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Hero Daddy (MC Daddies Book 2)

Page 29

by Laylah Roberts

“I was a wild teenage boy once. I got this. It’s mostly all about hormones.”

  If he said so.

  “But now onto your punishment.”

  “My punishment? Why? What did I do?”

  The look he gave her told her that he thought that was a stupid question. “What did you do? What did you do? How about disobeying a direct order given for your safety? What was the last thing I said to you before I got out of the truck?”

  “Oh, yeah, that.”

  “That? Yes, that. I told you to stay locked in the truck, Betsy. You put yourself in danger.”

  “I saw the paramedic running. I thought someone had been found injured.”

  “By some miracle, they came out without a scratch and no one else was involved. Things would be a different story if they had been.”

  God, she hadn’t even thought of that.

  “What did I promise you if you got out of the truck, Betsy?” he crooned.

  Uh-oh. She wasn’t going to be sucked in by that too-gentle voice. She tensed, geared herself to run. He wouldn’t, would he?

  “Betsy,” he demanded.

  “The belt,” she whispered. She was both intrigued and terrified at the idea of him using his belt on her ass.

  “Five licks of the belt are owed. Be grateful it’s not ten,” he added as she opened her mouth to protest.

  “Now? But they’ll hear!”

  He frowned, looked over at the door. “Damn it. I should have soundproofed this room.”

  Right now, she was grateful that he hadn’t.

  Then he snapped his fingers. “Oh wait. I did.”

  The look on his face was pure evil. He moved to the door and locked it.

  She was in such big trouble.

  It might be sadistic of him, but he rather liked the look on her face. Trepidation with a hint of arousal. She deserved this. She’d disobeyed him. It had taken years off his life when he’d discovered the truck missing.

  Thank God he had a tracker on it, or he would have gone out of his mind.

  But right now, he was going to punish her. Then he was going to fuck her. If he felt better after that, he might let her come.


  “Out of bed. Panties and nightie off.”

  She watched him carefully, as though hoping to see some sign he was joking. He was not. When he didn’t relent, she climbed from the bed and slowly stripped off. He reached for his belt when she stood there, naked. The heat in the warehouse had been turned up so high it was practically balmy. But he appreciated it in times like this when he could order her to strip and know she was comfortable.

  Not that she’d be comfortable for long.

  Her eyes tracked his movements, watching as he undid the belt and slipped it off. She swallowed heavily.

  “Will it hurt?” her voice was a small whisper.

  He stilled, wondering if he was going too far. But Betsy handled all her punishments well. And it was only five swipes. It was the anticipation more than anything else that would build her worry. Would hopefully make her think twice before putting herself in danger.

  “It will hurt,” he confirmed. “But I will never give you more than you can take. Remember your safeword?”

  She nodded.

  “Come here, brown eyes.”

  Something like relief filled her gaze and she strode over to him. He pulled her close and kissed her. Hard. Hot.

  “After I whip your ass, I’m gonna stick a nice fat plug in your bottom and then I’m going to fuck you. Hard. Now, you take your punishment like a good girl and I’ll let you come. If you don’t, then you’ll be denied an orgasm.”

  She made a protesting noise, glaring up at him. He was pretty sure she was more upset at the idea of being denied her pleasure rather than him using his belt on her.


  He never wanted to terrify her. Worried was fine. Frightened was not.

  “Turn and bend over the edge of the bed. Keep your hands in front of you on the bed or underneath you.”

  She let out a slow breath, glanced up at him then down to the bed.

  “Now, brown eyes, or I’ll add an extra swipe for each minute of delay.”

  With a startled cry, she turned and practically slammed into the bed. She tucked her arms in underneath her, her face against the mattress.


  He stepped up to the side of her and lay one hand on the small of her back. “Be very still and quiet and this will be over quickly. Move around, try to get up and you know the consequences. Legs further apart.”

