The Dark Kingdom Anthology

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The Dark Kingdom Anthology Page 58

by Krissy V

  “Now that was worth the wait,” I say through giggles.

  “Definitely worth the wait. You're always worth the wait to me,” he says.

  “I love you,” I say with all my heart.

  “I love you too, Red. I don't know what I would do without you.”

  This feels serious and I don't want to ask what’s up as I know he won't say. I'm scared. He’s never usually this serious, not with me.

  Chapter Three


  “Boss! Boss!” Knave yells, barging into my room. Luckily, Stevie’s not here. I sent her back to her own room after I fucked her until she was limp.

  “Knave, can you stop bloody yelling and let me wake up?” He's pissing me off already this morning and it's far too early. “Right, what’s up?” I jump out of bed and dress quickly.

  “Fox is back, boss.”

  Now I quicken my pace. I need this information. I want to know who's muscling in on my business. I rush from my room and down the stairs to my office. “Fox,” I say with a nod.

  “Boss, I have the intel you need,” he says, which is a lot for him. He doesn’t talk unless he needs to. “The boss is Joshua Crook. His right hand man and bodyguard is Edward Smith. He has a lot of goons, nobody of importance, except a female. She and Crook seem to be a couple. She doesn't always have protection with her. Lily Rose Bell is her name. I can’t find a lot out about her, but I’m on it to find out who she is. All I’ve got so far is she grew up in care.”

  I skim through the pictures Fox hands me. She’s a pretty little blonde, and the way Crook is looking at her I’d say she means something to him. She grew up in care. Is she with him for the money? Or does she believe she loves him?

  “Right, here’s the plan of action. We grab her, and if he wants her back, if she’s worth anything to him then he’ll be willing to give up anything for her,” I say confidently. “As soon as possible, get her here to me. Take the twins. You shouldn’t need that many to grab her. Take the van so you can hide her in the back, and make sure you do it properly. Ask the doc how much drugs to use. We don't want you killing her instead, do we?”

  Knave giggles. I swear that man is like a child, and today he’s rubbing me up the wrong way.

  “I’ll get the cellar ready here for her, and Fox, well done. But I need more information about who she is.” I dismiss them all.

  I go to find something to eat. I'm starving. After a busy, exhausting night, I need to refuel. Hell, I may even be up for round two, I’m in such a good mood now. However, I need to know who this Crook guy is and just what he’ll do once I snatch his chick.

  I find Maria in the kitchen. She’s been with me for years, she joined when I married Stevie. She’s an amazing cook and is extremely loyal. I pay her well and I employ her sons Marco and Pablo; they look after the gardens and the pool. They too are loyal. I creep up and kiss Maria on the cheek. It doesn't surprise me that she doesn't flinch. That woman knows all the moves in this house.

  “Morning, beautiful,” I say cheerfully.

  “Morning, Dominic. What’s with the good mood?”

  “Well, things are falling into place with a situation I have. We will have a visitor join us, but not in a room. She will be joining us in the cellar.”

  I know she has unspoken questions. “Okay, Dominic. I will do whatever you need me to.” She has the most beautiful Italian accent.

  “Thank you, Maria. Warn the boys as well. No questions asked.” The menace in my voice is clear to hear and she nods and gets to work on making me breakfast, even though I've not asked her. She always seems to know what I need. I like a woman who knows what to do and how to please me in every way.

  Stevie walks into the room. I say walk, she does seem to be doing it gingerly. I’d say she’s a little sore from last night and I smile to myself at the thought of her spread-eagled with me flogging her. Maybe we will have to use other orifices. She does have one of the best mouths and asses for action.

  “Morning, Stevie.”

  ''Morning. Did I miss anything?” she says as she sits gently down at the kitchen table. It's not often we eat here. Well, she doesn't. I prefer Maria’s company to hers, so I take meals in here a lot.

