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Hero Daddy (MC Daddies Book 2)

Page 33

by Laylah Roberts

  “No please, no hospital.”

  He clenched his teeth together.

  “Please, Daddy,” she whispered. “I can’t cope with other people and all their questions right now. Please. I’m okay, Daddy. I maybe have a slight concussion and probably someone needs to clean this up. But I’m not dying.”

  “Show me.”

  Betsy took a deep, calming breath as Ink drew off the two jackets that were over her. He turned the light on his phone on so he could see as he pulled gently at the material around the wound and she let out a gasp. Unable to stop herself, she glanced at her shoulder, blanching as she saw that the material was caught up in dried, crusted blood. Along with a whole lot of dirt.

  “This needs tending, brown eyes,” he said soothingly, all hint of temper had faded from his voice. She wasn’t fooled. She knew he was riding the edge. He was hiding it for her.

  “No hospital. The hospital means police. Hack will know what to do.”

  There was a beat of silence then he moved the jacket back up her arm. “Fine. No hospital.”

  She licked her dry lips. “Have you got any water?”

  He reached forward to grab a bottle of water from the cup holder. Stone was staying mostly silent as he drove them through the rain. Ink undid the bottle of water and settled her against him as he held it to her lips. She reached for it with her good hand, but he drew it away.

  “Let me.”

  She knew that he needed to care for her. She had a feeling he was going to be even more protective of her for a while after this night. She drank greedily, some dripping down her chin. Then she sneezed and groaned in disgust.

  “Stone, pass me some napkins. They’re in the glove box.”

  Stone handed them back. Ink wiped her nose with the scratchy napkins. But she didn’t complain.

  “Thank you.”

  He nodded and hit something on his phone, making a call. Duke’s voice came through the speaker.

  “Ink, you’ve got her? Is she all right?”

  “I’ve got her. She’s got a flesh wound on her arm and a possible concussion. You’re still at my place? Hack is meeting us there.”

  “We’re all here. I’ll let him in. Thank fuck she’s okay.” Duke ended the call. She rested her head back against Ink’s firm chest. She had no energy left.

  “I need you to tell me what happened, brown eyes. The full story this time.”


  “I think I should wait,” she whispered.

  “Betsy.” There was a dark warning in there. But she knew he wasn’t going to spank her right now.

  “I want to tell you all together.”

  “That’s one, Betsy.”

  “I know.”

  “You want to go for two?”

  “Ink, you don’t understand—”

  “I understand that two men kidnapped you from my home. From my protection. They shot you then they brought you out to the forest where you were rescued by an assassin for hire. You’re injured, you’re burning up and I know there are things you’re leaving out. I thought you were dead…”

  His voice cracked. And it sent a resounding crack through her heart. A sob broke free. “I lo—”

  “No.” He shook his head. “Nope.”

  “Again?” she said with exasperation.

  “I don’t want the first time you tell me you love me to be when you’re apologizing to me.”

  It was ridiculous to want to smile right then, it really was. But she could feel it twitching at her lips. “So I can’t tell you over the phone and I can’t tell you when I’m apologizing?”

  “That’s right.”

  “When is a good time?”

  He seemed to ponder this. “When we’re both happy and safe and relaxed.”

  “So after sex then,” she joked.

  “Nope. That’s no good either. A declaration of love shouldn’t be given after having sex. Then I might think you said it only due to my magnificent prowess in bed.”

  She yawned, her eyes growing heavy.

  Ink pressed her face to his chest. “Fine. You win. We’ll wait. Just know that I’m going to spank your ass for being so stubborn once you’re feeling better.”

  “I look forward to it.”


  Hack wasn’t happy.

  “Damn it, I told you to make sure she rested,” he grumbled at Ink as he took her temperature. She was lying on top of the bed in Ink’s bedroom. Well, their bedroom now.

  “You think I fucking wanted her to get kidnapped?” Ink snapped.

  Hack held a light up to her eyes, making her groan in pain.

