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When She Fell for the Billionaire

Page 20

by Suzette de Borja

  They were both breathing heavily.

  Chase managed to speak first. “I don’t know how the press could have known I was here! I just landed thirty minutes ago!”

  “They don’t.” She peered through the heavily tinted window, hoping she could catch a glimpse of Luca but at the rapidly widening distance, she couldn’t make him out from the throng. “They’re here because of what happened at the royal reception.” She gave up and slumped back against the leather seat. “You’re just the bonus.” Then she reared back up at the horrifying thought that her parentage and how she came about would be splashed all over the tabloids by tomorrow.

  Slow, steady breaths. She invoked Luca’s calming voice. No one except her, Luca, and the Konstantinos family had been in the hospital room during the revelation.

  “What did I miss?” Chase’s keen powers of observation were probably noting her puffy eyes and red nose.

  “You’ll catch up on it on the tabloids tomorrow.” Chase wisely didn’t press her. She’d eventually tell him about it, but not now, not when everything was still new and raw. “I thought you were arriving tomorrow.” She glanced at her wristwatch. “Or rather later.”

  “I’m so glad you’re so happy to see me,” Chase said, a bit miffed at her lack of enthusiasm.

  “I’m always happy to see you.” She kissed him on the cheek.

  “I hitched a ride on a private jet.” Chase sniffed. “You reek of alcohol. Are you drunk?”

  “I wish I was.” She shrugged off Luca’s coat.

  Chase gasped. “Poor darling!”

  His outraged response gratified her soul. “Someone just spilled wine on me. Deliberately. But I’m fine.”

  “I was talking about the dress!” He switched the light on to see her, or rather, the gown better. “Jesus! Look at the craftsmanship, the detailing. Whoever spilled the wine should be apprehended for crimes against fashion!”

  Sabrina wished they would. Lock Eleni up, that was. She shivered, yawned, and then laughed tiredly, if a bit hysterically. “We still haven’t exchanged numbers.”


  “Luca Argenti." She rubbed her eyes. “He was there with me in the hospital. Oh my God! He might think I’ve left him for you!”

  “So that was who that gorgeous man hovering behind you was. I thought he looked familiar. If he wants to be worthy of you, he shouldn’t let it stop him,” Chase said thoughtfully.

  “Stop him from what?” But Sabrina didn’t hear Chase’s answer.

  The next thing she knew, she was stretching on a king-sized bed, her body surfacing from a deep, heavy sleep. She felt like a sloth and wanted to go back to sleep again.

  “Rise and shine, Sabrina Connelly.”

  Chase was standing by the doorway looking disgustingly chipper. His hair was damp and he was wearing board shorts and a white wife beater that showed off his tan.

  Sabrina groaned and buried her head under the covers. The bright Mediterranean sun was streaming through the flimsy white curtains. She could hear the roar of the waves.

  “You’re not getting lunch in bed, so move your butt if you want to eat.”

  “Give me a few minutes.”

  The few minutes turned into fifteen. She stared at her appalling reflection. She looked drawn and wan. She had flashes of recollection of being half-dragged, half-carried by Chase and then stumbling into bed. She heard him admonishing her not to rip her dress and then Chase zipping her out of it. Sometime during the night, she had removed her bra.

  She touched the bump on her head gingerly. It did not hurt as much, but it was still tender. Strands of her hair were sticking out of her head like a kitten had a field day on it. She realized her chignon was still in place. Antonia did a good job of it.

  She tugged on it then paused when her hand encountered something cool and hard. The diamond and sapphire necklace. Thank God it hadn’t been lost during the skirmish.

  She donned a robe from the closet. She had no clothes with her and found her way, barefoot, to the kitchen where Chase was downing a glass of orange juice by a breakfast nook.

  The cook, a petite young woman with jet-black hair and heavily made-up eyes, flashed her a wicked smile. “Hello, Bree.”

  “LuLu!” Sabrina greeted in surprise, rushing over and enveloping the personal assistant in a bear hug.

  LuLu couldn’t reciprocate, she was wielding a knife and chopping some pungent garlic, but she did manage some reciprocal squeeing.