  “Nothing you need care your pretty little head about. It's business,” I say, looking at her so she’s knows it’s the end of the conversation.

  “Okay. Let me know if I can be of any use.”

  “Oh, I'm sure I can think of multiple uses for you. I will come find you when I need your uses,” I say with the biggest smirk on my face.

  She smiles and gets up carefully. I know she’s sore, but she enjoyed it. I actually don't care if she does or doesn’t. She’s mine to use as and when I want her. That is the price she paid for me marrying her and keeping her in the life she’s used to.

  Little does she know, I ended her father's life early so this business would become mine. He thought he could make more by producing and selling wine. Now I use that as a front to transport goods and ship them all over the world. I leave that up to the staff running the winery and vineyards. I have made this business bigger and better than it ever was. I am the head of the Pascale family. Everyone knows my name here in Italy and in the entire British Isles. I’m going to grow this business even more, especially when I take away Crook’s customers. I will show everyone why I’m to be feared.

  Chapter Four


  I’m tired after an amazing morning wake-up call and gym workout. I’ve had a message from Joshua, and I need to meet him in town at one of my favourite restaurants. I could do with going home, but as he's going to all this trouble, I will make the effort for him. I shower at the gym and pick out one of the dresses I know Crook loves; a silver sequin dress that he bought me. It's by Versace. I’ve never worn a dress worth so much before, and when he bought it for me, I was scared to move in it. I don't know what he wants to celebrate, but it must be something big for him to go all out.

  As I’m nearly ready, the doorbell goes and there’s a car for me. Not the usual ones I get or use, but if Crook arranged then it must be okay. I trust him.

  “Hi,” I say as I enter the car. The driver just nods. I’m starting to feel uncomfortable about this but I’m already in the car and the doors are locked. Maybe I’m feeling paranoid, but I'm starting to get a bad feeling.

  As we pull up to a building I don't recognise, the driver gets out and the back door opens. A strange man climbs in beside me and I start to scream, but soon I feel a slight scratch and know I’ve been injected with something. I hear voices, but I don't recognise who they belong to. All I can think of is Joshua. Please be okay, Joshua. I can’t handle if something happens to him. They can abduct me all they want; I don't have anything or know anything. What good am I going to be to them? I’m feeling more and more groggy. It’s dark and the voices are getting quieter. I can't fight the pull anymore and I let the darkness take me.

  I wake, shrouded in darkness. I’m scared. My hands are shackled and I have a chain around my right leg so I can't move far. I have no idea where I am. All I can do is pray Joshua is safe and that he will save me.

  I hear a faint whimper from behind me. I try turning but can’t because of the chain, so I call out, “Hello? Is there anyone there?” I’m met with silence, yet I know someone is there because I heard them. “Hi, my name’s Lily. I’m not here to hurt you. I’m shackled up or I would help you. Are you okay?” Again, no words, but this time there is a movement. “Please let me know you’re okay.”

  “I’m sorry. I tried to help you when they were bundling you into the van but they grabbed me, and next thing I know, I'm here. I don't even know where here is!” the voice is shaking and it sounds really young.

  “What’s your name, sweetheart? And thank you for trying to save me. I have no idea where we are either, or how long I was out. I know it's scary, but together we can get through this. Hopefully my Joshua is looking for us.” Well, he’d better be.

  “My name is Carly,”
she says with a little less shakiness to her voice.

  “Carly. That’s a beautiful name. We will get through this,” I say with as much confidence as I can muster, as I have no idea if or when we will escape. “Who are you?”

  If I’m right in thinking what I do, this might be an enemy of Joshua’, and I’m pretty sure they will stop at nothing to hurt us and get information. They’ll probably use us as bait to get Joshua and his men to give up whatever it is they’re after. And that scares me more than anything. Yes, I try to stay away from what he does, but I’m not completely stupid. I know bad stuff goes on, that people have been murdered, have gone missing, or have relocated, anything that makes it work for him. It’s why I stay away. I’d rather not know. The guilt would eat away at me and I couldn't live with myself. Just as I think everything might be okay, I hear heavy footsteps coming along a corridor. The echo is deafening. It can only mean something or someone bad is coming and I need to stay strong to get us out of this alive and in one piece.


