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Dark Romance Novel - Submission + Taken + 1 Mystery books Bundle Set (A Dark Romance Series Novel)

Page 13

by Veronica Cane

  As I bent over to pour the wine in his glass, the man didn’t take his eyes off of my chest and Devlin was the one getting an eyeful of my ass. For some reason he decided to stick his finger in my pussy just as I was bent over Jamison with the bottle of wine. I squealed and jumped and when I did I spilled wine on the poor man. I grabbed some napkins and immediately started to clean it up, apologizing to Jamison profusely.

  I was so worried about apologizing to him and cleaning up my mess, I didn’t think about where exactly it was my hands were rubbing.

  “Mary Elizabeth, it’s fine,” Devlin said as he pulled me away.

  “I’m so sorry. I can’t believe I did that.”

  “It’s okay sweetie. Go into the kitchen and check on things. I’ll call for you if we need you.”

  I did as I was told and went into the kitchen and pulled myself together. I sat at the table and waited for Devlin to call for me. When he did this time, it was to bring in the 2010 Duhart Milon that he set out earlier. It’s an expensive Bordeaux.

  I poured the first glass for Jamison and he still couldn’t take his eyes off of my breasts. When I turned around to pour a glass for Devlin, again I knew my ass was in Jamison’s face. I hate to admit it, but I liked knowing he was turned on by me. But what I wasn’t expecting was for him to reach up and gently stroke my ass. He didn’t even know me and he had his hand on me. Who just touches someone they don’t even know like that? I hope he doesn’t think this thing is going to go any further. I only touched Jamison’s cock by accident. I was trying to clean up the wine I spilled on him. It wasn’t meant to be a sexual thing.

  Devlin pulled me down on his lap and sipped his wine. Jamison downed his glass and then excused himself to go to the restroom. When he stood up to go, I couldn’t help but notice the tent in his pants and I knew exactly what he was going to do in there.

  The second the bathroom door was shut, Devlin put his hand between my legs and forcefully pressed his finger inside of me.

  “I see someone is enjoying themselves.”

  I squirmed on his lap, trying to get him to pull his finger out of my pussy but he kept thrusting his finger in and out of my pussy forcefully.

  “Don’t act so shy now,” he admonished. “You’ve been showing your ass all night so maybe you would like to spread your legs for him too.”

  “Master no, the only person I want to share my body with is you.”

  I really thought that Devlin was just teasing me but when he ordered me to go to my room and wait for him to call for me, I knew he was serious.

  As I walked away, Jamison came out of the bathroom. Man he was fast. Oh God, why did I just think of the man playing with his cock in our bathroom? What is wrong with me?

  I don’t know how long the two of them spent talking in the living room, but it felt like forever. With every long minute that passed I began to dread what awaited me later that night.

  After a while, I poked my head out of my bedroom door and overheard them speaking.

  “Mr. Kent I must say, your little Mary Elizabeth has to be one of the hottest girls I’ve ever seen. When she popped out of that kitchen in that little getup, I couldn’t believe my eyes.”

  Devlin chuckled. “Yes, I am a lucky man.”

  “Seeing how devoted that lovely girl is to you, makes me realize I’ve made the right decision to give my business to you and your firm.”

  The two continued their conversation for a few more minutes before I heard the main door open and close so I hurried back to sit back down on the bed and wait for Devlin to call for me. It wasn’t long before he came into my room. I looked up from reading my book and seen him leaning against the door frame, just watching me.

  “I see you enjoyed yourself tonight.”

  “What do you mean Master?”

  “I mean, you seemed to enjoy showing your ass to our guest.”

  “No Master. It wasn’t like that at all.”

  I jumped out of the bed and ran to Devlin and put my hands on his chest and pleaded with him to understand it wasn’t anything I did intentionally. It was all just a horrible series of missteps and mistakes.