  Sabrina released her and stepped back. “I’m so happy to see you.”

  “You look like hell.”

  “I feel it.” Sabrina smoothed her hair self-consciously. “You’re looking good, though.”

  “Chase raised my salary. I threatened to leave him for Sam West.”

  Chase grunted in disgust at the mention of his rival actor. He couldn’t stand his contemporary, who had started out in action movies and was now an Oscar winner.

  “Good for you,” Sabrina said, sauntering back to the dining table. She sat across Chase and watched him attack his egg white omelet with gusto.

  “How did you find this place? It’s incredible.” Sabrina took a bite of the lettuce on her salad.

  She had passed by the living room on her way to the kitchen. Like her bedroom, it had floor-to-ceiling glass windows with an amazing view of the beach.

  “Connections,” Chase said mysteriously.

  LuLu snorted.

  “Like the one you hitched a jet ride with?”

  “He’s a duke. I didn’t pick up a new lover in Italy, Bree, so remove that frown of disapproval on your face,” he said.

  “A duke? Wait. The same one you had been crushing on in L.A.?” Sabrina had been alarmed at the time how obvious Chase was in his interest in the man. She swung her gaze to LuLu, who nodded imperceptibly.

  But apparently the man knew how to keep his mouth shut because no rumors surfaced about it.

  “Sadly, my charms are wasted on that one. He’s heterosexual,” he sighed mournfully. “He’s married now, and he’s disgustingly in love with his wife. They were on holiday in Italy. We bumped into each other. Their kid got sick and they were delayed. Last night they were hoping they could still make it to the royal reception.”

  And speaking of the royal reception…

  “Where are the papers?”

  “What papers?” Chase hedged.

  “The newspaper, the tabloids.”

  “You don’t really need to see them…”

  “Where are they?”

  “Oh, alright.” He stood up reluctantly, walked to the kitchen counter top, and plopped several papers on the table.

  Gold digger caught between two lovers.

  There was a grainy photo of her in the ballroom standing between Luca and Markos. Someone must have leaked it to the international press.

  Sabrina scanned the article feverishly. “I’m running after Luca and Markos?”

  She went through the other tabloids. It seemed like everyone had jumped on the bandwagon and assumed she had been after the two men. Incredibly, no one seemed to have heard her say she thought Markos was her brother.

  “It gets worse,” Chase said, “or better, depending on your perspective.”

  Spurned by European lovers, gold digger turns back to former Hollywood flame.

  This time a photo of her taken last night in the arms of Chase was splashed on the front page of another tabloid. She looked like a penguin with the tail of Luca’s coat.

  At the thought of Luca seeing those articles, she moaned. “How can this be better?”

  “At least you’re involved with three hot men, if I say so myself.”

  Not like last time, she knew Chase wanted to add, with a man old enough to be your father.

  “If Luca sees this, he’ll get the wrong idea about us.”

  “And you don’t want him to get the wrong idea?” Chase’s brow lifted.

  “Of course I don’t want him to get-” she was halfway through her answer when sh
e noticed Chase’s smug countenance. “What?” she snapped.

  “What what?”

  “Leave the girl be,” LuLu piped up, chopping some green herb.

  “I have to see Luca before we leave,” Sabrina blurted out before she could stop herself. She glared at Chase’s knowing expression. “I have to return something to him.” That was not the primary reason, but she hated letting know Chase was right. “For real.”

  “Bree, honey. We’re all friends here. It’s not a crime to go after the man you want. Isn’t that right, LuLu girl?”

  “Yes, Mr. Latimer,” LuLu said obediently, but she winked at Sabrina.

  “I really have to return something to him personally.”

  “Uh huh.” Chase didn’t look convinced. “I’m sure we can drop it off at the hotel where he’s staying,” he said breezily.

  “If it gets lost, Chase, you have to take responsibility for it.”


  “It’s on your head then. Rather on mine, actually. Give me your hand.”

  Chase complied, puzzled but humoring her.

  She reached for her nape, undid the clasp, and dropped several karats’ worth of diamonds on his palm.

