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Tyrant: Destroyer of Cities

Page 13

by Christian Cameron

  ‘Is Alexandria safer?’ Satyrus asked. He shrugged. ‘I’d be happy to sell to you, anyway.’

  Abraham shook his head. ‘Nowhere is safe, so we divide our silver and gold among all our houses.’

  Satyrus nodded. ‘Pay Leon in Alexandria, then. But take your fee for my ships and my men; and I have a list of things I’d like to buy here.’

  Abraham looked interested. ‘What can I find for you?’

  Satyrus made a face. ‘It’s a long list, brother – I live at the edge of civilisation. Spices, metal and skilled labour. Mostly smiths and tanners. I’d like to buy a whole industry’s worth of both. I can promise freedom and employment to every slave I buy – they have to be free in Tanais.’

  Abraham whistled. ‘Skilled labour is cheap these days – Antigonus takes so many cities and sells so many into slavery. I’ll see what I can find you.’

  ‘Helios has the whole list,’ Satyrus said. He remembered his promise to the god. ‘I’d like a musician – a music teacher. For myself.’

  ‘Kithara or lyre? Very well – get me the list. I’ll get him to pass it to my factor. Anything else?’ Abraham smiled. ‘You are doing me a powerful favour. I’ll see to it you get the best music teacher ever taken in war.’

  Satyrus nodded. ‘Good.’ He laughed aloud. ‘I’ve dreaded this moment for a month, and now it’s over. Oh – my farmers are saved.’

  Abraham shook his head. ‘We’re not finished. First, I should only take about half. That way, I keep all my competitors as friends. Besides, if all your ships come in, we’re talking . . . what did you say? Ten thousand mythemnoi?’

  Satyrus nodded.

  Abraham nodded back. ‘In any other year, you’d merely make money. This year, you can make a killing. You and me both, of course.’

  A slave entered silently, spoke into Abraham’s ear and slipped out.

  ‘We have a visitor,’ Abraham said. ‘Nicanor is the Archon Basileus of Rhodes. Have you met him?’

  ‘Briefly. He was on the council of fifty when Rhodes approved the loan of a squadron to me in the last Olympic year.’ Satyrus stood up.

  Nicanor son of Euripides was a small man with a slightly damp hand clasp. He tossed his chlamys to the slave. ‘You came with all your grain!’ he said as soon as he’d been given a cup of wine. ‘You don’t know what that means to us!’

  Satyrus smiled. ‘You loaned me a squadron when I was an almost penniless adventurer,’ he said.

  Nicanor frowned. ‘Yes, yes. It really is too bad – but I must tell you that the boule has just voted to take all of your grain at four drachma per mythemna. We passed a law.’

  Abraham sat still for a moment, and then he took a deep breath. ‘I’m sorry, you passed a law to forbid Satyrus of the Bosporus to sell his own grain?’

  Nicanor nodded. ‘Yes. We – that is, the city – are buying all of it. At a perfectly fair price: four drachma per mythemna. Nothing to fear there.’

  Abraham stood silent – stunned.

  Satyrus saw the ground crumbling under his feet. ‘Except that the grain is worth far more, and you know it. And if you do this, Nicanor, no man will ship grain here during the siege – if it comes to a siege. No one. You cannot do this.’

  ‘We have to prevent a panic and a run on bread prices,’ Nicanor said. ‘The safety of the city is at stake. Antiochus and his worthless son have agents operating in the city – among the slaves, among the lower classes. Agitators. There was almost a riot on the docks when you arrived.’

  Abraham let out another sigh. ‘You forced every lower-class man in the city to work on the walls for a fixed price, but didn’t fix the price of bread,’ he said. ‘No one needs outside agitators to make trouble when you do that.’

  ‘If they don’t like working for us, they can leave,’ Nicanor said.

  Satyrus shrugged. ‘I’ll sell you half my grain at seven drachma,’ he said. ‘The other half I’ll sell at a price that seems best to me, and to whomever I choose to sell it, including Leon’s factor in Alexandria. And if you mess me around, sir, I’ll take my warships and my as yet unloaded grain and sail away.’

  The silent slave slipped in again and whispered to his master.

  Nicanor rose to his feet to protest. ‘We need that grain. We have benefited you in the past, young man. You are, I believe, an honorary citizen of this city. You have obligations—’

  Panther appeared at the door. ‘Nicanor, are you an idiot?’ he bellowed as soon as he entered.

  ‘We are stabilising the grain price!’ Nicanor said.

