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Watching My Gay Husband Cheat

Page 20

by Hank Wilder

  “I need you inside me,” my husband demands. “I need you to fuck me right now.”

  The man of my dreams strips off what’s left of his clothing and tosses it to the side, then turns around, crawling across the floor as he sways his hips from side to side. He reaches back with one hand and gives his rump a playful slap, then holds himself open so Mac can get a good look at what he’s working with.

  “You like what you see?” my handsome hubby questions.

  Nick nods.

  “Then don’t make me ask twice,” he continues.

  Nick immediately springs into action, climbing down into position behind my husband and placing his enormous rod at the entrance of his tight asshole. The second he’s aligned the man pushes forward, impaling my husband’s body across his length.

  My husband lets out a startled gasp as this new cock enters him, his hands gripping tight against the green room floor as he braces himself against Nick’s weight. Nick begins to steadily pump away, trusting his hips against my handsome hubby as the two of them fall into a steady groove together.

  “Oh fuck, oh fuck,” my husband begins to stammer, the words falling out of his mouth in a steady repetition. With every passing round he grows louder and louder, his eyes rolling back into his head as he screams out enthusiastically. “Oh fuck! Oh fuck!”

  I’m beating myself off in time with the movements of Gabe and his new lover, my eyes locked on their beautiful forms as they heave and move together. I feel incredible, as though I could cum at any second, but I hold myself back.

  I can only imagine what it feels like for them.

  It’s not long before Gabe and his new lover fall into a confident rhythm together, completely in sync with one another as though they’ve been fucking for years. With every pulse I can see my handsome hubby start to tremble just a little bit harder, his body preparing for the inevitable prostate cliNick that lurks just around the corner.

  “You’re fucking me so good,” my husband suddenly blurts, throwing his head back. “You’re gonna make me cum!”

  Now Nick breaks out into a full on slam, jackhammering his dick deep into my husband’s ass with glorious enthusiasm. It only takes a few seconds before Gabe is erupting with a powerful orgasm, completely lost in the moment as his eyes roll back into his head and he screams like a wild animal. How white cum erupts from the head of my husbands cock in a series of powerful blasts.

  Meanwhile, Nick doesn’t let up in the slightest, pushing closer and closer to an eruption of his own.

  “Cum with me,” my husband screams, his voice strangled by the powerful emotions that surge through him. “Cum with me right fucking now!”

  Suddenly, Nick pushes deep and lets loose with a howl of his own, his stomach muscles clenching tight as his body is overwhelmed with sensation. An enormous payload of jizz spills forth into my beautiful husband’s butt.

  Now it’s my turn. Without a moment’s hesitation, I finally push myself over the edge, allowing these potent feelings that have been building inside me to finally have their release. The orgasm hits me hard, nearly knocking me over backwards as every nerve ending within my body comes to life. I grab onto the nearby wall, struggling to stay upright until the sensation passes. The floor below me is splattered with jizz.

  When I look up again my husband and Nick are hugging tightly.

  “That was amazing,” my husband tells him. “You rock.”

  Nick smiles. “You’re not so bad yourself. Wanna get back out there before the Green Ghost comes on?”

  My husband nods. “Yeah, I’ll be out in a second.”

  Gabe’s new lover smiles and they kiss again, then he turns and takes off.

  I barely make it out of the way as Nick comes barreling through the door, but I somehow manage to hide in the shadows to avoid him completely. Once enough time has passed, I creep out and slink into the green room where my husband is waiting for me.

  “Was it everything you hoped for?” he questions.

  “I was about to ask you the same thing,” I reply with a laugh.

  My husband nods, then throws his arms around me, kissing me deeply on the mouth. “Tonight has been really amazing,” Gabe offers. “I’m so glad you wanted to take this trip with me, not just to Seattle, but…” he trails off, not sure how to say it.

  “I know,” I finally tell his with a nod.

  “It just felt so exciting to be with another guy,” Gabe explains. “It’s just… different.”

  I can tell by the twinkle in his eye that he’s very excited by the events that just unfolded, an entirely new perspective on life.

  “Of course, we don’t have to do that again,” Gabe finally informs me, straightening up. “Once is enough.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want an encore?” I question.

  My husband’s expression remains steadfast for a few seconds, then suddenly breaks. “Of course I do!” he finally offers with a laugh, kissing me deeply as we pull each other close.

  Bonus Story


  Male Model

  I don’t know what it is that makes shopping so exhausting, but after only a few hours at the mall I’m already ready to pass out and collapse onto the hard, tiled floor right then and there. Buying things is an activity that shouldn’t be this taxing, but for some strange reason I always end up feeling like I could drift off into dreamland while standing straight up, bags full of clothes still dangling from either hand.

  My husband is the exact opposite, just as perky and excited as ever, like some kind of machine sent from the future on a mission to shop. He absolutely refuses to quit, and the only thing that eventually slows him down is my escalating lack of enthusiasm.

  “Are you okay?” Cooper questions, breaking me from my trance as I stare at a nearby mannequin.

  “Yes… I mean… no,” I stammer. “I mean… can we sit down for a second?”