  “Don’t tell me you didn’t enjoy having him stare at your tits when you poured his glass of wine or how hard you made his dick when you bent over and showed him your ass several times throughout the night.”

  “No Master, please. I didn’t. You are the only person I want to show my body to. You have to believe me.”

  “That’s the problem. I don’t believe you. I felt your pussy. I know exactly how turned on you were tonight. You know damn well you liked showing that man your ass.”

  Tears started to form in my eyes.

  “Did it get you all hot and bothered knowing that he was so worked up over looking at your body he had to go to the bathroom and relieve himself? You had him so turned on he couldn’t even wait until he left to play with his cock.”

  “Devlin please, I’m serious. All playing around aside, I would never ever in a million years want some strange man I don’t even know touching me. You don’t understand. I’m not that kind of girl. I haven’t ….”

  “Apparently we need to find a better way to remind you that your body is mine. You belong to me.”

  I lifted my wrist, showing him my tattoo.

  “I don’t need another reminder. I already know that I’m yours forever and always and I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

  He grabbed my wrist tightly and lifted it up.

  “Clearly this marking isn’t enough.”

  He has a bizarre look in his eyes, almost crazed.

  “Please Devlin, you are really hurting me,” I cried out as I tried to pull my wrist back but he wasn’t letting me go.

  Devlin was angry and this didn’t bode well for me or my ass which was still tender from all the previous spankings.

  “Come with me,” he commanded. As he pulled me out to the living room, grabbing my leash and snapping it in place before dragging me out the front door and to his car.

  I had no idea where we were headed and I was quite frankly too afraid to ask. I sat quietly in the passenger’s seat as he drove into the night.

  After a while I finally got up the nerve to ask.

  “Where are we headed Master?”

  “We are going to the club. Maybe there are some people there you would like to show your ass to. Or maybe you can stick your perfect little tits in their face and see if you can make their dicks hard too.”

  I wasn’t expecting him to take me to the club. I couldn’t help but start to panic as I wondered what he had in mind for me there. When we entered, we made our way through the first bar area, and then instead of turning towards the grand ballroom we went into last time, he took me in the opposite direction.

  Unlike before, the bar area this time was packed. There were at least thirty or more people sitting around the small tables having drinks. I couldn’t really see any of their faces, to know if I recognized any of them from before, because I was being dragged off into another room.

  Strangely, none of the other patrons in the bar even seemed to notice Devlin pulling me along by my leash. If I was sitting in a bar and seen some pissed off man dragging a girl into a back room, I think at the very least I would turn my head to watch. But not here, these people just acted as if this was an everyday occurrence to them -- Maybe it was.

  Devlin’s anger hadn’t dissipated and I feared finding out what he had in mind for me. Was he planning on giving me another tattoo, marking me as his, like he had done before? Did he plan on inking my butt cheeks this time or maybe my breasts? But if that was his plan, why bring me here to his club instead of the tattoo parlor that we went to last time?

  “Come,” he said as he led me into a room towards the back. It was dimly lit with medieval looking furnishings. There were pieces of equipment scattered around the room. I had no idea what they were for, but they all looked designed to cause pain.

  “This is the dungeon. It’s where we bring very nau
ghty slaves.”

  It was then I noticed the men wearing black leather masks. One was locked in a cage, while another was strung up, against the wall. Neither men had any clothes on, other than the black leather masks.

  The room was lit with primitive looking torches with real fire. There didn’t seem to be a modern day light bulb in the entire room. In fact there didn’t seem to be much of anything modern in there. I began to grow afraid.

  “Why did you bring me in here Master?”

  He didn’t respond. He just kept guiding me towards the corner of the room. He stood in front of what appeared to be a padded table that was about three feet high.

  “Bend over the table,” he commanded.

  I was scared just being in this room. I could only imagine the pain he could inflict upon my body in here.

  “Please Master, I’m sorry.”

  “Bend over the table,” he repeated.

