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The Dark Kingdom Anthology

Page 28

by Krissy V

  I step up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her back against my body. Whispering in her ear, I say, “When you meet someone, you feel a pull towards them.” I push my hardening cock into her ass. “There are signs. Curious glances, eyes looking to the floor.” I move my hands to her hips, pulling her further back against me. Then I run my hands up her side. I feel her shiver. “Your hairs stand on end and your body starts to respond to them.” I know I’m teasing her, but I want her to feel what I can feel between us. “Can you feel it, Princess?” She nods. I spin her around so her front is against mine. Putting a finger under her chin, I tilt her head so she’s looking at me. “Then, when you look into each other’s eyes, you have an urge to kiss them. It’s just a longing you have that makes you want to be as close to them as you can. And there’s no way of being closer than being inside a woman.” I feel her shiver again.

  Leaning down, I stop a couple of millimeters from her lips. Raising my eyes to hers, I can see she’s intrigued about what is going to happen next. “All you want is to taste her, find out what her lips feel like on your own. Will she open for me so I can plunge my tongue inside? Will she moan? Those are all the things I think about in that split second.”

  She’s looking between my eyes and my lips, and then she licks her lips. She wants me to kiss her, and not just because someone else is watching, but because she really wants it. I’m so turned on right now that I close the very small space between us and my lips touch hers. She doesn’t stiffen like I think she will. She leans her body into mine and kisses me back, tongues intertwining with each other. My hand moves to her lower back and pulls her in close. My cock jumps to attention with her body so close and the taste of her in my mouth.

  She pulls away, looking up at me. Her cheeks are flushed and she looks at the floor. “What is it, Princess?”

  “I feel everything you just described. Does that mean I want to have sex with you?”

  Her innocence is going to be the death of me. “You tell me.”

  “Do… do you want to have sex with me, Taylor?”

  “I’ve wanted to fuck you since the first time I laid eyes on you, but you’re a client and a princess, so I reined it in.”

  Her mouth is wide open as she takes in what I just told her. “Oh. Right.” I reach out, put my finger under her chin, and close her mouth, because if I don’t then I’ll put my cock in it.

  ‘“I think it’s time we go to bed. Tomorrow’s another day.” I need to get away from her before I carry her into my bed and tie her up.

  “You… you want me to go to bed… erm… with you?” Her eyes are wide open.

  “I’d love you to go to bed with me, Princess, but that wasn’t what I meant. I meant it’s time for us both to turn in.”

  “What if I want to go to bed with you, Taylor?” she asks as the flush rises up her face.

  Say what? She wants to sleep with me. Hell, I’m all over that. “Do you? You need to be sure about this, Gracie.”

  She nods and blushes.

  “Gracie, I need to hear the words. I need to be sure this is something you really want.”

  “Taylor, I am nearly twenty-six years old and I am a v… virgin.”

  “Yeah, but don’t you have to prove your innocence on your wedding night?”

  She laughs. “This isn’t the middle ages, you know? Most of my princess friends have slept with the gardener or the pool boy or some of the princes, but me? No, I haven’t slept with anyone, even when I ran away those times. I’m nervous, but I trust you, Taylor. I know I haven’t known you long, but I know you’ll protect me and you won’t hurt me.” She stands upright and looks me in the eye. “I want to sleep with you, Taylor. Now stop trying to put me off and show me what to do.”

  I laugh. Hell, she is some woman. I know she is going to cause me trouble, but my cock is so hard it could hit a nail in the wall. Before she has time to change her mind, I step toward her, put my hand around the back of her neck, and pull her flush into my chest. I angle her face up to mine and kiss her. I take it slow at first and then deepen the kiss. She takes my tongue and sucks it. God, I love that.