  Cooper smiles. “Tuckered out, Kirk?”

  I nod. “Maybe I’ll get my second wind after this,” I offer, then stagger over and collapse onto a nearby bench. My legs are killing me, aching from all this walking from store to store.

  Strangely enough, I have no problem with recovery after my daily workouts, but for some bizarre reason this consumerist meandering around really gets deep into my muscles.

  “Aren’t you tired?” I question as my husband strolls over and sits down next to me. “We’ve been here for two hours!”

  “I’m just getting warmed up,” he replies with a grin.

  Of course, as hard as this is to understand, it’s exactly what I love so much about my husband. No matter what the circumstances, he always seems to be overflowing with love, excitement and appreciation for the moment. He’s magnetic to be around, giving off a feeling of warmth that people just can’t help getting drawn to.

  “Excuse me,” someone interrupts, a man in a suit who smiles from behind a pair of thick-rimmed glasses.

  My husband and I turn our attention to this stranger, waiting for him to continue.

  “This is going to sound strange, and I promise I’m not some kind of creep,” the man begins, which is never a good sign. “Have you ever considered being a model?”

  He’s speaking to my husband, and I try not to be offended by the fact that I’m apparently not attractive enough for this kind of approach. Of course, I can’t be all that mad because my husband is as gorgeous as they come, and inquiring weather or not he’s found a way to be this beautiful professionally is not the strangest thing I’ve ever heard.

  Cooper blushes, unable to keep himself from laughing nervously at the idea he could be as gorgeous as a male model. This modesty, in turn, makes his appear even more attractive and aloof.

  “No, I hadn’t really thought about it,” my husband replies.

  The man pulls out two business cards, handing one to me and one to my husband. “My name is Lance Porter,” he offers. “You’ve definitely got something. There’s no pressure, but if you want to give
me a call I could help you break into the industry. I’m an agent, but I also run my own photo studio. We’ve got a lot of big clients.”

  “What’s the catch?” I suddenly blurt, not wanting to be rude but immediately thinking this is too good to be true.

  “No catch,” Lance replies with a chuckle. “If you want to come in and do a shoot, just to see how it turns out, there’s no charge. If you book a gig with the photos then we’ll obviously take our cut, but there’s nothing to worry about up front.”

  My husband and I exchange glances, saying nothing.

  “Of course, he’s welcome to come with you,” Lance continues, nodding in my direction. “It’s important to have someone you trust right there with you on your first shoot.”

  “Thank you,” is all I can think to say, a response that makes perfect sense in the context but still manages to come off just the slightest bit awkward.

  “My number’s on the back,” Lance reminds us as he turns to leave. “I think you could make a lot of money.”

  The next thing we now, Lance has disappeared back into the milling crowd of shoppers.

  “That was… unexpected,” is all I can think to say.

  Cooper has no reply, causing me to turn and look at him. Of course, the expression on my husband says everything that I need to know, and it causes my heart to skip a beat. Cooper is clearly lost in thought, his mind taking these ideas of stardom as a professional model and running with them, playing out a variety of potential futures within his mind.

  I don’t blame him, but I also don’t want his to get caught up in some kind of scam. While we’ve all heard stories about agents making their approach at a local mall and then launching a young man or woman into superstardom, those cases are exceptionally rare.

  “You want to call him, huh?” I ask.

  Cooper laughs, shaking his head. “It’s stupid, I know. I’m not handsome enough to be a male model.”

  “Oh, baby,” I blurt. “Of course you are.”

  My husband raises his eyebrows a bit.

  “You just need to be careful going to the studio of some strange guy who approaches you at the mall,” I continue.

  “Well, you can come with me, right?” Cooper questions.

  I nod.

  Hoping to get a little more information, I turn over Lance’s business card in my hand, searching for a website and quickly finding what I’m looking for. I pull out my phone and punch in the address, scooting even closer to my husband so he can see what I’m looking at.

  A website slowly loads across the screen of my phone, eventually revealing a series of absolutely breathtaking photos for a variety of different clients. The people Lance works with are titans of entertainment and commerce, huge exciting brands that have been around for decades.

  He’s definitely the real deal, which makes a wave of relief immediately wash over me. It’s not that I didn’t trust my husband and his instincts, but the last thing I’d want is for his to be disappointed.

  “You should definitely call him,” I finally say to Cooper.

  Immediately, my husband pulls out his phone and begins to dial, but I suddenly stop him.

  “Wait,” I blurt, continuing to scroll down the page as the photos get progressively racier and racier.

  While the pictures up top had been clean cut and professional, the deeper I dive into Lance’s catalog, the more concerned I grow. The men and men in this section are barely wearing anything at all, and although the pictures aren’t technically explicit, the poses are suggestive enough that they might as well be.

  When I finally reach the bottom of the website, I gasp aloud. There are no more photos to be found, but instead is a single button with the words Not Safe For Work Shoots emblazoned across it.

  “Huh,” is all that I can manage to say.

  “What is it?” my husband questions.

  “I don’t know,” I offer in return. “It looks like this guy has all kinds of clients.”

