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Wings of the Walker (The Walker Series Book 1)

Page 14

by Coralee June

  “You needed to rest,” he explained in a eerily calm tone.

  I looked out the window and saw that we were quickly approaching a collection of tall buildings and modern adornments. The Empire was vastly different from the modest Dormas providence and even more advanced than Galla. Josiah shook his knee anxiously, a habit he collected as a child when his father would grill politics and history into his mind.

  “We are in The Confederation of Dásos, headed towards the capitol,” Josiah clarified. “We won’t be here very long; I’m sure they will want to move things along quickly.”

  The transport stopped abruptly, and Josiah crawled out, yanking my hand with him. I felt wildly underdressed in my form-fitting olive dress from the Solstice Festival the night before. My discomfort made me remember my new family and what led to me being here. I was worried about Kemper and Jacob, were they hurt?

  Josiah dragged me down the street, and the guards flanked us on each side. I felt suffocated by their towering, brooding attitudes and Josiah’s grip kept getting tighter and tighter. While walking, I thought I saw a glimpse of Cyler’s black, curly hair, but I quickly chalked it up to my mind playing tricks on me. There was no way they’d find me so fast..

  Josiah pulled me into a tall, dome-shaped building, and my flat shoes clicked loudly against the styled tile. Everyone turned to look at us while we rushed past and Josiah ignored the curious stares of passersbys and the eager secretaries wanting our information, so they could warn their superiors. We made our way down the brightly-lit hallways until Josiah came to a large, intricately-carved door and opened it, revealing a circular room full of men dressed in varying degrees of professional attire.

  “Ah, Master Stonewell, I’m so happy to see that you were successful in your mission” an elderly man at the center of the circle exclaimed with a loud clap. I observed the old man openly. He had shoulder-length white hair and bright grey eyes. The wrinkles on his face formed perfectly around his mouth, indicating that he either spent the majority of his life laughing or smiling. “Yes, Emperor Lackley. It was easy enough,” Josiah replied with a bow while pulling my arm down, wordlessly begging me to follow suit.

  “So this is the girl that’s got Cyler Black’s attention, hmm?” He said while his eyes roamed the length of me. Emperor Lackley then exited the podium and walked towards us with a mild grin. He moved slowly, but the entire room had their eyes on him, curious what he would say. Once close enough, he spoke in a low tone. “Word has already gotten out that Cyler and his leadership council are here. I’m surprised at how quickly they were able to mobilize. I’m eager to see just how cooperative they’ll be.”

  As if hearing Emperor Lackley, the front doors blasted open, and Cyler walked through them with an unmistakable air of confidence. The black circles under his eyes hinted that he was up all night and my stomach churned at the sight of him. Something told me that he was walking into a trap.

  The guards around us coughed uncomfortably, and a hand gripped my wrist, pulling me out of their circle and away from Josiah into a familiar chest. He smelled of citrus. Maverick. Somehow during Cyler’s grand entrance, he had managed to sneak up on us and pull me away from Josiah.

  Josiah’s lip twitched into a brief smile before a deep scowl took its place. He then whirled around, making eye contact with me. Although his eyes burned with a familiar furry that made me tremble, he maintained his composure.

  “I didn’t realize that the Emperor now dealt with minor trade conflicts,” Cyler said in a gruff voice. Maverick snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me even closer to him. Emperor Lackley smiled and eyed Maverick and me suspiciously.

  “Welcome! Welcome! I’m humbled by your presence here, Cyler. You’ve caused quite a stir these past few months since discovering that nice little mine of yours,” Lackley replied with a grin.

  “I’ve never been accused of subtlety, Emperor Lackley,” Cyler replied in a snarky tone that caused a few observers to cough. “I’m here to reclaim what is rightfully mine.” Cyler then gestured towards me with a scowl. I knew he hated referring to me as property.

  “Ah yes, it seems that since the engagement is broken off, different arrangements must be made,” Lackley replied with forced politeness. “I think it’s only fair that Ashleigh here goes back to her prior Holder since Mistress Black is now back in your possession.”

  “And what would the great Emperor Lackley suggest to rebalance this trade?” Cyler asked with a knowing smirk.

  Emperor Lackley walked over to where Maverick was clutching me. The scent of stale smoke filled my nose, and I gagged on the smell.

  “It would seem that you’re not the only one smitten with the little Walker. I think it would only be fair if you allow us to have a portion of the mine’s overall production. I think twenty-five percent would be fair,” He said with a grin. I gasped.

  Maverick whispered to me to remain quiet, which was surprisingly easy since my throat still hadn’t recovered from the night before and whatever drugs still floating in my system. He clutched my hand softly, and his thumb rubbed over the top of it, almost as if to remind me that he was still there.

  Without wavering, Cyler thrust out his hand and said, “Deal.”

  My mouth dropped open in shock, and I looked at him. Did he just trade a twenty-five percent stake of the mines on me? “Only upon the condition that no one from any Providence enters Dormas without permission. I’d prefer these deals be made without the people I care about being dragged into it.” Cyler’s voice dripped with venom, and I flinched at the fierceness of it.

  Emperor Lackley observed us again, and a long, pregnant pause filled the room. I shifted my feet in anticipation. “Yes, yes of course,” he finally replied.