  She widened her legs and without delay he delivered a swipe of the belt to her ass. It wasn’t a very hard swat. While he wanted to make an impression, he didn’t want to deliver too much pain.

  A gasp escaped her and he gave her the next swipe quickly. Her ass soon turned red. By number three she was crying, her bottom wiggling back and forth.

  “Stay still,” he growled. “Two more.”

  These were the two hardest. Slap! Slap! By now her ass was hot and rosy red and she had collapsed fully on the bed.

  After stripping off, he lay back on the bed and lifted her so she was lying on his chest. He ran his hands up and down her back in an attempt to soothe her.

  “Shh, brown eyes. It’s all over.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I know that was foolish. I just…”

  “I know. Your sons were involved. I should never have left you in the truck. I was just worried about what I might find.”

  She nodded, quietening. “They’re here now.”

  “They are. You’re all safe. I’m going to keep you all that way.” He rolled them onto their sides and kissed away each of her tears. “You took your punishment well. I’m so proud of you.”

  She blushed, giving him a small smile and he had to kiss her. When he pulled back, they were both breathless. He moved his mouth down her neck. His cock was hard. He needed to be inside her.

  Once he’d plugged her.

  He engulfed her hard nipple with his mouth, sucking then scraping his teeth across the firm bud. Mewls of pleasure came from her mouth as he moved to the other nipple. His dick was so hard that he knew if he didn’t get inside her soon, he was going to come all over the bed like a damn teenager.

  “Ink?” she asked as he rolled over to grab one of the plugs and the lube from the bedside drawer. He had a series of plugs to stretch her, and he chose one that was only slightly smaller than his dick.

  “Yeah, brown eyes?”

  “What will we do about Little time? With the boys here?”

  He turned back to her, eyeing her as he lubed up the plug. “You don’t want to tell them?”

  She shook her head, blushing. “No. At least not yet.”

  He’d expected that. “Then we’ll just be discreet. You can have Little time when they’re not here. Once we build their bedrooms downstairs, they won’t need to be up here. We can turn the spare bedroom into a playroom, with a lock,” he added.

  She chewed her lip. “Okay.”

  “It will work out, brown eyes. Now get on your knees. Forearms resting on the bed. Show me that pink ass.”

  “I won’t be able to sit for a week,” she grumbled.

  He smacked his hand down on her ass, making her yelp. “All the better to remind you to behave.”

  She turned to glare at him over her shoulder. He parted her ass cheeks with a chuckle, readying her first with his fingers before pressing the thick plug inside her. The sight of her slick folds made his dick weep with pre-cum.

  Christ. She was so gorgeous.

  “Good girl. Damn, you look hot right now. I’m not going to last long.” Once the plug was firmly embedded inside her, he slipped on a condom then cupped his hand over her pussy, toying with her clit. Her sharp breaths filled the room as he took her over the first peak. As she shuddered and cried with her orgasm, he entered her. Her pussy fluttered around him, welcoming him in.

  He had to grit his teeth against the tight feel of her.

p; “Hell, baby. Yes. Suck me in.” He grasped hold of her hips, driving deep. He reached around to grab her breast, squeezing her nipple as he fucked her hard. Fast. He slid his hand down her stomach to tease her clit. Felt her clench around him.

  “Come again, baby. Come around my cock. Let me feel your pleasure.”

  A scream ripped through her. Thank God for sound-proofing. His own roar of pleasure soon followed as he drove deep and came, his orgasm so intense he swore he blacked out for a moment. Finally, he roused himself enough to pull out of her. He cleaned them both up, drawing the plug out and tucked her into bed next to him, her face on his chest.

  “Never do that again, Betsy,” he warned in a low voice. “Understand.”

  “Yes, Daddy. I won’t. I promise.”


  She started as Ink knocked his knuckles against the kitchen counter in front of her full plate of breakfast, which consisted of thick slices of ham, poached eggs and toast. Way too much for her to eat. However, she hadn’t even started in on it. She’d been too busy thinking over last night. The boys. Finding them a school. Jana.