  ‘You are destabilising the city!’ Panther said.

  Satyrus looked back and forth as they sparred – an argument of long duration and ancient antecedents, as far as he could tell. Interesting; Rhodes had always seemed like the most unified and powerful of cities. But now, with the threat of siege imminent and the enemy at the gates, the lines of fragmentation weren’t just obvious – they were dangerous.

  As the two politicians argued, Abraham commented quietly. ‘They’re really all oligarchs, here. No democratic party to speak of, although with every generation, students import some democracy from Athens. But Nicanor’s people want direct control – really, polis-wide ownership of everything. Very Platonic. Mind you, they also want to limit the franchise to about two thousand men – the richest two thousand.’ Abraham sipped wine and gave a nasty laugh. ‘They’re foolish enough to believe that they can use the threat of siege to deprive the lower-class citizens of their rights. Everyone knows exactly what they have in mind. It’s ugly.’ He lay back. Nicanor paused to take a breath and Panther shouted him down. Abraham smiled. ‘If lungs are the weapons of oratory, Panther’s storm voice will win every time. Panther isn’t really in a party. He’s a sailor and a military man. But he understands trade. And the navy doesn’t want the oligarchs to do anything that will jeopardise trade. The navy needs free rowers with an interest in rowing well – in other words, an enfranchised lower class.’

  Satyrus swirled the wine in his cup. ‘I think I should go back to my ship,’ he said. He felt the anger of a man who’d been at the point of an important victory and had it taken from him.

  Abraham nodded. ‘I’m sorry. Very sorry; I had so looked forward to seeing you – but yes. You’ll strengthen your own hand by being on board.’ He shrugged. ‘Sorry for your farmers, too.’ He smiled a bitter smile. ‘And my sister, who, quite frankly, looked forward to your visit to relieve the tedium of her life. She has created errands for herself for a week.’

  Satyrus nodded back. ‘If you’d summon my marines? And I’d like to see Leon.’

  Abraham growled. ‘Leon was kind enough to leave us together so that we could renew old friendship. And I’m just a foreign metic here – I can’t even intervene in this argument. But I guarantee you that if Nicanor has his way, you’ll lose your grain – and his friends will sell it at a profit.’

  ‘I could always go and join Antigonus,’ Satyrus said.

  Abraham swatted him. ‘Don’t even say that,’ he said.

  Nicanor turned away from Panther. ‘You cannot bargain with the council, king or no king.’

  ‘On the contrary,’ Satyrus said. ‘I’m about to return to my ship and leave. I won’t bargain at all – you are quite correct.’

  ‘There will be a riot! I forbid it.’ Nicanor pulled his chiton up on his shoulder. ‘If the little people see all that grain leave us—’

  Leon came in from the garden. This time, he didn’t have any scribes with him. ‘Nicanor, have you lost your wits?’ he asked.

  ‘I’ll sell you half, as I said,’ Satyrus put in. ‘Half, at seven drachma per mythemna, Athenian weights. The rest, to anyone I choose. You can have the cheap grain to keep bread prices low, and the merchants can make a profit off the rest.’

  ‘You call seven drachma cheap? Grain should cost less than three drachma!’ Nicanor was red, and his hand shot out. ‘Merchants like this Jew make a profit off of gentlemen!’

  Panther laughed. ‘Ni
canor is unaware, apparently, that we are a city full of merchants. Down, Nicanor. Heel, boy!’ He pushed himself into Nicanor’s face. ‘Grain was three drachma a mythemna when all of the Asian shore competed to sell us their grain. Well, Antigonus owns Asia now. If Satyrus didn’t bring us grain from the Euxine, we’d have none at all.’

  ‘Regardless, that is not what the council voted, young man. You may be a king up in the Euxine, but here on Rhodes you are just a foreigner.’ Nicanor smiled. ‘Four drachma is a fair price.’

  Satyrus held out an arm, and one of Abraham’s slaves put his sword belt over his head while another slipped his chlamys over his shoulders. ‘Not to me. I’m sorry, Nicanor – I have people to whom I have a responsibility – small farmers, landowners, merchants. And I am not, as you have said, a xenos, a foreigner. If you seek to constrain me, a citizen, I suspect you’ll be lynched.’ Satyrus gave him a calculated grin. ‘I’ll tell you straight – if a man lays hands on me or my marines, blood will flow.’

  Nicanor frowned. ‘This is your gratitude?’ He all but spat. ‘We gave you your kingdom, boy!’

  ‘Take my generous suggestion to the council and put it to them,’ Satyrus said gently.