  “Her temperature is now 103.4. She is severely dehydrated. She was already sick and she was out in the rain! And she was shot! Shot! This is unacceptable.”

  Last time, Hack had been filled with smiles. This time, he was scowling.

  “I’m going to need to clean the wound before I stitch it. She has a concussion. So she’ll require watching carefully.” Hack waved a finger at her. “And this time you will stay in bed. For a whole week.”

  “A week!”

  “Argue with me and I’ll have Ink go buy some diapers and tie you to the bed.”

  She gaped at Ink who just shook his head. “Hack gets upset when people he cares about are hurt.”

  “But he’s a doctor!”

  “I am. And you will listen to me, little miss.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of her,” Ink said grimly.

  “Huh. Wish I could believe that.”

  Ink’s jaw tightened but he didn’t say anything in response.

  “It’s not Ink’s fault. He takes very good care of me.”

  “Not that good. You were kidnapped, shot and stuck out in the rain while you were ill,” Ink muttered, clearly blaming himself.

  She sighed then coughed. Urgh. She really didn’t feel good.

  “It’s not your fault, Ink. Please don’t blame yourself. From what they said, it sounds like they’d been watching me and Sunny for a few days, waiting until they got the go-ahead from Forrest before they did anything. Don’t know what happened to make him send them in now.”

  “The FBI and DEA raided his houses and businesses,” Ink said. “He had nothing left to lose.”

  “They said he was planning on leaving the country.”

  “Fuck it. I’ll find the bastard. There’s nowhere he can hide from me.”

  She whimpered in pain as Hack tugged at a piece of material stuck to the injury on her arm.

  Ink shot to the doctor’s side, scowling down at him. “Stop fucking hurting her.”

  Hack sighed. “The blood has dried and bits of material are stuck in the wound along with a whole lot of dirt. It’s going to hurt a bit but I have no choice. I leave it and she’s going to end up with an infection. I’m also going to have to give her a shot of penicillin to prevent infection.”

  “No. No shots.”

  “Yes, you will get a shot,” Ink said sternly.

  She stuck her lower lip out in a pout. Yep, it was childish. Right then, she didn’t care. She was in pain, she was exhausted and despite the fact that she wasn’t really cold, she couldn’t stop shaking.

  “Have you got any more blankets?” Hack asked Ink.

  He nodded and moved into the wardrobe, coming back with a couple of the soft blankets she loved. He’d ended up buying one in every color.

  Ink lay the blankets over her, and she let out a sigh of happiness.

  Hack started cutting off her T-shirt.

  “This was my favorite shirt too,” she muttered. “Those bastards ruined it.”

  “I’ll buy you another one, sweetheart,” Hack told her soothingly.

  “If anyone is buying her a new shirt, it’s me,” Ink said threateningly.

  The doctor winked at her. “Such a possessive caveman, isn’t he?”

  She smiled, knowing he was trying to ease her pain. He continued to clean her up. It was painful and Ink came and sat beside her.

ght, Betsy, I need to give you a shot to numb your arm before I stitch it.”

  There was a knock on the door and Spike poked his head in. “Any chance we can come in? Royal, Baron and Sunny are going out of their minds.”

  Hack sighed. “Fine, they can distract her from the needle.”

  The door opened and Sunny ran in. Her right eye was swollen shut and her other eye was red and puffy from crying.


  She rushed towards Betsy.

  “Careful, little bit,” the doctor warned as she grew closer. “Don’t jolt her.”

  Sunny’s eyes widened and she nodded fast. “Got it. Oh, Betsy, I was so scared. I thought they were going to kill you!” She knelt next to the bed, dropping her face into Betsy’s lap. Her shoulders were shaking and Betsy knew the other woman was crying. “I’m sorry they used me to get to you.”

  “Oh, Sunny, please don’t cry. I’m all right.”

  “Sunny! Damn it! Don’t run around with your eye all swollen.” Duke’s strode in with a frown.

  Tears dripped down Betsy’s cheeks as she looked up at Duke. “I’m so sorry.”

