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Watching My Gay Husband Cheat

Page 2

by Hank Wilder

  Immediately, my husband’s expression changes. he freezes up as I take a step back, hiding deeper within the bushes, but it’s too late now. Our eyes are locked, a whole myriad of emotions and questions flowing back and forth between us silently. It’s as though that powerful sense I described earlier has taken over completely, allowing us to communicate in a way that only married couples can.

  “Is everything alright?” the man hammering into my husband from behind asks.

  A smile slowly begins to make its way across his face. “Yeah,” he coos seductively. “Keep fucking me.”

  Kurt’s muscular lover picks up right where he left off, hammering away at his pussy with brutal enthusiasm.

  Meanwhile, my husband and I remain completely locked in with one another, so thankful to have found ourselves in this bizarre but overwhelmingly erotic situation. While I beat my cock, Kurt reaches back between his legs, beating his cock in a perfect counter rhythm to the dick that slams deep inside his ass.

  Kurt is absolutely loving it, giving himself over completely to this handsome new lover.

  It’s not long before my husband begins to tremble and quake, the first simmers of prostate orgasm spilling out across his body and growing more and more powerful with every thrust. I’ve seen those tiny spasms many times before, and I know exactly what they mean.

  “Just like that!” handsome husband groans. “I’m so fucking close!”

  Suddenly, Kurt throws his head back and lets out a frantic scream, not a care in the world about who might be taking a stroll on the beach nearby. He is completely lost in the moment, his senses overwhelmed as the potent sensation of orgasm floods through him. How white cum erupts from the head of my husband’s cock, blasting out in rope after rope of pearly spunk. Every muscle in Kurt’s body tenses and releases spastically, his fingers gripping deep into the sand below until finally, the sensation passes.

  It looks like my husband’s lover is on a similar page, because the second Kurt finishes the mysterious man pulls out and stands above my husband, frantically beating himself off.

  “Do it!” Kurt commands. “Blow that hot load all over my fucking face!”

  The muscular man doesn’t need to be told twice, clenching his teeth tight and hissing through them as he furiously stokes himself over the edge of a mighty orgasm. Suddenly, the man is throwing his head back and howling at the moon above, glorious white ropes of jizz ejecting hard for the head of his shaft. The milky seed spills out onto my husband, plastering his smiling face with his spunk. Kurt opens wide and catches the rest of his cum between his lips, swallowing hungrily before giving the man’s shaft a quick suck to finish him off.

  This is my cue to blow as well, and the next thing I know I’m erupting with an orgasm of my own. My eyes stay locked on my husband as he cleans the cum off another man’s cock, this taboo vision sending me hurtling into an orgasm unlike anything I’ve experienced. Saying this was the best climax of my life would be an understatement, every nerve within my body humming with blissed out electricity. I feel as though I’ve elevated out of my physical form, floating above this powerful erotic scene like it is some kind of carnal diorama.

  When I finally finish I stumble back a bit, coming to rest against a nearby tree as I struggle to catch my breath. After a day this physically and emotionally draining, I’m utterly spent.

  From here I watch as my husband and his lover pull back on their clothes, Kurt using his shirt as a towel to wipe away the cum from his face, and opting to wear his bikini top instead.

  Seconds later, the two of them begin to make their way back towards the hotel room, strolling by in dangerously close proximity while I duck away into the bushes.

  Kurt is lagging behind, and he takes a moment to lean over towards me as he passes. he smiles wide and we kiss gently. “I’ll see you when I get back,” he whispers. “Love you.”

  “I love you, too,” I reply, then watch as he continues on his way, swaying those incredible hips from side to side.

  The next thing I know, the world around me is plunged into the soothing silence of a night beach, nothing but the sound of softly pulsing waves making their way across my ears. My heart is still slamming hard within my chest, but I’m strangely at peace. I feel as though I’ve stood toe to toe with a powerful emotional tidal wave and lived to fight another day. Not only that, but somehow the energy from this incredible encounter has transferred over to me, bringing with it a potent dose of sexual confidence and power.

