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Page 9

by Audrey Carlan

  I lean down and suck at his lips. He tastes of man and me. A sexy mixture I haven’t had in what feels like years but has only been a couple weeks. One thing is for sure, Chase loves to go downtown. He almost always goes for the space between my thighs. To me, it’s almost more intimate than the act of sex itself…except with Chase. Every act is intimate; he makes it so.

  “I know exactly what I’m doing to you.” His eyebrow quirks. “Really, I do,” I smile and trace his lips with one finger.

  “Enlighten me then, gorgeous.” He grins, clasps his hands behind his head and waggles his eyebrows. Smug bastard.

  I sit up giving him a great view of my naked body. He takes the bait, his eyes running the length of my torso and down where I slowly start to rub my slick center against his velvety cock. “You’re turned on.” I start.

  “Given,” he thrusts his hips reminding me just how painfully erect he is. I moan and then catch myself.

  “You’re warm, everywhere.” I lay my hands on his chest and smooth over the bumps and ridges of his abdominal muscles and square pecs. I’m one lucky woman sitting here on top of a naked man, who could double as a male model, his body is in such perfect shape. Only he’s thinner, hasn’t put back on the pounds he lost when I was abducted. I’m no better. I’ve only gained back five of the twenty-five I lost although I know it’s a process and I’m on the right track.

  Chase gives me one of his heart stopping smirks. “Very warm. I could be warmer if you’d sit more fully on my cock.”

  I shimmy my hips, stirring my ass in a circle. “Like this?”

  “Mmm, yeah. And now maybe you could get up on your knees and open yourself to me. You know how I like it baby. Let me see your pleasure.”

  “You’re depraved, you know that.” I grin.

  He clasps my left hand and brings it to his mouth. He sucks my first finger and middle finger into his mouth swirling his tongue delectably around the fingers then pulls my ring finger in. It stops at my engagement ring. Thank the heavens my fingers were so swollen from the anesthesia that Daniel couldn’t get my ring off. He tried; Lord knows he tried. Chase looks at the ring and frowns.

  “This should be your wedding ring,” he laments sadly.

  I nod and bite my lip not knowing what to say that could make it better for either of us. Finally I just tell the truth trying to focus on the positive. We’re together, and that’s all that matters. “It will be…one day.” I say it to him as if it’s a promise.

  “If I wanted to whisk you away and marry you, along the side of a lake in a tiny church in the middle of nowhere, what would you say?” His eyes no longer hold mirth but focus intently on mine. I look at the man lying naked below me. He’s laying his heart out in the open for me to see. I place my hand over his heart and feel the steady, quickening pace of his heart rate as he waits patiently for my answer.

  Tilting my head, I look at the man I love. Just look at him. Eyes dark with lust and love. Hair a stark brown against his lightly tanned skin. Lips so soft that I worry kissing him will bruise the perfect bow- shaped flesh. And his jaw, his beard now scratchy from a day of growth. Watching him, I can see not only how beautiful he is, but I can feel how much I mean to him. His hands come to my hips and he methodically lifts me up. He centers the wide knobbed head of his cock at my sex, then pushes inch by slow inch inside me. His manhood presses the walls of my pussy wide to allow for his thickness. My body clamps down around his length in greeting, ribbons of heat and excitement spiral from between my legs up and out of my pelvis until finally, as if he had all day and night to make his entrance, he’s seated to the brim. There is nowhere else left for his cock to go. I’m jam-packed with the heavy weight of his flesh and don’t want to be anywhere else in the world.

  “I need an answer,” he says grinding his pelvic bone into my clit from below. I gasp and lean forward, shifting his cock and forcing him into a new angle. An angle that penetrates fully to nth degree and then some.

  “Chase, baby…” I moan, swept away by our connection.

  “Will you marry me?”

  I lift up and slam back home. That time, he growls and clenches my hips possessively. “Of course I’ll marry you. I already said yes, my answer didn’t change in two weeks.” I tip my head back and place my hands on his rock hard thighs behind me. Without meaning to I jut my breasts out and curve backward over the legs of my man. His thick rod pushes up into me with each thrust hitting that effervescent place that only he ever reaches.