  His eyes widened slightly. “Nothing for you to be sorry about, Betsy.” He walked over, and to her surprise, he gently reached out and grasped hold of her chin, tilting her head up.

  “Careful, she’s got quite the goose egg on the back of her skull,” Hack warned.

  “Concussion?” Duke rumbled.

  “Yeah. She’ll need watching for the next twenty-four hours.”

  “Sure that won’t be a problem,” Duke replied.

  “No, her problem might be getting Ink to ever let her out of his sight again.” It seemed Hack was finally starting to find his sense of humor.

  “Damn straight,” Ink crossed his arms over his chest as he gave her a firm look.

  Sunny raised her face, staring up at Betsy. The sheer relief on her face made Betsy’s heart race. She’d never had a friend before. She’d had girls her mother decided she should be friends with. Then she’d had people Rex wanted her to be friends with. Usually his slimy friends and their equally awful wives.

  But a friendship like this wasn’t something she’d ever thought she’d have.

  “I’m sorry you got mixed up in my mess, Sunny. I’m sorry those assholes hurt you. Used you.”

  The other woman smiled. It was tremulous but at least she tried. “Don’t be sorry. It’s not your fault. I’m just so glad you’re all right.”

  Baron and Royal came in next. Duke drew Sunny over to the armchair in the corner of the room, sitting with her on his lap.

  “You been redecorating man?” Duke asked Ink. “Place seems a whole lot cozier.”

  Ink gave the other man the bird as the boys drew close. To her surprise, Baron touched her first. He knelt and drew her carefully against him. She felt him shaking. She ran her good hand up and down his back.

  “I’m okay, Baron. I promise. I’m okay.”

  Royal stood behind him, watching her with wild eyes. “You’re not to be left on your own ever again.”

  “I’m all right. I promise.”

  “She won’t be,” Ink said firmly.

  “Ink!” she protested.

  “What?” he asked, looking bewildered.

  “You shouldn’t make false promises.”

  He gave her a stern look then he sat next to her on the bed. “It wasn’t a false promise, brown eyes.”

  “Oh dear Lord. Sunny, help me out.”

  Sunny grimaced. “Think I might be in the same boat.”

  Baron raised his face. “Promise us.”

  She knew then, that if it took that haunted look from Baron’s face, she’d agree to any of their overprotective demands. She cupped the side of his face. “I promise.”

  He nodded, happy with that. He moved away to lie along the bottom of the bed. Royal hugged her gently as the others moved into the room. Reyes, Spike, Jason and Razor all stood, leaning against the bedroom wall, their gazes on her.

  Hack looked around with a sigh. “What? No Stone?”

  “He’s on watch,” Reyes growled. “Along with most of his guys.” He nodded at Ink.

  “Right, let’s do this. Wanna sit on Ink’s lap, Little one?”

  Betsy shied away just as Ink lifted her onto his lap, blankets and all.

  “No! No shots!”

  “We’ve already had this conversation,” Hack replied calmly, preparing the world’s biggest needle. There was no way that was going anywhere near her. Nope.

  She tried to climb off Ink’s lap but he held her still. “Easy, brown eyes.”

  “I’m not getting a shot.”

  “It’s just a little needle,” Ink told her.

  Spike, Razor and Duke groaned.

  “What?” He looked over at them both.

  “How can he be that clueless?” Spike asked Duke.

  “No fucking idea.”

  “Just a little needle? Are you kidding me?” Betsy spluttered, glaring up at him.

  Sunny stood, her hands on her hips as she scowled down at Ink. “That is not a little needle. That thing is huge.”

  “Like to see you have it poked into your skin,” Betsy said.

  Ink sighed. “Hack has used needles bigger than that on me when I’ve been injured.”

  Ink watched as her big brown eyes filled with tears. “When were you injured? What happened? Were you shot?”

  Okay, how the heck had they gone from talking about a needle to her looking like she was going to lose it over his past injuries?

  “Way to calm her down, man,” Hack grumbled at him.

  “I don’t even know what I did,” he said bewildered.

