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The Dark Kingdom Anthology

Page 7

by Krissy V

  I also think the inevitable has happened, and I’m pregnant. That’s why I’m locked in my bathroom with three pregnancy tests in front of me, waiting for the results from each of them. My period is late, my breasts are sore, and this morning, I couldn’t keep anything down. All sure signs my uncle and husband will soon have their wish for an heir granted.

  The timer buzzes beside me, and I jump, not expecting it, even though I knew it would go off. I’m terrified. Do I want a child? I’m only twenty-one. How the hell will I look after it when I’m little more than a child myself? But the bigger question is if I’m pregnant, how can I stop my uncle from shaping my child into a monster? I reluctantly look at the results of all three tests. All are positive. If it’s a boy, I’m carrying the heir to the Nottingham mafia. If it’s a girl, she’s likely to suffer the same fate as me. I put the tests in the bin and wash my hands before leaving the bathroom and finding my coat and shoes. I need to tell Osbourne.

  Leaving my bedroom, I look for him in the mansion, but he’s not around. One of the guards informs me that my husband and uncle are out inspecting a property nearby. I call for a car and ask the driver to take me to them. I do it all in a bit of a daydream not sure how I feel about the future.

  I’m brought out of my musing when I arrive at their location. The sickness I was feeling returns when I see my uncle strike an older man and push him to the ground. People surrounding my husband and uncle protest, but the guards push them back. Woman, child, or man, it doesn’t matter which, they’re all treated roughly.

  I get out of the car and walk slowly toward what is happening. Osbourne seems to sense my presence. He looks up at me, and the expression on his face turns to one of thunderous rage. He storms over to me while my uncle continues to shout at the man on the ground, ordering him to sign something.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” Osbourne demands, grabbing me by the arms and pulling me aside. I go to tell him that I’m pregnant, but I look over his shoulder at the scene being orchestrated by my uncle, and something stops me.

  “What is happening over there?” I ask instead.

  “Nothing you need to know about. I asked the first question—now answer me.”

  “I came to see you.”

  “About what?”

  I look at the man standing in front of me. He’s so full of anger—I don’t recognize him as the man who brought me to orgasms last night. He’s a stranger and the father of the child I’m carrying. I need more time to process this.

  “I want a new dress.”

  “You want a dress?”

  “Yes, for the ball next week.”

  “You came all this way, while I’m working, to ask for a new dress?” Osbourne shakes his head. He can’t believe I’m that much of an idiot. “I think you better get back in the car and go home before I really lose my temper.”

  I don’t argue with him. Instead, I follow his orders.

  But as I start to get in the car, I’m suddenly picked up and thrown into the backseat. The door is slammed shut, and before I can react, the tires are spinning fast, and I’m being raced away. As the car turns the corner, I manage to look up just in time to see Finch and his men launch an attack on my husband and uncle. What the hell is happening? How did things get as bad as this?

  A short while later, having returned to my uncle’s mansion, I’m settled back into my room. I’m sitting on my bed with my knees pulled up tightly to my body, when I hear a tap at my window. I know instantly it’s Finch. It’s the way he comes to see me whenever he can. At least I know he’s safe after his confrontation with Osbourne and my uncle. I scramble from the bed and pull the window open to let him in. No one has told me anything or even spoken to me since I was brought home.

  “What the hell was happening earlier, Finch?” I look him over for injuries. “My uncle? Osbourne? Who was the man they were beating up?”

  Finch places his finger to my lips.

  “Shush. Let me get a word in, and I’ll tell you.” He chuckles, and I frown at him. I’m not in the mood for jokes.

  “Just tell me,” I scold.

  “Ok, the man was from a rival mafia faction. Your uncle and Osbourne were trying to take over his land. His tenants have been perfectly happy living there for years now. However, the evil twosome have decided it’s time to make a move, but they can’t until they have the man’s signature on the buyout contract. We turned up to get him out of there and keep him safe. A few guards died, but your uncle and Osbourne escaped with their tails between their legs. I think Osbourne is out looking for the man we are now protecting.”

  “They’re seeking more power?”

  “Yes, they want to rule the whole county not just the city. It wouldn’t surprise me if they go after London next. It’s all a massive mess at the moment.”

  I sit back down on the bed and place my hand on my stomach and stroke it. An intimate gesture, trying to shield my unborn child from the truth about the world he or she will be born into.


  Finch looks at me and nods toward my hand.

  “I’m pregnant. It’s why I was there. I was going to tell Osbourne, but I couldn’t when I saw what was happening.”

  “I’m sorry.” Finch brings me into a warm embrace. “You know any child of yours will always have my protection.”

  “I know. I don’t think it’ll be enough, though.”

  An idea hits me, and I get quickly to my feet. After I was caught dressed as a boy, the day I arrived here in Nottingham, Osbourne took away the clothes I was wearing. However, Finch has since brought me a replacement set of leathers, which I have kept hidden at the back of my wardrobe for just such an occasion as this. I go over to the hiding place and grab the disguise.

  “What are you doing?” Finch asks.

  “I want you to take me to see the man you’re sheltering. I need to talk to him.”

  “Er… no chance.”

