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Shadow Dancer Boxed Set

Page 65

by Courtney Rene

  "I can't. I don't want too. I have been trying to tell you for months, but you seem intent on throwing other girls at me. You aren't hearing me. Well, now you have to. I love you, Abby. I'm saying it out loud. Right to your face, so you can't pretend anymore that you don't know." He pulled me to him and tried to kiss me again, as if to prove it to me, but I turned my face away from him.

  "Cut it out!" I said. I put both my hands against his chest and pushed him back, hard. His legs came up against his bed, and I watched as he lost his balance and fell down onto it with a bounce. I looked into his eyes and his shocked face. I am sure my expression matched his. I couldn't think of anything else to say to him so I very calmly walked out of his room.

  I headed back home, but instead of going in, I plopped down on the front step. The green outdoor carpet crinkled as I sat on it. Elbows on my knees, chin in my hand, I brooded there, unsure of what to do.

  I felt betrayed and sad. Did I just lose my best friend? I still felt his hands on my arms and his lips on mine. Why did he have to go and do that? Why did he have to think he was in love with me? I felt my eyes begin to burn, but I swallowed back my tears. There was no use crying. It wouldn't solve anything.

  The sun was bright on my face, so I closed my eyes and simply let the sun's warmth wash over me. When I felt better, I stood up, took a deep breath, put on a happy, although fake smile and went inside.

  "Mom," I yelled into the house.

  "Yeah," she yelled back from the depths of the house. I shook my head and headed in her direction, hunting her down in the laundry room.

  "No movie?" she asked.

  "Nah, we had a change in plans." That was what I would stick with anyway. She would have worried too much if I told her that Brian and I had a fight and she would have absolutely freaked out if I had told her what happened. So, a change in plans was my story.

  The Full Moon Rises

  A Howl in the Night Book Two

  Life as a shape shifter is not as easy as it would seem, especially not for Abigail Staton. Being a teenager and a shape shifter is even harder, not to mention being one of the last remaining females in the two competing wolf clans and the only girl in her new schools. Striving to find where she belongs, gets sidelined when an old threat to the wolves resurfaces. The clans are forced to come together in a semi-truce, and the already dominant males become even more controlling in trying to protect their own as well as their secret. Abby finds herself in the middle yet again, but this time, she will need both clans in order to survive.

  Chapter One

  The first day of school was always the same for the first eleven years of my school life. My mom would wake me up with muffins or something special for the first day. She'd do my hair and help me pick out what clothes to wear from the stack of new ones we had purchased just for the occasion of a new year. She'd walk me outside where we'd meet up with my neighbor and best friend, Brian. He and his mom would walk with us to the school or the bus stop, depending on the year. I had Brian at my side making it all easier. The first day of school was no big deal, as long as Brian and I were together.

  That scenario would not be the case for me the beginning of my junior year. Everything had changed. I stood up on my own. Picked out my own clothes from the old ones I'd had for a while. There were no new ones. There would be no muffins with my mom or her helping with my hair. Who knew what she was even doing that day. It certainly had nothing to do with me. I know it had been my choice to move away from my home to live with my grandfather, but I'd thought she'd at least still be a part of my life. That she'd want to be involved. Apparently, I was wrong.

  Then there was Brian. He and I hadn't spoken in weeks. We wouldn't be going to school together for the first time in all our school years. That was the hardest part for me. I would be starting at a new school full of people that were maybe not strangers, but people I didn't know. He would be going to the same school and with the same people he always had. It was going to be a complicated year for me.

  I looked in the mirror at myself in my jeans and t-shirt and didn't really like what I saw. My hair hung long down to almost my waist and was getting longer every day. It so needed a trim. I hadn't bothered with makeup as I still had a nice tan from the summer sun. "Whelp, that's as good as I'm going to get, I guess." I smoothed my hair with one hand as I turned from the mirror and left my room to find something to eat.

