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Page 3

by Vonna Harper

  Head back and hair trailing over her shoulders, Loria closed her eyes. Ignoring the strain in her thighs and calves, she slowly lowered herself a little more. His cock slipped past her drenched sex lips and began stretching her welcoming channel.

  “Hot damn,” Tadd muttered. “Oh crap.”

  “That your way of telling me you like it?” she asked.

  “You have to ask?”

  Of course she didn’t. Neither did she need to continue to brace his cock. Placing both hands on his shoulders, she started down again. She’d kept her head high during their short exchange, but it fell back now. Nothing mattered beyond the growing, deepening invasion. Gripping her thighs, he aided her journey. The burning in her leg muscles increased.

  Although he still wore his jeans, she gave the garment no thought until she found herself sitting on it. His briefs stood as a barrier between her and his balls. She could haul both his jeans and briefs down around his knees, but that meant she’d have to get off him, and she wasn’t willing to do that.

  They could fuck like this. She had spoken!

  Silently laughing at her self-directed command, she settled fully onto him and tightened her sex muscles. He raked his nails lightly over her thighs.

  “What the fuck, they’re really doing it.”

  Oh yes, the audience. Blinking repeatedly, she looked around, but the faces were blurred. She settled her gaze on Tadd. “You have to use your lasso out on the range, cowboy? Tie up some unruly livestock?”

  “Huh? Tell you what. Next time I’ll take you with me. That way you’ll know what it’s like.”

  “I’d like that,” she muttered. Unwanted tears sealed her throat, and anything else she might have said died. Maybe he knew what she was thinking and was determined to take her thoughts elsewhere. Maybe he simply needed to get off. Whichever it was, he arched his back and lifted his buttocks off the chair, shoving himself even deeper into her.

  He did that repeatedly while she focused fully and joyfully on the slide of skin against skin. His cock pressed against the back of her channel, igniting spark after spark. Lost in the shared flames, she waited until the strain of maintaining his self-imposed pace slowed him. Then, her gaze locked on his, she again tightened her inner muscles and lifted herself off him a little.

  Taking him up with her wasn’t going to work. Her juices coated both of them and rendered his cock slippery.

  But there was another way, a measure of control she could exert as long as her strength held out. Eyes closed once more, she rose and came down repeatedly, going as fast as she could. His rod filled her, expanded her inner walls, became her world.

  “Damn, anyone got a camera?”

  “What for? So you can take notes on how it’s done?”

  Those voices didn’t belong to Tadd. They didn’t matter. The Sidewinder was air-conditioned, and she would be cold if not for his body. No matter how long he’d been there before she arrived, the air-conditioning hadn’t stolen the day’s heat from him. As a result, she could feed off him. Close her hands around bone and muscle. Hold what made him a man deep inside her.

  Sweat trickled between her breasts to provide her with a reminder of how hard she was working. Need crawled onto her skin and burrowed deep. Wildly alive, she became a cunt and breasts, pounding heart and screaming muscles. The burning sensation on her thighs ended, but whether because he’d stopped scratching her or her nerves were on overload, she couldn’t tell.

  “Damn, damn, damn,” Tadd chanted.

  Looking at him, she noted his flushed cheeks. Electricity worked through her in waves, but she still had time before her climax seized and shook her, time to lower her head and lick at his sweat. He tasted of salt and soap, proof that he’d taken time to clean up after finishing with the cattle.

  She licked again. “I like.”

  “You’re crazy, woman. Anyone ever tell you that?”

  “Not often enough.” That said, she nibbled on his nose.

  Her sex muscles ached. Soon she’d be in pain, but if she didn’t continue to fuck him, they wouldn’t come. Somehow, damn it, she’d find more strength.

  Thinking to change his alignment inside her, she leaned back a little. “Careful,” he warned. “There’s limits to how far I bend.”

  Instead of telling him she knew a few things about male anatomy, she put more distance between them, relaxing her grip on his cock a little as she did. Sliding a hand around her back, he held her in place. Grateful for the support, she rubbed her nipples over his chest.


  “That mean you approve?”

  “That means you’re making me crazy.”

  Crazy seemed wonderful. Just the same, as she continued the pumping motions, it was becoming more difficult to distinguish between pain and pleasure. Slowing, she panted, shaking her head as she did.

  “What’s the matter? Out of condition?”

  “You complaining? If you don’t like it, I’ll leave.”

  “Better not piss her off. Otherwise, it’ll be a long and lonely night for you.”

  Recognizing Crissy, Loria looked in the direction the voice had come from. Her friend’s arms were around the man who’d picked her up, and their pelvises ground against each other.

  “Listen to her,” Loria informed Tadd. “You’re not going to get better than me.”

  “Yeah? How about you prove it?”

  Giving him her version of a feral smile, she tried to bite his ear, but he jerked his head away, grabbing her left nipple as he did.