  I raise an eyebrow at my friend.

  “You know I can protect myself.”

  “But you’re pregnant.”

  “Yes, I’m pregnant, Finch. I’m not dying.”

  I quickly change into my disguise in my bathroom. Then returning to Finch, I grab him by the arm.

  “Let’s go.”

  He reluctantly helps me out through the window, and we disappear into the night together.

  It doesn’t take us long to reach a house on the outskirts of the city. I’m introduced to the man I saw being beaten earlier by my uncle. He’s a little taken aback by the way I’m dressed. I look like a nondescript boy. The man’s called John, and his family have been the head of a rival mafia faction for several years now.

  “Hi.” I shake his hand, and he eyes me warily.

  “I thought you were protecting me from the Sheriff and his right hand man. Yet you’ve brought Osbourne’s wife here. I won’t let her persuade me to sign the contract. I’ll never give over my lands to them,” John addresses Finch, who stands at my side.

  “And I don’t want you to,” I interrupt. John frowns, but I continue, “I’m here to make sure you keep your lands and start to negotiate with other factions and businesses around you to ensure they do the same. If you can get everyone to work together, then my husband and uncle won’t be able to put whatever plan they have into place.”

  “Is she for real, Finch?”

  “She is, and believe me, out of all of us trying to stop the Sheriff and Osbourne, she’s got the hardest job.”

  “I can imagine. How do you suggest I get others to help, young lady?”

  “The only way is to tell them what happened to you today. Sow the seeds of doubt into their heads about their own futures. I’m sure if they’re sensible, they’ll join you and start to protect each other's lands.”

  “And if they don’t?”

  “Then they’re probably already in my uncle’s pay, and at least we’ll know who we can trust.”

  John smiles.

  “You certainly are your father�
��s daughter.”

  “Thank you.” I lower my head at the words of respect.

  “Finch.” Will, Finch’s second-in-command, runs into the room. “We have to move him. Osbourne is here with five of his men.”

  Finch looks at me in distress. We both know the consequences if John’s caught here.

  “Finch, take John, and go. I’ll distract Osbourne,” I urge, knowing that John needs to be as far away from this place as possible if my husband is here.

  “How are you going to distract him?” Finch inquires.

  There’s a variety of weapons adorning the room, and seeing a sword, I pick it up. Osbourne is an arms specialist, but I know he has a penchant for older types of weapons. I’ve seen him fight with them before. A gun would be his preference, but I know he carries a sword with him at all times. If I can persuade him to fight with it rather than a gun, I might stand a chance.

  Finch shakes his head. “Will, take John to the camp. Make sure you aren’t followed. We’ll head off Osbourne and his guards.”

  “Finch?” I question his decision.

  “I trust, Will,” he immediately replies. “He’s my brother and not just in this fight—in blood too. But that is a story for another day.”

  I nod.

  “Let’s go then.” I don’t need to ask anything more.

  Finch and I make our way out of the building with swords drawn.

  My husband’s nostrils flare when he sees us. If he recognizes me, he doesn’t show it.

  “Where is he?” Osbourne calls out.

  “Gone,” Finch replies.

  My husband flicks his fingers toward four of the five men with him.

  “Go after them.” The men immediately rush over to one of two cars parked nearby, and jumping in, they drive away at speed.

  “They’ll never catch up,” Finch taunts, and I cough, warning him to stop.

  “We’ll see about that,” Osbourne responds, and taking a fighting stance, he points the gun held tight in his hand toward us.

  “No guns. Let’s settle this the old-fashioned way,” Finch challenges.

  “If you insist. It makes no difference to me how I get to bring in an outlaw,” my husband replies.

  Osbourne is dressed all in black. He divests himself of his leather jacket and places his gun over to the side. The man with him goes to the remaining car and removes two swords from the trunk. I’m glad I’ve had a chance to watch my husband practice his skills in the training room at the mansion. I know his weaknesses. Hopefully, I’ll be able to exploit them without hurting him.

  “You take the guard, and I’ll take Osbourne,” Finch instructs me and runs forward before I have a chance to respond. I turn my attention to the guard, who races toward me, sword in hand. I quickly parry the thrust of his blade before starting my offense. I’m weaker than him, but I’m faster and more skilled. It gives me the advantage I need. We fight for a short while before Finch and I are forced through our stances to swap opponents. Now I must attack my husband. I counter to the left, knowing this is his weakness but hold back when I manage to graze my sword against his thigh.

  “Puny boy, you can’t even break my skin,” Osbourne sneers and comes at me hard. I tumble out of the way.

  I’m using all my skills to not hurt my husband. I’m at a disadvantage in this fight. I know instantly I’ll lose.

  Finch cries out as the guard fighting him slices his arm. Blood starts to flow from the wound, but it doesn’t stop my friend. He raises his sword and counterattacks so fast he’s able to push his sword straight through the man’s stomach. I’m so distracted by the speed at which everything is happening I don’t see Osbourne lunge at me again. He disarms me easily and places his sword against my chest, ready to ram in the blade.

  “No, ” Finch shouts as he races for me. “It’s your wife, Osbourne. She’s pregnant with your child.”