  Eventually, curiosity gets the best of me and I press the button, my phone screen immediately flooding with a myriad of different explicit photographs. I see every combination of genders locked together in the troughs of passion; not simply nudity, but full on penetration.

  Realizing that the shoppers walking by can probably see what I’m looking at, I close the window and put my phone back into my pocket.

  “Well, that was unexpected,” my husband laughs. “I guess no modeling for me.”

  At first I’m relieved to hear him say this, avoiding a potentially awkward confrontation on my end, but as my gaze returns to my handsome husband I find myself struck by his disappointed expression. Cooper is truly heartbroken in a way that I didn’t quite expect, wearing a visage of deep sadness across his face that is shockingly rare.

  After all, Cooper is known for his chipper demeanor, and if this is something that pulls his out of that mindset, it must be very, very important.

  I take a deep breath and let it out, weighing my options. If there’s one thing I never want to be, it’s a jealous boyfriend, and in this moment I find myself with two very distinct paths laid out in front of me.

  “You know, his catalog really does have a lot of variety,” I finally offer. “If you’re firm about the kind of shoot you’re looking for, I don’t think there’s going to be any problems.”

  A faint glimmer of excitement twinkles through my husband’s eyes, but he manages to hold himself back, not yet committing to the emotion fully.

  “Besides, I’ll be right there by your side the whole time,” I remind him.

  Finally, my husband breaks into a full on grin, returning to his sunny self once more. “You really think I should call him?” Cooper questions.

  I take a moment to consider this question, then finally make my choice. “Of course,” I confirm. “What’s the worst that could happen?”

  My husband calls Lance and quickly sets up a shoot, and over the following few days I find my anxiety about this exchange growing and changing in a multitude of bizarre ways.

  Of course, my initial reaction to the idea of my husband starring in some erotic photo spread was fear and anger, but the longer I allow these thoughts to linger and marinate, the more at ease I become with them. Soon enough, the initial surges of jealousy have disappeared completely, leaving something completely unexpected in their place: arousal.

  As crazy as it sounds, the thought of my husband being taken by myself and another man, or more, actually kind of turns me on. It’s not a fantasy that I’ve ever had before, but now that it’s started working its way into my brain, it’s all I can think about.

  I’d never tell Cooper this, and if I’m being perfectly honest I don’t think I could ever really stand the sight of these carnal fantasies in the realm of reality, but the thoughts are there.

  “How are you feeling?” I ask my husband, who’s sitting quietly in the passenger seat next to me.

  The two of us are parked out in front of Lance’s studio, taking our time before heading in so that we’re both on the same page. We’ve talked a lot about what my husband is willing to do and what would make his uncomfortable, focusing on a series of photos where he’s almost entirely covered up.

  “I’m good,” is all that my husband says in response, immediately telling me that something’s up.

  “What is it?” I continue, reaching out and taking his hand in mine.

  My husband smiles as our skin touches, feeling safe. “I’m just not sure if I want to be that… stifled in there.”

  “Stifled?” I repeat back.

  My husband nods. “Do I really want to take a bunch of photos where you can’t even seen my body? I’m trying to be a model after all. Models show off what they’ve got.”

  “Well, you’ve certainly got a lot,” I reply. “If you want to get a little racy in there, I support you.”

  Cooper’s eyes go wide as I say this, clearly a little surprised by my response. “Wait, really?”

  I laugh. “Of course, baby.
I think it would be great to have some hot photos of you.”

  “But other people will see them,” my husband reminds me.

  “I know,” I assure him. “That’s part of what makes it so hot.”

  My husband’s eyes narrow, slightly confused. “What do you mean by that?” Cooper questions.

  I take a deep breath and let it out. I wasn’t planning on taking things here, but now that the conversation had progressed in this direction, I might as well let my husband in on these crazy ideas that have been swirling around in my mind.

  “I’ve just been thinking…” I begin, then trail off, not entirely confident I should be revealing this side of myself.

  “And?” my husband prods.

  “And… I know you’re not gonna do anything crazy in there,” I continue. “But if you did, I wouldn’t be upset about it. It would actually turn me on.”

  “Crazy like take off my clothes?” my husband questions.

  “Crazy like fuck a bunch of guys on film,” I continue, half joking but not entirely.

  Cooper freezes, staring at me intently now. “Really?” he asks.

  “Really,” I reply with a nod.

  Suddenly, a familiar voice breaks through the heaviness of our discussion. “Hey! Are you gonna sit out there all night?” Lance yells from the doorway of his studio. “I’ve been looking at you through the window for like fifteen minutes now.”

  I start to laugh and climb out of the car. “I’m sorry,” I yell over. “We were just talking.”

  “It’s fine, it’s fine,” Lance offers warmly in return. “You need a bit longer?”

  “I’m ready,” my husband calls out, the two of us making our way over to the handsome man.

  When we reach Lance I shake his hand, and my husband follows suit. The photographer waves us inside and we close the door behind us, as though stepping through a portal to another word.

  Suddenly, we find ourselves on an enormous soundstage, featuring a giant white wall and a variety of different lighting setups scattered about.


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