The Kingdom Chronicles Box Set 1

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The Kingdom Chronicles Box Set 1 Page 74

by Camille Peters

  Rheanna slumped in relief. “I’m glad. I know it’s strange for princesses to engage in such an unroyal activity, but we’ve always enjoyed it.” She cast Aveline—currently polishing her nails—a wary glance before she leaned close, expression anxious. “Are you really not involved with Archer?” she whispered.

  I wrinkled my nose at the thought she believed me involved with my brother. “I’m not, I promise.”

  “Because if you were, it’d break Liam’s heart. I know how painful rejection can be, and I wasn’t even in love with the one who denied me.” Sadness filled her eyes at the memory. “Liam hasn’t looked this happy in years. Please don’t do anything to hurt him.”

  I wanted to assure her I wouldn’t, but the knowledge that my deception would do just that if discovered made me realize this was a promise I couldn’t give. The thought twisted my heart.

  “Ooh, are we gossiping about our brother?” Elodie had returned with four baskets, which she handed each of us with giddy excitement.

  “We’re not gossiping about Liam,” Rheanna said.

  “But I heard his name. And even if we aren’t gossiping about him, we should; there are so many stories to share with his new wife.” Her grin became wicked.

  My curiosity was immediately piqued. “What sorts of stories?”

  Elodie settled on the lawn and began to pick strawberries. “All kinds.”

  She launched into her tales, mostly about Liam’s many escapades and mischief throughout the years, but also several about his kindness towards his sisters. I soaked them all up, loving each revealed piece of my Liam. It made for a cozy afternoon—stories of the man I loved while picking my favorite fruit, whose sweet scent enveloped me, tempting me to eat each one I picked.

  Elodie paused when she noticed Rheanna, picking her strawberries as if in a daze. “Are you alright, Rhea?”

  “What?” She blinked at her sister before giving a smile that was obviously forced. “It’s nothing. Just…thinking.”

  Elodie and Aveline exchanged looks. Aveline mouthed, broken engagement, and Elodie’s face twisted in sympathy. “Were you and Lavena discussing your broken engagement?”

  Rheanna stiffened, her answer. Elodie rubbed her sister’s back.

  “Poor dear. Are you really still so upset about it? It’s been over a year.”

  “I was just warning Lavena to be careful with our brother’s heart,” she said before she pursed her lips and became extra occupied with plucking strawberries from the bush in rapid, rigid movements, signaling the end to the conversation. Elodie glanced uncertainly towards me.

  “Rhea’s right, Lavena; should there be anything between you and Archer, Liam would be utterly distraught. He’s been floating ever since your honeymoon. He’s a happy person by nature, but I’ve never seen him so ecstatic about anything…or specifically anyone.”

  My heartbeat escalated. The thought I could make Liam as happy as he made me filled me with joy.

  I recalled her words over and over again as we picked strawberries, tuning out Elodie and Aveline’s chatter when it no longer revolved around dear Liam. Rheanna remained quiet. The afternoon passed at a leisurely pace, pleasant enough with the princesses’ enjoyable company, but it became even more so when my favorite voice drifted across the grounds.

  “Might I join you, ladies?”

  Liam. I started and then beamed to see him bounding over, eager for whatever adventure we promised him.

  “Won’t you?” I asked breathlessly, earning me a giggle from Elodie and a timid smile from Rheanna.

  He lit up, as if hoping I’d ask him. “Of course. After all, you’re the reason I’m here…although these strawberries are rather tempting.”

  He swept a kiss across my cheek before settling beside me, so close his cinnamon scent mingled with the fruity perfume of the strawberries. It was intoxicating and made me slightly dizzy.

  Liam rested his hand on top of mine before turning back to his sisters with eyes wide in mock horror. “Sitting on the grass in such an unladylike manner? Whatever will Mother say?”

  Elodie groaned. “You’re not going to tell her, are you?”

  “I might be persuaded to keep silent…for a price. Goodness, those strawberries look delicious.” His gaze lowered to our nearly full baskets.

  She rolled her eyes. “Blackmailing your sisters? That’s not a very kind big brother thing to do.”