  The kitchen was down the hall, then down the back stairs. I flounced down the steps and entered the kitchen with as much fake excitement as I could manage, only I shouldn't have even bothered. I was alone. However, on the table in what Peggy, the house help maid person, called the breakfast nook, was a new purple plaid bag. I pulled it toward me and opened it. I wasn't going to pretend it couldn't be for me, as I was the only person under the age of fifty in the house. Let alone the fact that my posh grandfather wouldn't be caught dead with a backpack in purple.

  It was stuffed to the seams with school supplies. I couldn't help the smile that blossomed on my face as I looked at the pack of No. 2 pencils, spiral notebooks, and just about anything else I could possibly need for school. I hadn't been forgotten after all.

  Yes, it was different, and yes it was not what my mother used to do, but it was something, and it was something nice. I heard someone come up behind me, and I turned to find my grandfather hesitating in the doorway.

  I'd been living with him for about two months, and we were not much closer than we were upon our first meeting. I didn't even know what his age was, let alone anything about his history. Then again, I don't think he knew any more about me than I did him.

  "Thank you. For the supplies, I mean. It was sweet of you."

  He seemed uncomfortable with the thanks. He stood with his hands firmly gripped behind his back and stood straighter than only a moment before. "You are welcome. I hope it is what you will need in order to do a good job in school." Then after a moment he added, "We have a family reputation to uphold. I expect you will do well."

  I didn't roll my eyes, and I didn't sigh, but I wanted too. Sometimes the man was a bit of a jerk. However, as I stood there staring at him, trying to think of something to say, I wondered if that was the problem. He didn't know what to say to me any more than I knew how to talk to him. Everything was so…tense and forced. We really needed to work on that if we were going to live together.

  I smiled at him and said, "I'm grateful for them. They are exactly what I will need." I took a blueberry muffin from the counter, fresh made, and oh, my God, they were still a little warm. I grabbed the backpack with my free hand and said, "I better get going. I wouldn't want to be late for my first day."

  "Alex will be taking you," he said, still standing tall in the doorway. He was neither in the kitchen nor really out of it. It was like he didn't fit in either place.

  "Alex? The chauffeur? Umm…are you sure that's necessary?" I asked. The idea of arriving at school in a sleek limo was not a comfortable one. It seemed a little showy, and not the first impression I wanted to make.

  "Alex will see you safely to and from school each week," he said. The tone was as strong as his stance. No arguments would be heard apparently. I decided not to push it.

  "What about next week, when I start the other school?"

  "He will take you then as well, although I have no idea why you insist on this route. One school, one clan should be enough," he said.

  I tried not to sound too annoyed even though I clearly was. "Grandfather, we have been through this," I said. "I'm not going to choose one clan over the over. I am going to be part of the whole group. We are all family in some form you know. Alternating one week at the Staton school and one week at the Grey's will give me a chance to understand the families, both sides of it. This is my decision. I get that no one likes the idea, and I get that everyone thinks they can tell me what to do, but you can't. Like it or not, this is how it's going to be for right now. Deal with it."

  "Watch your tone with me, young lady. You live here in
my home…"

  "Yes, I do. For now."

  We both stared at each other. Lots of words were left unsaid. Neither of us wanted to fight. Not really.

  I opened the door and said, "I'll tell Alex I'm ready." Then because I didn't want to leave with us both still mad, I said, "Don't worry, I'm a good student. I promise."

  He didn't respond, and I didn't say anything more. I hitched up my pack on my shoulder and left to find my ride.

  ~ * ~

  I should not have been quite so worried about how it would appear with me arriving with a driver and a limo. Apparently, most of the Staton family clan was as showy as my grandfather. The limos of various degrees of black, sleek and shiny, lined the entryway drive of the little school. I tried to count how many when we arrived, but they were coming and going too fast.

  "How many kids go to this school?" I asked Alex.

  He glanced at me in the rearview mirror. "About fifty."