  Ink had declared they were taking the day off from work to help settle the boys in. He’d even made them all breakfast, which had shocked her since she hadn’t known he could cook.

  “Brown eyes, I haven’t seen you eat any breakfast yet.”

  She was aware of Royal and Baron watching them. Blushing slightly, she reached for her knife and fork. But she couldn’t manage more than two bites.

  With a sigh, Ink pulled her plate over to him and started to cut up her food, feeding her a forkful.

  “I can feed myself!”

  He often fed her, but it was different with the boys here.

  Leaning in, he whispered to her quietly. “Eat or I’m going to pull you onto my lap then I’ll feed you. Not trying to embarrass you, but I’m not letting you get away with not eating.”

  She started eating.

  “So, I’m going to look into some schools for you guys today,” Ink said casually. “Any preferences?”

  Royal and Baron were silent. Then Royal cleared his throat. They’d already cleaned their plates.

  “We were thinking we’d do online learning.”

  “Yeah? You don’t think you’d get bored with that?” Ink asked. “You don’t want to be around kids your own age?”

  Baron shrugged. “Most of them suck.”

  “How about we look at a few schools, if you hate them all we can look into online learning,” Ink said.

  “So that’s it? We’re living here now? You our new daddy?” Baron asked sarcastically.

  She choked on a piece of ham and Ink patted her back, holding his hand under her mouth. “Spit it out. Now.”

  Embarrassed, she spat it into his hand then took the glass of water he handed her, sipping from it.


  “What? We don’t know him,” Baron said to her.

  “How are we supposed to trust him?” Royal added.

  It hurt her how distrustful they were at just sixteen. Rex then Forrest had taught them to be this way.

  “Not trying to be your father,” Ink said calmly. “But yeah, you’re living here now. Figured I’d get some contractors in to turn part of my gym into two bedrooms and a bathroom for the two of you.”

  Royal and Baron looked at each other.

  “Want to come with me, check it out?”

  Both boys nodded and stood. She went to stand as well, but Ink placed a hand on her back. “Let me talk to them alone, brown eyes,” he whispered to her.

  She nodded, chewing on her lip worriedly. She knew it was too much to hope that they would instantly get along. But she hoped that they could see that Ink was nothing like Rex or Forrest.

  “So, are you like our father?” Baron asked as soon as they entered the gym. “All controlling and shit?”

  Baron seemed to be the more outspoken one. Royal was more watchful.

  “What makes you think I’m controlling?” Ink asked, sitting on a weights bench.

  Baron waved a hand towards the elevator they’d just come down. “The way you just made Ma eat.”

  “I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but your mother has trouble eating. When she’s anxious or stressed, her stomach gets upset. But she can’t afford to skip meals, it’s dangerous for her health.”

  Both boys looked at each other.

  “Look, I won’t lie. I’m a dominant guy. I like to be in charge, to make the rules. But I am nothing like your father. He was a complete asshole who liked to put people down to make himself feel like a big man. Your mother is the most important person in my world. You may not believe me, you might need time to figure it out, but she’s my fucking Queen and that’s the way I will treat her. And I will tolerate no one hurting or abusing her. Or disrespecting her. Understand?”

  “We would never disrespect or hurt Ma,” Baron growled.

  “Didn’t think you would. Just making my expectations clear. I’d protect that woman with my life. I’m here to make her life easier. She’s had enough damn stress to last her a lifetime. So if the two of you have issues with me, bring them to me, yeah?”

  “So you can kick us out when we piss you off?” Royal asked.

  “Nobody is kicking anyone out. This is your home. She loves you. I love her. We don’t know each other, but I hope we can be friends at the very least.”

  “Maybe,” Royal allowed.

  “Just watch. You’ll see I mean what I say.”

  They were silent, but both of them nodded.

