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Hero Daddy (MC Daddies Book 2)

Page 7

by Laylah Roberts

  She blushed bright red and shook her head.

  “Can you walk okay?” he asked as he stood.

  “Umm, it’s just a bit sore. It’s probably barely going to bruise. I don’t need any ice. Or a Band-Aid.”

  “Most of the Littles in here make up boo-boos just to get a Band-Aid. Don’t knock them until you’ve seen them. And I’ll be the one to decide what care you need. Not you, Little one.”

  Taking hold of her hand, he slowly led her towards the other room. When he saw that she wasn’t limping, something inside him eased. He didn’t like the idea of her hurting. The other room was empty and he led her over to the medical corner.

  There was a big, comfy chair and another chair set on wheels. A set of deep drawers was next to the wall.

  “Sit here, button. Let’s see what we’ve got to make you feel better.” He moved to the small fridge/freezer next to the drawers and drew out a freezer pack. Grabbing a stool, he set her foot on it and placed the freezer pack that was in the shape of a monkey on her foot.

  She stared down at it with a smile. “I saw monkeys at the zoo once.”

  Just once?

  “Which zoo was that?”

  “One down in Charleston. I didn’t like it that much, seeing all the animals trapped. I know they do a lot of good too…” she trailed off with a shrug.

  He sat on the other chair and wheeled himself close. She gave him a shy look.

  “It doesn’t even hurt. Really.”

  “Seems like it should have hurt.”

  She shrugged. “Guess I’ve got a high pain tolerance.” She reached down to remove the freezer pack and he shook his head at her.

  “Leave that there until I say otherwise.” He made his voice stern and she immediately removed her hand from the ice-pack. “Good girl.”

  He frowned, still not liking the way she’d held in her reaction to the pain of having that piece of wood fall on her foot. No matter what she said, it had to have hurt.

  She sucked her lower lip between her teeth. “I’m sorry I ruined things.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You seem upset. You’re frowning. I should have been more careful. I shouldn’t have dropped the frying pan. I didn’t dent it or anything did I?”

  “Brown eyes, I don’t give a rat’s ass about the damn frying pan. I care about you and your foot. I’m still not sure that we shouldn’t get it x-rayed.”

  Her eyes widened and she burst into sudden laughter. He blinked. He didn’t see what was funny about his suggestion.

  “Sorry,” she said between giggles. “It’s just…I’ve never had anyone fuss over me like this just because of a…a bruise.”

  “Then sounds to me like it’s time someone did fuss over you,” he told her, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “I…well…” She paused, seeming to think about that. “Thank you?”

  He just grunted. He didn’t like that this sort of care seemed so foreign to her. Who the hell had been looking after this woman in the past that they hadn’t seen to her care when she’d hurt herself?

  He pulled off the ice pack, giving her foot a soft prod. She winced and he put the ice pack back. “Wiggle your toes for me.”

  Another surprised look. But she wiggled them back and forth.

  “Guess nothing is broken then.”

  He pulled out the drawer that held the medical supplies. A tiny bit of skin had been scraped off the top of her foot. Not enough to warrant a Band-Aid, but he knew that had never stopped a Little from wanting one.

  He slid out the big container holding various Band-Aids and opened it, showing the supply to her.

  “Pick one.”

  “I’m not bleeding, I don’t really need…”

  “Betsy. Pick. One. Now.”

  Rein it in, you’re going to scare her.

  She reached out and pointed to one. It had smiley faces on it. He drew the ice pack off her foot, resisting the urge to kiss her boo-boo as Lara suggested.

  Carefully, he put the band aid on the small scratch. “How does that feel?”

  “Much better,” she said quietly. She reached out as he stood, grabbing his wrist. “Ink?”


  “Thank you. I’m not sure anyone has ever looked after me so well.”

  He groaned. “Babe, you have got to stop.”

  “Stop what?” she asked, looking startled.

