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Fuck The Police

Page 2

by Lauren Summer

  The sensations soon came to a head and she felt her whole body start to tense up. She was grateful the officers were holding her as she sure her legs were going to give out beneath her.

  As his cock continued moving rapidly between her folds, she gasped, feeling herself start to squirt as the muscles in her legs shook uncontrollably.

  She ran her fingers over her vagina, moving them along her folds, her fingers soaking up her wetness.

  As she regained her senses, she realized the officer was close and she spun round focusing her attention on his cock. With both hands, she began to jerk him back and forth furiously.

  It wasn’t long until he lost all control and streams of his warm liquid shot out in short bursts, just narrowly avoiding splashing on the police car.

  With Officer Layton taken care off, she turned her attention to Chris. She could see the excitement in his eyes as she pulled herself up onto the car bonnet.

  She opened her legs teasingly and began to invite him forwards. The officer soon found her entrance where he began to thrust firmly between her lips.

  As he established a rhythm, Rachel lifted her arms up around his neck in an effort to steady herself and stop herself slipping off the bonnet.

  Instinctively, his hands moved back along her dress until he once again found her breasts, kneading her soft mounds.

  She glanced over at Officer Layton, his hands working to fasten his pants up. He turned away from them as if to turn a blind eye and let his partner have his fun.

  She could feel her bare backside pressing heavily against the cold bonnet of the police car and she took a deep breath, feeling his thrusts as they became heavier and heavier.

  She leaned in towards him. “Don’t cum in me,” she whimpered, sensing he was close.

  After a few moments, she felt him pull out and she instinctively knelt down, covering his manhood with her mouth.

  Her lips were barely on the head of his head of his penis when she felt him start to ejaculate, streams of his warm liquid began to shoot out in waves over her tongue.

  Undeterred, she continued to suck until she was sure he was finished. He quickly pulled his pants up, pushing his semi erect cock back into his underwear.

  As she stood up, she couldn’t help noticing the guilty look on their faces.

  “You guys are still going to give me a ride right?” she asked.

  Officer Layton hesitated for a moment, “Sure...we’ll get you to your party.”

  After grabbing her purse and phone from her car, they motioned her over to the police car where she climbed over into the backseat. As they pulled out of the parking lot, she felt a sudden breeze between her legs and realized she had left her panties in the parking lot.

  Oh well, she thought, not entirely sure how she was going to explain it if anyone at the party noticed.

  They were soon at Michelle’s house, and after a quick phone call, a surprised Michelle came out to greet her and the officers.

  “What happened?” Michelle asked.

  “Car trouble.” Rachel said shrugging her shoulders. She turned to the officers, “right officers?”

  “Uh, yeah.” Officer Layton nodded, “Uh, you’re lucky we happened to be passing. Anyway we best be on our way...have a good night ladies.”

  “Well, they seem in a bit of a hurry Michelle said as the officers drove off.

  She started to shake her head, “It’s always seems to happen to you doesn’t it.” Anyway, let’s get drunk, everyone’s waiting inside.

  “Sure thing,” Rachel smiled back.

  With that, they walked into the house to meet the rest of their friends.

  Bonus Material

  Excerpt from Seducing My Best Friend’s Brother

  “What’s the matter, don’t you want to speak to me?”

  “’s not that, but you are pretty drunk.”

  “What are you playing on?” Adele asked as she moved herself closer to his bed, her eyes focused on his TV screen.

  “Uh just some game,” he answered. She watched as his fingers moved awkwardly over the controller, clearly distracted by her presence.

  “Can I play?” She asked, positioning herself on the edge of his bed.

  “Umm I don’t think so,” he replied.

  “Aww...c’mon I won’t get you killed.“

  She reached over and took the controller from his grasp and her fingers began to move rapidly over the buttons.

  “See you just got me killed,” Chris laughed.

  “No...I didn’t....this is stupid anyway.”

  She passed the controller back to him and took hold of the covers, pulling them slowly up over her legs.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “What, I’m’re not intimated by me being in bed with me are you Chris?”

  “Uh...No,” he stammered.

  She pressed her leg against his and moved herself a little closer, enjoying the look on his face as he appeared to become increasingly uncomfortable.

  “What’s so good about video games anyway....they look pretty lame to me.”