  Before I head back to my room I call the airport and book a flight home for the next day. I need to get back and finish that project before the weekend is over, and while I might’ve had a hard time with it before, I suddenly feel more inspired than I’ve ever been.



  I knew that moving from the big city to this small town in the middle of nowhere was going to be hard, but what I didn’t count on was just how much I was going to like the laid back lifestyle that comes along with it. Initially, I was dreading the quiet evening air and the long nights with nothing to do, but we’ve only been out here three days and I’m already starting to look forward too it. Unlike New York City, where every moment is punctuated by horns honking and people screaming at one another just a few yards away, our little slice of Texas brings us nothing but crickets chirping in the distance as we sit out here on the porch, sipping from tall glasses of spiked ice tea while the sun disappears behind the horizon line in one final flash.

  I take a deep breath and then let it out, gazing over at my husband who sits in the rocking chair next to me. The longer I stare at him, the wider the smile on my face becomes until finally I just can’t help it anymore, breaking out in a fit of laughter.

  “What?” my husband, Rodney, questions.

  “I just can’t believe this is where we ended up,” I confess. “Can you? In a million years, I never would’ve guessed we’d be drinking ice tea on the porch in Texas.”

  Now Rodney is laughing, too.

  It is pretty strange after all, but I suppose that’s the way it goes these days when work is hard to come by, and small towns are offering big bucks for those of us who know our way around a computer. When I got my degree in programming I always assumed I’d stay in the big city, or at least head to the west coast where most of the big software companies call home.

  Instead, I became a part of an elite pool that everyone wanted a piece of from all around the country. I started getting job offers in small towns across the nation, places that never would’ve needed a software developer until now; car manufacturing plants, slaughterhouses, coal mines, and of course, oil wells, the latter of which has lead me to Texas. Now, instead of just another guy with a programming degree on a large technical team, I’m the guy with a programming degree in a tiny hamlet of several hundred.

  Several hundred. I repeat the words in my heard again as a shiver runs down my spine. I’m happy to be here, but I’m still not entirely used to this desolate lifestyle.

  “Think we’re ever gonna make friends?” I question. “I mean… we’re good people, but there’s just not that many folks to meet out here.”

  “What about the guys at work?” Rodney counters.

  I shrug. “They’re okay. I mean, we don’t seem to have much in common. They’re all straight and they only talk about hunting.”

  “So go hunting with them,” Rodney continues.

  I stare at him blankly. “We’re vegetarians. I’m not going hunting.”

  Rodney starts to laugh again. “Okay, maybe not.”

  Gazing over at my beautiful husband in the dying light of the evening immediately puts me at ease, reminding me that no matter what happens, everything will be okay. We started this journey together, and even if we never make another friend or acquaintance it doesn’t really matter. Rodney is all that I need.

  Honestly, I have no idea how I got this lucky. I’m a handsome enough guy, and I’ve never had any problem with the ladies, but Rodney is on another
level entirely. He’s drop-dead gorgeous in an easy, boyish way that doesn’t require the help of big city styling. He’s natural and sweet, the kind of man who will immediately take you in with just how handsome he is, but not intimidate you in this slightest.

  Despite all this, he could easily pass for a model, even in the big city. Out here, he’ll draw even more attention.

  Suddenly, I notice my husband’s attention begin draw to something across the long empty field before him, squinting into the fading light.

  I turn and follow his gaze, noticing a silhouetted figure walking confidently towards us across our new, seemingly endless front yard.

  I stand up and wave, watching as the figure waves back and then finally comes into view.

  “Howdy neighbors!” offers the man, strolling up and shaking my hand, then shaking Rodney’s hand in turn.

  “So you’re the one who lives down the road there,” I offer, pointing off into the distance.

