Book Read Free

Holiday Temptation

Page 21

by Donna Hill

  Damn. He probably knew he had me the moment he walked in the door. “You don’t have to look so smug, Mr. Montgomery. I didn’t say yes, you know.”

  “Yet,” he said. “You didn’t say yes . . . yet. And don’t look so pitiful about it. I’m taking you on a yacht, Ms. Bradford, not the Titanic.”

  Essie picked up her spoon and dug into the chocolate mousse at the same time Ross did. “So should we toast with chocolate mousse?”

  Ross grinned and raised his spoon. “As long as I have you on my boat next week, and in my galley, I’ll toast in any way, with anything you want, Ms. Bradford.”

  Essie got a tingle then, where there was no place for a tingle to be given. They were now boss and employee, so she gave him a sharp look. “I would tell you to call me Essie, but since I’m now working for you, I guess we’d better stay on a last-name basis, Mr. Montgomery.”

  Chapter Four

  “I don’t know about this, Mish,” Essie said into her cell as the cab made its way down the highway in the early-morning hours. The air was crisp and still gray, the sun only being hinted at as it glinted off the mirrored chrome of the New York skyscrapers.

  “What’s not to know? You should be thanking me,” Misha replied. “I know you didn’t plan to work during the holiday, but with Cam hitting the wind and you needing extra money, this is perfect. Besides, it will be good for you.”

  Essie could feel Misha scheming through the phone and her eyes rolled skyward. “Good for me how? Cam and I have only been broken up for less than a week.”

  Misha let out an impatient snort. “Oh, please. You and Cam were broken up the moment he screwed his assistant, and I’d bet that was at least two months ago, if not more. The moment you hit the road to work with the band, you two were done.”

  “Ouch, leave it to you not to pull any punches.”

  “What good would it do? Life is too short. Now you remember that while you’re sailing with Ross. He’ll be a tough client, but I’ve known him a long time, and he’s a good guy underneath.”

  It was Essie’s turn to snort. “Underneath what? The latest supermodel? Let Google tell it. He’s got a deli number-counter at the foot of his bed.”

  Now Misha laughed. “You, more than anyone, should know that outside appearances can be deceiving. I know you’re not totally the ‘Little Miss Zen’ you want the world to see. Now go and whip my friend into shape. Tell him I want great numbers on his next visit. And from you, I want a report that you had a fabulous time. Doctor’s orders.”

  “Yeah, whatever you say,” Essie said before switching off.

  The taxi began to slow as it turned by the piers, and the most beautiful boat Essie had ever seen came into her view.

  “Oh, my freaking God,” she whispered as she got out of the cab, pulling her carryall in one hand and her cooking supplies in the other. Essie knew the galley would more than likely be fully stocked, and she had sent over a list of what she wanted available. But she wouldn’t assume it would be stocked with her favorite organic oils, not to mention her homemade spice blends and whenever possible, she never did a job without her old faithful set of stainless pans and, of course, her knives. She paused as two crewmembers in white pants and long-sleeved black shirts appeared, their hands behind their backs, sunglasses on, watching her as she made her way.

  When she was finally in front of them, the one that looked a little older, but only because of the light graying at his temples, gave a little nod and a small smile. “And I’m guessing you are Ms. Bradford. Welcome to Serenity.”

  “Thank you, and please call me Essie.” She looked up at the ship and its impressive height. “So, Serenity? A ship this size I expect to be called the Enterprise.”

  The man grinned and stepped forward. “I’m Jeff Grayson, the ship’s captain, and this guy right here is Cooper Westport, our chief engineer.”

  Cooper smiled next to Captain Grayson, and though his sunglasses covered a good portion of his face, Essie could still tell from his thick blond hair, chiseled jaw, and his blindingly white smile that he was a good-looking man.

  “Great to meet you, Essie,” Cooper said with a cute Aussie accent.

  More tall men in the same uniform came out and stood along the deck as Cooper made the introductions.