  He looked affronted. “You misjudge me. I have only your best interests in mind; after all, grass is rather frightening.” He yanked out a handful and rained it over Elodie’s head. She shrieked and tried to crawl away.


  He laughed. “The way you’re shrieking, Elodie, you’d think it was poisonous.”

  “Or full of chiggers,” I offered before I could check my words.

  “Full of what?” All four of my companions gave me blank stares. Heat tickled my cheeks. Why couldn’t I keep my mouth shut when it came to useless insect facts?

  Aveline wrinkled her nose. “What’s a chigger?”

  “Oh, you know,” I said in an offhand tone as I fidgeted with my warm ring, fighting to squelch my panic at yet another slip-up. “They’re tiny red bugs that sometimes invade lawns and attach themselves to people in order to inject a liquid that dissolves the skin, which they then ingest.”

  The ring burned stronger in warning.

  “Ew!” Elodie and Rheanna immediately leapt to their feet and shook their skirts, while Aveline pushed her basket of strawberries away as if she’d lost her appetite.

  “No wonder Mother won’t let us on the lawn,” Elodie said with a disgusted moan. “Why are you still on the grass, Lavena? Get up before they get you.”

  “Don’t worry, they’re only found in grass near forests, orchards, berry bushes…”

  All three princesses jolted away from the strawberry patch as if they expected an invasion of the red insects to descend at any moment. Liam calmly used the opportunity to steal Rheanna’s abandoned basket and begin popping strawberries into his mouth.

  He met my gaze with a mischievous grin. “Aren’t you going to abandon your strawberries, too?”

  “I’m not frightened of chiggers,” I said. “I’d actually find it fascinating if they—”

  I swallowed my words. No, knowing about such an insect was one thing, gushing about how I wanted one to attach itself to me so that I could happily study it was a different matter entirely. At my comment Liam’s eyes lit up, as if he’d just realized something, whereas his sisters’ expressions twisted.

  “Fascinating? I think you mean revolting.” Elodie shuddered. “Oh dear, I feel all itchy; the creepy blood-sucking bugs are on me; I just know they are. Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew…”

  “They don’t suck blood,” I said, my need to correct her eclipsing my need to stop digging myself in deeper. “They inject a liquid into your skin in order to break it down and eat it. When they’re full, they drop off.” The ring seared stronger in protest. I needed to stop speaking; I was pushing too hard against my mask.

  Elodie and Rheanna continued shrieking. I peeked shyly over at Liam, nervous for his reaction. To my surprise, he threw his head back and laughed.

  “That’s awesome. Who knew such an insect existed, right beneath our noses.” He lowered himself eye level with the grass, as if intending to search them out. “Just think, an insect that starts digesting you as soon as it latches on. We should capture some and use them to refine the interrogation techniques of prisoners. Shall we consider it during our future reign, darling?”

  He winked at me, seeming nothing but charmed by my random spout of insect lore. The love filling my heart for this man felt fit to burst. He must have seen some of this affection in my eyes, for his expression softened. He straightened and scooted closer.

  “I’ve figured it out, you know,” he whispered brightly.

  “Figured out what?”

  “Your secret.” His warm breath caressed my ear. “You like insects.”

I felt my ever-present blush return to creep across my skin. I ached to deny it, but the fact that I’d fought too long to hide this part of me and Liam had discovered it anyway kept my ready lie from being spoken; in fact, I was secretly pleased he’d seen such a crucial part of Anwen.

  I lowered my eyes shyly. “Do you find that strange?”

  “Not at all, Lavena.”

  I peeked up at him in disbelief. His expression was incredibly tender. “You don’t?”

  “I find it delightful you’re interested in such a hobby, one I’d like to join you in pursuing.”

  I released a breath of relief, not realizing I’d been holding it as I’d awaited Liam’s assessment. Of course Liam wouldn’t care. It was so Liam, and I loved him all the more for it.

  “Oh, Liam.” I pounced on him, sending him toppling backwards into the lawn, squeezing him so tightly I was practically strangling him.