  “Who’s calling the shots now?” he demanded.

  “I’d say this is a standoff.” To prove her point, she pressed down with all her strength. His thighs ground against hers. More telling, his cock reached deeper. Touched places inside her that were desperate to be touched.

  “Not quite a standoff. I’d say—” He lightly flicked her nipple, then took hold of it again. “This gives me a bit of an advantage.”

  “Oh yeah?” Brilliant, Loria, just brilliant. At a loss for words, she relaxed her sex muscles so his cock simply rested inside her. Her clit ached, prompting her to slide a hand between their bodies and run her fingertip over it. Shit. Good shit.

  “Hold on, lady. This ride’s reaching the end of the road.”

  Grateful for his take-charge tone, she stroked her nub. His grip on her nipple said she couldn’t get free without risking pain or injury, not that she wanted to. No longer interested in making sense of her surroundings, she repeatedly tightened and relaxed her inner muscles while continuing to pleasure herself. Tadd’s breathing turned ragged and shallow, and the air bursting from his lungs spilled over her.

  He began bucking at and into her. “Fuck it, fuck it.”

  That’s what we’re doing, she would have told him if she’d been able to put the words together.

  Her nipple was free. The burning sensation caused by restored blood flow seared a hard path to her pussy and forced a gasp from her. Grunting, Tadd planted his hands on the chair seat and powered himself into her. He came at her like a madman, a charging bull.

  Suddenly she was in a rodeo ring clinging to a bucking Brahma, gripping the belly rope with all her strength, her other hand held high. The bull Tadd had become bucked repeatedly, each movement fast and strong, full of energy and sex. He seared her pussy, branded it, ripped it apart and put it back together with every thrust.

  Yes, this was sex! Hard and raw, both of them panting, her crying out and him growling. Her fingers dug into his shoulders. Her head was back and hair flying, breasts shaking.

  The heat grew, centering on her clit yet spreading out everywhere.

  “Oh shit, shit!” she bellowed, sounding nothing like the woman who’d walked into the Sidewinder.

  His answering curse was deeper, fuller, accompanied by muscles forced to their limits. Although she wanted to reward him by closing her sex around his cock, she couldn’t concentrate. He was in charge now, his strength outstripping hers, sweat streaming from him and coati
ng her.


  Her climax hit like a thunderstorm. Wind and rain shards tore at her flesh while her pussy melted.

  “Oh god, god.”

  “Fuck! Fuck!”

  His cum filled her, each wave more precious than before. Even as her climax ripped her apart, she pressed her mouth to his. Thank you. Thank you.

  “Oh shit,” Tadd breathed. “Damn, shit.”

  Silenced by pleasure, she kissed him deeper, longer. Her body all but flowed against his. Her head pounded, but she didn’t care because she’d ridden her cowboy and his slowly shrinking cock was still inside her. Warming her.

  Letting her love him.

  * * * * *

  Loria rearranged her top so it covered her breasts, not that it mattered because she hadn’t gotten around to putting on her panties and jeans. At least she’d positioned herself so the table afforded her some modesty. Tadd had tucked his penis back where it had been before lust took over and was fastening his jeans. His hat was still in place, his shirt gaping so she had a clear, clean view of his perfect-to-her chest.

  Her own breasts still on display, Crissy bent down and retrieved Loria’s jeans. “That’s it?” Crissy asked, winking. “The show’s over?”

  “You’ll have to ask him.” Taking her jeans from Crissy, Loria jerked her head at Tadd, who stood inches away. “I’m fresh out of ideas for entertaining the crowd.”

  “Interesting,” Tadd muttered. He gave her a slow, head-to-toe examination. “I was thinking the same thing, that I’m done with showing off.”

  “You’re leaving?”

  “Might as well.” He cupped the mound between his legs. “I’m going to be out of commission for a while. Besides, if I stay, you’ll want me to buy your drinks.”

  She snatched the Stetson off his head and planted it on hers. “You’ve got that right, cowboy. That’s the least you owe me.”

  “Oh yeah.” Grabbing her jeans, he draped them over his shoulder. Then he tucked her panties in a front pocket. “The way I look at it, this is a draw. We both got what we came in here for.”

  “I can’t argue that,” she said and wrapped her arms around her middle. Although a few people were still hanging around, most had gone back to what they’d been doing before she and Tadd became exhibitionists. “But I’m thirsty. And as long as you have my jeans, I don’t have anything to buy one with.”

  “You got anything to drink at your place?”

  “I might be able to rustle up something.”


  Before she could guess what he was up to, he snatched back his hat and planted it on his head. He stepped toward her.

  Instead of backtracking, she held her ground. The next thing she knew, he’d grabbed her around the waist, lifted her, and deposited her breasts and belly down on his shoulder. Her arms and head dangled along his back while her legs brushed his front. Her breasts were flattened against his shoulder blade, her ass high and handsome for everyone to see.