  With that, Cyler nodded and made his way out the same door he came in through. Maverick then ushered me behind him. I looked back to find Josiah, but he was deep in conversation with Emperor Lackley. Just as the doors were about to shut Josiah caught my eye and sent me a smoldering glare that rocked me to my core. His millisecond glance held all the pain shared between us. It was the kind of look that broke you.

  We made our way to the transport, and the moment the door shut a series of cheers, and concerned ramblings erupted. I looked around to see that the entire Dormas leadership council was piled into the small space. Despite my heartbreak, my face broke out into a full grin at the sight of them.

  Chapter 23

  “Are they following us?”

  “I didn’t think we were going to make it in time.”

  “That should hold them off a little longer.”

  “Where the fuck did you get this bruise?” The last question came from Huxley as he openly examined me. His ran a finger across my cheek, and I winced in pain.

  “It must have been from the guard that got me. I fought him, and he hit me to keep me still,” I answered. Huxley wordlessly pulled me into his lap, and I froze, shocked by his intimate gesture. This was entirely unlike him.

  “Don’t you ever fucking scare me like that again,” he ordered.

  I looked down at his hands as they ran up and down my arms to see that his knuckles were bruised and bloody.

  “I might have gotten into a fight with a couple of Josiah’s guards when they told us you were gone,” he explained with a shrug and a sheepish grin. “You scared the hell out of us.”

  We’re lucky Emperor Lackley’s a greedy son of a bitch,” Kemper added, shocking me with his language.

  Maverick, who was sitting beside Huxley grabbed my legs and pulled them into his lap. For the moment, I was safe. “I didn’t think you would come,” I admitted.

  The transport grew quiet, and I looked around at each of them. “We aren’t Josiah,” Kemp said solemnly. The others gave me worried looks. “I’m not even sure who he is anymore,” I answered.

  “So, what now?” I asked.

  “Now? We go home, babe,” Cyler answered. “And, we get ready for whatever else Emperor Lackley has up his sleeve. I don’t t
hink he will be giving up that easy. He has his eye on our gold and our girl.”

  During the ride home, each took turns holding my hand or keeping me close. I sensed that they felt the need to be reassured by my safety, and I reveled in it. We hurried back, anxious to be in the protection of our Providence and far away from the greed and political warfare of the Empire.

  I spent my ride openly observing everyone and trying to orient myself. Everyone was mostly quiet. Once the adrenaline of my rescue wore off, I noticed that most of them still reeked of alcohol from the night before, and I assumed that the guys were hung over.

  When we arrived back in the Dormas Providence, Kemper and Cyler ran to check on the Galla Guard imposters. A warehouse turned jail temporarily held them

  I went back to the Black House and tried to force the critical thoughts about Josiah at bay. I decided to try and make sense of how our love turned so dark. I tried to look back at memories with Josiah and remember if he was always this erratic.

  Josiah was always in control of his emotions, but I never before realized just how controlling he was. I then considered my fragile life in Dormas. How I quickly grew accustomed to freedom. To affection. I reveled in the looks Cyler gave me. In the fierce protectiveness of Huxley. In Jacob’s flirting. Patrick’s smile. Kemper’s sweet gaze. There was trouble on the horizon, but I felt secure for the first time in my life.

  I shivered at the thought, but a knock on my door shook me out of my thoughts. Patrick opened the door and slowly slid inside my room. He walked with a defeated expression and plopped himself on the corner of my bed.

  I never before had seen him with such a sad expression, and the effect was devastating to me.

  “I thought we lost you, Ash,” he murmured. “We’ve known you barely a few weeks, and you already have me tied up in knots.”

  I reached out to grab his hand and offer whatever comfort I could. I felt out of control and separated from myself. It was jarring to think that the man I loved could be so cruel, and men I barely knew could be so kind.

  “Am I crazy for still loving him?” I whispered. Patrick scooted closer to me and grabbed my hand.

  “He’s all you’ve ever known, Ash. You were stuck in his home. He was the only man you’ve been given a chance to love. You aren’t crazy,” he replied.

  I considered his words and saw the truth in them. I felt tears stream down my face, and I brushed them away with a sloppy swipe of my dirty fingertips. I was still wearing the olive-green dress Huxley got me. I probably looked like a mess, but Patrick still observed me with reverence and appreciation.

  “What are we going to do?” I thought out loud. The politics of the empire were tense, and I considered how lucky the scavengers were to be free from their toxic alliances and shady trade deals.

  “Let's not worry about that, now. Just sit here and let me hold your hand. Let me know you’re safe,” Patrick pleaded.

  I complied and forced thoughts of the future out of my mind. I was out of my element, but I was free. We would figure this out. Together.

  Thank You

  Thank you for reading Wings of the Walker! Book two, “Heart of the Walker” will be out Summer of 2018.

  About the Author

  Coralee June is an emerging author of unconventional romance. She likes strong men and the women that reign them in. This is Coralee’s first book.

  Coralee lives in a suburb of Dallas with her husband, two kids, dog, and bird. Oh— and also, the neighborhood cat that she refuses to admit is part of the family as well.

  Coralee likes long walks through the ice-cream aisle at her local neighborhood grocery store and is a bit awkward. She sings loudly in the shower and has been known to frequently indulge in boxed wine.




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