  Fuck, fuck, fuck! I scream as I walk down the corridor to my office, punching the walls as I go. Who’s done this? It’s got to be an enemy, someone who can match me, as nobody who couldn’t match me would think of challenging me like this. It has to be one of the biggies and there’s not many of them left with the power, money, and manpower to takeover, kill anyone who stands in their way and buy out everything they want.

  I can’t believe this has happened. Red’s missing; the CCTV has seen a strange car picking her up. The license plates are fake, and we can’t locate the car. They’ve taken her to fuck knows where. My men have no idea where to even begin. I’ve sent them all out looking, I’ve told them to put feelers out with their contacts, and so far, nothing. The longer Red’s away from me, the worse I’m feeling. Right now, I’m beyond homicidal.

  Smith is working hard with people to try and recognise them, but she’s gone, and she could be hurt. I need to find out who this is. Who the fuck does he think he is, just coming to my house and taking my woman away from me?

  “Smith, talk to me. Tell what’s going on. Tell me you know who it is.'' It’s not a question, but a demand.

  Smith looks just as devastated as I feel. I know he's blaming himself. “I think we’ve got a lead. Your phone was cloned so it looked like you’d messaged her to tell her to meet you at Schofields.” That’s my favourite restaurant. “Unfortunately, boss, that’s all we’ve got so far.”

  Someone interrupts him, a young lad who looks no older than twelve, but apparently he's one of the best at hacking “I've picked up CCTV from an alleyway near the south end that shows two young women getting bundled into a car,” he says with more confidence than he displays.

  “There was only one woman taken,” I say, banging my fist on the desk. “Thought he was supposed to be one of the best, Smith?” I ask, eyeing the kid up and down.

  “He is one of the best, trust me.” And I do. He’s like my brother.

  “He’d better be. I need the information now before he hurts my Lily. This woman means the world to me,” I say so the kid gets the message. Yes, I’m a mafia boss. Yes, I torture and kill people, but she is my light. My Red. My saviour. Without her I’d go completely insane from what I’ve done in my past.

  “So, someone dropped this card in the alleyway where she was taken. I’ve got someone checking it out now. It could be a false hope or a really big clue,” says Smith.

  The young lad, who I believe is called Robin, interrupts again to tell us to watch the screen, and he's right. That looks like my Lily, and out of nowhere, a young girl comes barrelling up to them. It looks like she’s trying to stop them taking her. Next thing, they’re bundling her in the van with Red. Poor girl looks like she was trying to help and she’s ended up being taken as well.

  Now I've got two girls to try and save. I turn over the card in my hand. It's a business card for a winery in Italy, a villa called Kinrossie, and a beaten up knuckle duster that has seen better days. Why would that be where she has been taken to? What’s the connection? But then again, why not? Anything is possible when you have enemies you’ve never met. Rest assured, when I do meet them, they will know about it. I will get revenge on the fucker that has her.

  “Crook, I've found the villa. It’s linked to Dwight/Pascale Winery. Ring any bells?” Smith asks with menace in his voice.

  I rattle the name through my head. Dwight doesn't ring any bells, but Pascale is ringing a million bells.

  “That fucker Dominic Pascale thinks he's the only one who runs an arms and drugs business?”

  Please let it be him, then I know exactly who I’m dealing with. It won’t be our first ever run-in. He was the bastard I suspect killed my uncle. Most people didn't know Thomas was my uncle, so when he was killed, I naturally took over. To this day we have never found out who ended him. Hopefully I’ll get lots of questions answered. as well as finding the love of my life.