  I lift her and her legs instinctively wrap around my waist, like they belong there. Whilst kissing her. I walk towards the bedroom. Kicking the door shut behind us, I lower her gently onto the bed. Leaning over, I reach down and lift her dress, pulling it over her head. She giggles as I kiss down between her breasts, over her stomach and down to her panties. I pull them down, kissing down her legs towards her ankles before pulling her panties off her. Then I kiss my way back up, stopping at the apex between her legs. I kiss her and then move further up her body, stopping at her breasts. As I take one in my mouth, I take the other in my hand. I squeeze and pull on her nipple as I bite down on the other one. She bucks under me and calls out my name.

  After swapping breasts, I move up and kiss her lips. She is frantic, pulling my hair. Smiling, I move back down until I reach between her legs. I know that, if she’s a virgin, she’s going to be tight and it’s going to hurt, but if I give her a couple of orgasms and make her wet, it will be easier for both of us.

  As soon as my tongue touches her clit, she explodes. Sensitive much? She bucks her body off the bed and then grabs my hair, pushing me back down. “More,” she demands. I give her what she wants and then plunge my finger inside her. She explodes again. She’s so responsive. I finger fuck her with two fingers, spreading them wide to try and stretch her. When I think she’s ready for me, I ask, “Are you sure you want this, Gracie? You can change your mind.”

  “Are you kidding me? I need to know what it feels like to have you inside me, Taylor.”

  Well, I can’t let the lady down. I grab my cock and pump it a few times. Her eyes widen when she looks at it. I know what she’s thinking; it’s not going to fit. Well, it’s definitely going to be tight, but I know it’s going to feel good.

  I run my cock up and down her clit and her entrance and then I slowly push inside. She tenses, clamping me in place. “Gracie, you need to relax sweetheart.”

  “I’m trying to, Taylor. It hurts.”

  “I’ll be gentle, Princess.” I pull out and push back in. I know I need to just plunge balls deep into her and then the pain will fade. So, I pull out one last time and thrust back in, all the way. She screams then calms down and says that I can move.

  I give her two more orgasms and then chase my own. It starts in my toes and works its way up my body, then I come and it feels great, the best ever. I lie down beside her, pulling her into my body. “Are you okay, Gracie?”

  “Mmm, that was great.”

  I laugh. “It was more than great, Gracie. It was amazing.” I can feel her drifting off, and wait until she’s asleep, then I climb out of bed and make sure that all the doors and windows are locked in the house.

  Chapter Ten


  When I wake up, I feel something heavy on my stomach and I’m really hot. When I roll over to the side, my face hits flesh. That’s when everything comes rushing back into my head. I. HAD. SEX. WITH. TAYLOR. Oh my God. I’m not a virgin anymore. I’m so embarrassed. I try to get out of bed without him waking up. That’s not an easy task, let me tell you. He’s a lot bigger than me, and every time I try to move his arm, he pulls me closer to him. Now that’s a nice place to be.

  But I need to get out of bed. I need to have some time to myself to think about what happened last night. Somehow, I manage to get out from under Taylor and slip out of his room. Closing the door gently, I walk into the kitchen and lean my hands on the counter, taking a few deep breaths. I, Gracie de Bruins, am now a woman. I jump up and down on the spot a few times, squealing internally. Taylor was amazing. He was so gentle and kept giving me lots of time to change my mind.

  I wonder if it will change things between us. Will he just want to carry on as normal? Will he want to have sex with me again? I don’t know what’s going on, or what he wants. I’ll make coffee. I might be able to think after some caffe
ine. Taylor showed me how to use the coffee machine yesterday.

  When I’ve poured myself a cup and stand drinking it, Tyler walks out of the bedroom into the kitchen. He comes up beside me and reaches for another cup. Just as I think he’s going to ignore what happened last night, he kisses my cheek. “Morning, Princess. Do you need coffee to boost your energy this morning? Did I keep you up too late?” He wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me in closer. “Are you sore? Did I hurt you?” He leans down and kisses me on the lips, a slow and sensual kiss.

  “N… No. I’m not sore. You didn’t hurt me.” I look to the ground. “I enjoyed it.” I look up at him, smiling.