  That was it? I looked at the school. For a school of about fifty children, it was a bit big. It was made of red brick and only one story, but it was sprawling.

  I stepped out of the car on my own and slammed the door closed. Everyone on the walkway to the school stared at me. It could have been that I got out without Alex's help, or it could have been because I was the only girl in sight.

  I heard the window power down. Alex said, "I'll be out front waiting for you at the end of the day."

  I didn't look back, but I did respond, "Okay." I took a page from my grandfather and straightened my back until it hurt, held my head high, and calmly, and maybe a bit slowly with dread, walked into the school. I didn't look left or right or at anyone, but I felt every single pair of eyes on me the whole way.

  Once inside, I headed directly to the office. A woman greeted me with a smile that took me by surprise. Most people in the Staton clan didn't smile. Maybe that was because I hadn't met anyone that was female before. Regardless, I found myself smiling back at her. "Hi. I'm Abigail Staton. I'm new this year."

  The smile grew wider on her face, and she said, "Yes. I figured. We get so many girls here you know."

  She was teasing me. Wait, a Staton clan member knew how to tease? "Yeah. I bet."

  She winked then said, "Okay. So I have your schedule set up for you. It's my understanding that you will spend one week at the Griffin Academic Center and then you spend one week at the Slate Center. Although we are separate buildings, our curriculum is the same, so you will be on track without falling behind at either school. The administration at both buildings have agreed to cooperate with each other and will coordinate your scores for one singular grade each quarter."


  "You're making waves, Abby."

  "I'm not really trying to, but yeah. I guess I am."

  She patted my shoulder and said, "That's not a bad thing. At least some of us don't think it is."

  I took a guess and asked, "Would that be the female us?"

  A wide, showy smile, full of white teeth appeared on her face. "You got it."

  That's what I thought. I smiled back and said, "Girl power."

  She lowered her voice and said, "Don't get too showy with it. They will bat you down as quickly as possible here. They don't like the idea of girls having any power over them. It's like being back in the eighteen hundreds sometimes. Take it slow, but don't worry. You're not alone here. It may feel like it, but you aren't. Okay?"

  "Okay." She handed me my schedule, and I turned to leave. Then I thought of something. "I'm sorry. What's your name?"

  She chuckled softly then said, "Mrs. Staton."

  Of course it was. When you lived in a male society, just about everyone would have the same last name. Great.

  Then she whispered so softly that I almost didn't hear, "Leslie Staton."

  After leaving the office, I headed to my first class. It was math, with Mr. Staton, of course, and in room 101. Okay, that didn't sound too hard. Then I glanced further down on my schedule for the day and saw that my next class was, world history with…Mr. Staton, in room 101. Hmm. In fact, all my classes were in room 101 and all of them were with Mr. Staton.

  "What the?"

  I found my room rather quickly. The school was actually a square. There was a gymnasium/auditorium in the center and all around it were classrooms. There appeared to be two classrooms on each side with a restroom, and that was it aside from the office up front. So there were what, six classrooms? Then again with only fifty kids, how many rooms did you really need?

  I stepped inside room 101 and was again the object of attention for the entire room. I quickly counted and found there were seven kids and the teacher in the room. Seven male kids and one male teacher, I should clarify.

  All their eyes stared at me, eight pairs of brown eyes, and heads of dark hair ranging in colors from black to dark brown. Yeah, there was a lot of variety. Even if I hadn't been a girl, I would have stood out like a sore thumb with my brownish blondish hair and blue eyes. But heck add in hips and boobs and yeah, it was no wonder everyone was staring.

  My heart was beating so fast inside my chest I wondered if they could see it or hear it. I forced a smile and said, "Hi. I believe you were expecting me?"

  They should have been. The fight to get into the two schools had been terrific. Everyone in both clans was aware that I was not going to choose one clan school over the other. I was going to go to both. No playing favorite to be used against the other.