  “That right there is my second, Ethan Chambers.” Ethan gave a nod and smile. “And next to him is our deckhand Jayce Spencer.” Jayce gave a slight bow and then came forward to take Essie’s bags from her. “And then we have Quincy Bell, our head steward. He’ll help with any personal needs you may have.”

  “Very nice to meet you,” Quincy said. Another man with a lovely accent, this time it was from the United Kingdom.

  Essie smiled and shook hands.

  “You all are being so kind. I’m sure I won’t need anything. I’ll try and not be too much of a bother.”

  “I’ll be the judge of that,” came another new, slightly gruffer voice.

  “And finally,” Cooper said, his own voice now slightly apologetic, “we have Chef Simon Scott. I guess you and he will be working pretty closely together.”

  Essie looked toward Chef Scott, who wore shades just as the rest of the crew was, but unlike the others, his were pushed up onto the top of his clean-shaven head to reveal his sharp, assessing eyes and stern brow. And though she bestowed on him her easy smile, he countered back with nothing but a slight nod.

  Fine, that’s how you want to play? Essie had been in the cooking game for a long time. Chef Scott was surely not the first, and he wouldn’t be the last, temperamental chef she’d come across. She’d give it a day, and she was sure they’d be getting along just fine. If not, it didn’t matter. This job was only temporary. “It’s very nice to meet you, Chef. I’ll be in and out of your hair in no time flat,” she said.

  “Is that a promise, little lady?” Chef Scott stated more than asked.

  Essie looked at him dead-on and stepped onto Serenity. “It’s a statement, nothing more. I’ve learned early on that promises are worth no more than the breath it takes to make them.”

  Quincy finished giving Essie a quick tour of the ship and she was officially in awe. Serenity was 130 feet, four levels, and no luxury spared. There was a formal and informal salon, a gym, two hot tubs, jet skis, a diving plank, a formal dining room, as well as an informal one. By the time she got to the galley, her mouth hung open. Hell, she was thinking she should be paying Ross for this trip, but she knew she could never afford it. Not in a million years.

  Quincy showed her the crew’s quarters and lead her to her own room. She turned a corner too quickly and walked into a solid wall that was Ross Montgomery’s chest. “Oh, my goodness, um, I’m sorry, excuse me.”

  “Please don’t apologize, Ms. Bradford,” Ross said. His large warm hands righted her, steady in the most unsteady way. “Things can get a little tight on this ship.”

  At his words his and Essie’s eyes met, and if she were still fourteen and believed in such a thing, she’d swear fireworks went off. Essie quickly lowered her eyes and stepped back, but not before catching the laughter in Ross’s eyes. Damn.

  “I was just giving Ms. Bradford a tour, sir, and leading her to her quarters,” Quincy said, breaking the unspoken tension.

  “I’ll take over from here, thank you,” Ross said, his voice low, but still definite and commanding.

  Essie watched Quincy’s retreating back and, for some reason, wanted to follow him down the narrow hallway, but she knew she couldn’t, so she stood where she was. “I didn’t know you were on board,” she said.

  “Yet here I am,” Ross said matter-of-factly. “I was finishing a work call when you arrived. I’m sorry I couldn’t greet you. But now that you are here, we may depart.”

  She felt a brow shoot up. “But I thought you said this was a business trip and you were taking clients down to Florida.”

  “This is a business trip, but no, we’re picking up clients in Florida. I hope I didn’t give you the wrong impression.”
  Essie, relax. This isn’t a big deal. It’s still business and still a trip.

  Just with a lot less passengers on the way down than she anticipated. It didn’t matter. She wasn’t here for his clients anyway. She was here to get him on track to good food and a new lifestyle. Essie brought her shoulders up and looked him in the eye. “It’s no matter who is here. It’s you who’s paying me, and you are my client.”

  Essie couldn’t help but notice his jaw tighten at this statement. “This is true, I am paying you, but as we discussed, you’re still my guest. So, how about you let me show you to your room?” He put his arm out in a gesture for her to follow him. They climbed a narrow flight of stairs, going from below deck up another level, to where the accommodations were more spacious and, if possible, more luxurious.

