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San Francisco Love: San Francisco Trilogy: Part Three

Page 6

by Lila Dubois

  Christiana had been panting in arousal as she watched, but James hadn’t done anything more than toy with her fingers and occasionally kiss her hair as she leaned back against him.

  Now, finally, she was going to get naked. Standing beside the chaise, she stripped off the poncho-style top. Now her arms were bare, but she was still wearing the long, loose sheath dress. Damn it.

  James rested his head on his hand, his elbow propped along the top of the chaise arm, and didn’t say anything else.

  “Master?” she asked.

  “Yes, Christiana?”

  She stopped, then dropped to her knees, turning her hands palms up. “Master, may I please take off the dress, too?”

  “You understand what will happen if you do?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Very well, you may take off the dress.”

  She rolled to her feet and then pulled off the long sheath dress. Now her upper body was mostly bare, except for her breasts, which were covered by a gauzy band of fabric buttoned between her breasts.

  “Turn to face the room. Arms up. Hands behind your head.”

  Christiana positioned herself as ordered. The man who’d been topping the woman kneeling on the opposite chaise wandered past, drink in hand. He glanced at Christiana, then stopped and changed course, walking toward them.

  He was coming over.

  He was going to touch her.

  Fear and anticipation threaded through her. She focused on maintaining her position.

  “James,” the man said, though he kept his focus on her. He had a lovely Caribbean accent.

  “Ajay,” James replied.

  “May I?”

  “Please do.”

  Ajay reached out and rubbed his palm on her bare belly. Christiana sucked in air, her stomach muscles tightening.

  “Lovely. Is she new?”


  “But already a collar. You’re a selfish man, but smart to take her off the market.” Ajay ran his finger across the top of her breasts, where the fabric didn’t cover her.

  “Christiana, my sweet, take off the bra.” James spoke smoothly, every word precise.

  Her heart started to pound and her mouth felt dry, yet she didn’t question the order. Christiana lowered her hands, undid the button, and let the fabric fall away.

  “Hands up,” James reminded her, a bit of bark in his words. She obeyed, lifting her arms and lacing her fingers together behind her head, elbows back. Her naked breasts were bare and lifted, an offering to this stranger.

  He wasted no time in taking advantage of James’s offer. Ajay set down his drink and grasped each of Christiana’s nipples, giving them a light tug.

  Pleasure from the physical stimulation and anxiety at having this stranger’s hands on her both bit at Christiana. She sucked in air and held her breath as Ajay released her nipples only to cup her breasts, bouncing them slightly in his palms, as if weighing them. “Did you take out her piercings?”

  “Her nipples aren’t pierced,” James replied.

  “Ah, I do hope you do it at a party. I enjoy seeing a piercing.” Ajay grabbed her nipples, pinching them hard enough to make her whimper. “How is her pain tolerance?” he asked.

  “Good. Dangerously good when she’s in subspace.”

  Ajay bounced her left breast on his hand again while his right roamed around her bare skin, from her collarbones to her armpit, then up the sensitive inside of her arm to her elbow. She heard James shift position behind her, and then his hand was on her knee, a reassuring touch.

  “I have to go to my woman. It was a pleasure. I hope you’ll strip her fully naked.” Ajay bent to pick up his glass, then raised it in a toast before walking away.

  “Talk to me, my sweet.” James rubbed his hand over her bare lower back.

  “I…liked that. I think. I don’t know. I don’t understand.” Her words came in short, hard puffs of air. “When I went to the clubs in San Francisco, I didn’t want anyone else to touch me, but I liked that. I didn’t think I would.”

  James spread his knees, his legs along the outside of hers. She stayed in position, facing away from him, arms up. His lips feathered along the small of her back, his fingers dancing up her sides until he was lightly stroking the sides of her breasts. “It’s not about other people touching you,” he reminded her.

  Christiana shifted her weight from side to side, her pussy so wet she was sure the insides of her thighs were damp.

  “It’s about you belonging to me.” His hands slid forward, covering her breasts. “It’s about you obeying, submitting. They’re touching you only because I allow it. They are tools, tools I’m using to make you submit to me.” He squeezed her breasts at the same time as he nipped the skin on her lower back. “It’s about me driving you to do things, to want things, no other man could ever make you crave.”

  “Please, Master, please, more,” she panted.

  “More what?”

  “More of everything. I want more. I want it all. Everything. Every dark thing you want to do to me. Do it. Use me. Master me.” The words spilled from her mouth in a tumble. She spoke from the darkest parts of her soul, voicing things that she would not have if she weren’t feeling so deeply submissive and wildly aroused.

  James surged to his feet, his body pressing hard against her back and forcing her forward a step. He grabbed her wrists, pulling her hands down and behind her back.

  “Walk,” he commanded. “I want everyone to see you. To know you are mine and to see you submit.”

  “Yes, yes, yes,” she chanted.

  “Manners,” he snapped, slapping her breast with one hand.

  It felt good. So good. The sting of the spanking became a heat that fed the fire of her need. Christiana bit her lower lip, deliberately disobeying.

  “Ahh,” he murmured. “You want a spanking.”