  “Jesus!” Chase said in awe.

  LuLu dropped her knife with a clatter and scurried to her boss’ side. “Shit! Is that for real?”

  “Of course it’s real!” Chase seemed oddly offended by the comment. “You think an Argenti would dare to give fake stones to my girl here? Oh Bree! You’ve exceeded all their expectations,” he said like a proud dad.

  Sabrina frowned. “Whose expectations?”

  “All those people who called you a gold digger.”

  “She did?” LuLu couldn’t seem to stop staring at the necklace.

  “I did?” Sabrina said.

  “You’re not just a mere gold digger now,” Chase pronounced grandly. “You’re a diamond digger!”

  LuLu and Sabrina absorbed this pronouncement with much gravity. Then they all burst out laughing hysterically until tears leaked out of their eyes.

  It was good to be amongst friends.

  Chapter 22

  Sabrina’s mission had to be delayed for a few hours. She didn’t have any clothes with her.

  Her luggage was still in the villa. Even if she did manage to get a hold of her carryall left at the yacht, it contained only her shorts and tank top.

  LuLu lent her a dress that was too short for her. The villa was located at a high-end tourist destination, so they were able to scrounge up some outfits from the nearby small boutiques. By the time she had picked several dresses which were not going to put a massive dent on her pocket, it was already half past five in the afternoon.

  Chase and LuLu had insisted on accompanying her on her mission. It would also give them a chance to go around the principality. They insisted on having dinner at a quaint beachside restaurant, which took forever to serve their meals. Chase was wearing a cap and sunglasses. Hopefully no one recognized him.

  After finishing their seafood meal, which Sabrina couldn’t remember tasting, they all piled into the BMW rental. She directed them to the marina.

  The Argenti gleamed like polished silver in the setting sun.

  “You wait here,” she said to the other occupants of the car as she climbed out of the vehicle.

  “Just call for back up if you need reinforcements,” Chase called out as she slammed the door shut.

  The burly man who met her at the plank gazed at her impassively.

  “Buon giorno. I would like to see Signor Argenti.” Her voice had an assured ring she was far from feeling. “Luca Argenti,” she specified.

  “He’s not here, signorina,” the man said in perfect English.

  Of course there had been a big possibility that Luca was not at the yacht. The launch was tomorrow.

  “Signora Antonia?” She could leave the jewelry with her and get her carryall.

  The security man shook his head.

  Sabrina trudged back to the car. Damn it! Why hadn’t they exchanged numbers? Now she had to go to The Medeia where he’d most likely be.

  Or she could wait until tomorrow. But how could she be sure he would be at the yacht unless she crashed the fundraising party tomorrow evening? Better today at The Medeia where she could be lost in a crowd. In the yacht, there’d be nowhere to hide if she found out that they weren’t exactly on the same page.

  * * *

  The façade of the hotel was ablaze with lights. The papparrazi was camped out several meters away from the entrance where beautifully dressed men and women were being disgorged by luxury cars like an assembly line.

  The BMW took its place in the queue.

  Sabrina glanced down at her simple linen shift dress and sandals. “They’ll never let me in dressed like this.”

  ‘It’s now what you’re wearing, Bree,” Chase drawled confidently. “It’s who you’re with.”

  Sabrina eyed Chase’s frayed jeans and black shirt combo doubtfully. She inhaled a lungful of air. “Let’s hope so.”

  Chase got off first, sunglasses on, and waved to the paps, making sure he got recognized.

  Sabrina hissed, “Why do you have to go and do that?”

  He poked his head in the car. He extended his hand and helped her climb out. “Just making a grand entrance.”

  “Now everyone knows we’re here.”


  Sabrina clung to Chase’s arm while security at the lobby waved them inside.

  “See? We’re getting through by my star power alone,” Chase whispered into her ear. A camera caught his seemingly intimate action.

  Sabrina tilted her head up. “You can add gate-crashing to your resume.”

  “Remind me to tell LuLu later.”

  LuLu had been instructed to wait in the getaway car. Hopefully no one called them out and demanded to see an invitation.