  Mr. Staton pointed at an empty desk, or maybe I should call it a table. It was flat with a black surface, big enough for two people to work on comfortably. I was given a work area table all to myself. I wondered if there was a reason for that or if it just worked out that way.

  I scanned the room to see if I recognized anyone. No. They were all strangers to me. Maybe I had seen them on the night of the non-battle, but I didn't remember a whole lot about the people that had been there other than my father and the boys I had gotten to know from the other clan.

  I missed those boys. William, Oscar, Dillon, and Max maybe more than Taylor. He was too serious and grumpy sometimes, but I still missed him. Where were they? Did William go back to school yet? Why hadn't they contacted me since the night where I'd found balance? He couldn't still be mad at me for not going home with him. Could he?

  I pushed those thoughts out of my mind as I sat down, all the while still feeling the heavy weight of eight pairs of eyes.

  "Let's settle down everyone and get started. We are going to start at the beginning of your book and work through one chapter a week throughout the year." He pointed at a stack of books over by the window that were evidently math textbooks and said, "Everyone come up and get a book. I expect covers on these books by tomorrow. If they are not covered, you will be held after school. No exceptions." He focused his sharp gaze on my face when he said the last part. As if I would expect preferential treatment. Or maybe they expected me to, because of who my grandfather was. Whatever the reason, I was offended.

  We all stood up and filed over to the books to get a copy. Heads lifted into the air. Noses drew in breaths deeply. Then eyes snapped at me. I knew what was coming and I was not in the mood. I lifted a hand and said loudly and as firm as I could, "The first one to say I smell, in any way shape or form, I will tear your face off." I turned my eyes on several of the guys in the class to make sure they heard me, and finished with, "I mean it." Then just to prove I was as serious as I made myself out to be, I let a wave of fur come out on my arms and disappear in a showy display of power. "Just so we're clear."

  Silence greeted me. No one moved a muscle, not even Mr. Staton. All eyes were still on me. I wanted to shift fully to wolf. At least in wolf form I was strong and wild. In human form, I was weaker than the boys and they knew it. They tried to intimidate me. I held myself at bay and walked slowly back to my seat with my math book in hand. I sat down and opened the book as if interested in its contents.

  Mr. Staton finally took control and said, "Get a move on. Get a book
and back to your desk. Open to chapter one and read through it. Then do the problems on page six. All of them." People were glancing through the first chapter and we saw that there were sixty-two problems on page six to complete. We all groaned in realization of the workload we were in for.

  I pulled out a green spiral from my pack, wrote MATH on the cover, and got to work going through the chapter. I expected Mr. Staton to at least go over it or teach some of the aspects of the lesson, but he didn't. He sat down behind the desk, pulled out a newspaper, and tuned us all out. Wow. He was going to be an awesome teacher. Not.

  Fifty-four-ish minutes later, a bell sounded. It was more of a doorbell type sound than the buzzer type sound that I was used to. I'd made it through most of the problems assigned, but still would have to finish the rest that night.

  Mr. Staton looked at the clock above the whiteboard and said, "Four minutes people. Get what you need, and get back on time. I want to get started right away."

  I put away my work and slid it as a whole to the side of my desk. Since I wasn't sharing with anyone, I had plenty of space. I stood up in the sea of males and left the room. No one spoke to me. They still glanced at me slyly every chance they could, but I pretended not to notice them. I hustled to the restroom marked for girls and closed myself inside. Silence greeted me, along with the scent of bleach. The room was white and pristine, and although the school wasn't what I would characterize as new, the girl's restroom looked like it was.

  I washed my hands and put on a bit of lip-gloss, more to pass some time than because I needed it. Then, when I didn't have anything else to do, I walked back to my class. The same class, the same boys, the same teacher. Man, was it going to be a long as hell day.

  The bell sounded. Mr. Staton stood up and addressed us. "This is World History." He pointed at a new stack of books, and said, "We will be working our way through two books this year. This is your first-semester book. Everyone come and get a textbook, and again, I want it covered before tomorrow."


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