  “Anything,” she pleaded. “I want anything, Master.”

  “A change of plans then. Time to engage in something more…intense.”

  He pushed her to the pergola, which was currently unoccupied. She walked into the forest of dangling chains, which were a variety of sizes and lengths. Hooks on each post displayed padlocks, carabiners, coils of rope, and additional chains.

  “Spread your legs and bend over. Hands on your knees.”

  He tapped her hip once she complied, and she spread her legs even wider. The skirt she wore had a long slit up one side. When she’d been standing, the slit hadn’t been apparent, but now her left leg was exposed. She braced the heels of her hands on her knees and arched her back, sticking her ass up. She craved a spanking, needed it with a sort of desperate desire that had led many people throughout human history to make bad decisions.

  Chain clinked and then something cold slid around her naked waist. He passed the chain over her back, then under and around her waist once more. She twisted to watch over her shoulder as James used a carabiner to connect the end of the chain to one of the links that stretched down from the crossbeam above.

  “Hands,” he demanded.

  She had to adjust her posture slightly to find a balance she thought she could hold, then held out her arms.

  James snatched up a coil of rope. It was the first time she’d gotten a good look at him since Ajay had touched her, and his cock was straining against his thin pants, tenting the front. She licked her lips, already anticipating his cock sliding into her mouth.

  James bound her arms together from wrist to elbow. He tied the restraint off and let the ends of the rope dangle. “Bend more. I’ll bind you to help you maintain the position.”

  Christiana didn’t really understand, but she lowered her head and shoulder until she couldn’t bend any lower, stopped by the chain around her waist.

  “Arms out straight. Let your head hang.”

  She stuck her bound arms out, shoulders against her ears, elbows above her head. James took a second rope and started weaving it around her upper arms, just above the elbow. Rather than binding them togeth
er, he created a spacer of knots between her upper arms. When he was done, her arms were almost completely covered in rope except for her bent elbows. He took the ends of both ropes and raised them into the dangling chains, knotting them in place. He stepped back.

  She was standing with her legs spread, bent at the waist, her upper arms slightly above her head, her elbows bent, fingers pointed up to the ceiling. The chain around her waist and the rope around her upper arms helped support her weight, and she leaned into them. She had a nice view of the tile floor, the tips of James’s sandals, and his toes.

  He walked away.

  She wondered what he’d gone to get, but time passed, and he didn’t return.

  Footsteps approached her, but she knew it wasn’t James. The sound of the steps wasn’t right.

  Her breathing came faster.

  Unfamiliar hands skimmed down her bare back, then slid under her, fondling her breasts.

  Where was James?

  Her nipples were plucked and rolled, and then the unknown man lightly slapped each breast.

  “I have a collar,” Christiana stammered. “You have to ask my Master for permission, Sir.”

  “What a contentious little slut,” the man muttered in a dark accent she couldn’t place. “Don’t worry, he gave me permission. Every bit of skin on display is fair game.” He slapped her breasts again, this time hitting her nipple directly with three fingers.

  She jumped and whimpered.

  The man’s voice changed. Now he sounded calm and kind. Maybe even a little concerned. “Don’t forget your safe word.”

  Engineer. Did she need to use it? No. She didn’t. The man’s change in manner helped her remember that she was safe here. James was here; all she had to do was trust him.

  If she said engineer, this would end.

  She didn’t want it to end.

  She wanted more.

  More strangers to touch her. More clothes to come off.

  She wanted more, more, more.

  “I don’t need it, Sir, but thank you for checking.”

  He rubbed her back in a comforting gesture, and then slapped her breast a final time.

  “I’ll be back when he strips you naked,” the man promised in that menacing voice he’d first used.

  Then he was gone.

  She had no idea what the man even looked like. He’d touched her, intimately, and then left.

  She was a plaything, to be enjoyed by one or all, at her Master’s bidding.

  And she loved it.

  Who are you? Who, what, are you becoming?

  Christiana ignored that small inner voice, closed her eyes, and abandoned herself to this hedonistic delight. More people came, their hands roaming over her bare skin, paying special attention to her breasts. She whimpered and sighed in both pleasure and pain as hands kneaded, nails scraped, and fingers pinched.

  She wasn’t sure how much time had passed when she heard a familiar set of footsteps.

  James was coming back.

  “Master,” she called out, swaying toward him.

  His hands, familiar after so many strange touches, stroked her head. He didn’t speak, but released some of the ropes, using a knife to slice through the bindings holding her upper arms together, allowing her to drop her arms. The sudden loss of support left her unbalanced, and for a horrible moment she thought she’d tip forward. He steadied her, hands sliding into her hair, and in the next moment he was shoving his loose pants down, his cock springing free. She opened her mouth, taking him in and licking the head.

  He thrust in deep, no gentleness, only raw need.

  Christiana’s whole body ached, and as he fucked her mouth, all she could think of was how much she wanted his cock inside her pussy.

  With a curse, he pulled back, and for a moment she wondered if she’d accidentally bitten him while she was focused on how much she wanted him to fuck her.

  “Master?” she whispered.