  Arriving and getting inside the lobby was the easy part. Getting through registration was another ballgame.

  The ladies at the reception desk were perusing the invitations and cross-checking them on a list.

  Sabrina plastered a stiff smile on her face while women in designer gowns dripping with jewels gave her a surreptitious once over. When they saw who she was with, they blinked and pretended to be nonchalant at a Hollywood star’s presence.

  “Chase Latimer.” The woman at the registration desk’s mouth dropped open, starstruck. She recovered beautifully, flashing Chase a nonplussed smile, then bent her head to the list.

  Sabrina’s fingers dug into Chase’s arm deeper as the woman scrolled through the names, and scrolled…

  The woman’s brow was marred with a frown. “I’m sorry, Mr. Latimer, I can’t seem to find your name on the list.”

  “Are you sure? It must be a mix up. I called last minute to say I would be able to attend since filming for Fist of Blood 3 finished early.”

  Sabrina barely stopped herself from rolling her eyes at Chase’s blatant name dropping.

  “I’ll have to call the head coordinator to check, Mr. Latimer. I apologize, but it’s protocol.”

  “Oh, but that won’t be necessary,” Sabrina rushed in, getting rather embarrassed at the attention they were garnering. They were holding up the queue. “If you can just get Mr. Luca Argenti for me, I’m sure he’ll be able to clear the matter up.”

  “Miss Connelly can come with me,” a gruff, booming voice stated imperiously. Sabrina whirled around and saw a man in a wheelchair behind her.

  “Hector Theodorou,” the old tycoon told the reception lady. He cocked his head to Chase. “I’ll steal her away from you, young man, and keep her company,” he winked at Sabrina slyly, “until they can clear you through.”

  Chase leaned in. “You know this old fart?” At her nod, “I’m sure they’ll let me in eventually,” he said in a low voice. “It’s good publicity, but you can go on ahead. You can catch Argenti while the event hasn’t started yet.”

  “It’s so kind of you, Mr. T
heodorou. If you’re sure it’s alright-”

  The old tycoon cut her off. “Miss Connelly is with me,” he addressed the confused receptionist.

  “Of course, Mr. Theodorou,” the receptionist said politely, having immediately found the Greek’s name on the list. She eyed Sabrina suspiciously.

  With a brisk nod, Theodorou’s bodyguard started pushing his wheelchair inside the massive ballroom. She hoped the tycoon had a table at the back end of the ballroom so she could discreetly escape with an excuse to the ladies’ room and try to find Luca.

  No such luck.

  Hector Theodorou was seated dead center right in front of the stage. Eight pairs of eyes fixed on her as she sat beside him. She was the only occupant of the table below sixty.

  To Sabrina’s relief, there was no time for introductions. She had merely smiled politely at the balding man to her right when the lights in the ballroom dimmed. A disembodied voice welcomed everyone to the relaunch of The Medeia and introduced the hosts for the night, a man and woman who appeared to be in their thirties and were fluent in English and Greek.

  A video presentation of the history of the chain of hotels ensued, recounting its start as a small establishment in Athens. Then a world map, with progressive dots showing the location of each successive hotel around the world. A photo of Giorgios Konstantinos in his youth as the founder of the hotel was flashed then another when he was older, posing with his four sons, their distinctive mismatched eyes in full, high-resolution color.

  Hector Theodorou turned to her, his expression speculative. “The Konstantinos eyes. There were rumors Giorgios got one eye color from his Greek father and the other from his mother, who was supposedly a witch. I’m sure the wily devil spread the rumors himself to scare his superstitious rivals in Greece.” He chuckled appreciatively.

  Sabrina squirmed uncomfortably, feeling naked without her contact lenses. She was saved from replying when the host announced the welcome talk to be given by the Executive Vice President and President for Europe of Konstantinos Worldwide, Mikhalis Konstantinos.

  Sabrina stared at the only Konstantinos brother she hadn’t met up close. He was gorgeous, tall and dark-haired like the rest of them. She couldn’t concentrate on his speech though. She was busy surreptitiously scanning the crowd for Luca. Being at the front of the ballroom made it a little difficult though.


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