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Marked and Mated

Page 18

by Delta James

  Summer had the good grace to blush. “Yes. I heard what had happened. I knew Geoff was worried. So was I. I couldn’t bear the thought of something happening to you and that the last words we’d ever spoken were done in anger and recrimination. I got pretty upset… with myself.”

  “It’s been a difficult time, Summer. For all of us. It’s been hard for the rest of us to embrace the happiness we’ve found knowing you were so miserable. But you wouldn’t even give yourself a chance while we were at Calon Gwyllt.”

  “Probably because my mate wasn’t there,” she said sheepishly.

  Darby couldn’t mask the look of shock on her face. “You don’t say…”

  “I heard what had happened and asked to speak to Geoff. I didn’t want to be upstairs while all of the men were so upset. I told him I’d give him my word not to try anything until Jean-Michel initiated the run. The men Jean-Michel left behind were none too happy about being left. Geoff worked his butt off to keep them from just kind of losing it. And most of the ones here weren’t even the mates of the women with you. I tried to see what I could do to help everybody. It felt good to be part of this pack. Felt like we were back at Bae Diogel… only with testosterone.”

  Darby giggled. “It is different. And it is male-dominated but these are truly good men. But let’s skip the bullshit. What did you mean about your mate not being at Calon Gwyllt?”

  “You know exactly what I mean.”

  Darby giggled again. “Yes, I do. Annoying, isn’t it?”

  Summer laughed out loud. “Very.”

  “So, you’re not going to run?”

  “No, I think I’ve caused enough drama, don’t you?”

  “Probably. But you’ll probably cause more. We Bae Diogel girls tend to be a bit on the melodramatic side.”

  Megan joined them, hugging Darby. “If you ever pull a stunt like that again, don’t you dare leave me behind or send me off with others. And what’s Summer not going to be overly dramatic about?”

  Summer grinned at her. Megan started laughing.

  Still smiling, Megan continued, “Oh, my God, you mean you’ve actually pulled your head out of your ass long enough to see Geoff is terrific and your fated mate?”

  “Apparently I’m not as quick to figure these things out as you and Darby.”

  “So, have you formally accepted his claim?”

  Summer shook her head.

  “Do you want to put the poor guy out of his misery and do so in front of Jean-Michel and JD? I’m sure I can get them to excuse themselves long enough to let you do so.”

  “No, I think since I’ve had the whole pack in an uproar, they ought to get to see me admit what was obvious to the rest of you.” Summer left them to join Geoff and put her arm around him, which he reciprocated as though he’d been doing so for a long, long time.

  JD and Jean-Michel looked at each other and then turned toward their mates, whose bright smiles and nodding heads answered their unasked question. The two women joined their mates. Before Jean-Michel could address his pack, Megan leaned over to him and whispered, “Had them sign it in blood? And your mate says we’re the dramatic ones.”

  Jean-Michel laughed, called for the attention of the pack, and asked Vachon to gather the household staff. Once everyone was assembled, he introduced the newest members of the pack, Maryann and Heather. He was delighted to see they were far more relaxed now than they had been. It would seem even without an introduction, his pack and staff had made them feel welcome.

  He then led his pack in a round of applause for Darby’s bravery in protecting the women and the nail salon employees. He advised Vachon to send them a really large tip for their inconvenience. He also lauded Darby’s generosity not only in extending pack status to Heather and Maryann, but in allowing all but the alpha and beta of her former pack to live.

  “And last, but certainly not least… when last we were gathered together—was it only this morning?”

  Laughter rumbled through the group.

  Jean-Michel smiled. “Summer had rejected Geoff’s claim on her as a mate and had opted to run. I understand that there has been a change in plans and a change of heart.”

  Summer released her hold on Geoff and approached Jean-Michel. She took his hands in hers and brought them up to her face where she rubbed first her forehead and then her cheeks along them before kissing them. “Jean-Michel Gautier, I ask that you accept me into your pack so that I may call you alpha and be given your protection.”

  He smiled at her. “It was always yours, Summer. Welcome home.”

  She smiled at him and turned to look at Geoff, who had tears in his eyes and a grin that spread from ear to ear.

  He crossed, taking her hands in his. “Summer, I claim you as my mate in this lifetime and all the ones that follow. Do you accept my claim?”

  She threw her arms around his neck and pressed her body into his. “I do. You know I do. I can’t think of anything I’d rather do.”

  Jean-Michel laughed and clapped his hands together. “Now that we have that settled, Claudine assures me she has enough food prepared to feed a gathering twice our size. I assured her that we had more than the appetite for everything to do it justice.”

  Everyone started into the huge dining hall and began helping themselves. Darby started to worry about Heather and Maryann, but saw that Summer was already stepping into her role as mate to the omega of the pack. This was the Summer she had known at Bae Diogel—kind, funny, and loving.

  The pack laughed and enjoyed each other’s company until late into the night. Jean-Michel was just about to spirit Darby up to their bed when Vachon beckoned. There was a note from the Council and one from Dylan Grainger of Calon Gwyllt. He asked Vachon to quietly get JD and Geoff to the library; their mates were welcome but not mandatory.

  The six of them gathered in the library. Jean-Michel smiled at Summer. “I’m glad you have decided to embrace your fate with us. Geoff may well need a strong, determined mate to help see us through what’s coming.”

  “Is it bad? Is it something we caused either as Bae Diogel or today?” asked Darby.

