sobered. “Sygnómi.”

  The way she vacillated between Greek and English was charming. “Don’t be sorry. Curiosity is normally a good thing. Greek is not your first language?”

  “No, I only know a few words and phrases. Kassi’s been helping me.”

  “Ah!” Alexi cocked his head. “Where is your young charge this morning?” It was barely seven o’clock in the morning. Aimee had been in the garden with him for at least thirty minutes and he didn’t know how long she’d been sitting there before he arrived. She didn’t show any signs of needing to go check on Damien. Was she neglecting her duties in order to keep him company?

  “Damien is with Kassi. They had a sleepover last night, which roughly translated means, Kassi fed him way too much sugar and he’ll be crabby all-day long.” She paused for a moment and then murmured, quietly enough he assumed it was meant for her ears only, “Maybe I’ll just let her keep him all day long.”

  He hid his smirk. “I wasn’t aware that Kassi and small children got along well.” I wonder how many other things I’ve missed. “So… Leo is Damien’s father. I confess to being surprised that my brother would tie himself down with child.”

  Aimee looked slightly upset. “Leo loves Damien. Just like he loves his mother.”

  Alexi shook his head, sure he’d misheard her. “My brother has never loved anyone but himself, at least, not for more than a week or two.”

  “Well, he’s changed then. Why do you look so surprised?” Aimee’s jaw jutted out.

  “Well, I must admit the thought of my brother settling down with just one woman is hard to fathom. He has a certain reputation…”

  “Which he has set aside to be with the love of his life.” Aimee was very defensive. Alexi wondered why. He seemed to be missing something. The way she talked, it was as if she assumed Alexi knew what that was. What am I supposed to be remembering?

  “And the love of his life is whom?” Alexi asked softly, hoping he hadn’t angered her to the point where she would leave.

  Aimee gave him an incredulous look. “So, it’s true then? You lost your memory during the shipwreck?”

  “Nai. Why do I feel like there is something I should have remembered?” Suddenly, a pain lanced through his head and he had an image of Gemma standing next to a tall statue, a monument they’d visited together when he’d been in Washington D.C. two years earlier. He rubbed at his temples and then his eyes opened wide as he realized what had been nagging him about Aimee. He’d seen her before, with Gemma… He closed his eyes and strained to complete the picture, ignoring the knives digging into his skull. Gemma had pointed Aimee out as being her best friend! Aimee knew Gemma!

  “You! You were friends with Gemma!” She nodded. “But how did you come to be here? Is Gemma here?”

  Aimee frowned. “Alexi…” She struggled with her words, finally just stating baldly, “Gemma is with Leo.”

  “Why would Gemma be with Leo?” Alexi paused. His suspicions went wild. Had Leo met Gemma while looking for him and plied her with his charm and charisma? Gemma was a good, sweet girl who wouldn’t have been any match for the likes of his playboy brother. And what game was Leo playing, toying with Gemma and Damien’s mother at the same time? That was so typically Leo. Alexi’s anger was swift and fierce. He’ll answer to me when I see him. I can’t believe he would treat Gemma so callously, and in our parent’s own home! It was incomprehensible, even where his brother was concerned.

��Where is she? I was planning to go to her in the States, but if she’s already here, that will make things much easier. I won’t have to waste time getting her to come to Greece and meet my family.”

  “Easier?” Aimee asked cautiously. “Meet your family? Alexi, has no one told you?” She looked so horrified, Alexi knew he wasn’t going to like what she next told him.

  He froze. “Told me what? It seems there are many things I have missed.”

  Aimee gave him a sad look. “Leo and Gemma got married less than a week ago.”

  Alexi reared back as if someone had hit him in the face. Anger at his brother rushed through his veins. That can’t be! I was going to take care of her! And Leo doesn’t really care for her, not if he could have a child with another woman.

  He stood up, making his headache worse, but he had to know. “Where are they?”

  “Looking for you.”

  “And Damien’s mother? Where is she?” Aimee just stared at him and he had a sudden suspicion that he was asking the wrong question. Taking a calming breath, he asked, “Who is Damien’s mother?”

  Aimee stood up with him, her eyes pleading with him to be calm. “Gemma. Alexi…I thought you knew…. They met in Paris a few weeks before you came to Washington D.C.”

  The auction! Several things suddenly made sense. How happy Gemma had been when he’d first arrived in Washington D.C. She’d asked him his name and he’d naturally assumed they’d never met before. He’d felt a special connection to her, not necessarily a romantic one, but he’d appreciated her company and her love for life. They’d spent three beautiful weeks together, and the few times he had allowed himself to explore the path of romance with her, she’d responded whole-heartedly. He’d come to care for her during their time together, and even though he wasn’t madly in love with her, he felt very protective towards her.

  He tamped down his emotions, striving to remain calm. “I did not know. How long have they been together?”

  “Only about a week and some? After you died, er…were declared dead, Leo found the stock certificates and tracked Gemma down in the States. He didn’t know who she was until then. It’s a very convoluted story with a happy ending…”


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