  “I’m not trying to be your father. However, you’re both fucking grounded for a month after that shit you pulled with Matthieu’s car. And you’re going to work for me until you’ve paid for his car repairs. If you go to school, you can work around it.”

  Baron scowled and opened his mouth, but Royal placed his hand on his brother’s arm. “Sounds fair.”

  “Look, I want you guys to be happy here. Because if you’re not, she won’t be happy. And her happiness means everything to me.”

  “Just as long as you don’t hurt her,” Royal warned.


  Betsy grabbed her blue blanket from the bedroom and brought it downstairs. She didn’t know what Ink had said to the boys this morning, but they seemed less suspicious. Although they were no less watchful.

  Not that she could blame them.

  Ink had gone out to speak to the cops about Jana and the three of them had decided to watch a movie.

  She settled on the sectional in the corner as they fought over what to watch. She’d grabbed a handful of popcorn.

  “He really is treating you well, Ma?” Baron asked suddenly, making her drop her popcorn.

  “Dude, timing,” Royal warned.


  “It’s okay,” she said, getting down on her knees to pick up the pieces of popcorn she’d dropped. She put them on the coffee table then sat back on the sofa.

  “Ink is the best thing to happen in my life since I met the two of you. The three of you, you’re everything to me. Ink treats me like I’m precious. Like I’m special. He makes me smile.”

  “You’re not wearing black all the time,” Royal observed.

  She looked down at her pale blue top and white leggings. “No.”

  “Smiling is good,” Baron added.

  “It is,” she said gently. “Can you guys give him a chance? For me?”

  “All right, Ma, we’d do anything for you.” Royal smiled at her.

  “But if he hurts you, we’ll fucking bury him,” Baron added.

  She didn’t bother to scold him for swearing. With Ink’s potty mouth, she figured it was a lost cause. Instead, she hugged Royal then Baron, ignoring the latter’s complaints. Then they all settled in to watch the movie.


  “She what?” Ink asked.

  “Completely caved,” Detective Mike Parsons said through the phone. He’d known Mike for a few years now. He was a good man and an excelle
nt detective. “Gave up Myers almost straight away. He started paying her a few months ago to spy on you and give details about your bids.”

  “Fuck. That bitch. Is it enough to arrest him?”

  “With her statement and the evidence of payments going from him to her, yep. With a good lawyer he might get off without serving jail time.”

  “Doesn’t matter, his reputation will be in tatters. That’s what really matters. And Jana?”

  “She’s out on bail.”

  “Okay, thanks, man.”

  “No problem.”

  Ink ended the call with a whoop. “Brown eyes!” He strode out of the office towards her desk. The boys had been living with them for close to a week now and things were going pretty good. On Monday they had an appointment to meet with a principal of a school they all seemed to like.

  In the meantime, both boys had been coming to work with them each day. Which they seemed to enjoy. Royal hung out mostly with Brody, and Baron had taken a shine to Stone of all people. Even more surprising is that Stone tolerated him.

  “What’s up?” she rasped, turning to look up at him with a tremulous smile.

  Instantly, concern flooded him.

  “Brown eyes, what’s wrong?” He crouched down beside her chair. She was too pale but there were bright red spots on her cheeks and a sheen of sweat across her brow. He reached a hand up to feel her forehead. “You’re burning up!”

  “I think I’m coming down with something.”

  “Jesus, baby. Why didn’t you say something?”

  “I figured I could make it until the end of the day, but I don’t think I can. Do you think you could take me home?”

  “Yeah, brown eyes, we’re definitely going home. I’ll get Hack to meet us there.”

  “I don’t need a doctor. It’s just the flu or something.”

  “I am not taking risks with your health. Just let me check in with Stone and the boys.” He picked her up and carried her into his office, laying her on the couch. He grabbed his phone.

  “What’s up?” Stone drawled.

  “Betsy’s sick.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Not sure. Gonna get Hack to meet us at home and check her over, can you take over out the front for me and send both boys here?”


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