  Tadd wrapped a steadying arm around her, lightly slapped her ass, and started for the door. “Get her boots, Crissy. She’ll pick them up later.”

  Because she couldn’t see a damn thing beyond his backside, she couldn’t see where they were going. Walking slow and purposefully, he stepped outside.

  “Ready to go home?” he asked.

  “The blood’s rushing to my head. Let me up.”

  “Not yet. I’m riding this as long as I can.”

  In the time she’d been in the Sidewinder, the air had cooled a good fifteen degrees. As a result, her legs and butt were getting chilled. Tadd must have noticed because he switched from slapping to briskly rubbing her ass and thighs. “For the record,” she said, “that’s turning me on.”

  “Good. So you came with Crissy? Your truck’s not here?”


  “Good. Loria?”

  “What, Wyatt?”

  He took a long, slow breath. “I won’t be gone so long next time. Old man Parker agreed to lease his west range to us. I hated being away from you.”

  Touched by the emotion in her husband’s voice, she told him to let her down before he did something bad to his back. He did so, his hands sliding over her body. Blinking back tears, she wrapped her arms around the man she’d married seven years ago and covered his mouth with hers. His arms around her felt wonderful.

  “I hated it too,” she admitted. “Lot of the time I was so busy I just crossed off the days, but the nights—”

  “For me too.” He ran his fingers into her hair. “I love seeing it loose like that.”

  “It’s not practical.”

  “I know. I just wanted you to know I appreciate the effort. About the washing machine—I’ll get to it in the morning.”

  God, she loved this man! “No need. Your dad fixed it. Speaking of your folks, the rugrats are spending the night with them.”

  Still finger-combing her hair, he reached for the passenger-side truck door. “So it’s just going to be the two of us?”

  She gingerly stepped to the truck, but before she could climb into the high bed, he hoisted her up. “Just us and the dogs and chickens and horses. Speaking of the horses, an antelope’s been hanging out in the pasture with them. I think she’s pregnant.”

  “Speaking of pregnant.” He patted her naked belly. “What do you think of adding to our personal herd?”

  “Bite your tongue, cowboy. Running after two preschoolers in addition to being a ranch wife is enough work, thank you very much.”

  He rubbed her thighs, his thumbs sliding dangerously close to her core. “We can still practice, can’t we?”

  “Damn straight. And the next time we have sex, I want it to take place in bed.”

  A thumb touched her clit, making her gasp and grab his shoulders. “Then I’d better get us home.”

  Laughing, she pressed her hand to her forehead. “I can’t believe we did that! Our friends in the Sidewinder are going to think we lost our minds.”

  “It’s your fault, coming in without your bra on and letting me pick you up.”

  “My fault? You got my message on your cell about Crissy’s dare?”

  “I got it. Tell me, were you surprised that I went along with your stunt?”

  “At first. Then I was having so much fun it didn’t matter.”

  “Fun? That’s all you have to say about the climax I gave you?” Crouching, he spread her legs and licked where his thumb had been.

  “Shit! You’d better—”

  “Yeah, I know. I’d better get my filly home.”

  “Filly? If I’m anything, I’m a brood mare.”

  “Not tonight you aren’t.”

  “Then what does that make you, my stallion?”

  “You better believe it.”

  About the Author

  “Of course I’ve time-traveled to the ancient Everglades, infiltrated bondage strongholds, done wilderness search and rescue, and spent a night trapped in a workout gym with Mr. Universe. How can I possibly write about something I haven’t experienced?”

  Although I love telling readers that, the truth is much more mundane. In my “day” jobs, I’ve been a commercial pilot, brain surgeon, worked as a white-water river guide, bee keeper, snake charmer and garbage collector.

  And if you buy all that, let me pitch the bridge I have listed on eBay.

  Vonna welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email address on her author bio page at

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  Also by Vonna Harper

  Beast Master

  Brothel Night

  Captive Warrior

  Dangerous Ride

  Dark Touch

  Equinox II anthology


  Getting Laid

  Hard Bodies

  Her Passionate Need

  His Voice, His Comma

  Hot Earth

  Jungle Cries

  Night of Fire

  Night of the Cougar


  Roughing It

  Savage Storm

  Scarlet Cavern

  Scarred Hearts

  Silent Heat

  Soco Awakening

  Spoils of War


  Tracked Down

  Under His Thumb

  Virgin Afternoon

  War Prize

  Whitewater Hunter

  Winter of the Beast

  Print books by Vonna Harper

  Captive Warrior

  Dangerous Ride

  Dark Touch

  Down and Dirty anthology

  Good Girl Seeks Bad Rider anthology

  Her Passionate Need

  Road Trip to Passion anthology

  Scarlet Cavern

  Discover for yourself why readers can’t get enough of the multiple award-winning publisher Ellora’s Cave. Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC on the web at for an erotic reading experience that will leave you breathless.




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