  “I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did, because we are going to be doing that a lot.” He kisses me again. “...and this.” He pulls away, “So, what are we going to do today? I’m staying clear of the neighbors, although I’m sure they’ll have sore heads this morning. They were throwing the wine back last night.”

  “I know. I’m not used to drinking that much. That’s why I had water in between.” Opening the fridge door, I look back at Taylor. “I think we need to do some food shopping.” Closing the door again, I turn to him. “Can I do it? I don’t get a chance to do it when I’m at home. It’s a novelty for me. I can put whatever I want in the cart.”

  He smiles at me. “Of course you can, but don’t put everything in because we still have to pay for it. Come on. Let’s get dressed and then we can go to the shops.” He takes my hand and walks me down the corridor to my room. Letting go of my hand, he leans on the door handle and turns to me. “You’ll move in with me today. I want you in my bed every night. You can use this room as a walk-in closet if you want.”

  I jump up and down and down, squealing. “Thanks, Tyler. And I’d love to be in your bed every night.” Standing on my tiptoes, I kiss him. It’s very forward for me to do that and I know I’m blushing.

  He slaps my ass and walks into his room. Our room.

  After getting dressed, Taylor drives me into the town. When he parks, he looks around us, but there’s no one around. There are two cars in the parking lot and they probably belong to the staff in the store. “Can I go in on my own? I want to buy you something special.” I know he’s not going to like it, but there’s no one here.

  “Gracie, you know I don’t like the idea of you in there on your own. How about I come in with you, I check out the aisles, and then I’ll wait outside the front door. Is that a compromise?”

  “That’s perfect.” I kiss him on his cheek.

  “You know my job is to protect you, Princess.”

  “You do it so well, Taylor.”

  We walk into the supermarket together and he looks up and down all the aisles. There’s only one other person shopping in there and that’s an old man who doesn’t even look up at us. When Taylor is satisfied, he kisses me and walks outside, leaving me on my own. It feels great to be out and about without having any cares in the world. I know my family is going through hell, but if I’m being forced to live like everyone else, then I’m going to do my best to enjoy it.

  I put food in the cart, thinking about the dinners we can have together. I’ve put in some chocolate too, just for me. As I’m at the back of the shop where the fridges are, I see one of the staff members coming out from behind the rubber strips they have going out the back to the stores. He looks at me and then looks away. I’m used to that, but usually when they know who I am. I don’t really think much of it as I look at the cheese and try to decide which ones I want.

  Just as I’ve decided and put it into the trolley, the guy from the stores comes over to me. “Hey, you okay?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “Are you having a good day?” This is a strange conversation.

  “Yeah. Are you?” I don’t know what to say to him.

  He reaches out and grabs my arm then tries to pull me away from the fridge.

  “What are you doing? Let go of me.” I look up to see if I can see Taylor or if he can see me, but it looks like I’m in the only blind spot. I start to panic; this feels like a set-up, especially when the old guy I saw earlier sprints up to me, drops his hat and coat, and grabs my other arm. He puts his hand over my mouth before I can scream for Taylor. I try to fight them, but they’re both stronger than me.

  “We’ve been waiting for you to be on your own, Princess. He’s always around, protecting you. But today you played right into our hands.”

  I go limp and I’m now a dead weight, hoping that will slow them down, but it doesn’t. They drag me through the plastic strips that act as a door and out through the stores. There’s a service area where a black transit van is idling and two men open the doors and make a grab for me. The two holding me push me inside and the doors close.

  Before I have a chance to scream or kick, a sack is put over my head and I feel a stinging sensation in my arm. Then I start feeling sleepy and I collapse onto the floor. I’m trying to work out where we’re going, how many lefts and how many rights, but whatever they gave me sends me to sleep.

  I hope Taylor finds me and fast.

  Chapter Eleven


  What are women like when they shop? They could spend hours in a supermarket even. I smile though, the thoughts of Gracie under me last night are playing through my mind. I shouldn’t have slept with her, she’s a client, but more than that she was a virgin and she should have saved it for someone special. Maybe she thinks I’m someone special. Again, I smile.

