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Page 14

by Melissa Schroeder

  No. His mind, his heart, his entire soul screamed the word, but in the end he knew the rational answer.

  “I’ve no choice in the matter.”

  Callum said nothing for a few moments. Then, he said, “Don’t let her get away if you want her. Believe me, the risk is definitely worth it.”

  Belvidore came to a stop in front of them, but Angus felt out of sorts. Callum stepped toward the curb, but Angus didn’t follow. Callum stopped and glanced back at him.


  “I’m going to take a walk. I’ll call Belvidore when I’m done.”

  Angus waved at the car as they drove off and started walking down the street. He had no idea where he was going, but he knew he needed to get his head back together. Before he knew where he was going, he ended up in front of one of his favorite pubs. With a shrug, he decided to get a pint. It was crowded, as lunch was just starting up. He found a table in the back corner, ordered that pint and watched the patrons. It was something he enjoyed doing from time to time. Human behavior was always a delight. In all the years they had been on this earth, he would always find comfort in observing from a distance.

  But now that he thought about it, that didn't sound too healthy. The waitress returned.

  "Ready for another pint?"

  He nodded. "And bangers and mash."

  "Make that two," a man said from behind the waitress. Gavin McWalton had apparently followed him. The waitress looked at Angus for an answer and he nodded.

  “Coming right up.” Then, she left the two of them alone.”

  Angus studied Gavin. "Do you always follow people after you have meetings with them?"

  The other man smiled at Angus as he sat in the chair opposite of him. "No. I promise it was all by accident. I saw you after I decided to stop by for a little lunch. I’m on my way to Glasgow for some meeting this afternoon.”

  Angus studied him. "So, you want to break bread and you think everything your family has done will be forgiven?"

  "Doona fash yourself Angus, I'm not here to discuss old wounds."

  Again, Angus was struck about how different Gavin was from his older cousin Kenneth. Slick was the best word to describe the man. He looked like he tried to emulate the epitome of how he thought a businessman would look, but missed the mark a bit. He was too perfect, every line and crease in his suite was impeccable. Angus didn’t like it. Sure, he didn’t look like Kenneth, but there was another part of Angus that didn’t trust a man who looked so perfect. Callum was like that, but Angus understood the reasons behind it. This one…well, Angus really didn’t trust the bastard.

  Angus would never trust a person with the name McWalton, no matter how genial he seemed.

  Once they were alone, he smiled again. "I wanted to talk to Callum, but I’m glad he brought you along. I wanted to make sure that the message got back to everyone in the Clan.”

  "Are you thinking that we would be easier to deal with?"

  "No, but Callum tends to go on the warpath when he hears the name McWalton."

  Angus shook his head. First he couldn’t believe he was sitting there talking to a McWalton or that the man was so casual about it. More than two centuries of being confronted by the bastards. "Can you blame him?"

  He shook his head. "Not with Crazy Kenny running around. You know, there was a bit of a rumor about his mental state. That is, within the family."

  "Is that a fact?"

  "Well, I kept up with that sort of thing being next in line."

  "That makes sense."

  "Anyway, I wanted to talk to you about this feud."

  "You already did this morning."

  He sighed. "I've no interest in carrying on this feud. I see it as a waste of time. I know that my predecessors would disagree with me, but I have always thought it a waste of time to keep going on. It's not like anything is going to happen to you. You're always going to survive."

  That much was true. There was no way of avoiding the fact that the McLennans just don't die.


  The waitress stopped back by, gave them their food, then went on her way.

  "Brilliant. I do love a good plate of bangers and mash."

  Angus kept watching him as the laird cut into his sausage and ate it with the vigor of a man who had not eaten in days."

  "What?" he asked.

  "I'm just wondering what the bloody hell you are up to."

  He threw his head back and laughed. Angus mentally shrugged and decided to start in on his lunch before it got too cold.

  “Damn, now I know why Kenneth didn’t like your lot. Too smart for him that’s the truth.”

  “We always thought that the family was behind him.”

  “Well, there are factions, people who want to keep the feud going. But, seriously, I don’t give a flying fuck what you do.”

  It was Angus’s turn to laugh. The pint was doing a good job of loosening him up, but what was best was that apparently Gavin had no idea of the plan they had for breaking the curse. That would make things easy, at least for a while.

  He watched the laird finish off his pint and slam the glass down on the table. “Let’s get us another round, Lennon. My treat.”

  Angus was never one to turn down a free pint so he nodded. He wanted to know more about that man because no matter what he said, Angus didn’t trust him. Centuries of dealing with McWalton lairds had taught him to be leery.

  * * * *

  Trusting with his heart will save the lives of two, and the lives of the five.

  Phoebe moved her head from side to side, trying to work out the kinks. Sitting at the desk wasn’t the most comfortable thing for her lately. She couldn’t seem to concentrate most of the time. She glanced over to where Callum usually sat and sighed. He’d had a lot of meetings lately and she found herself missing him during the day. She wasn’t a woman who clung to a man. Her first marriage had taught her that. But more and more she felt the need to be around Callum.