  “We’re going back to our room.” His voice was hard, almost angry sounding, but she knew what that meant. It meant he was near the edge of his own control.

  The chain fell away from her waist and he helped her stand tall. She swayed, muscles in her back and legs aching. He cut the rope on her forearms, leaving lengths of rope in untidy piles on the floor.

  James plucked a thin chain from a hook, looped it through the ring on her collar, and started walking. She stumbled after him. He’d leashed her, and all she could think was that she liked that, too. She liked everything he did.

  And she would do anything for him. Be anything for him.

  That thought intruded, making her frown. This time she wasn’t so overwhelmed with physical sensation that she was able to block the thought.

  Before she could assess exactly why there was now a kernel of worry burrowing into her heart, they passed by a cluster of people standing and chatting, most of them naked. One man looked over, his gaze roaming up and down her naked upper body.

  “Do I still have your blessing?” he asked.

  James nodded.

  The stranger reached out and casually tweaked Christiana’s nipple as she went past. She gasped and pulled back, making the chain rattle.

  James looked back at her, eyes heavy-lidded. He looked to the man who’d touched her, then at the women with him. “Are they yours?” James asked

  “One is. This one is a free agent.”

  James crooked his finger at a dark-haired woman who was in her mid- to late forties and plump. She was totally naked, and her body bore evidence of what had been going on—light scratches, a few fading handprints on her ass and hips.

  She walked to James, moving with a slow, unhurried grace that spoke of ease with both the situation and her own nakedness.

  Christiana watched, heart in her throat, as James touched the other woman. His hand slid across her shoulder to her neck, circling it. At the same time as he touched the other woman, he tugged the chain looped through Christiana’s collar.

  The flare of jealousy died as calm spread through her. It didn’t matter if he touched this other woman, because he was doing it for her—he wanted her to see, to watch. It was part of their game.

  The woman didn’t matter, because Christiana wore his collar.

  She licked her lip, looking the woman up and down. What did the other woman’s skin taste like? How heavy were her breasts? They were larger than Christiana’s.

  “I want you to suck my sub’s nipples while I spank you,” James told the dark-haired sub.

  “As you wish, Sir.”

  The woman glided over to Christiana, gaze lighting on her face, the collar, and then her breasts.

  “Arms up, my sweet,” James purred as the woman bent her head to Christiana’s breasts.

  Christiana slid her hands into her own hair, squeezing fistfuls of it just to have the prickling sensation. Warm lips closed over her right nipple. The woman was delicate, holding the very tip of the nipple between her lips and abrading it gently with her teeth. Christiana danced up on to her toes, gasping.

  “Bite,” James demanded.

  The woman bit down, and Christiana threw her head back, screaming between clenched teeth. She didn’t scream because it hurt, though it did. It was a scream of mingled desire and frustration.

  The other nipple received the same treatment.

  Smack, smack.

  The woman sucked hard on Christiana’s nipple, occasionally swaying into Christiana as James spanked her.

  James, who was looking at Christiana, not the woman whose ass he was spanking in a slow, unhurried way. Christiana wanted to be in the woman’s place. She wanted to be turned over his knee and spanked until her ass was red and she was panicky with desire.

  “Enough,” James said. “Come, my sweet.”

  The dark-haired woman pulled back, Christiana’s nipple slipping from her mouth with a pop. James tugged the chain and Christiana followed him out of the dungeon.

  It didn’t occur to her to ask about some additional clothes until
they were outside, the night air, even on this tropical island, cool enough to make her shiver. James kept leading her by the chain leash along the path through the foliage to the stairs to their room. They were going to go up to the room and then…

  And then…

  “Stop,” Christiana said. She planted her feet and grabbed the chain, holding it so that James wouldn’t pull on her neck.

  James turned at the foot of the steps, his cock, still hard and tenting his pants, easily visible in the moonlight. “Are you all right? Are you using your safe word?”

  “No, to both.”

  He frowned. “I don’t understand.”

  “I want to renegotiate our contract.”


  “Right now.”

  Chapter 5

  James forced himself to push through the haze of lust that had fogged his brain for the past several hours and think. “Now is not a good time to renegotiate. Neither of us is thinking clearly.”

  “I am, and I want to renegotiate.”

  “Christiana, my sweet, if you’re upset or scared, we’ll talk about it. I’ll get you some clothes and we’ll sit and have something to eat or drink, or—”

  “No, I’m not upset.”

  James bit back a sharp reply. Lust was making him impatient. And if he was wrong and she hadn’t enjoyed what he’d just done, he needed to take care of her. He’d pushed both of them by leaving her bound like that to be played with. She’d been safe, of course; he wouldn’t have left her if she hadn’t been, and he’d been no more than ten feet away.

  But she didn’t know that.

  Being put on display was one thing. Being left out to be played with was quite another.

  He’d thought she’d enjoyed it. She would probably be shocked if she knew how much information her body language gave away. He’d known the moment she found her submission, known each time she was close to orgasm. He suspected if he’d removed the skirt and loincloth, allowing the other Doms to touch her ass and pussy, even if he forbade anyone from touching her clit directly, she would have come.


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