  “Get a plane sorted and the men armed. Looks like we’re going on a trip to Italy!”

  This had better not be a wild goose chase. Once I get that woman back, she’s marrying me at the first opportunity and having my kids. I’m not taking no for an answer. I just hope I can get to her in time.

  Chapter Five


  I crack my knuckles in glee. Not only have I got Crooks’ woman, but there’s another young woman they grabbed because she tried to save Lily. They had to grab her, and that’s fine. I’m sure we can find some things to do to pass the time. I might even let the men have some fun. Apparently, she looks like an innocent, a homeless nobody who won't be missed by anyone. Even better, they won't be able to her trace back to us so we can have as much fun as we want.

  I dress quickly and march down the stairs to check on my new purchases and maybe start the fun. Breakfast can wait. As I hit the cellar steps, Maria asks if I need anything.

  “Not yet. I will let you know when I need you.” I say it so cheerfully, maybe even too cheerfully as Maria looks confused. I’m excited. I haven't been this excited in such a long time. Finally something to take away the boredom of living away from London.

  I open the locked door even though it doesn't need to be locked as they’re chained up and can't escape.

  “Morning, ladies. How was your stay at Hotel Pascale? I do hope you had a fantastic night’s sleep.” I sneer at them both.

  Lily looks like she’s putting on a strong front but the young woman is visibly shaking and whimpering.

  “Fuck you, arsehole. Let us go,“ Lily says as she spits in my face. Now that’s a fighter I need to break.

  “That’s no way to treat your host, now, is it, my dear? I do believe this is my house and you will treat me with respect!” I smirk at them both. “I love a challenging woman. Maybe I will put your strength to the test.” I say it with as much menace as possible before pulling the whip from the side and cracking it to the floor beside them.

  Both women jump at the noise.

  “Please don't hurt Carly. She didn't do anything wrong. She was just trying to save me. It’s obviously me you’re after, not her, so let her go!”

  How cute; she’s trying to save the young woman’s life.

  “Aww, but why should I? She nearly ruined your abduction, and had my men been caught there would have been far too many questions asked and there would have been an investigation. So, I think she will have to pay for what she’s done. As you’re trying to protect her, maybe I’ll start on her first and make you watch as punishment for trying to tell me what to do in my own house. Then you can see just what I’m capable of and what you will have coming to you after her. I'm sure you’ll enjoy watching me and my men having some fun. We do get bored here in the middle of nowhere.” I watch with enjoyment as she sighs dejectedly, and the young girl sobs even harder.

  I rub my hands together. The men and I are so going to enjoy having fun with these two. The young one is probably a virgin, but not for long. I might let Fox go first, or the twins.
They’re both cruel, sick bastards who will waste no time in punishing her. The twins do everything together, including women. I don’t think I’ve seen them have individual women.

  I’ve heard they have a cruel sort of kink, that they have no boundaries and will use everything and anything in every hole imaginable. I know I’m a sick fuck but I’ve heard they are way worse. They are even necrophiliacs, and that’s just wrong. They kill for pure pleasure, just to do it.

  I need to go check on things and leave these two until later when they are even more scared, tired, and hungry.

  “Bye, ladies, I do hope you will keep enjoying your stay.” My enthusiasm on the will receives a shudder from them both. I slam the door shut to Carly sobbing even louder. I hear Lilly trying to calm her down. I've still left them so they can’t touch each other or see each other; that will come later when Lilly can watch what happens to Carly.

  Chapter Six


  Something’s happening. Everyone seems to know what’s going on except me. The house is buzzing with people and even Maria seems to know what’s happening. As usual, I’m kept out of it. I mean, it’s not as if this is my house, my business, but my father handed over the business to Dominic instead of me, so now I’m treated like a slave. I need to go find out what’s happening. I tried asking Dominic, but as per usual, I was back-handed and told to go to my room like an insolent child and remain there until he has time to come and punish me for my indiscretion.


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