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Love & Happiness (Sexy Secrets Book 3)

Page 14

by Nycole S. Bailey

  On principle, I don’t like Charlie’s father, even though I have never met him. I don’t like him because he’s hurt Charlie and I don’t want him to have the opportunity to hurt him again. However, I feel like I need to do something to get Charlie to see his father - I think it will do his some good. Even if it is just to cuss him out for abandoning him and his mom. I think he needs that closure.

  When the door to Livy’s birthing suite opens, all thoughts of Charlie and his father are put on hold, because the look on my Isaac’s face says it all. His smile is big, bright and the look on his face is one of pure joy.

  “He’s…” Isaac stops as his voice wavers with emotion. He clears his throat before starting again - his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down furiously. “He’s here and he’s beautiful.”

  I watch our parents and Livy’s parents wrap him in hugs before they release him and he continues.

  “And Liv did so good. She was amazing,” he says, wrapping an arm around Mom and Ms. Ruby as the rest of us stand around him, waiting for him to go on.

  I can see the raw emotion in Isaac’s face and the sheen of unshed tears in his eyes, which makes my own throat clog with tears.

  “The doctor is tending to her now. She had some tearing, so they are stitching her up some.”

  “Damn Bro!” Judah chuckles. “How big is he?”

  “Nine pounds and two ounces,” Isaac says proudly.

  I can believe it - during her last month, Livy was all baby belly. I absentmindedly rub my hand over my baby bump. Charlie pulls me back into his arms, placing his hand over mine as it rests on my swollen middle.

  “You okay?” He asks me softly before kissing my ear.

  I nod – too choked up to speak.

  “So, what’s his name?” Ivy asks.

  Livy and Isaac have kept his name a secret and like Ivy, I want to know his name too.

  “Elijah David.”

  I smile at the name. Even though I have not met my nephew, I know that it fits him perfectly.

  Before going back into the birthing suite to be with his family, Isaac lets us know that we will all be able to come into the suite in small groups within the next hour or so.

  There is a new excitement in the air as we all talk amongst ourselves. Charlie and I are sitting and talking with Ivy, Wood, Judah and Maddie, excitement in our voices at the newest member of our family. After a while, I tune out and I let my eyes scan the room. Even if we are not all related by blood, we are all family. Elijah is the first grandchild born into the Rossi family. The look of pride is evident on my dad’s face as well as Mr. Leo’s face. I watch as my dad pulls something from a small gift bag that is setting in a nearby chair. Mr. Leo smiles and nods his head. Before I know it, Dad is calling over Charlie, Judah and Wood. Turns out he has celebratory cigars for the guys.

  “Do you mind?” Charlie asks me.

  I shake my head. “Not at all.” I say before leaning over and kissing him on the cheek. “Go on and celebrate your nephew.”

  He gives me a lingering kiss before leaving his seat, joining the rest of the men as they walk down the hall. I watch my husband until he is out of sight.


  When it is Charlie’s and my turn to go and meet our nephew, it is some two hours later. We are the last two to see the couple as I needed to eat first.

  As we walk into the room, I am still in awe by the birthing suite. It looks like a luxury hotel room and not a hospital room. Instead of a hospital bed for one, there is a queen size bed where Isaac will spend the night with his wife. A pretty dark oak crib is a few feet from the bed. A seating area with a comfortable-looking sofa and two plush chairs are in front of the big window that overlooks the treetops of the wooded area outside.

  Livy and Isaac are both on the bed, sitting up against the dark oak headboard. Livy is leaning against my brother as he holds their son in his arms, both of them with serene smiles on their faces as they gaze down at their newborn.

  “Hey you guys,” I say softly. The both look up at me. Livy looks tired, but good - happy.

  “Hey you two. Come on over and meet your nephew,” she responds softly.

  We move closer to the bed and Isaac carefully stands as he cradles his son in his arms.

  “Aunt Zoe and Uncle Charlie - I would like for you to meet Elijah David,” Isaac says in soft reverence.

