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The Dark Kingdom Anthology

Page 47

by Krissy V

His features relax, as he chucks his arm around my shoulder, bringing me close to his side. My stomach twists as his lips press against my temple.

  Walking into the warehouse, I look up at him to see his eyes narrowed, lips pulled into a tight line as the arm around my neck tightens. The place is packed, he lifts his head looking around before pushing through the crowd. A few people turn to watch Cub, dressed in a black leather jacket and t-shirt, ripped jeans and biker boots. Ink already covers his arms… grim reapers, skulls, dragons and fire. His brow and lip are pierced, and he wears silver rings on his fingers. He looks intimidating, and I know it’s the look in his eyes that makes them take a step back as if the devil himself was behind them. Finally, we reach a small opening at the front of the stage.

  “Only the best seat for my best friend.” His smile is contagious, as I hold onto the metal barrier. A second later, his arms come around me, blocking me in, making sure no one can knock into me. The feel of his body against mine makes me want to push backwards. It takes everything in me to stay where I am, the feeling only intensifies as the light goes out, leaving the warehouse in darkness and heightening every sense. The smell of his scent, like the smell of rain mixed with smoke and leather, twists its way around me. The feel of his warm breath over the nape of my neck brings goose bumps to my skin. I feel him close the distance between us, his front pressed against my back. His fingers move the hair off my shoulder pushing it to one side, the metal of his ring cold against my heated skin, as his nose trails up my neck. I freeze, too scared to move… that if I do, I’ll spoil the moment. When his tongue comes out just to taste, followed by a lick… my whole-body shudders.

  The light comes back on, and the crowd goes wild just as a groan escapes my lips. As if the lights have brought back reality, he takes a step back. I don’t dare turn around as my chest heaves, and heart thuds against my rib cage as if it's trying to fight its way out. The band sings, and soon everyone is cheering and screaming… the whole place is alive as I try to push all thoughts of him out of my head.

  Chapter Four

  Everyone around us is going crazy as the beat to the last song kicks in, but all I can think about is the way Cub fits behind me. The way his fingers tremble as he touches me… the way his scent invades me like it was injected into my veins. I need more… to find out where it comes from… a mixture of something dark and forbidden.

  The feel of his breathe against my neck feels too warm, and I turn around.

  “‘I’ve got to use the restroom.” He blinks, looking down at me, teeth dragging across his lips, nostrils flared. His chest seems heavy as his fingers twitch by his side. He continues to stare, his gaze unwavering. “Hey, are you listening?”

  His eyes go to my lips, watching them move from word to word.

  “Cub?” He sucks in a breath as if he’s never heard me say his name before and something dark, primal, flashes in his eyes.

  “What!” He snaps with a low growl. My eyes widen a fraction, before narrowing. He’s a bastard everyone knows it, but I wasn’t on the receiving end.

  “Fuck you!” I hiss, and before he can stop me, I duck under his arm, and slip into the crowd, disappearing.

  I push my way through the crowd, to the toilet. A few men turn to me, and a smile appears on their faces, but when it vanishes, I know he’s right behind me. He may be sixteen, but we’d grown up around the toughest bastards in the state. You didn’t back down or show fear, held eye contact. I find the restrooms, pushing through the door and walk straight to the washbasin and turn on the tap. The bathroom stinks, the floor covered in toilet paper. I wash my face in the cool water, and as I look into the mirror, all the anger leaves me. Even with ten women in here, one stands out. Dressed in leather and a silver belt, a tight top showing off the girls, her hair is dyed bleach blonde with that candy floss look. With black smudged eyes, there’s a twist to the crimson smile on her lips as she stares right back at me. That's when I see the ink marking her skin… a Lost Soul. They were a dirty MC that took in all the brothers that had been kicked out of their own club or never made it in the first place. They didn’t honour the law of the road. And the things I hear they do to women sends a chill down my spine.

  I walk out the door already knowing that Cub is waiting. I look back towards the door, all the hairs on my neck standing up. If this life has taught me anything, it’s to listen to your gut.