  “Well that’s only because girls suck at them,” he said, starting to laugh.

  “Oh shut up.” she joked. With one hand under the covers she threw her fist across his lap, aiming to hit him in the leg.

  “Urg,” Chris gasped. He jerked his body forward.

  Adele hesitated for a moment, realizing what she just hit hadn’t felt anything like his leg.

  “Whoa, what was that?” she asked.

  “umm...nothing,” he replied.

  She watched as his cheeks began to go a bright shade of red.

  Seducing My Best Friend’s Brother is available here

  Excerpt from The Cheerleader and The Geek

  So...just how big do you think he is?” Jamie whispered as she leaned in towards Rachel.

  “Uhh, I don’t know, I think we should ask him.” Rachel giggled.

  “Oh c’mon you know you wouldn’t dare.” Jamie said, egging her on.

  “Sure I would, he’s right over there.” Rachel said as she pointed towards Sam.

  They both watched him for a moment as he made his way towards the men’s room.

  “Oh my god, don’t, I was joking.” Jamie said, her voice quickly becoming more serious.

  Rachel wasn’t listening; she had already left her seat, she proceeded to follow Sam as he inched closer towards the restrooms.

  Rachel reached out her arm to stop the door from closing as she followed Sam into the men’s room.

  “’s Sam right?” She blurted out.

  Sam turned around, looking surprised “Umm...yeah.”

  Rachel paused, taking a moment to look Sam up and down, from head to toe. It had been a while since their class together and she had forgotten just how geeky he looked with his brown tinted glasses, awful fashion sense and messy hair.

  “W-why are you in here?” Sam stammered, looking a little confused that a girl was actually talking to him and even more confused that the head cheerleader was following him into the men’s room.

  Rachel edged a step closer, allowing the door to close behind them.

  “So I have this friend and well there’s a rumor going around about you.”

  “A rumor?” Sam screwed up his face “Oh... I get it; you’re here to make fun of me.”

  Rachel shook her head “No ,no...I wouldn’t do that. It’s just, my friend Jamie heard from someone that you have a big...”

  “A big...? Sam asked.

  “That your quite well endowed.” she stated as she looked at the front of his pants.

  Sam paused for a second “Wait... what?” quickly becoming embarrassed.

  Rachel’s eyes widened. “So, is it true?”

  “Umm no.” Sam said as he started to blush.

  “Oh my god it is true, you’re going bright red!” Rachel said, with a mischievous grin.

>   “No, no...I really need to get to class.” Sam mumbled as he tried to push his way past Rachel.

  He moved forward trying to get to the exit but she held firm blocking the door so he couldn’t escape.

  “Show me.” Rachel said looking him in the eye.


  “Show me and I’ll leave you alone.”

  The Cheerleader and The Geek is available here

  Excerpt from The Virgin and The Doctor

  He shut his eyes tight. A few seconds went by before he found the confidence to reopen them; straight away he looked down, quickly adjusting his eyes to where her hands were.

  Tom quickly caught a glimpse of his penis which to his horror had started to grow. Oh god, no! He thought to himself, quickly coming to the realization of what was happening.

  He looked again to confirm exactly what he thought had happened. He had got an erection in front of his doctor. He looked at Doctor Lou, trying his best to gauge her reaction. She turned her head to look back at him, stopping what she was doing. Awkwardly he put his head down trying his best to avoid eye contact. She didn’t seem too pleased; in fact she seemed mildly annoyed.

  God, this is so embarrassing, Tom thought to himself. He knew it was part of her job to examine him down there, but it was too much having her warm hands constantly moving back and forth over his skin.

  Doctor Lou didn’t say a word, seemingly undeterred she carried on and Tom tried his best to relax. Her hands quickly found him again as they continued to roam over him. Tom could tell she was starting to become a little flustered; his penis was still hard and kept getting in the way. He watched as she would push it to one side only for it to bounce back towards her.

  The Virgin and The Doctor is available here

  About the Author

  Lauren Summer is a romance and erotic author, dedicated to bringing you naughty stories and erotic steamy tales.

  Follow Lauren on Twitter @LaurenxSummer

  Or visit her author page

  Thank you for reading!

  Copyright and License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author or publisher except for the use of brief quotations in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, businesses, characters, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, actual events or locales is purely coincidental.




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