  “What is it, Lavena? What have I done to please you? Tell me immediately so that I might repeat it in the future. I definitely will, for such a reward as this.”

  “You’re just so wonderful. Oh, Liam.”

  I kissed him, right in front of his sisters. It was an incredibly sweet kiss, and upon further investigation I realized it was because he’d been eating strawberries. No wonder he tasted so good. My first strawberry since beginning this charade—and what a way to experience it.

  His fingers burrowed into my hair as he deepened the kiss…until quite suddenly he pushed me away with a gasp. “I’ve been eating strawberries. You’re not going to stop breathing, are you?”

  “If I stop breathing, it’s for a different reason entirely,” I panted. He chuckled as he ran his fingers through my hair as he stared up at me, eyes adoring.

  “Just in case, I’ll keep a close eye on you…at least more than usual.” He placed the gentlest kiss on my brow before sitting us back up, keeping us intertwined in a rather cozy way. I was moments away from melting into a puddle, and I was certain my entire face was crimson.

  “That was so adorable,” Elodie gushed, reminding me about the unwanted audience to our spontaneous passion.

  “Adorable is a good word, but not the one I’d use to describe that moment of heaven.” Liam reached out and curled a loose strand of my hair around his finger, his soft gaze not once leaving mine. “Is the strawberry-picking adventure over? Because if so, I have another one in mind with my charming wife.” His gaze lowered to linger on my lips.

  They seemed hesitant to return to their excursion now that I’d brought up the existence of chiggers, but after much teasing and cajoling from Liam, they returned to picking strawberries, with Liam fulfilling his proper older-brother role and frequently stealing from his sisters’ baskets with a wicked glint in his eyes.

  When the princesses had ventured a few paces away to a fuller bush, I used the opportunity to scoot to Liam’s side. He promptly kissed my temple. “Are you here for a visit, darling?”

  “I wanted to ask how your meeting went.”

  “It was dull, of course,” he said.

  “But are you alright? I know you worry about your role as the crown prince.”

  His expression softened and he rested his hands over mine. “You were worried for me?”

  “I don’t want you to feel inadequate.”

  “Then let me ease your heart: I fared quite well today, although I missed you like mad.” He smiled. “My role is actually getting easier knowing you believe in me.”

  He looked like he wanted to say more, but his chattering sisters returned, pulling him into their conversation. An ache filled my chest and I felt a strange sense of loss at having to share him with others. I longed for the intimacy we’d shared on our honeymoon, when nothing had existed except for us.

  As if sensing this, although his polite attention didn’t divert from his sisters, Liam took my hand and rested it on his knee, palm up, where he proceeded to trace pictures. My breath hitched. He grinned mischievously and leaned in close.

  “Shall we play a game of ‘guess that picture?’”

  I nodded, breathless from each stroke of his finger as he traced something on my hand.

  “What did I draw?” he whispered.

  I hadn’t even noticed he’d stopped. “No idea.”

  He chuckled quietly. “Are you enjoying my touch, Lavena dear?”

  “I can scarcely breath, actually.”

  “Excellent.” His eyes danced merrily. “I’ll draw it one more time so you can redeem yourself.” He traced out the picture again.

  “A heart?”

  “Not just any heart, but my heart. Do you want it, Lavena?”

  My own skipped a few beats at the beautiful intensity filling his eyes…and that’s when I realized the truth: Liam had given me his heart; he loved me. It was a realization that was both beautiful and painful, for I knew I couldn’t claim Liam’s heart as my own. But oh how I wanted it, more than I’d ever wanted anything.

  Liam’s smoldering gaze searched mine as he awaited my answer. I opened my mouth to tell him yes.

  “Liam? Liam?”

  Wide grin not faltering, Liam turned towards his impatient sister. “Yes, Elodie?”

  She gave him a look that was both amused and exasperated. “Have you been paying attention to anything I’ve been saying?”

  Liam’s smile became guilty. “Honestly? Not really.”

  Elodie glared for a moment before brightening. “I see you’re going to be inattentive whenever Lavena is around. I suppose that’s to be expected from newlyweds.”