  I look down at the bundle in his arms and he is the cutest thing I have ever seen.

  Then I start blubbering.

  These pregnancy hormones are fucking with me.

  My brother rolls his eyes as he carefully places Elijah in Charlie’s arms. He then pulls me in for a hug, rubbing his hand up and down my back.

  I know he can understand my emotions because he confided in me once that Livy cried at almost everything while pregnant. When I have my emotions somewhat under control, I turn and watch my husband holding and slightly rocking the baby, cooing down at him. And of course this brings on a fresh round of tears.

  “Zoe,” Isaac says as he looks down at me. “Really?”

  “Shut up,” I say as I playfully push him away and make my way to Charlie, eager to get my nephew in my arms.

  Charlie carefully places him in my arms and in that instant, I know I will love this little guy forever. While he is a little wrinkled, he is still cute. His eyes slowly open and then close and he goes back to sleep. He looks like Isaac’s baby pictures. He even has Isaac’s big ears.

  I walk over to the sofa, carefully sitting down as Charlie sits down beside me. We both ooh, aah and coo at our nephew a good fifteen minutes before Livy calls me over. I hand over Elijah to Charlie as Isaac comes over with a bottle.

  Isaac helps me up before settling down next to Charlie and I watch them for a few seconds. The sight of these two strong men being all gooey over a baby, makes me teary-eyed yet again.

  I turn and walk over to Livy. She pats the space next to her on the bed.

  “How are you doing?” I ask as I sit down and wrap my arm around her shoulder, pulling her into my side. She is like the little sister I have always wanted.

  “Good,” she says as she sighs peacefully.

  We just sit like this for a moment or two - silent and happy.

  “So, I have something I need to tell you,” Livy finally says.

  I lean back some and look at her, so I can see her fully.

  “What is that? You know you can tell me anything.”

  She gives me a sweet and almost shy smile before lowering her voice and whispering,

  “Whatever you do, do not have a natural birth. That shit hurts like a motherfucker. Tell them you want drugs – lots of them! They had to put six stitches in my hoo-ha because Elijah has your brother’s big ass head and he ripped me. It felt like I was passing a watermelon through a keyhole.”

  This little bit of valuable information has me tearing up again but for an entirely different reason.

  Chapter 11 - Fathers - Part II


  As I hand over my key to the valet, I wonder for the umpteenth time if I am doing the right thing. Since observing the emotional moment between my dad and Charlie on Father’s Day, I have been thinking of a way to get Charlie and his father together without starting World War III. I ended up calling Charlie’s mom for his father’s contact info and have taken matters into my own hands - which is why I am meeting Charlie’s father for lunch today.

  I enter the restaurant and head straight to the hostess stand.

  “Yes, I am meeting someone – a Mr. Elliot Sloane,” I say to the hostess. She smiles and nods her head.

  “Yes, he is already here and is waiting for you in our dining room,” she replies as she picks up a leather bound menu and instructs me to follow her.

  As we enter the dining room, I take in all the delicious food smells in the air and my stomach growls and the baby starts to kick. It seems that we are both hungry – fitting since I was too nervous to eat breakfast this morning. Charlie made me a breakfast of waffle
s and sausage, but I told him that I had already eaten while he was at the gym – a lie that I am regretting now since I am tempted to swipe a piece of warm bread from one of the tables we pass.

  As we approach a table, I feel a moment of panic because Charlie is sitting at the table we are walking towards. However, as we get closer, I see that it is not Charlie – although this person looks like an older version on my husband – this has to be Elliot. They share so many features that it is unbelievable; the same face shape, she same chameleon green eyes, the same features, heck even the same hair. Elliot’s hair is receding a bit, but there is no mistake – this is Charlie’s father.

  He stands up, smoothing down his tie. He looks surprised to see me – even though he knew I was coming; he still looks surprised. He moves to pull out my chair as he assists me in sitting down.