  Duke came over and crouched down in front of Betsy. “Betsy, I know the needle looks scary, but I can guarantee that once you have it, you’re gonna feel a whole lot better. Bet your arm is really hurting you, but Hack will make it all better. Okay? And if you’re a good girl and let Hack do what he needs to, I’m betting that Ink will let you have some ice cream.”

  It dawned on him then what was going on. Idiot. Right now wasn’t the time to be all rational and shit. Betsy was hurting. And he was trying to treat her like she should be sensible and shit.

  He used his free arm to grasp hold of her chin so that she wouldn’t see what Hack was doing and turned her face around towards him. He whispered because Baron and Royal weren’t far away. Although neither of them seemed phased by the conversation. “A big bowl of ice cream. What flavor would you like, button?”

  She let out a cry as the needle entered her arm and they all flinched except for Hack. Even Spike who was standing near the door.


  “Squeeze my hand, Betsy. You’re doing so well,” Duke told her, grabbing hold of her good hand.

  “Just watch me, button. What flavor ice cream would you like?”

  “Chunky monkey,” she replied. “With sprinkles.”

  “I’ve got another jab to give her. In the butt. She gets sprinkles if she takes that one as well,” Hack said.

  “I’ll go get it. Boys, want to come get some too?” Spike asked Royal and Baron. Royal got up but Baron didn’t move.

  “I’m all right, Baron,” she said, trying to be brave.

  He nodded and left the room.

  “He didn’t speak the entire time you were gone,” Duke told Ink.

  “We’ll keep an eye on him,” Ink replied.

  Hack began to ready the needle to stitch up her arm. His poor baby, she was shaking.

  “Can I have a drink?” she asked.

  “I’ll go,” Duke said. “Sunny, stay right here.”

  “Yes, Daddy. Oh, I mean, Duke.” Sunny looked at the doctor with a bright red face.

  “You had it right the first time, little bit,” Hack told her with a wink.

  Betsy was now slumped against his chest. Duke returned quickly with a bottle of water which he handed to Ink who helped her drink.

  “It’s not many stitches. But there was a lot
of dirt and debris in there. Next time you get shot try not to roll through dirt after, all right?”

  “She’s not damn well getting shot again,” Ink snapped.

  “I’ll do my best,” Betsy said tiredly.

  Hack wrapped a bandage around her upper arm. “Right, I’m going to leave you with a sling to wear when you’re moving around. Partially for support, partially because I don’t want you accidentally reaching for things and pulling your stitches.” Hack looked up to Ink who nodded.

  “I’ve got some painkillers here for her. Both oral and suppository in case she has any trouble with the oral ones. I need to give her a shot to help prevent infection. You need to wake her several times tonight, make sure she’s all right. Any slurring, if you can’t wake her, you call an ambulance immediately, understand?”

  Ink nodded grimly as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

  “Okay, can you lay her on her side, facing away from me, legs up to her chest.”

  “We’ll give you a few minutes,” Duke told him and they all filed out.

  “Daddy, no,” Betsy protested, as he carefully moved her around. “I don’t want another shot.”

  “Shh. It’s for your health, brown eyes. You need it to make sure you don’t get sick.” And whatever she needed; he’d make certain she got it.

  He lay her on her side and placed her blanket over her top half. He pulled her pants down, revealing her cute, Care Bear panties.

  “Now, those are adorable. Now which Care Bear is that?” Hack asked. “Let me guess, Grumpy Bear?”

  “No,” She told him, tensing up as Ink drew her legs gently up to her chest.

  Hack lowered her panties down and swiped an antiseptic wipe over her cheek.

  “Cheer Bear?”

  “No,” she stuttered, letting out a small cry as the needle went in.

  Ink went down on his knees beside her so he could see her face. He started to sing a nursery rhyme to her in a quiet voice.

  “Sing a song of sixpence?” Hack asked as he depressed the syringe. “I always preferred Itsy-Bitsy Spider myself. Never liked how the maid’s nose got plucked off. Depressing.” Hack slowly depressed the syringe. “Ahh, I know, it’s Birthday Bear.”


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