  Ross took Essie past some of the most sumptuous staterooms she had ever seen, all done up in marble and wood. This was a world of luxury beyond her imagination. At one point he stood outside a room and waved his hand. “These are my quarters, and my office is right next door. Since this is a working trip, I will be in my office quite a bit. Though, per Misha’s orders, I promise to go above deck and get some sun while I work, from time to time.”

  Essie smiled. “I’ll hold you to it. Do you mind if I take a look?”

  “Not at all.”

  Essie peeked in the door of his stateroom. It was decorated in the same modern way as the rest of the yacht, but here there was a classic twist that was a little bit dressed down so that it was more casual and, somehow, more sexy. The low-profile bed had a utilitarian feel to it, and the artwork that hung over the bed was done in tones of gray, with a splash of red. The gray lamps by the bed added to the coolness of the room. The thick gray carpeting made her want to take off her shoes and sink her toes into it. Everything about the room was sensual and inviting in an ultracool way. So very much like the man himself.

  Essie swallowed and looked up at Ross. “It’s a cool space.” Cool? She wanted to bang herself in the head. Instead, she swallowed and gave a weak smile.

  Ross’s smile threatened to turn her legs to noodles. “Thanks.”

  He opened the door next to it to show his office. This was a continuation of his bedroom, sexy, sleek, and modern. With one wall made of all glass windows to take in the sea view.

  “I hope I won’t find you always in here. According to our agreement, you have to learn some things from me about food and perhaps cooking?” Essie challenged.

  He frowned and closed the office door. “We’ll have to see about that, Ms. Bradford.”

  “That we will, Mr. Montgomery.”

  Ross turned away from his office door and surprised her by turning to a door right across from his own. “And this will be your accommodations.”

  Essie stepped inside and this time she really couldn’t stop her mouth from dropping open. “Oh, Ross, this is too much. I mean, Mr. Montgomery. Really, I can sleep down in the crew’s quarters. They are more than generous.”

  She watched as his lip worked a little at the corner in amusement. “You will sleep here, Ms. Bradford, and not insult me. According to our agreement, you’re not one of the crew, and though you are not one of the official guests, you are my guest, and this is your holiday, though a working one it may be. So please enjoy this room with my compliments. I won’t hear any arguments.”

  Essie frowned, looking at the ridiculously luxurious accommodations. She had never been in a room so beautiful. It was mahogany and marble like the rest of the ship, but this was designed with a woman in mind as the décor was accented in creams and natural stone. Not to mention the beautiful orchids she spied. And in the bathroom there was both a stand-up shower and a beautiful Jacuzzi tub. After this, how would she ever go back to her small one-bedroom apartment? She looked at Ross and shook her head. “You always make it this hard for a girl to turn you down?”

  “I do my very best, Ms. Bradford.”

  Essie let out a sigh as she eyed the huge bed. “That’s what I’m afraid of, Mr. Montgomery.”

  Chapter Five

  Ross fought the urge to retreat to his office. Instead, he went up to join the captain on the bridge. Not that he wanted to retreat to his office, or that he wanted to join the captain. No, what he really wanted to do was stay with the pretty Ms. Bradford and kiss her on that deliciously large bed until that skeptical look she kept giving him gave way to one of glazed passion.

  Shit. What is wrong with me? Number one, she was now an employee, at least for the next ten days, so she should technically be off limits if his normal code of ethics applied. And number two, which was the head-scratcher, she was not his type, so he didn’t get the intense, almost uncontrollable, physical attraction.

  It had been there as soon as he caught a glimpse of her in the restaurant, even before he knew who she was and their eyes locked for the first time. He didn’t get it. This type of thing never happened to him. He didn’t believe in happenstance or anomalies out of the realm. Ross lived in absolutes. And Essie Bradford was a wild card.