  Chase groans and clenches his jaw when he responds. “I meant, will you go away with me. Let me marry you far, far away, where it’s only me and you and our commitment to be together, to have this…through infinity, baby,” he roars slamming me onto his cock. I scream out an orgasm preparing to explode deep within my womb.

  He lifts his legs up into ninety degree angles forcing his dick higher, if possible. Then he places his hands on my waist and lifts me up and down, rocking me back and forth on his cock. Tingles prickle along my body firing off tiny bursts of pure bliss. Pleasure roars through me in a wave of uninhibited ecstasy. His thumb comes in contact with my clit and gives it a wild rubbing. That is the trigger.

  “God, Chase,” I scream as the orgasm shoots through me. My body puts down the vice lock on his erection, and he, too, cries out long and deep. Hot sprays of his seed bathe my insides with jet after jet of his essence.

  I flop down onto his chest, incapable of movement. His breath comes in heaving pants against the side of my hair, blowing a stubborn curl down the side of my cheek.

  Chase’s arms wrap around me, and I snuggle into his chest, my head on his heart, exactly where I’m meant to be. “We needed that.” He states the obvious and I chuckle. The first true laugh I’ve had in two weeks.

  While I lay there naked and perfectly content to doze on my man— he’s now soft but still imbedded within me—I think about his request. Just get up and leave everything behind and escape…no, escape is the wrong term. Elope.

  I lift up my head, clasp my hands over his chest and rest my chin on them. “You want to elope?”

  His eyes turn my favorite, cerulean blue. “I do. I don’t want to tell anyone, explain where we’re going or how long we’ll be gone. I just want to disappear with you. Then bind you to me, legally, physically, mentally, eternally.”

  I force myself not to shy away but to just follow my heart. “I want that, too.”

  His eyes narrow. “You do?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  He hugs me to him. “Does that mean we can leave tomorrow?” It reminds me of the first time he asked me to marry him back in our penthouse after that horrible evening with Megan.

  “End of the week. Friday. Five days from now.”

  He nods smiling wide. “I’ll make the arrangements.”

  “Don’t tell anyone. Make them yourself. Don’t even tell Dana.”

  He scrunches up his brows. “Do you not trust her because of what McBride did?”

  I shake my head. “No, that sick asshole played all of us, me especially. I do not fault her for falling for him. He’s very good at manipulation. She was just another pawn in his game. I just…this is about us. Me and you. We can make the plans together if you want.”

  This time he shakes his head and pulls me into a tight hug. “I’ll take care of everything, but why the end of the week?”

  “Well, we need to see Dr. Madison, and I need a day with the girls before we elope.”

  “You’re going to tell them?” The tone in his voice holds a touch of accusation.

  “No, I won’t, but I haven’t been a very good friend. These last two weeks I haven’t been able to be away from you for more than ten minutes, and honestly Chase, even that is excruciating. I was thinking maybe we could plan a girls’ night in with some movies in the media room. You could work from home in your office…”

  “You mean the office that’s right next door to the movie room?” I purse my lips and look away. “Hey, hey, don’t be embarrasse
d. I think it’s a good idea and a good step forward. We’ll have the chef make you some pizza, you and I can pick out some bottles of wine from the cellar...” he says, but I stop him.

  “You have a wine cellar here? Like a dark dungeon type one?” He chuckles and nods. “Is it big enough to have people eat down there?”

  “Yes, I believe so. It’s been awhile since I’ve been down there, but we can fit a table in the center and work with the chef to serve a meal down there if you’d like. Do you want that?” His face contorts into one of surprise.

  “Hell yes! Only not now. Just the thought of being in a cold, dark, place messes with my head a little.” He closes his eyes, and I kiss him until he opens them again. “Though it will be a good test down the road.” I offer. He kisses me full, wet and deep. Our chat time is almost up. I can already feel him getting harder within me.

  “Again?” I ask.