  Stop getting me with those big, sad brown eyes. Stop making me feel things I shouldn’t for you. Stop making me want to wrap you up in bubble wrap and keep you safe from the world.

  “If you’re sure you can walk okay, let’s get back in there. You’ve still got to make me dinner.”

  “You mean…” She gave him a look filled with such hope it made his insides hurt. “You still want to…with me…”

  “Why wouldn’t I?”

  “I’m not sure. I guess I keep expecting you to figure out that I’m more trouble than I’m worth.”


  “Nope?” she asked.


  “That’s it? That’s all you’re saying? Nope?”

  He grinned. “Yep.”

  She just shook her head and watched as he put everything away. Then he stood and held out his hand. “Come on. This time you can make me a proper dinner. No green stuff.”

  “You have to learn to eat your vegetables.” She paused as they reached the door and he looked down to find her worrying her lip.

  “You have got to leave your poor lip alone,” he told her, reaching out to free it.


  “What’s wrong?” he asked, expecting to have to drag it out of her.

  “Did I get Lara in trouble?”

  He frowned. “Why would you think that?”

  She shrugged. “When she came over to play, I got all stiff and unsure. I’ve just never…I mean this is the first time…and then she got into trouble. If I’d just played with her…”

  He reached out and tilted up her face. “You are not responsible for the actions of others, Betsy. You cannot control what other people do. All you can do is what you think is right, understand? It’s not your fault Lara is in trouble. Besides, Zac is completely and utterly twisted around that Little girl’s finger. I can guarantee she is already up and creating havoc and mischief.”

  Sure enough, when they entered the room, Lara waved at them from where she was setting up a tea party.

  “Betsy! Want a tea party?”

  He glanced down at Betsy, feeing her stiffen. He opened his mouth to let Lara down gently when Betsy spoke up. “Yes, please.”

  Well, then.

  He moved over to sit with Zac.

  “Everything okay, man?” Zac asked him, nodding over at Betsy who stood next to Lara. The other woman was giggling and moving around like a small tornado. Betsy appeared shellshocked. But he could see she was trying to make an effort.

  “Not really.”

  Zac nodded as though he’d been expecting that answer. It wasn’t hard to see things weren’t right in Betsy’s world.

  Question was, what was he going to do about it?

  Betsy climbed into the back of the black Lincoln town car. Kit was humming a song she didn’t recognize. It seemed odd for such a cold man to hum.

  “Make contact again?”

  She’d pulled on her emotionless mask during the walk from the club to the car. There were always people watching.

  She couldn’t trust anyone.

  Tick. Tick. Tick.

  Her life was a time bomb. She just didn’t know when it would explode.


  “Things moving further along?”


  “That’s what I like about you, Betsy. You’re a woman of few words.”

  She didn’t reply.

  “Boss will want a progress report soon.”

  Tick. Tick. Tick.

  “Not a lot to report.”

  “That’s not what he wants to hear.�

  She heard the threat but didn’t acknowledge it. The boss wanted results. And that’s what he would get.

  One way or another.


  “I’m going to fucking kill him!”

  Ink glanced over as Duke stormed into Reyes’ office, looking like the devil had possessed him. Duke paced back and forth across the room. He ran his fingers through his hair, tugging at it forcefully.

  “Goddamn, motherfucking asshole,” Duke muttered. “Who the hell does he think he is? I’m going to kill him. As soon as I pay back the favor I owe him, I’m going to damn well kill him.”

  Ink looked over at Reyes. There was only one person that Ink knew of who could rile Duke like this.

  Ink leaned his chair back on two legs, trying to hide his grin. “So what did the Fox do now?”

  Duke paused, glared at Ink then over at Reyes who was watching him coolly.

  “He sent her a damn motorcycle.”

  The legs of Ink’s chair slammed to the floor. Even Reyes appeared shocked at this announcement.

  “He did what?” Ink demanded.

  “He sent Sunny a motorcycle. Woke up this morning to find it on my front lawn. It’s bright pink. Custom made. Had a huge fucking bow attached. And get this? It’s got God damn rhinestones glued to the mud guards.”