  “What has you looking so lonely, love?” he asked. She turned and found him leaning against the doorjamb.

  “I was thinking I missed having you here.”

  He smiled and her heart still did that little dance it did the first time she saw it. They definitely came more frequently these days. He walked over to her, leaning down to give her a kiss.

  “Come to bed, love, and I will show you how much I missed you.”

  She smiled. “I would like to, but I am a little sleepy and I think I found something here.”

  “Well, let’s at least go over to the sofa.”

  He plucked her up out of the chair. “Wait, I need the diary.”

  He grumbled something about that bloody diary.

  “This is the thing that brought us together.”

  He said nothing else, but grunted when they settled on the couch. “I think you might be gaining weight.”

  “I think I married the wrong McLennan.”

  He laughed. “Now what did you find?”

  She read the line that stopped her before.

  “Hmm, you don’t know if it has to do with Angus.”

  “No. But it has to do with one of the boys probably.”

  He snorted. “Only you would call those wankers boys.”

  She said nothing as she leaned back against his chest and stretched out her legs. She continued to read until another line stopped her.

  The Descendent will sacrifice the jewel for the loves of her life and in it; she could save the lives of the five.



  “This is what I translated this to.” She handed him the paper.

  He looked at her. “Do you think she is a direct descendent?”

  Phoebe shrugged. “I’m not sure. Truth is, she probably wouldn’t even know either.”

  “How could she not know?”

  “Witches have always led a strange existence in every culture. Revered at times for their healing powers, and vilified if anything ever went wrong. Fear of t
he unknown always made them easy targets. White witches like Maggie and her mother and grandmother could have easily had to flee. Many of them lost their way.”

  Callum sighed.

  “That sounded lonely, love,” she said, knowing he was remembering what happened during the Clearances.

  “But, at least we had each other.”

  She nodded, taking comfort in the man who had become the center of her life. She settled back, resting the book on her lap and let herself drift off to sleep.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Maggie was startled by a loud knock at her door. Since Angus had left that morning, she had felt off center. Adding in the fact that Callum returned by himself, telling her that Angus was dealing with some other business. It was odd that he hadn’t called her, but they had no agreement of how their relationship would progress. If it would even progress. So, hiding in her room seemed like a good idea. Most of the cousins had rarely breeched her room and if it had been Jack, he would have just burst right in.

  "Come in," she said. She was surprised to see Logan's head pop through the opening.

  "Have you seen Angus?"

  She shook her head. "I thought he was at work."

  "He had a meeting in town, but he apparently went off the beaten path, again. How he claims that I am the one who loses track of time, I do not know."

  He didn't close the door and leave. He continued to stand there, half in and half out of her room. There was one thing about the Lennons, they wouldn't come in and take over your area, but they could tend to be a bit nosey. She didn't mind, truly, because it would give her a chance to get to know the man she was starting to fall for.

  "Would you like to talk?"

  He smiled and right there, she saw the resemblance. They all had a look about them, but it was amazing how much the brothers looked alike when they smiled.

  "I'd appreciate it. I had a cancelled meeting and I am wandering the halls with nothing to do." He wandered in, that long legged gait that she had grown accustomed to. "So, you’re working on spells?"

  She nodded. "I think I'm ready and I better be since the Gala is tomorrow night."

  "And, hopefully, you can outwit Sweeney."

  She sighed and nodded. "Along with a lot of other people. I know I am insane, but I don't think we will get another chance to do it."

  He made his way over to the two chairs that sat by the windows.

  "So, how do you go about this...conjuring? What is the plan?"

  "You were there when we discussed it, right? Nothing has changed."

  He smiled. "Yes, but I think a demonstration is in order."

  She cocked her head and studied him. "Logan, what is this about?" It was his turn to sigh.

  "I'm worried."

  "About your brother?"

  He nodded.

  "I promise if I see an issue with the plan, I will cancel it right then."

  "I would feel better if I could see you do it though."

  That she understood. If she were sending someone she loved into danger, she would worry about it too. Of course, if her suspicions were right, he wouldn't be killed. There would be no way to have him killed. But, still, there was always a chance something could go wrong, and being captured for a man with eternity to live, it wouldn't be that much fun, that was for sure. It could also expose the secrets this family kept.

  "Got a coin or a bobble or something?"

  He nodded and stood fishing through his pockets as he walked forward. He handed her a penny that looked to be over one hundred years old. She was pretty sure the UK didn't use the coin regularly anymore.

  "Now hold it up for me."

  He did as she asked. She concentrated on the coin, the dimensions, the markings. Then, she recited the spell.

  “Let this one, become two.”

  "Okay, now place it in your hand."

  She held the coin in her mind as she placed her hand over his. Repeating the spell again, she pulled the coin up off his palm. He looked down at it, then at her.

  "What are you going to do?"

  She smiled and held the first one up. He blinked then he smiled.