  He thrusts his hips becoming fully erect. “With you lying naked on top of me? How can that surprise you?” He rolls us both over and sinks deep. I wrap my legs around him and let him slowly make love to me for a few moments.

  “So we’re going to leave on Friday.”

  He thrusts hard. “And you’re going to become my wife.” His hands curl around my shoulders and he hammers into me. I moan and arch into him.

  “I cannot wait.”

  “Let’s wait until I’m done fucking you.” He laughs into my neck and sucks on the tendon there.

  “Yeah, okay, let’s definitely wait until after that.” I scratch my nails down his long back.

  He kisses his way up my chin and to my lips. “Then again, that might not work.” Another powerful thrust, and I close my eyes, the heat building within.

  “Why’s that?”

  He power drives his hips into mine over and over, crushing his pelvis against my clit in dizzying bursts of pressure. “Because…” he moves again, harder and harder. A hand comes to my ass and lifts me up as he presses down and up at the same time.

  “I’ll. Never. Be. Done. Fucking. You.” He punctuates with each thrust until I’m gone, leaving the plane of existence and entering the space where only beautiful things exist, and all of them lead back to him and our connection. By this time next week, I’ll be Mrs. Gillian Davis…if he ever stops fucking me.



  “Welcome to the team, Elliott!” My new boss holds out a beefy hand. His hand grips tight but is no comparison to my strength. I could crush him with my pinky finger, but instead of doing that, I just smile.

  “Thanks Mr. Templeton. I’m happy to be here. I’ve worked some security jobs before but never for an estate like this,” I say with fake enthusiasm. The guy nods, adjusts his belt as if he’s important, and looks out the window over the vast landscape where a mansion sits at the top of a curved path. The guard’s headquarters is a small building near the front of the Davis Estate.

  “Yes, it’s a beautiful home, and the owners are very kind, but security is tight. You’ll have to be alert at all times.” He walks over to a bulletin board and snakes off a flyer with my picture on it and holds it out.

  I take it from him and look down at my smiling face. It’s one of the headshots from the accounting firm I left when I saved my girl from making the biggest mistake of her life marrying the fucker. And now I’m standing on the property where she’s likely holed up. It’s been a few days since the funeral, and I haven’t caught sight of her anywhere. She has to be here. It’s as if I can feel her presence.

  “So this a bad guy or something?” I hold up the picture right to my face. “I mean, the guy looks pretty normal. He could even be my brother.”

  The fat man looks at the picture and then at me with narrowed eyes. Maybe I played it too close, got cocky with the disguise having worked so well. I place my hand into my pocket and feel for the small pocketknife I have there. With a flick of my wrist, I could have it out and into his jugular in a second flat. Sweat beads on my forehead as the man assess me.

  “Nah, he’s a pretty boy type. You look like you’ve got some balls,” he grips his sac. I laugh out loud, mostly because of the absolute absurdity of this man running the security team at the rich bastard’s mansion. It took almost no effort to get a job here.

  “So what did this guy do anyway?” I hand him back the paper, and he tacks it back onto the bulletin board.

  “Plenty. Killed a few people blowing up a gym.”

  I act surprised. “Really? He was the one who took out that gym downtown?” Templeton nods, a grim line to his lips. Me, I have to clench mine to hold back a smile at the great work I did that day. I almost did mankind a huge favor taking out that prick Phillip. Another time, I promise myself.

  “Yep. Also slit a woman’s throat at a yoga place.” Totally deserved I think to myself. The world is better without that tree-hugging hippie in it. Templeton continues, “Apparently, he meant to kill one of the chicks that’s staying here. Beautiful woman, big and pregnant though with one of the other fellas that survived the blast at the gym.”

  Bingo. So Yoga Barbie and her bastard child along with Gillian’s first fuck are staying here. That has to mean that my girl is here.