  When he has taken his seat across from me, he just stares at me. A slight smile on his lips and he still looks surprised and something else I can’t quite decipher. Instead of calling him out on his rude behavior, I grab a piece of bread from the bread basket on the table, taking my butter knife and spreading butter on it before stuffing a piece into my mouth.

  “I’m sorry, I skipped breakfast this morning,” I say by way of introduction after I have chewed and swallowed the bread. “I’m Zoe Sloane, but I you already know that.” I take another bite of the bread, this time more daintily.

  Elliot gives me an indulgent smile and continues to stare at me. He keeps up the staring long after I have chewed and swallowed my bread and taken a sip from my now filled water glass.

  Not caring if I am being rude, I ask, “Why are you staring?”

  His smile widens and my breath catches because he looks so much like Charlie.

  “You have blossomed into a beautiful woman Zoe,” he says softly.

  I must give him a puzzled because he explains.

  “Over the years, Karen sent me pictures of Charlie. You and your brothers were in some of the pictures.” He pauses for a bit, his throat muscles working furiously - it looks like he is getting emotional and trying to control it. He takes a sip of water before speaking again, “And you’re pregnant. Karen didn’t tell me you were pregnant.”

  I give him a slight smile and just nod my head as I take another piece of bread and butter it.

  “I’m going to be a grandfather,” he says so low that I almost don’t hear him. “Do you know what you are having?” he asks in a louder voice.

  “A girl,” I say before taking a bite of my bread.

  Before he can answer, a waiter comes up to the table and asks if we are ready to order.

  Even though I haven’t looked at the menu, I know I want a big steak and mashed potatoes. After we place our orders, I don’t give him a chance to speak before I launch into my ‘protect Charlie’ speech.

  “Look, I know you want to see Charlie and frankly, I am leery of that. I know how much you hurt Charlie over the years and I will not stand for you hurting him again. To be honest, the only way you are going to see Charlie is with my help.” I give him my best bitch look and thankfully it seems to work. He looks worried.

  And he should. I won’t have him waltzing back into my husband’s life and causing chaos and then waltzing right back out.


  I settle back onto the sofa, getting comfortable as Charlie lays down and places his head in my ever-shrinking lap. I run my fingers through his dark hair, occasionally scratching his scalp lightly as he talks to our daughter. Since I reached my seventh month, this is something he likes to do. I think it’s sweet and on a few occasions I have found myself getting choked up with his sweet words and promises to our unborn child.

  “So I have something I need to tell you,” I say softly.

  He shifts a bit, until he is fully on his back and he is looking up at me.


  I swallow down the guilt I have been carrying around. I need to tell him about his father. It has been almost three days since I had lunch with Elliot and in two days he will be on our doorstep expecting to see his son.

  “I had lunch with your father – Elliot,” I finally say.

  “I’m sorry – what?” He asks with a chuckle as if I am joking.

  When I don’t say anything, the happy look on his face slowly morphs into a frown as he raises from my lap and sits beside me on the sofa.

  “Zoe,” he says calmly. Too calmly. “What did you do?”

  “Back in the Spring, your mom asked if I would talk to you about you seeing your father. I had forgotten about it until I overheard you with my dad on Father’s Day. So I decided to call Elliot myself and I met him for lunch on Monday. I wanted to see what he had to say, I didn’t want him upsetting you,” I say as fast as I can, but I am sure Charlie caught every single word.

  “Oh yeah?” He scoffs. “And what did you find out?”

  See…told you he caught every word I just said.

  “He wants to see you?”

  “Yeah, tell me something I don’t already know.” He leaves the sofa and starts pacing.

  I watch him pace for a good minute or two before I tell him the rest.

  “And he will be here for dinner on Friday,” I say as I inwardly wince.

  This stops his pacing; he turns and looks at me like I have sprouted another head.

  “Zoe,” he says my name slowly and methodically. “Please tell me you’re joking.”

  I shake my head slowly as I look up at him, willing myself to hold his stare.

  “Charlie, I really think you should see him. Hear him out and if you don’t like what he has to say, then you can be done with it. Either way, I think you need the closure.”