  Reluctantly, I did as he asked. He fastened wrist and ankle cuffs on me and then tied me down securely by means of hooks set in the top and legs of the table. I couldn’t move any part of my body. He had me locked down good with my ass exposed for what I only assumed was going to be a severe beating.

  I heard him searching for something. When he found it, he held it up in front of my face but to my surprise, it wasn’t a whip.

  It was a long slim rod of metal with something on the end. It was dim in there and I couldn't quite make out what it was. He brought it closer and I could see it was a rod with an initial “D” on one end. It looked like, but could surely not be, a branding iron similar to one I had seen on a farm once. Surely that wasn’t what it was though. He couldn’t possibly plan on branding me like cattle. I had teased him about doing such a thing once before, but fuck, I had no idea he would ever really consider it.

  “Yes my dear, it’s what you think it is.” He paused to smooth my hair back from my forehead. “It’s a branding iron and after I use this on you there will be no more question of whom you belong to.”

  On dear God, he really does intend to use that on me.

  Devlin walked over to a fire pit that was in front of me and using one of the torches lit it up. He put the iron in the fire to heat it up. I wondered how often those irons had been used. He must have read my mind because he said “You’d be surprised how often this form of punishment is used.”

  I couldn't believe he was going to brand me. I was terrified. I cried and begged and pleaded for him not to do this to me. He paid no attention.

  “This room is sound proofed so feel free to scream if it hurts, because nobody will hear you”

  At last the brand was heated to his satisfaction and he showed it to me. It was glowing red hot. He put the brand back in the fire while he chose a place on my ass to place the brand.

  I was unable to move at all and there was nothing I could do to stop Devlin from doing this. He approached with the iron and without hesitating brought it down on my right ass cheek. I screamed as I felt it searing my flesh, burning his initial there for all time.

  The pain was overwhelming and more than I could take. I felt dizzy and suddenly the room was spinning. The pain in my ass cheek was so piercing that I struggled to breath.

  Devlin put the iron in a nearby bucket of water and I heard this hissing sound it made as it heated up the water. He left me lying there across the table while I struggled to not pass out.

  For a moment there was a flash of light as the door opened. Whoever it was began to talk to Devlin but I couldn’t make out what they were saying. I couldn’t focus on anything at that moment except for the pain.

  Whoever this person was laid a tender hand on my forehead. It was then I realized the person was a female. I couldn’t make out what she looked like but I smelt the faint scent of her perfume along with the gentle way she touched me and I just knew.

  She walked around to the back of the table and took a good look at my ass. “Well, you’ve done a proper job at least. That will heal nicely. You wouldn't believe the mess some people make trying to brand a slave.”

  I don’t know which one of them did it, but one of them began to pour cool water over my skin. While it felt good, I could still feel a burning sensation, so I knew my skin was still being burned. I was desperate for relief. This really was going to scar me for life.

  “Here try this,” I heard the feminine voice say to Devlin.

  I couldn’t see what it was she had in her hand but she gave him something wrapped in a towel. A few seconds later he placed a cold compress on my burn. Finally I was getting some much needed relief. I had no idea who this woman was, but I was grateful for her help.

  Devlin undid my restraints and helped me to stand up. I didn’t have the strength to stand on my own so he lifted me in his arms. It was then I got my first look at the lady who had been speaking with Devlin.

  “Well hello there,” she said tenderly.

  “This is Mistress Sophie,” Devlin whispered in my ear.

  “Take this,” she said as she put some pills in my mouth and held a glass of water up to help me wash them down. I didn’t know what it was she gave me, I assume it was some ibuprofen to help with the pain.

  Mistress Sophie was tiny. She couldn’t possibly stand more than five feet tall and weigh more than ninety pounds soaking wet. She had long blonde hair with big green eyes that seemed so full of life. Her skin was pale, and clear, like porcelain. But most captivating about her was her smile. It was so big, beautiful and warm, you just had to smile back at her.