  “We’ve got to leave. Now.” Instantly his body goes on high alert. His eyes drag over me, making sure I’m okay and only relaxing when he doesn't see anything.

  “The Lost Souls are here.” I watch as his whole-body tenses; we weren't at war with them, but they were a rival club.

  “I’m running from no one.” He shoots me a look, as lethal as his dads. This was Cub, he never saw the danger, didn’t fear anything, but he had to realise the danger we were in.

  “We’re on our own, we don’t know how many are here! Use your damn head!” I hiss biting my bottom lip and looking at the floor before lifting my eyes back to his.

  “If we’re outnumbered, and they take me. I couldn’t survive that.” I hate how my voice quivers. I was strong… being raised by a bunch of bikers left no room for dramatics. It was a dog eat dog world, and I couldn’t appear to be weak. I may never be patched or become a brother, but I still wanted their respect. I would fight to the death for the club.

  But this is different, we are not part of club business, but we’ve heard stories of what some clubs do to the women they kidnap. I once saw a club girl after she was taken. The stuff they did to her would make even the strongest men weep. It's the sort of shit that changes a woman for life.

  He grabs my face between his hands, looking me dead in the eyes.

  “I would burn the world down to find you and kill them all, wear the blood of those who would dare harm a hair on your head. In pride with honour.”

  Placing a harsh kiss on my forehead, he starts looking around for the back exit.

  “Come on, let's get out of here.” He grabs my hand tightly in his, as we jog out the exit and into the carpark, which is filling up due to the concert finishing. Everyone is still on a high from the night. A woman steps out of the shadows I recognize her from the restroom. Under the light, her features look harsher, she itches her arms covered in scabs and track marks. Her lips curl into a snarl, baring her teeth.

  “Told you there are Hells here.” She snarls at the shadows. My grip tightens on Cub’s hand as I see four dark figures walking out of their hiding space towards us. I look up at him, and he stares back showing no fear. They’ve messed with the wrong biker brats this time, and a smirk pulls at my lips.

  “Ride or die.”

  Cub grins back, his eyes flicking over my lips before back to my eyes as he nods.

  The tallest guy, smirks as he watches me. Greasy black hair that hangs past his shoulders, nicotine-stained teeth. His fingernails are dirty and black. He looks like he hasn’t seen water in years.

  “I’m going to love hearing you scream,” he growls.

  I snort, “With your pin dick? Do you actually know how to use it, or do you need a step by step?” The smirk falls from his face as he bares his teeth and they all move slightly apart, stepping closer to give the illusion that we’re surrounded.

  Cub grabs a cigarette out of his pocket, looking calm as if he’s not bothered as he bends his head to light it. I don’t miss the way his eyes stay on them. The way each of his muscles are bunched even if he looks completely bored with the situation.

  I wrap my arm around his waist, sliding under his leather jacket and feel the smooth metal of the gun and look up at him with a bubble-gum smile.

  “Baby, I’m bored.” This gives him the excuse he needs to get my gun. Only he surprises me as he lowers his head, kissing me. The way his tongue comes out, stroking against mine leisurely… as if we have all the time in the world. His hand trembles as it goes under my jacket, and even though I know he’s just reaching for my gun… I can’t help the way my
body shivers under his touch. A soft moan leaves my lips as he breaks the kiss.

  I hold his eyes for a second - seeing a surprise in them that matches mine. Before he turns back to our visitors, he pulls another drag of the cigarette.

  “As fun as this has been…” He lets his words drop away, blowing the smoke towards them. The smaller of the guy's bristles, his eyes flicking to the one waiting for a command.

  “Now,” he smirks

  We both pull each other's guns out, and they reach for theirs. I don’t take my eyes off them, knowing it's all down to who pulls the trigger first.

  Your life or theirs. I was a good shot and could beat Cub on most days. When we practised with blanks, we always ended up in a Mexican standoff, the barrel of our guns pointed towards each other at the exact same time.

  Suddenly, a loud succession of clicks breaks the tension between us, and out of the darkness steps Beast and his men, guns pointed to the heads of the Lost Souls.