  He is still looking at me as if I have sprouted another head. He shakes his head and scoffs at me before leaving the room.

  Blu comes over and nuzzles his head against my belly before curling in my lap.


  Two Days Later

  I consider myself a great cook – however, I don’t like to cook. But since Charlie’s father is coming over for dinner tonight, I feel the need to cook. Charlie told me to just get take out and be done with it. But I can’t do that.

  My Southern Girl upbringing just won’t let me.

  I’ve prepared one of my husband’s favorites meals –country fried steak with white peppered gravy, buttery mashed potatoes and green beans. All I have left to do is make the gravy and pop the dinner rolls into the oven.

  “Zoe Baby,” Charlie says as he comes into the kitchen, wrapping me in his arms. He buries his face into the area where my neck meets my collar bone as his big hands run soothingly over my swollen middle. “I told you – you didn’t have to do all this.”

  “I know,” I respond as I turn in his arms and look up at him. “But I wanted to.”

  Those chameleon green eyes of his just bore into my hazel eyes. Our moment is interrupted by the doorbell chiming.

  It took me a while to convince Charlie to see his father, but he did agree to it and now I can see the trepidation in his eyes as they widen when the doorbell chimes again.

  “Do you want me to get that?” I ask softly, as I cup his face in my hands, trying to let him know it will be okay and that I have his back.

  If Elliot upsets Charlie in the least, I will gladly throw is ass out of our house.

  Charlie just nods at me and for a second or two he looks like that hurt little boy from so long ago – when he was told his father was coming only for him to never show up. I give him a quick kiss on the lips before I go to answer the door.

  Opening the door, I am greeted by Elliot and I am still surprised at how much Charlie resembles him. I also see the same trepidation in Elliot’s eyes that I just saw in my husband’s.

  “It’s good to see you again Elliot,” I say as I usher him into the house, softly closing the door behind him - that is when I notice the gift bag in his hand.

  “It’s good to see you again too Zoe,” he responds softly with a smile. He offer
s the gift bag to me. “Just a little something for the baby.”

  “Thank you,” I say as I take the gift bag and lead him further into the house. I lead him to the kitchen hoping that Charlie is still there so we can get whatever this is started.

  The good thing is - Charlie is still in the kitchen. The bad thing is - he no longer looks scared. Now he looks downright angry.

  “Oh look who it is,” Charlie says with a smirk - not the smirk that I love, but a smirk that is cruel.

  “It’s dear old Dad,” he continues as he takes a beer from the fridge.

  “You want one Dad?” he asks facetiously before opening the bottle. When Elliot doesn’t respond, Charlie continues. “Oh, that’s right, you’re a fucking drunk.”

  “Charlie!” I hiss - astonished at his behavior. I know he is angry and I really can’t blame him, but how he is acting is just wrong.

  “No, it’s okay Zoe,” Elliot says to me, but keeps his eyes on Charlie. Charlie scoffs and heads down the hall towards the TV room.

  “Would you like something to drink?” My eyes instantly widen when I realize what I have asked him.

  I hope he doesn’t’ think I am offering him alcohol.

  “I mean, there’s sweet tea and water,” I tell him, a note of apology in my voice.

  It takes Elliot a moment or two before he answers me.

  “No thank you Zoe. I’m just gonna…” he gestures down the hall where Charlie went before he walks in the same direction.



  I drain half my beer and flop down in my recliner, draping my leg over the arm of the chair before clicking on the TV with the remote. Zoe hates it when I sit in my chair like this - stating that I am going to ruin it. But I think if she saw me now, she would give me a pass - with me having to deal with daddy issues and all. It doesn’t take long for him to seek me out. He looks at me cautiously before taking a seat on the adjacent sofa.

  I take another pull from my beer bottle. He is looking at the TV so I take the brief moment to discreetly look at him. Just like my mom said, we do look alike. When he walked into the kitchen it was like I was coming face to face with an older version of myself.


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