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Vision Quest (The Demon's Apprentice Book 3)

Page 21

by Ben Reeder

  As the stars drifted overhead, I felt the first tears slide down the sides of my face. Ryker and Lucinda were in good hands, and some of the damage I’d done was being mended. Every spell I’d ever cast for my father and Dulka was undone, every person I’d enslaved for them was free. And Dulka was back in Hell, which meant even my father had a shot at redemption. I’d made a promise the night my mom brought me home, to make things right. Over the past couple of days, I’d started to make good on those promises.

  Now, to face the threat of Mammon, there was me, a sixteen-year-old apprentice, ready to stand in the way of his return. Because someone thought that was a good idea. But in spite of the long odds, I still felt like I had a shot at stopping him. For the first time in a long time, I had hope.

  As the stars began to fade in the east, we got up and headed for our vehicles.

  “Get them home safe,” I told Shade as Wanda and Lucas climbed into her silver Mustang.

  “You want a ride back to your car?” she asked.

  I shook my head. “I need to leave the same way I came in,” I said. I leaned forward and kissed her, then rubbed my cheek against hers. “I’ve loved you since forever,” I whispered in her ear. “And I don’t plan on stopping…ever.” She smiled as she pulled back and touched my cheek.

  “I’m never going to get tired of hearing you say that,” she said before she gave me a quick kiss and got in her car. I watched her car pull away, then started the long trek to my own car. The sky was gray by the time I reached it, and I saw the red blinking light on my phone that meant I’d missed a call. A familiar number showed on the screen when I slid it open, and I hit the call button as I turned the key in the Mustang’s ignition.

  “Hey, everything’s cool,” I said as soon as the call picked up on the other end. “Come by my house to get your stuff.”

  Three hours later, I pulled into the driveway at home. Dee was a limp, blanket covered bundle in my back seat. I got out and opened the trunk to retrieve the Maxilla, then leaned into the back to pull my little sister to me. Briefly, I wondered what our neighbors might think, assuming any of them were home to see. I pushed the door closed and allowed myself a smile at what I must look like, a teenage boy carrying a limp girl into the house with a big ass sword strapped across his back.

  I laid Dee down on the couch as gently as I could, and winced as I heard a motorcycle engine and a throaty V8 out front. Dee stirred for a moment, then quieted when I told her everything was okay. Once I was fairly sure she was asleep, I headed for the door and yanked it open. Six feet of Nazirite stood on the other side, his right hand drawn back like he was about to start pounding on my door. In the four months or so that I’d known Steve Donovan, he had never once come anywhere close to being subtle or quiet. Now was no exception. Frustrated in his attempt to pound my door into submission, he smiled and opened his mouth to speak. My right hand came up and I covered his mouth, then put the forefinger of my left hand over my lips and pushed him back.

  Even though he was as strong as Samson, he offered me no resistance as I pushed him off the miniscule front porch and onto the sidewalk that led to our door. Over his shoulder, I could see T-Bone, chuckling as he leaned against his blue Torino.

  “Mm-mm rffmmhrrr,” Steve said into my palm.

  “Yeah, it’s good to see you, too,” I said, even though I had no idea what he’d actually been trying to say. “My sister’s asleep, so use your inside voice. No, wait, that’s still too loud. Use my inside voice.” I pulled my hand away.

  “But if I use your inside voice, what are you going to use?” he asked, actually pitching his voice soft enough that I wasn’t afraid he’d wake anyone up.

  “Interpretive dance,” I said as I unslung the Maxilla. I heard footsteps on the grass as T-Bone came up.

  “We were just about shittin’ bricks when that thing up and disappeared,” the gun-wielding Hand of Death said after we exchanged greetings.

  “How’d you end up with it?” Donovan asked.

  “I’m still connected to it,” I said. “Dulka used that connection to summon it.”

  “Makes sense,” T-Bone said. “Anything happens to Wonder Boy here, you take over as its guardian again ‘til you find the next Wielder.”

  “Yeah, about that,” I said. “Seems like we didn’t exactly save the day as much as we thought when we killed Etienne. Even though we disrupted the spell, there was already some damage done. The bonds on Mammon’s prison are breaking.”

  “That’s some serious shit,” T-Bone said as Steve frowned at me in confusion. “How long before they go completely?”

  “I don’t know,” I said. “Dr. Corwyn figures that if they’re left alone, it could be decades, maybe even a century or two. I’m not giving good odds on that, though.”

  “Does the Council know about this?”

  “They will.”

  T-Bone nodded and turned back to Steve. “Come on, kid,” he said as he headed back to his car. “We got us a lot of work to do.” Steve and I clasped hands before he turned and went back to his motorcycle, then both vehicles were pulling away, headed back to the secluded farm where Steve was being trained by the Hands of Death.

  I sat down on the front step, suddenly feeling a little lighter. The Maxilla was back in the right hands, and the right people knew what they needed to. Behind me, I heard Junkyard paw the screen door open, and a moment later, he was sitting beside me. He looked at me with big, puppy eyes, and I put my arm across his shoulders and rubbed at the place behind his ear that he liked. I scratched at an itch on my shoulder as I waited for Dr. C to bring Mom home and tried to enjoy the calm moment. There would be a lot of hugging and excitement soon enough, but for now, I could sit and be still. My eyes closed on their own, and I saw the image that had been taunting my memory. Black wings, and a circle. It meant something, but I couldn’t make sense of it, or of the words rattling around at the edge of my thoughts.

  The sound of Dr. Corwin’s Range Rover pulling into the driveway pulled me out of the quiet space I’d built in my head. Junkyard barked a greeting, and a moment later, I heard Dee’s happy squeal. She came barreling out the front door as Mom got out of the truck, and wrapped her in a flying hug.

  The moment of calm was gone, the image so much mental static in my head. Maybe I didn’t get a summer vacation. Hell, I barely got two minutes to myself. Then again, I was an Apprentice Mage. It was pretty much a given that things weren’t going to be easy. I wrapped Mom in a hug of my own and let those problems wait. For now, this was enough.

  For now, I could ignore the thunder on the horizon. But I couldn’t forget; there was a storm coming and there was no getting out of its way.

  Dear Reader,

  Welcome back to Chance’s world. This book came as something of a surprise to me, since I had opriginally only planned on having entries for the fall and spring semesters of each year. But then, a couple of summers ago while I was in San Angelo, I found myself wondering about Chance’s summer. Of course, he can’t have a boring summer! At least, not this summer. So, Vision Quest was born of a conglomeration of ideas.

  Of course, a lot happened in this story, and we’ll be seeing the repercussions from this one for some time to come.

  As always, I welcome your opinions in the form of reviews, so please, let me know where I can improve! I don’t take reviews personally, and I always look for patterns of concerns. I always appreciate your feedback. Also, if you want to make sure you are always notified of any new releases, you can follow my author page on Amazon.

  And, the best for last, thank you for reading Chance’s latest adventure. I wouldn’t be able to keep writing without you, so I want you, dear reader, to know how much I appreciate your support as an independent author. My readers are my heroes.

  Stay awesome, and check the next pages for more great books from my fellow authors at Irrational Worlds!

  Ben Reeder

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