  “And even when she isn’t around, I can only go so long without thinking of her. Indeed, I’ll likely only be paying half attention to everyone from now on.”

  My heart fluttered at how open he was being with his feelings. I smiled shyly, which he returned with an enthusiastic kiss on my cheek.

  I sighed happily as I tucked my head against his shoulder. Princess Lavena hadn’t yet returned to claim Liam. Hope stirred within me that perhaps she never would. I’d happily continue to pretend as an imposter if I could only remain with my Liam forever.

  Chapter 17

  Once again I found myself at my desk, tapping my quill as I stared at the blank piece of parchment. We’d returned from our honeymoon a week ago, meaning it had been over five weeks since Archer had heard from me—five weeks of his fierce worry that I needed to ease as soon as possible—but as usual when it came to trying to write my brother, words weren’t forthcoming, at least words the ring would allow me to use.

  I sighed, dipped my quill into the inkwell as if the act could somehow summon inspiration, and posed with my quill hovering over the page as I waited for the words.


  My grip tightened around the quill. I wouldn’t budge from this desk until I’d composed a letter that, while undoubtedly vague thanks to the sadistic enchantment of the contract ring, would at least assure him I was safe.

  Determined, I re-dipped my quill into my inkwell and began:

  My Dearest Archer,

  I’m so sorry for my neglectful correspondence. I know it’s been five weeks since you’ve heard from me, and as such you must be worried sick. I regret I can’t ease your heart completely and tell you where I am or what’s become of me (for I find myself in quite the situation), but please be assured that I’m well.

  I’m not sure when we’ll see one another again—or whether or not we even will—which makes my heart ache. I miss you fiercely, and the thought I won’t be able to see one so dear to me is unbearable. Please forgive me, dear Archer. If this is the last opportunity I have to write, please know how much I love you. I think of you and miss you every single day, and I pray that one day I can explain everything that has—

  Someone gasped sharply behind me. I startled and swiveled around, nearly whacking into Liam, who hovered over my shoulder reading the letter. I’d been so engrossed in my writing I hadn’t heard him knock or approach.

  My stomach plummeted. I hastily flipped over the parch
ment even before my recent sentences had dried. But by the wounded look filling Liam’s eyes I knew it was too late; he’d seen the letter.

  “I thought you had a meeting?” I squeaked.

  Liam stared at me, his eyes glassy, looking as if something precious had just been ripped away from him. He swallowed and opened his mouth but no words came out, while my own explanation, forbidden by the ring to be uttered, remained lodged in my throat.

  Liam eventually found his voice and spoke in a devastated whisper that wrenched my heart. “My meeting got out early. I came looking for you, hoping we could spend some time together, only to find…” Pain twisted his expression and he glared accusingly at the turned-over letter. “Aveline told me she and my sisters caught you writing another man, but I didn’t believe her; I knew you were too sweet to ever betray me like that. But now, after seeing this letter…” He took a shaky breath. “Is this man your…lover?” He seemed to choke on the word and my face enflamed at his implication.

  I frantically shook my head, desperate for him to understand. “No, Liam, of course not.”

  “How can you deny it? I read your letter. You told this Archer that you’re in love with him.”

  “I’m not in love with him.” If only Liam knew he was my twin brother. It would easily explain away what was quickly becoming an awkward and escalating situation. The ring burned in warning, once again forcing my silence.

  His expression hardened. “You told him you love him.” He jabbed his finger on the letter as if he meant to skewer it. “You wrote ‘please know how much I love you.’” He gave me a look that was both a challenge and a plea to deny it.

  I silently cursed. Why had he seen those particular words of this incriminating letter? “I can love someone without being in love with them. You love your sisters, your parents—”

  He raised a mocking brow. “Are you really comparing the relationship you have with this Archer with the one I have with my sisters?”

  I clenched my fists in frustration. “Yes, I am.” Because Archer is my brother. How frustrating I couldn’t just tell him that, but the mere temptation caused the ring to burn more threateningly, keeping me from clearing up this misunderstanding with just a few spoken words. “You can’t understand my relationship with Archer merely from snooping.”


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