  “Those won’t last,” Reyes scoffed.

  Duke swirled on him. “Oh, they will. Because she is never, ever getting on that fucking bike.”

  “I cannot believe he bought her a bike.” Ink scowled. “You’re gonna have to do something about that.”

  “You think I don’t know that? She’s trying to talk me into giving her riding lessons! She just learned how to ride a bicycle, what on God’s Earth is she thinking? Wanting to learn to ride a hog? Not happening. No way.”

  “If she wants to learn to ride, isn’t it better that you teach her,” Reyes said reasonably.

  Both Ink and Duke turned to scowl at him.

  “I cannot believe you think it would be a good idea to let Sunny ride a hog,” Duke rumbled.

  “Lots of women ride motorcycles.”

  “I don’t care what they do, they’re not Sunny. If you had a Little, would you let her ride your hog?”

  There was a slight puckering at Reyes’ brow as he thought about that. They all knew he’d be the most possessive, protective Top of them all.

  “And would you be happy with another man buying it for her?” Ink asked. “A fucking custom-made one?”

  “I get your point,” Reyes rumbled out, his fingers tapping a tune on the desk. “What are you going to do about it, though?”

  Duke sighed and sat on a chair. “Damned if I know. When she woke up and saw it, she was thrilled. She thought it was from me.” He winced. “I may not have handled things so well when I saw the card.”

  “What did it say?” Ink asked.

  “Nothing. It had an image of a Fox’s head on one side and of the sun on the other.”

  “Where is Sunny now?” Ink inquired.

  “Having breakfast with Jewel. She’s pissed at me. I might have threatened to have the bike crushed into a cube.”

  Ink sighed. “Duke.”

  “Yeah, not my finest move. She said anything I do to her bike, she’s gonna do to mine.”

  Ink grinned. Underneath that sweet exterior, Sunny could be vicious.

  “You can’t let her get away with that threat,” Reyes growled.

  Duke and Ink shared a look. When Reyes fell for a woman, he was gonna fall hard. And fast. And then he would realize that when it came to your woman you would do anything to make them smile. And nothing was ever black and white.

  “Surprised to see you here, thought you’d disappeared off the face of the planet,” Duke rumbled at Ink.

  “Just because you’re in trouble with Sunny is no reason to take your bad mood out on the rest of us,” Ink replied calmly.

  “Jesus, since when did you grow all calm and, are you relaxed?”

  “I know how to relax.”

  “I can’t remember the last time you were relaxed,” Duke told him.

  “Pretty sure I’ve never seen it,” Reyes got in on the game.

  Ink let out a low grumble and stood. Meddling assholes.

  “So where have you been spending your time?” Duke pestered. “And who’s put that grin on your face?”

  Reyes groaned. “We’re not doing some fucking heart-to-heart talk are we? ‘Cause if so, the two of you need to go. I fucking want to keep my breakfast down thanks.”

  Duke rolled his eyes.

  “I’m leaving,” Ink told him.

  “You’re really not telling me?” Duke grumbled. “I could use some distraction.”

  “I’ve been working, here, or playing at the club. Nothing to tell.”

  “Playing at the club, huh?” Duke asked. “Any sub in particular interest you?”

  “Remind me, when did you become a gossipy old woman?”

  “Since he got all loved up with Sunny and now, he thinks we should all be like the two of them,” Reyes replied. “He’s trying to build her a playgroup of Littles.”

  Not a bad idea. He wondered what Sunny would think of Betsy? Not that she was ready for any of that. Neither was he. Since meeting her, he’d been back to Fringe every weekend. They were making some progress on getting her to open up and let her Little out. They spent the majority of their time in the Littles’ room.

  But Betsy was sheltered. Quiet. Introducing her to this rough lot would likely just scare her away.

  And he didn’t want to do that. There was still something niggling at him about her. Maybe it was that she shared absolutely nothing about her private life.