  “That’s just a parlor trick.”

  “The simplest of tricks are always the ones that work the best, my mother told me that.”

  His smile faded. “Promise me, though, you will be safe.”

  She nodded. “And I will make sure that we get that emerald for you.”

  He took her hand, the serious look almost making her look away. “And please, take care of Angus.”

  She smiled. “You don’t have to worry about that, Logan. He’ll be fine.”

  “Only if you are.”

  And with that, he let go of her hand and left her alone with her thoughts.

  * * * *

  Angus was feeling pretty good as he waited for Belvidore to pick him up from in front of the pub. The early evening air was a bit nippy, but he didn’t feel it. A couple pints and a full stomach had him feeling warm and happy. Plus, he was on his way back to Maggie.

  “Have a nice dinner, Mr. Lennon?”

  He turned in the direction of the sound of the voice. A tall man, black hair a little too long and slicked back from a very high forehead. He had the darkest eyes Angus had ever seen. Even in the dim streetlight, they looked black.

  “I did, but I doona know why it is your business.”

  “Since you’ve been fucking my sister-in-law, I thought maybe we should have a chat.”

  Anger surged along with a healthy dose nausea. Angus didn’t know if the bastard was doing it or it was just the fact he was in the presence of the bastard.

  “I’ve no use for a man like you. And if you know what is good for you, you’ll leave Maggie and her son out of this.”

  Everything about the other man seemed to go completely still. “Son?”

  “Yes, your nephew is of no use to you.”

  He said nothing for a few moments, then he apparently decided to try the friendly approach. “I think we need to have a talk, Mr. Lennon. There are things about my sister-in-law that might concern a man with your reputation.”

  “My reputation? I don’t think you know the first thing about me.”

  “I know that your real last name isn’t Lennon and I know that you are not all that you seem.”

  He wanted to tear the man from limb to limb. Angus looked around and the street was too crowded for him to do anything. Of course, looking at the man, Angus thought it would better not to try to fight him. He was a witch after all and while he couldn’t kill Angus, he could make him hurt.

  And more than anything, he wanted to get back to Maggie and Jack. Now that the bastard knew she was here, there was no way he wouldn’t come after them.

  “Say your piece, O’Conner then bugger off.”

  He smiled, giving Angus a full grin. There was nothing nice about it.

  “Your little witch isn’t all she seems.”

  “Yes, you said that.”

  “I just wanted to make sure that you and yours stayed safe. My brother learned that lesson too late.”

  “And just what the bloody hell do you mean?”

  His smile faded. “He trusted that bitch with his life, and she took it from him. If it is the last thing I do, I will make her pay.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Maggie was summoned to Callum’s office later that evening. The moment she stepped into the room, she felt unbalanced. Nausea hit next. She took a second to compose herself and then looked around the room. All of the cousins were present and accounted for.

  “Maybe you want to tell us all about your husband, Maggie?”

  The iciness of Angus’ voice told her he already knew. He knew the secret she had kept close to her heart, allowed it to strip away her Magick.

  “I don’t think I want to talk about that.”

  “I think you bloody fucking owe us that.”

  “Angus,” Phoebe said, her voice filled with embarrassment and condemnation. From the look on her fa
ce, Phoebe wasn’t mad at Maggie. She was upset with Angus. That would all change.

  “Owe you?”

  “The truth. We deserve the truth.”

  She looked at all of them, one by one. “You deserve the truth? Because you have been so truthful with me?”

  “Tell them. Tell them how you know you can open the locks in that house. You know it will work because it did,” Angus spat out.

  “What are you talking about?” Phoebe asked. She looked back and forth between the two of them.

  “Tell them. Tell them how you sent him in there. You were sick, but you could have done the job like you had in the past.”

  She turned to leave but he stopped her with that another nasty accusation.

  Anger surged through her as sparks of energy popped through the room. Closing her eyes, she repeated a short spell to calm her rage so she would not direct it to anyone in the room. She turned to face him, face all of them, because they were once again a united front against her.

  “Yes, I could have done it that night. I overplayed my illness.”

  “And you let him go in there, thinking he was safe.”

  “He was safe.”

  “But he ended up dead,” Logan said. She looked at the man; the one she thought was so sweet. He would definitely hate her forever. And if she was right about them, about the whole lot of them….that was going to be a long bloody time.

  “Yes, he did. I take it you had a chat with my ex brother-in-law?”

  Angus nodded. “Although, he claimed you never married.”

  “I told you we weren’t really married.”

  “So, tell them. Tell them what you did to him.”

  “I killed the bastard. I would do it again if I had the chance.”

  The stunned silence that followed almost left her deaf.

  “You admit it,” Angus said, disgust dripping from every word. “You let him go in there and get killed.”

  “No. I did not let him go in there and get killed.”

  She wandered around the room, pretending not to care about her audience. It was okay that they thought she was a killer. She was one.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Didn’t you find that out when you went rummaging around in my past?”

  “No, I spoke with Dylan O’Conner.”


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