  My world falls apart as Osbourne’s eyes go wide. He drops the sword to the ground and grabs me. He rips the helmet from my head, and my brown locks tumble down my shoulders.


  Chapter Five


  “Get in the car.” My voice rings out.

  I’m furious at Mary. I can’t believe she’s done this to me and while carrying our child. I just want to get her home and ring her fucking neck. What the hell’s happened? I was fighting my wife, and she was skilled. Shit!

  She’s wrapped me in a crazy spell since the first time I saw her on the side of the road. I can barely get my words out around her, and when I make love to her, I savor every second of it. That’s until the moment I come, and then I remember I’m drawing the perfect angel laying underneath me into the darkness that is my world.

  Her uncle took me in after my parents died at the hands of a rival gang—my father had made poor business decisions and couldn’t afford to protect us. My life was spared because the gang leaders knew without finance I’d never amount to anything. But every day since, I’ve been working toward my revenge. Aiming to become the most powerful leader ever known, or rather the father of the most powerful leader ever known. My plan was secure until Mary walked into my life, but nothing makes sense anymore. I get tongue-tied around her. I’m like a weak schoolboy thinking only with his dick, and now she has betrayed me in the worst possible way.

  Mary makes no effort to move, and Finch pulls her closer to him. The outlaw has been my arch enemy for so many years. He has been my rival in business and a candidate as a potential husband for Mary.

  “Let go of my wife.” I grab the gun I’ve hidden in the back of my jeans and point it at Finch.

  “It’s ok.” Mary pushes herself away from Finch’s hold. For fucks sake, how long have they been seeing each other behind my back? Are they in a relationship? Is the child she’s carrying mine?

  My hand waivers on the trigger, wanting to cause pain and suffering. It’s the only way of ridding myself of the doubts in my head. If you’re constantly made to feel you’re not good enough, you tend to believe it.

  “Finch, go,” Mary orders.

  “I’m not leaving you with him,” the rival for my wife’s affections protests, and I cock the gun.

  “Go,” Mary orders again, but this time steps closer to me. “I know what you’re thinking at the moment, Osbourne. But you can rid your mind of any doubt. The baby is yours. Finch and I are only friends.”

  “How do I know you aren’t lying?” I spit out at her.

  She steps closer to me and positions herself in front of the gun, the barrel pressed directly against her forehead. She reaches out and takes my free hand, hanging loosely at my side, and places it on her stomach.

  “Because you’re the only man to touch me in a way that ignites my body with pleasure. I’ve always been yours, since the first moment you pushed inside me. I don’t want anyone but you. Only you can make my body sing the way it does when you make love to me.”

  My gaze moves down from where the gun has imprinted its mark on her brow and look into her eyes. They are the ones I see when I push into her. The ones that, despite the fact I’m a devil, show me love.

  “Why did you take sides with Finch?” I ask, my voice wavering without its normal dominant tones.

  “Let me show you.”

  I lower the gun, engage the safety, and place it back into my jeans. Mary leads me to the car, and I help her climb in. Finch still stands nearby.

  “If you hurt her, I’ll kill you,” the outlaw states flatly.

  “If I hurt her, I’ll kill myself,” I reply curtly before getting into the car with my wife. “Where to, Mary?” I inquire.

  “Nottingham city center,” she responds, staring straight ahead.

  I shift the gear into drive and put my foot down.

  It doesn’t take long to reach our destination, but it feels like an age with the whole journey completed in silence. I pull the car to a stop and go around to Mary’s side to help her out. Together, we stand on the pavement. It’s now early evening, and the
rush hour is in full swing.

  “Where to now?”

  “We wait,” she replies, still not meeting my gaze.

  “For what?” I question, growing a little impatient.

  “There’s something I want you to see.”

  Again, the silence falls between us as we stand in the growing darkness, watching the people go about their business around us. I note the faces of several people I need to collect taxes from for my boss. I know in my heart he’s not a good man, but he has always been kind to me. He didn’t have to take me in, but he must have seen potential in me because he taught me everything I needed to know about the role of an alpha in the mafia. An alpha must exert his power and make the people beneath him fear him above everything and everyone else. It’s the only way to garner the respect he needs and deserves.

  Mary reaches out to take my hand—I allow her. Her fingers are cold, and I pull her closer to give her some warmth from my body.

  As we stand there, I see a young girl run along the street. She only looks about fifteen or sixteen years old. She pauses at an intersection and waits for the lights to change, but before she can cross the road, her face turns as pale as a ghost’s. She sways on the spot before collapsing to the ground. Even in the dull evening light, I can see it happen. A few people look at her but then hurry on their way.

  “Why don’t they help her?” I ask on instinct.

  I may be a devil, but I have a heart somewhere buried deep.

  “They don’t have the time to help her. Time is money, and they need to make it to pay my uncle. Plus my uncle’s men are everywhere, watching what is happening. The passers-by are frightened of them, so they keep their heads down and mind their own business,” Mary replies solemnly.

  I let go of my wife and race over to the girl. She has a cut on her head where she hit the ground. Mary appears at my side, and removing the jacket she’s wearing, she offers it to the girl.


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