  “Yep,” he replies with a nod. “The name’s Drew. Nice to meet, y’all.”

  “I’m Nate,” I tell him.

  “And I’m Rodney,” my husband chimes in.

  There’s something strange about the way he says this, something that immediately catches my attention. I glance over at my husband and notice that his gaze is firmly affixed on our new friend, completely enraptured by his rugged good looks and charming, southern hospitality demeanor.

  This interaction causes my heart to immediately skip a beat, but if I’m gonna be honest, I can’t blame him.

  Drew is incredibly handsome, large and muscular in his frame but playful in the face. He smiles a lot, and his jawline is perfectly sculpted, covered in what appears to be a permanent five o’ clock shadow. If we were back in New York City, his ripped jeans and flannel button up shirt would seem hopelessly out of style, but out here they fit the scene quite nicely.

  “Where y’all from? New York?” Drew questions. “Sounds like New York.”

  “Very good! You’re right,” Rodney tells him, still drunk on his lustful attraction.

  “How ya’ll liking Texas so far?” he continues.

  Rodney doesn’t say a word, now completely lost in Drew’s eyes. He’s gazing at him slack jawed and silly, his mind roaming elsewhere while our neighbor and me wait for his to return to Earth.

  Honestly, I’d find this moment incredibly embarrassing if it wasn’t for yet another, completely unexpected emotion that’s now bubbling up inside of me. As crazy as it sounds, my husband’s infatuation with this other man actually kind of turns me on. I don’t have much time to investigate this feeling right now, to understand what it means, but I know for a fact that it’s there.

  “Oh, sorry,” Rodney suddenly stammers, remembering where he is.

  Drew chuckles. “How y’all liking Texas,” he repeats.

  “It’s nice,” my husband offers. “A little quiet, though. We’re not really used to all this wide open space.”

  “I hear that,” Drew replies, looking around at the big wide world that seems to stretch on forever in every direction. “Don’t worry. Y’all get used to it and then you won’t want it any other way.”

  “You’re probably right,” I tell him. “Making a new friend makes it a lot easier, though. Thanks for coming over here and saying hello.”

  “That’s what we do here in Texas,” Drew informs me.

  The man glances back over my shoulders at the enormous farmhouse behind me. “It’s a beautiful home. Been here forever,” he says.

  “Yeah, we really like it,” I reply with a nod. “There’s a lot of work to take care of, though. Needs a fresh coat of paint and the deck should to be completely redone. Don’t even get me started on the barn.”

  “Hey, if y’all need help just let me know,” Drew continues.

  “Oh no, we couldn’t impose,” I counter, waving his suggestion away.

  My husband suddenly interjects. “I think that would be really nice. Nate is at work all the time, so I think he’s gonna need all the help he can get around here.”

  “Well, you know where to find me,” Drew continues.

  The man straightens up a bit and then raps his knuckles on the nearby railing. “Alright then. Y’all have a good night. Welcome to the neighborhood.”

  Drew turns and waves as he begins the long trek back across our field, disappearing in unison with the light that fades from the sky above.

  “He seems nice,” my husband says once he’s finally gone.

  I glance at his with a powerful side eye.

  “What?” he blurts, flustered.

  “You know what,” I counter.

  Rodney’s expression cycles through a series of emotions, desperately struggling to hide the fact that he does, in fact, know exactly what I’m talking about. When he realizes that I’m not buying any of it his eyes go wide. “What? You think I’m attracted to him?”

  “I think it would be hard not to,” I inform him. “I’m not mad about it.”

  Rodney holds his false expression of disgust and surprise, not giving in to the truth so easily.

  “Baby, come on,” I continue. “We promised we’d always be honest with each other.”

  Finally, my husband’s expression cracks. “Okay, you got me. He’s super hot.”

  This is the answer that I knew was coming, but for some reason it hits me much harder than I expected. At first I’m not sure why, but as we sit here together it slowly begins to dawn on me that the consequences are real because I’m willing to let them be, and that scares me. That same sensation of simmering arousal is still bubbling up from someone deep inside, and I do nothing to stop it.