  “Put the guns down.” Beast's voice is gruff like he smokes too much. Every word is laced in danger, drenched in a promise. After a few cursed words, they lower their guns.

  Cross grabs the biggest, chucking him against the floor, as Arrow and the brothers jump on top of him.

  Beast looks straight at Cub… a private conversation going on between them. He doesn’t hesitate to cross the distance between us, and his father grabs at the man’s feet.

  “You’ve got to hurt the meaty part…” Beast’s words get cut off as I watch Cub place his gun at the back of the man’s thighs before shooting… kneecapping him. His screams fill the night air, sending birds into the night sky as blood leaks out onto the floor beside them. Cub isn’t done. He lifts the guy’s head before slamming it against the floor as tears and snot run down his face.

  “Who’s screaming now, bitch!” He snarls before slamming the face back down, smirking at the sound of crunching bones.

  Cub eventually stands when the job is finished, wiping the blood and sweat from his face. His chest is heaving as I watch him, trying to rein in his anger.


  At the mention of his real name, his eyes snap to mine. He reaches me in a few steps, shoving his blood-soaked hands into my hair, as his lips slam down upon mine. Tightening his grip, he takes my mouth, full of anger and passion… biting my lip, growling as he does. We both stare at each other.

  What are we doing?

  He shakes his head, staring at me… us.

  “Nera go back to the club.” I turn at Beast’s voice, lowering my head. I hate to disappoint him… any of the brothers.

  We step forward when he puts his hand on Cubs shoulders. “No, Rigs will take your bike, you're coming with me son.” I flinch at the way he says it.

  I look at him, he lifts his chin.

  I’ll come and find you when I’m back.

  I give him a tight smile. I’ll be waiting.

  Chapter Five

  I stand up from the seat in the main room. Something has happened, and all the women stand… even the club girls stop as we watch the brothers run out of the club. I see Cross heading for the door.


  He shoots me a look that makes me take a step back.

  “Not now, Nera.”

  He shakes his head, blowing a deep breath. “Just stay fucking put.”

  I nod, as shame crawls up my spine, and I watch him slam out the door without saying another word. Ever since I was little, he has said, see you later. He was one of the brothers that took me under his wing, and I would have thought he was my father if he wasn’t from a completely different heritage. I repeat the words I’ve said a thousand times. “In a while,” I whisper as tears sting my eyes.

  I hate disappointing anyone here, they took me in, raised me when they could have easily thrown me out like trash after my mother overdosed a few years back. I owe them my life. Tonight, I’ve seen disappointment. Cross pulled me aside earlier, and he was right, we shouldn’t have gone to that stupid concert. Cub is in trouble with his dad, they still haven't come back. If things keep up, then they’ll separate us, and it would be me they sent away. Cub is the blood of this club. The heir that will someday take over the gravel.

  I couldn’t forget that kiss. What did it mean? I wasn’t a club girl; I could never be shared amongst the brothers. I craved their respect, and they didn’t respect club girls… no one did. Only one sort of woman is respected in this life, and that’s the O’ladys.

  “Come on, sweetie, it will be okay.” I turn to Kate, Cub’s mum. She’s beautiful, dark rich chocolate hair that falls around her face and shoulders. Even at forty, she looks in her early thirties. Her emerald green eyes twinkle with all the mirth no woman should hold. A constant smirk plays at her lips. But never mistake her sweetness as a weakness… when she gets mad, even the devil runs from her. She‘s everything a biker dreams of claiming. Sassy and sweet, wild and free. Loyal and loves the club, its men and their families.

  “When he left, he never said ‘see you later’ he always says it.”

  A smile of an angel graces her lips as she holds my face in her hands.

  “They’re stubborn as old mules.”

  She nods her head toward the kitchen, where a pot is boiling… something that smells delicious. Kate stirs the pot before turning to me.

  “Tonight, you scared him, Baby Girl, you scared them all. You might not know who your daddy is, but that means you’ve got twenty of them, all who have watched you grow. You are not an outsider Baby Girl.”