  Templeton rests a pudgy thigh up on the wooden desk. It groans and creaks under his considerable weight. “The reason we’re here though, and that there are armed ex-military walking the premises is because he kidnapped the boss’s fiancée. Well, technically the man who owns the place is Charles Davis. And Ms. Gillian, she’s the fiancée to his nephew, Chase Davis. You’ll see them come and go when you’re on point at the guard shack accepting visitors in and out. To start though, we’ll have you walking the grounds with another guard until you get up to speed on procedure.” I nod.

  “So this woman, the one who got kidnapped…”

  “Wait until you see her. She’s somethin’ else. Beautiful. Sexy in a way that has a man hard in seconds.” I bite down and clench my teeth together. It takes every ounce of strength I have to not pummel the fucker into the ground for speaking about my woman that way. Templeton looks off at the house again. “She’s up there now.” Those four words enter my chest, wrap around my heart and sends anticipation skittering through my veins.

  She’s here.

  “Tonight, she and her friends are staying in so we just need to make sure the grounds stay quiet and no one gets in or out. You got that? No one enters on my watch,” he says while lifting his belt once more over his beer belly in a portrayal of self-proclaimed importance.

  Smiling wide, I say, “no one gets in or out. Got it, sir.”

  “All right then, let’s introduce you to the men. Get you suited up in uniform along with a Taser. All of us carry them, but the veterans have loaded weapons. The rest of us have the communication lines here, he points to his earpiece, and a receiver. “We check in with our group on the regular, and report back. If we see something we call for reinforcements. Come on.” He waves a hand. “We’ll talk and walk.”

  We go outside and start walking up the path to the house. As we walk, he’s rattling on and on about the job. I half pay attention. I’m far more focused on how many windows there are, what the access entries could be, how many men are patrolling and where. And then I see her. Sitting outside in a patio chair soaking up the sun.

  Templeton points to my girl. We’re a few hundred feet from where she’s reading. The sun is shining off her bright, red hair like a homing beacon calling to that place deep within me that knows its mate. She’s ethereal in a pair of jeans and a tank. A pair of sunglasses perched on her perfect button nose. I want to go to her, step up and take her.

  “That’s the one I was talking about. Name’s Gillian Callahan, but she’s the soon-to-be Mrs. Davis.” He points her out, but I know where she is. I felt her the second we walked up. “Oh, and that’s Mr. Davis.” I watch with barely controlled hate as the bane of my existence exits the French doors and hands my girl a drink. Then he leans down and kisses her for long moments. She accepts
his kiss, looking to be really into kissing him back. The rage swirling just below the surface turns white hot and spreads like the plague over my senses. I thought she understood her place. Her lips should not be on another man’s…ever. I’m going to have to punish her severely for that transgression.

  Without realizing it, I start walking toward the couple my hand in my pocket ready to pull out my knife. A firm grip pulls me back. “Elliot, man, you can’t approach them. This is their home. We’re supposed to be on the peripheral so they know we’re here, but we never ever intrude on their lives.”

  I suck in a slow breath. “Sorry, I was just thinking I should introduce myself.”

  Templeton shakes his head. “Nope, we’re invisible to them unless shit goes down. Other than that, we do not make eye contact, stay close but not so close that they feel your eyes on them, but that they know you’re there and feel safe. That’s our job. We protect and serve,” he says with a heaping dose of pride as if he was a fucking officer of the law. He didn’t go through the years of training to become a civil servant to “Protect and serve” like he boasts. He’s a god damned rent-a-cop with a fat gut and a false sense of importance.

  Without voicing my real opinions I look at him and nod vigorously as if he’s really got to the heart of me. “I completely understand, Sir. Do not approach. Stay close but not enough to warrant concern. Got it.”

  He claps a hand on my shoulder. “Good man, now let’s go meet some of your team and saddle you up with a trainer.”

  Templeton leads me along the path, and I keep my eyes glued to Gillian and that motherfucker. He’s sitting on her lounge chair with her feet in his lap. She laughs at something, and he brings her foot up to his mouth and kisses her ankle. She rewards him with peals of laughter. I miss her laugh. When Gillian found something funny she’d laugh with her entire being. It’s been a long time since I’ve heard it. Soon.

  I look over at her one more time before we go around the building and she’s out of sight.


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