  Instead, I lean into the feeling, let it overwhelm me. Sure, the jealousy is uncomfortable, but the longer I wallow in it, the more I start to enjoy it.

  “Are you okay?” Rodney questions.

  I nod, swallowing hard.

  “What’s wrong?” my husband continues.

  “Nothing,” I assure him, shaking my head. “It’s just…”

  I trail off, not exactly sure how to express the strange thoughts that are swimming around in my head. Rodney and me are at a great place in our relationship, and perhaps that comfort is what allows me to let my fantasies run wild like this. Regardless of the reason, I simply cannot get the thought of my husband and Drew fucking each other senseless out of my head. The longer this imagery lingers, the harder that my cock gets, swelling up within my pants and aching for release.

  “You don’t have to be jealous,” Rodney offers.

  “I know,” I tell him, “but what if I want to be?”

  My husband looks utterly confused by this. “What do you mean?” he questions.

  “It kinda feels nice to be jealous,” I continue, trying to express my understanding of these potent emotions in real time. “The move here has been so much work and yet, here we are, together. I know there’s nothing that could tear us apart, and we’re so solid that it makes walking that line kind of… exciting.”

  “What line?” Rodney asks, his voice concerned but also filled with a slight hint of excitement.

  “I don’t know,” I admit. “The line of something happening.”

  “Something happening?” Rodney continues, not letting me get out of it this easily.

  I take a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I’m gonna be honest, the thought of you and Drew fucking really turns me on. I’ve been so in control lately, that the thought of losing it sounds really nice.”

  Rodney’s eyes are locked with mine now, a deep and powerful intensity passing back and forth between us. We’re no longer speaking outright, now communicating in a way that only the closest married couples can do. We know each other so well that it’s like we’re part of the same person, willing to trust even the most absurd comments from each other.

  Finally, Rodney breaks into a smile. “That sounds… interesting,” he says.

  “All I’m saying is this,” I continue, my heart slamming hard in my chest. “If I was
to come home from work and find the two of you fucking, I wouldn’t be upset about it. I think I’d actually be pretty turned on.”

  My husband laughs. “You know I couldn’t do that.”

  “I know,” I confirm.

  I can see Rodney glance over at me from my peripheral, checking to see how serious I really am. A grin slowly creeps its way across his face, which he promptly covers up.

  I’m more aroused than I’ve ever been.

  By the time I’m pulling down our long driveway after work the next day, I’ve completely forgotten about that erotic conversation out on the porch.

  In fact, right now all I can think about is kicking back and relaxing with a cold beer in my hand. People think there’s no physical strain in a job line mine, but climbing around in the back of patch bays all day is fucking exhausting.

  I arrive at the house and pull up front, throwing the car into park and climbing out under the late afternoon sun. The shadows are getting long now, stretching out across the land and making it appear even more endless than it already is.

  I walk up the front porch and throw open the door.

  “Baby, I’m home!” I call out.

  Already, I can tell that something strange is going on. We haven’t been here in Texas long, but already our routine had grown fairly consistent. Previously, I’d arrived home to find my husband in the kitchen, the scent of some exciting new meal wafting out through the evening air as he greets me with a hug and a passionate kiss.

  Tonight, there’s absolutely nothing.

  I walk back out onto the porch to make sure Rodney’s car is still here, quickly discovering that it’s exactly where it should be.

  “Rodney?” I call out, receiving nothing but silence in response from the vast country landscape around me.

  I’m listening carefully now, trying to discover any little clue about the mystery unfolding around me. My heart is slamming hard within my chest as my concern grows.

  I pull out my phone and call my husband, immediately hanging up when I hear a buzzing against the arm of the wooden rocking chair next to me. His phone lights up, revealing itself to me as I step forward to take a look.


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