  “Dylan and I talked about this briefly before we left Calon Gwyllt. Neither Bae Diogel nor what happened today is what caused what’s coming, but it certainly added fuel to the fire. There are those at the Ruling Council who wish to see some of the stronger packs brought to heel and follow the old ways. We, and there are more than a few of us, aren’t willing to walk backwards into history. We must embrace the new. They refuse to see that the European packs are gearing up for something. They want to believe it’s just more of the same old saber rattling. But the raid on Bae Diogel was pretty extreme—not only did one pack attack another, but it was a European pack against a North American pack and the Europeans did nothing. They haven’t so much as imposed a single sanction on the Serbs. The Serbs and their ilk are gaining power all over Europe. The Ruling Council would have us bury our heads in the sand. In my opinion, and the opinion of those whom I respect, all that will get us is kicked in the ass. Dylan is calling for a meeting of the packs that stood with us in voting against the action taken against Bae Diogel and the Charleston and Savannah packs, both of whom chose neutrality.”

  JD said, “A kind of war council?”

  “Hopefully we can avoid that, but if it comes to it, yes. Dylan suggested we hold it here. New Orleans is easy to slip in and out of and the plantation is big enough to hold everyone. Dylan said he would understand if we chose to play a less aggressive role in what’s coming. He knows that we’re about to get a reprimand from the Council…”

  “We’ve had those before,” said Geoff. All three women looked at him. “Let’s just say anyone studying history shouldn’t be surprised that three of you from Bae Diogel ended up here with the only wolf who is a direct and legitimate descendant of a pirate.”

  Jean-Michel chuckled. “He mentioned that he has contacted Oliver up in the Hamptons as well as the packs in Charleston and Savannah. I think alphas and their mates.
We could be talking about twenty adults. I’m not sure how many have children. Darby, you’ll need to coordinate with Vachon, Mrs. Hastings, and Claudine to get geared up for this. And it’s a small window. We need to get this done within the month.”

  He turned to Geoff. “I’m afraid, my friend, that all we can allow you with your Summer is a very brief honeymoon. And as soon as Lily is safely delivered, we need Peter to set up a network around the country and Canada… Europe if he can manage it. The more intel we have the better.”

  “If you’re looking for electronics, there’s nobody better than Anna at Calon Gwyllt. Maybe Dylan should bring her and her mate Josh with them so she and Peter can coordinate,” offered Darby.

  They all agreed it was an excellent idea. “We should go make a brief appearance back out at the party. Make sure Maryann and Heather are settled,” said Jean-Michel.

  “That’s been seen to, Jean-Michel,” said Summer, to everyone’s surprise. “I didn’t figure this was a let’s shoot tequila in celebration of Summer, as Megan so aptly put it, getting her head out of her ass type gathering. I asked Gretchen to kind of look after them and she said she’d be happy to do it. But if they haven’t already retired for the evening, I’ll make sure they’re okay. I think Darby and Megan have done enough for one day.”

  They left the library and started rounding people up to close the gathering for the evening. Claudine promised a sumptuous repast for the morning.

  Darby said, smiling, “Dear Claudine, do you know how to prepare anything different?” and everyone agreed. The pack started dispersing and both Heather and Maryann made sure to thank Darby for thinking of them and coming to get them and Jean-Michel for offering them his protection.

  Darby and Jean-Michel were the last ones to climb the stairs. They opened the doors to their suite and saw that the bed had been turned back and the curtains drawn. “Mrs. Hastings never misses a beat, does she?”

  “I assure you, beloved, this is all you. She never once turned back my bed for me.”

  Darby walked out onto the balcony and watched the river as the moon reflected down onto it. She’d come to love the Mississippi in the very short time she’d been here. It had moods—it could be fast flowing and stormy or it could be like tonight, just lazing along its way or anything and everything in between.

  “What troubles you?” he asked softly. “And do not lie to me and tell me nothing.” He ran his hand down her flank. “I would prefer not to knot and tie you on a sore bottom.”

  “You know me too well already. I just worry that something will happen to our pack… to this place.”

  “This pack and this plantation have stood more than three hundred years. One of the things passed down through our line was to never be caught unaware or unprepared. We’ve been stockpiling things for the past five years. Jean Lafitte had a great network of hiding places and we are using all of them. Whatever comes, we will prevail. We always have, and this time we will not be standing in the darkness by ourselves. It is time the stronger, more progressive packs left the shadows and forced all of the packs to embrace the light.”

  She smiled at him, loving him more than she ever thought it would be possible. “For the record,” she said, drawing her finger down his core, “I am not tied to you nor are we at the height of our passion. I love and adore you. You have done nothing but bring joy and rapture to my life. I pledge to love you for the rest of this life and all the lives to come.”

  “Then come to bed, mate. Let me show you again what else the Gautier alphas are known for…”

  Jean-Michel led her back to their bed and did just that.

  The End

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  Additional Books in the Wayward Mates Series

  Brought to Heel

  Skylar Owen is not used to taking orders from anyone and the last thing she wants in her life is an alpha who will demand her submission, but her world is turned upside down after a band of rogue wolves attacks her small, all-female pack. Ordered to disband her pack so that she can be matched with a mate, Skylar defies the Ruling Council, only to be hunted down and captured.

  Though he can tell Skylar will be trouble the moment he sets eyes on her, Dylan Grainger knows how to tame a wayward woman, and it isn’t long before the beautiful, feisty redhead is tearfully promising obedience as her bare bottom is soundly spanked. But Dylan quickly realizes that Skylar is much more than just a headstrong female in need of an alpha’s firm-handed correction.

  With each passing day, he grows more certain that she is his mate, and he knows that soon he must claim her, mark her, and take her hard and thoroughly. But will she resist her instincts, or will her body’s response to his bold dominance leave her in no doubt that she belongs to him?

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