  He didn’t even have her cell number.

  Like you gave her yours? Or have shared much about you?

  He kind of liked having her as his secret. Having something that was just his.

  That he didn’t have to share.

  Yeah, he could be a selfish bastard. He loved Duke. But after he’d come to live with Ink’s family, he’d also kind of resented him. That was just stupid kid stuff, of course.

  But sometimes it still felt like Duke had it all. He was vice-president of the club. He had the house. The business. The girl.

  Ink had…well, he had a business. He was good at that. Usually. He was still having issues with contracts going to the competition.

  He also had baggage and a temper.

  “I’ll see you fuckers later.” He turned and walked out before Duke could keep prodding at him.

  Nosy asshole.

  Ink had to work hard not to pace up and down the foyer.

  Why the hell hadn’t he gotten her number? Given her his?

  She was now ten minutes late. Betsy was never late. In fact, she was usually standing in the foyer, waiting for him when he arrived.

  Just because she’s late doesn’t mean anything is wrong.

  Maybe he should go hunt down Angus, hit him up for her number. Yeah, it was against the privacy policy of the club. But if something had happened to her…if she needed him…

  He clenched his hand around the handle of his bag. Fuck. Calm down.

  The door opened and a familiar head of blonde hair entered. She wore a long black jacket. He hated black on her. How could that be her favorite color? He also hated those goddamn outfits she wore. Which is why he’d done a bit of shopping this week.

  Rushing over, she came to a stop in front of him, just shy of touching him. She was still more comfortable touching him when in Little space.

  “I’m so sorry I’m late, Sir,” she said almost breathless. Had she run to get here?

  She was slightly flushed. Worry filled her eyes.

  “Everything okay?”

  “Ahh, yes. I just…I ran into a few problems getting here.”

  He gave a nod. “We need to exchange phone numbers so you can let me know if you’re running late.”

  And for other reasons.

  She bit her lower lip.
A sure sign that something he’d said worried her.

  “Relax,” he told her. He pulled her lower lip from between her teeth. “If you don’t want to give me your number, you don’t have to.”

  Coldness filled him. Obviously, the feelings he’d started to develop for her weren’t reciprocated. Fuck. He couldn’t blame her if she wasn’t on the same page as him, it wasn’t like they’d talked about this. So how was she to know how he felt?

  Yeah, good move, idiot.

  “We can just keep this to play at the club, although I’d appreciate you calling the front desk if you’re going to be late or can’t make it. I do have other things to do.”

  She winced and he cursed himself. He didn’t mean to sound so harsh. What was wrong with him? Were his feelings hurt?


  He took a step back, letting her go. This was likely a good thing. They should have established boundaries for this…whatever this was between them at the beginning.

  Then there would be no misunderstandings.

  “No, it’s not that.” She reached out and grasped hold of his wrist. He stilled, not wanting to scare her off. “I’m sorry. I want to give you my number but my phone had a bit of an accident today. It’s part of the reason I was late. Could you…could you write down your number for me and I’ll text you once I get it sorted?”

  He relaxed. That tight ball in his gut unraveled.

  “Of course, brown eyes.”

  She smiled up at him. “I’m really sorry I was late.”

  “Hmm, might have to punish you for that.”

  Her eyes widened. “A spanking?”

  There was a note of interest in her voice. She’d been pretty much a model sub since that first spanking he’d given her.

  But did she want a spanking?

  “I think we need to have a bit of a chat,” he murmured. “I’m thinking that maybe you weren’t completely honest after your last spanking.”

  “W-what do you mean?”

  He leaned in, brushing his mouth against her ear. “Does my button want a spanking? Hmm? Does she want to be taken over Daddy’s knee and punished? Does she need it?”


  “Did you like your spanking last time?”

  She shook her head. He drew back to give her a stern look. “I’m gonna give you some time to think about how you want to reply. Because I want an honest answer. You can think while you’re getting changed.”


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