  She was nothing like the usual strain of models. She was tall, sure. That fit his bill. But that’s where it ended. His usual women had a certain—Ross paused in his thoughts, looking for the right description, and he grimaced when all he could come up with was “body shop shine and polish” to them. It was as if the women he usually went for stepped off the showroom runway, dyed, plucked and blown out, falling that way into his bed.

  But not Essie Bradford. She was tall and slim, but he could tell by her well-fitting jeans and no-nonsense sweater, she had delicious curves in all the right places. And her skin, Ross sucked in a breath, there was something about her skin, with its rich, chocolate tone that seemed to glow from deep within, made him long to touch it, taste it, be a part of it. Freaking hell! Even to his own mind he was already sounding whipped.

  But still, her eyes came to his mind. Deep and soulful, sparking like onyx jewels, only there to enhance the full lips he wanted to kiss so very much. Those plump lips that made him think of her delicious desserts and all the ways he wanted to devour her.

  Damn it! This whole thing was a huge mistake. He knew that now. Just as he knew that Misha, wherever she was, must be laughing her ass off. Ross reached the bridge and Captain Grayson turned around. “I just want to check if we’re on schedule and you have everything you need.”

  The older man smiled and looked around at all the shiny new equipment. “I have more than I need, sir. I can’t wait to get her out in the open water. It will be an honor to sail her.”

  Ross grinned. “Well, I’m happy to have you in charge and on board. I’m going to go up to the fly deck and watch the launch.”

  “Enjoy, sir. The weather is optimum, so we should be good.”

  Ross exited while the captain made an announcement for all hands to be ready to leave. On his way up top, Ross thought for a moment about going to collect Essie and invite her to join him, but stopped. Setup or not, he wouldn’t play into Misha’s hands. His life, if not his numbers, was fine as it was. And he didn’t need the complications of some goody-two-shoes, interfering chef.

  Really he should have invited Lela on this trip, or a version of her. It wouldn’t have been hard. But something stopped him from doing that. Yes, it was a business trip, but he knew his clients. Most were married and would be bringing their wives, and those without would bring girlfriends or expect some sort of female entertainment. They all expected him to show up with a beautiful woman on his arm, as he always did. And that night at the restaurant when he first saw Essie, he was so close to inviting Lela to come with him, but he stopped and he let her go on to that sneaker party. The question was why.

  Just as Ross got topside, as if by some divine answering, there was the “why” at the railing. Her face was lifted up to catch the breeze; her hair was whipping playfully, fighting the wind and losing. But still she smiled to herself, saying a silent good-bye to cold New York while Serenity backed away from the city. Taking her awa
y from home and family and him away from nothing but his newly remodeled three thousand square feet of . . . now that he thought about it, way too open apartment space.

  The moment filled Ross with an unexpected sense of melancholy. In his mind he saw visions of skating with his little girl, hand in hand, under the colorful lights of the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree. Ross shook the thought off with an inward snort. Not that it would be happening. She was in California and would be enjoying the holiday as she always did, with her mother and stepdad. She was happy, and that was enough.

  “The view is beautiful, isn’t it?” Ross said as he eased next to Essie and leaned against the railing.

  She turned slowly and faced him, as if she knew he would walk up and stand next to her. “It really is. It’s been so long since I’ve seen New York from the water. As a kid I used to love to take the Staten Island Ferry to get this view.”

  Ross smiled. “I used to do that as a kid, too. Best cheap view in the city. That, and the Roosevelt Island Tram.”

  Essie’s eyes went wide. “You’re so right. I love the tram. I used to go back and forth just for the fun of it. Now that I’m over the free kid height, no more back and forth for me. Not with the way metro fares keep going up. More and more it seems the joys of the city have been priced out for regular folks.” Essie averted her eyes, as if remembering she was on a yacht with a real estate developer. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean, well, you know.”

  “No offense taken. You don’t have to be sorry for saying what you think. I agree. The city is way too expensive. And there should be simple luxuries and joys available to everyone. Now, I know that sounds crazy coming from me, with us standing on my yacht, but it’s true.”


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