  ‘We need your grain!’ Panther said. ‘However foolish Nicanor and the council are being, we need that grain.’

  ‘I am a dutiful son,’ Satyrus said. ‘I understand why Rhodes might want to have a supply of grain at a low price. I know that you helped me to my throne – help that resulted in a sea clearer of pirates and better grain prices. Help for which I paid in silver. But forget that. Take the council my counter-offer. Half – five thousand mythemnoi – at seven drachma. And even at that price, I would, of course, be mortified to find later that the same grain was being used to undercut other prices or to make private profit.’

  Nicanor shook his head. ‘You mistake me entirely, Lord Satyrus.’ He drew himself up. ‘No king is going to dictate to the council.’

  ‘Very well. But please – take the boule my counter-offer. Half, at seven.’ Satyrus crossed his arms. ‘Or none at any price.’

  Nicanor was angry, and unsure of himself – and aware that Satyrus was willing to call his bluff. ‘I will summon the speaker,’ he said, and swept from the room.

  ‘Pompous arse,’ Panther growled. He turned to Satyrus. ‘You understand that I cannot allow you to leave the port.’

  Satyrus was chilled. ‘Panther, you cannot mean that.’

  ‘I do.’ Panther shook his head. ‘Sorry, sir. But your grain is the measure of our survival.’

  ‘Then let us hope the council sees sense,’ Satyrus said. ‘Because otherwise we’ll have a fight inside the harbour. And only Antigonus and the pirates will benefit.’ He cast a look at Leon. ‘I’m going to my ship.’ He offered his hand to Panther, and Panther took it.

  ‘I must put duty before friendship,’ Panther said.

  ‘Put good sense before both,’ Leon said.

  ‘I think your people are panicking,’ Satyrus said. ‘I think that if everyone takes a deep breath, all will be well.’

  Panther nodded, took his cloak and all but ran from the room.

  Leon raised a hand. ‘I’m with you. Let me send to have things brought to me.’ Leon spoke to a slave and nodded. ‘Nicanor is no more of a fool than an Athenian democrat – and better in a fight.’ He looked at Satyrus. ‘You handled that pretty well.’

  Satyrus laughed. ‘I think I did. But will they agree?’

  Leon shrugged. ‘You might have been a little less aggressive. Abraham here will tell you that the point is the deal, not who has the bigger cock. Right, Abraham?’

  Abraham blushed. But then he raised an eyebrow. ‘I’d have been less antagonistic, yes. But you need to get to the harbour before someone – even Panther, and he’s a friend – decides to keep you from your ships. This could get ugly – uglier if the street mob becomes involved. ‘By the way, do I get the other half?’

  Leon raised an eyebrow. ‘I thought I got the other half?’

  Satyrus nodded. ‘You two can split half at seven drachma, and we’ll make up parcels for the other merchants at eight.’

  ‘Six and change – you accepted!’ Abraham protested.

  Satyrus said, ‘Circumstances were a little different an hour ago.’ He shrugged. ‘Very well – you two at today’s market price. Everyone else at eight.’

  Abraham seemed to relax. ‘Sorry. Life in Rhodes has been a little too exciting lately.’ He shook his head. ‘You stood in there – for me and for my price. I won’t forget.’

  ‘This from a man who used to make a hobby of being the first sword onto an enemy deck?’ Satyrus asked. ‘You are the brother of my heart, Abraham. I don’t have enough friends that I can afford to screw any of them on a deal.’ He embraced the man.

  ‘Risking my life is easier than risking my father’s money.’ Abraham rubbed his beard after they had embraced. ‘Six and change?’

  ‘Yes,’ Satyrus said.

  ‘Run for your ships, now,’ Abraham said. ‘If Nicanor relents, come back. We have quite a dinner for you.’

  Leon shook his head. ‘Panther was about to tell us that Smyrna and Miletus are empty,’ he said. ‘Antigonus’ fleet is gone. Where has it gone, probably Cyprus?’

  ‘So there’s no risk of siege,’ Satyrus asked, ‘and the grain price will fall?’

  Leon made a clucking noise with his tongue. ‘Rhodes is going to be besieged, my friend. This summer, next summer – the walls and the grain will not be wasted. But if Plistias – that’s Antigonus’ admiral, Plistias of Cos – is not here, then he’s off for Cyprus to get Menelaeus.’

  ‘Ptolemy’s half-brother?’ Satyrus asked. ‘Ptolemy trusted his useless half-brother with a fleet?’