  She’s been in there a while, but I keep checking through the windows to see where she is. She waves just before she goes to the fridges, but then when I check a few minutes later, I don’t see her. I know she was going to pick out some cheese, so I don’t worry about it. Yet.

  Another five minutes later and I really worry because I can’t see her at all and she’s been down that end a long time. I’m going in to find her. I’ll spank her ass if she’s playing games with me. It’s a long time since I played hide and seek.

  When I get down to the fridges, I’m immediately on alert. There’s a trolley by the cheeses, but there’s no one with it. I reach back and take my gun out, holding it out in front of me, but when I turn to look down the aisle, there’s no one. Not even the old man. Actually, thinking about it, I didn’t see him leave. I run up and down, checking all the aisles and I don’t see the old man anywhere. Shit, have I just been played?

  “Gracie, if you’re playing around, I’ll spank your ass,” I say loud enough for anyone in the shop to hear.

  But there’s no one here. I see the plastic strips that lead to the stores. That is the only other way out of here. Why didn’t I check it? I’m losing it. I run through into the stores and look to see if she’s hiding out there. But no, she’s nowhere to be found. Panicking, I know I need to take a few deep breaths and think. As I run outside at the back of the shop I see a black van speeding away. Is she in there? Has she run away? Is she playing games with me?

  As I run back through the stores to get to the car, I see someone moving out of my peripheral. I see a guy and he’s tied up. This doesn’t look good. As I go over to him, I take off the tape over his mouth.

  “If you’re looking for the girl, they took her in the black van. I’m sorry we couldn’t do anything to help her. They’ve been coming in and out over the last week, taking what they wanted and causing havoc.”

  “Thanks.” I untie him. “Do you have security cameras in here?”

  He nods.

  “I need to have a look at them.” I put my gun back in my waistband. “I’m part of a security team and that was my client that I’ve just lost.” He walks me into the office and we watch over the cameras.

  I have all the details I need. The description of the kidnappers and the license plate of the van. Wherever she is, I’m going to find them and I swear to God, if anyone hurts her, they will have me to deal with.

  I head back out to the car and ring Jay.

  “Hey, Taylor. How’s things? Has the runaway prince
ss lost you yet?” He laughs.

  “Jay, we have a situation. Gracie has gone. She’s been kidnapped.”

  “Are you fucking serious? Are you sure she’s not just messing around with you?”

  “No, Jay. I have the license plate, make of the van, and the description of the men who took her. I’m just sending it all to you. We need to get on this straight away before they hurt her. By God, if they hurt her they won’t know what’s going to hit them.” I am furious. I just want to get out on the road and start looking for her. I know the longer it takes for us to get started, the farther away they can get.

  “Okay, calm down. We need a plan. I’m only a couple of towns away so I’ll be with you within half an hour. I’ll have the team on standby and we’ll find her. The bastards won’t get away with this. It has to be the general. He has to have something to do with this. See you soon, Taylor.”

  Jay hangs up and I drive back to the house, checking around me as I go. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I can’t believe I let her go in on her own. I let my game slip. I wanted to let her feel normal for once. Stupid mistake. I won’t be doing that again.

  Jay arrives not long after me and he storms into the house. “How the fuck did this happen, Taylor? Why weren’t you with her?”

  “She begged me for her to be treated like a normal person and I let her go shopping on her own. I had checked all the aisles and assessed the danger. Then I stood outside and no one entered the shop after her. Unfortunately, someone got her from the back stores. I didn’t think about that. I guess I wasn’t thinking straight.”

  “Jay, she’s so fucking innocent. She won’t cope with anything they throw her way. God, I hope they don’t hurt her. She won’t be able to fight back. She doesn’t know how to fight.” I sit down and rest my head in my hands.

  “Oh my God, Taylor. You slept with her, didn’t you?” Jay is staring at me, his mouth open. “You’ve not been interested in a woman for years.”


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