  For some reason I thought all female Dom’s had jet black hair bright red lips and matching long, bright red nails. But Mistress Sophie wasn’t your stereotypical dominatrix. Even her clothes were unique. She wore a floor length sheer backless gown with an extremely high cut slit that went all the way up her side.

  I was too weak to say anything to her, but I couldn’t stop staring at her. She was beautiful and captivating. I was looking into her eyes when the room began to spin again and I passed out.

  Chapter 15

  When I woke up we were back at Devlin’s penthouse and I was safely tucked into my bed, lying on my stomach. Devlin was standing over me, rubbing some sort of gel into my burn. I didn’t say anything. I was still upset. I couldn’t believe he branded me. The tattoo was one thing, but this was just too much.

  A single tear rolled down my face. I tried my best to control my emotions. I didn’t want to start balling because I didn’t want Devlin to know I was awake. I didn’t want to talk to him. I didn’t want to see him. I didn’t want him to touch me.

  I heard the doorbell ring and Devlin went to greet whoever it was. I couldn’t tell who it was at first but I could hear Devlin speaking to them.

  “Yes, it was harsh but she needs to learn.”

  I couldn’t make out what the other person said in response to Devlin but I could tell by his voice that he seemed annoyed with whoever it was.

  “Yes, but I fully intend on keeping this one forever. She’s not just a passing fancy.” He said something else I couldn’t understand and then asked if whoever was at the door would like to see me.

  When they entered my room I could smell the scent of Mistress Sophie’s perfume and I knew it was her. I couldn’t see her face because I was lying on my stomach but I turned my head to see her as she sat down on the side of the bed.

  “I’ll leave you two alone,” Devlin said as he walked out of the room closing the door behind him.

  I rolled on my side carefully and Mistress Sophie helped me prop myself up on my elbow so we could speak.

  “How are you feeling?” She asked as she cleared the hair off of my forehead.

  “Tired and weak. I still feel totally out of it too, like my brain is foggy.”

  “That’s probably just the pain killers.”

  Mistress Sophie stroked my forehead. She had such a soothing, gentle touch.

  “I remember the first time I seen you at the club with Master D. I knew you were something special.”

  “It was before my initiation, right?”

  “Yes, I was there that night. I didn’t participate in your initiation though. I was busy with my own slave. But still, I knew there something about you and that one day we would be friends.”

  “Is your slave a female? I don’t remember meeting your slave.”

  “No, I’ve never had a female slave before.”

  “Have you known Master D for a long time?” I asked.

  “I suppose I have. I met him years ago, but we typically run in different circles.”

  She put her hand on my hip and I winced.

  “Are you still in a lot of pain sweetie?”

  “Yes, I am. The type of pain changes. Like right now it’s a dull throbbing pain. It’s bearable but still pretty intense.”

  Just then Devlin came into the room to check on us.

  “When’s the last time she’s had some pain pills? She’s still in a lot of pain.”

  “It’s been awhile. She has been asleep for the last twelve hours. I thought it was better to let her rest than to wake her up just to give her more pain meds that will only make her want to sleep more.”

  “I agree. That’s probably a good choice.”

  Devlin came over to the side of the bed and took the pills out of the bottle on the nightstand. He put them in my mouth and helped me drink some water to wash them down.

  “You know Master D, I was thinking, I would like to come back tomorrow and check on our little patient and maybe fix her room up a bit. Give it a more feminine touch. That is if you don’t mind.”

  “What do you think Mary Elizabeth? Would you like Mistress Sophie to fix your room up for you?”

  “I think that whatever you want is fine with me Master. I only want to please you.”

  Devlin gave me an indulgent smile and then turned his attention to Mistress Sophie.

  “So what exactly did you have in mind?”

  “I don’t know, nothing drastic. Just a few flowers and maybe paintings. Just something to give the room a more feminine feel.”

  “I have to work tomorrow afternoon. Maybe you can come by then and take care of Mary Elizabeth and do your thing then?”


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