  ‘That’s just what it is,’ Leon said. ‘Trust. Ptolemy can’t give one of his Macedonians the fleet – they might just hand it over to Antiochus. Or Demetrios. Golden Boy has spies everywhere, and he pays good money for a little betrayal. It’s one of the reasons we all have bodyguards.’

  Satyrus nodded. ‘I thank the gods every day for the men my father and mother left me,’ he said.

  ‘Never trust a Macedonian,’ Leon said. ‘At any rate, if Plistias is at sea, heading for Cyprus, we have a free hand with Dekas. If we put to sea immediately, we can catch him off Chios – or hit him as he sails south to join Antigonus.’

  Satyrus grinned. ‘I have twenty-two ships.’

  Leon nodded. ‘I only have eight. But if Panther will bring us a dozen, we’ll have enough.’

  Abraham shook his head. ‘I can tell you what Panther will say. He has to get cruisers to sea. To cover our grain ships. And to be frank, my friends – and I shouldn’t be telling you this – the boule is negotiating with . . . with Antigonus One-Eye. Rhodes cannot spare a ship that might appear to be making war on One-Eye.’

  Leon’s dark skin paled and then flushed. ‘Rhodes is selling Ptolemy out?’ he said. ‘That’s why Nicanor feels he can take such a high hand with Satyrus!’

  Abraham raised an eyebrow. ‘Rhodes is not part of Lord Ptolemy’s kingdom,’ he said. ‘They offer no betrayal. In fact, they warned us, last winter, that this would have to be tried.’

  Leon sat down suddenly on a couch. ‘What in Tartarus . . .?’ he asked. ‘Titans below! Witness the confusion of an old man. Ptolemy agreed to this?’

  ‘Ptolemy had no choice,’ Abraham said. ‘He cannot compel Rhodes, any more than Antigonus can, short of a siege. The death of Demostrate was the last straw. Rhodes needs peace.’

  Leon put his head in his hands for a moment. Satyrus had seldom seen the man he called his uncle so defeated.

  ‘Leon?’ he asked. ‘What can we do?’

  ‘We can catch Dekas,’ Leon said, raising his head. ‘If we can defeat him, we put Rhodes back on the board, back where they were before Demostrate died.’ To the gods, he said, ‘They had a choice – to strike at the pirates themselves, and tell One-Eye’s ambassadors that piracy was none of their business.�

  Abraham shrugged. ‘Two years ago, perhaps. But Antigonus waxes and Ptolemy wanes. Even I think that that Farm Boy is almost finished.’

  Leon frowned. ‘Very well. The king and I have much to discuss.’

  Abraham nodded. ‘I’m sorry.’

  Leon got up and embraced Abraham. ‘As am I. You know that I love Rhodes second only to Alexandria.’

  Leon turned to Satyrus. ‘I have landed you in this. If you choose to take your warships and sail away, I’ll understand.’

  Satyrus shook his head. ‘No. I like a good risk. And the Rhodians are behaving . . . irrationally. Antigonus wants their city. Not their alliance. Or so I hear it.’

  Leon poured himself some wine. ‘Agreed. So we strike. Can you put straight to sea?’

  ‘All depends if my trierarchs let my rowers go ashore.’ Satyrus saw Helios in the doorway. ‘Message delivered?’ he asked.

  ‘Yes, lord,’ Helios said, and saluted. He nodded and vanished.

  Leon got to his feet slowly. ‘Old age is a curse. If we put to sea today, we can camp on Telos tonight and be at his throat in the morning.’

  ‘I’ll follow you out of the harbour,’ Satyrus said, swinging his sword scabbard under his arm.

  ‘Like old times,’ Leon said.

  ‘Better, I hope,’ Satyrus said. The last time they’d fought a battle together, they’d lost. Badly.

  Apollodorus had all the marines on their feet in the courtyard. Satyrus smiled at Charmides, trying to remember who it was he looked like.

  ‘Abraham?’ Satyrus called.

  As if summoned by magic, Abraham appeared at his elbow. ‘I wish you could stay.’

  ‘I’ll come again.’ Satyrus said. ‘I have a half-arsed navarch in a big trireme – sure you wouldn’t like to come and fight a ship?’

  Abraham hesitated for as long as a musician might play three notes. ‘No,’ he said at last. ‘My place is here.’

  Satyrus was disappointed, but he tried not to show it. ‘Fair enough. Please give my regards to your sister.’

  ‘You must teach me how to talk to her.’ Abraham embraced him.


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