  She looks at me as if she can read all my inner thoughts. “You’re the damn heart of this place.” She lifts her brow as if she can see the disbelief in my eyes.

  “Who else would get these men to play tea parties? Buy a pink birthday cake? Cover the room in pink balloons? Only you.”

  Tears sting my eyes, and a few fall loose at her words as she smiles a sad smile.

  “The men, they can deal with any shit thrown their way, tell the devil to suck their dicks as he comes to claim them. You’re not blind or deaf- you see it, hear the whispers when they’ve had too many.”

  I nod because I have. The way they come in sometimes with the weight of the world on their shoulders, blood covering their hands and clothes. Hear all about the wars they’ve won, see the blood and scars and lives taken.

  “But Baby, being scared isn’t something they know how to deal with, fear doesn’t belong in these walls.”

  A tear escapes, and she catches it with her thumb.

  “Now your job is to cry when no one is looking, rant behind closed doors but not out there.” A stern look appears in her eyes.

  “You hold your head fucking high, let them chuck all that shit at you. One day those women out there will look to you for advice… for help. The Hells are the blood of this club, us women are the mother fucking heart, hear me?”

  I nod… I did. I wipe my tears straightening my shoulders, making her lips twitch.

  “You’re going to make one hell of an O’lady, my son is a lucky son of a bitch.” She laughs as I shake my head.

  “It's not like that, he doesn’t…” This only makes her laugh more. “Trust me, baby, my son sees you. He just doesn't want to. Cub knows he got a shit load to prove to the club and while he's doing it, he will use them women out there. Trust me, he’ll come around, and when the time's right, he’ll claim you. There’s no other woman for him.”

  Before I can answer, she hands me a knife

  “Start buttering the bread, those boys will be starving when they get back.” As I start, I think of the kiss, could I wait for Beau? Watch as he uses the other women. I wasn’t sure. Maybe I could go to college so I wouldn't have to see him whoring about- because one thing I know for certain is that kiss has made all of this confusion make sense… I was in love with Cub.

  Chapter Six

  It’s daybreak, and the men aren’t back. None of us has slept, moved from our seats, waiting for the roar of the bikes, the men to walk through the do
or like they have a million times before. No one has rung the club; Doc hasn’t come rushing in to prepare. The silence is eerie.

  I grab two cups of coffee, touching Kate's shoulder- she jumps, smiling when she sees it’s me. It’s not her normal smile, it's tight-lipped. Her eyes are full of worry. “Thought you might want one.”

  She takes the cup, holding it in both hands as her eyes go back to the door. When the familiar rumble reverberates the clubhouse, I grab Kate’s hand and squeeze as we both stand, noticing all the women around us have done the same.

  The door opens. No-one looks up as the men pile in, but I know all the O’ladys are counting them. Just like I am. That everyone has come home. Something is wrong; I feel a chill in the air, the way the brothers are quiet… too quiet. When Slash walks in covered in blood and smoke his eyes go straight to Kate.

  “No, no.” Her cry breaks the silence that’s engulfed us, his unspoken words shaking us to the core. Beast didn’t make it back. Oh my god, Cub. He loves his father, his heart must be broken, Beast is his hero… his everything. My heart hammers against my chest as I search the crowd.

  I let go of Kate’s hand as the O’ladys surround her.

  The door opens, and Cross walks in, I race over to him, and his big arms surround me.

  “Sorry Baby Girl.” I shake my head, stopping at his words. “Me too,” I whisper as I hug his waist tighter, hearing his breath shudder as he squeezes me.

  “Where’s my son? I need to see him.” Kate's voice trembles as she looks around the room. Cub wouldn’t want to face everyone until his emotions were in check, he would want to hide, and I know where he would go.

  Cross becomes tense, as I make to step away, lifting my head to see Slash shake his head.

  “Sorry they’re both dead, there was a fire, no one could have survived it.”

  All the air is sucked out of the room. Beast and Cub are dead.

  The words surround me, like bullets, I feel them hit as pain erupts in my chest.


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